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This Is NOT On Sanchez


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This offense is way way too predictable to be successfull. Defenses are plugging the passing lanes and jumping routes on damn near very play we throw the ball. Why is it in the Hurry up Sanchez all of a sudden becomes deadly accurate ?? Too bad to day everyone dropped the ball in the 4th Quarter. When this offense sits back and lets defense see our formations they know the plays and its painfully obvious. PAINFULLY. Sanchez is trying to put the ball in areas he cant possibly get it during the game. Sure some of the throws are bad but thats also due to the fact the kid never gets in a rhythm which will kill a QB. The play calling is so bad at times It makes me just want to turn off the TV.

I will say this again look at the difference in Sanchez when he runs the Hurry up compared to the regular offense. What this tells you is its a little harder for the defense to sit back and read since they MUST react more in that situation. Which makes that offense LESS PREDICTABLE. Do you know how easy it is to Jump Routes and plug passing lanes when your offense play calling BY DESIGN is InEPT ????? Im not saying the Jets should run the hurry up what Im doing here is using it as an example.

We have got to give this kid a Fighting Chance and were not. People calling for the benching of Sanchez are Ridiculous just as much as the offensive play calling of Shotty. When offensive tems with this much talent cant score any TD's vs good defenses and those same defenses say " We KNEW WHAT WAS COMING" is that not a little hint as to WTF is going on ?? I guarantee you the Steelers are going to Destroy us next week, absolutely Destroy us and we will once again go with out scoring a TD. Sanchez will have No chance at all and all the idiots will once again be out for his head.

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Agreed, WAY TOO PREDICTABLE! But this is how they were playing last year on offense too. I can count on one hand how many time they have play passed in 1st down. and it is always successful! you can play conservative without being predictable.

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Simple fact: If Holmes caught that TD pass, we probably wouldn't be talking about this.

Yes we will be talking about it cause Ive been saying it for most of the damn year . Our Hurry up is better an Sanchez performes because defenses cant sit back and read our 3rd grade ******* offense. PERIOFD

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Agreed, WAY TOO PREDICTABLE! But this is how they were playing last year on offense too. I can count on one hand how many time they have play passed in 1st down. and it is always successful! you can play conservative without being predictable.

You can, but not when you call the same running play on 10 consecutive first downs.

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This offense is way way too predictable to be successfull. Defenses are plugging the passing lanes and jumping routes on damn near very play we throw the ball. Why is it in the Hurry up Sanchez all of a sudden becomes deadly accurate ?? Too bad to day everyone dropped the ball in the 4th Quarter. When this offense sits back and lets defense see our formations they know the plays and its painfully obvious. PAINFULLY. Sanchez is trying to put the ball in areas he cant possibly get it during the game. Sure some of the throws are bad but thats also due to the fact the kid never gets in a rhythm which will kill a QB. The play calling is so bad at times It makes me just want to turn off the TV.

I will say this again look at the difference in Sanchez when he runs the Hurry up compared to the regular offense. What this tells you is its a little harder for the defense to sit back and read since they MUST react more in that situation. Which makes that offense LESS PREDICTABLE. Do you know how easy it is to Jump Routes and plug passing lanes when your offense play calling BY DESIGN is InEPT ????? Im not saying the Jets should run the hurry up what Im doing here is using it as an example.

We have got to give this kid a Fighting Chance and were not. People calling for the benching of Sanchez are Ridiculous just as much as the offensive play calling of Shotty. When offensive tems with this much talent cant score any TD's vs good defenses and those same defenses say " We KNEW WHAT WAS COMING" is that not a little hint as to WTF is going on ?? I guarantee you the Steelers are going to Destroy us next week, absolutely Destroy us and we will once again go with out scoring a TD. Sanchez will have No chance at all and all the idiots will once again be out for his head.

well said , schotty needs to go. the past 2 games the offense looked just horrible they seem to lack that killer instinct , if the d didnt show up today this would have gotten uglier than it was.

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Agreed, WAY TOO PREDICTABLE! But this is how they were playing last year on offense too. I can count on one hand how many time they have play passed in 1st down. and it is always successful! you can play conservative without being predictable.

Why open the gam with 15 and 20 yard outs in this freakin weather ? We basicly begged those corners to take back a pick six. The route by Holmes on the second pass was not sharpe at all it was terrible but the ball was alredy in the air . We are ruining this kid Im tellin ya ruining him

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You can, but not when you call the same running play on 10 consecutive first downs.

That's not what Im saying. I mean you can spread the d out on 1st down with 4 wide and run it out of the shotgun. ANYTHING different than what we've been doing will suffice. and will Brad Smith throw the ******* ball at least one time? the wildcat is a joke too.

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You can, but not when you call the same running play on 10 consecutive first downs.

Another thing why dont we run outside more with SG ? Nobdy wants anything to do with him in Space and he usually carries 2 or 3 guys for extra yards so when are we running up the god damn middle with LT ????? LT should be our god damn thrid down back and SG should be getting the carries I am totally sick to my stomach because I have to watch this team begg for a win In buffalo to make the freakin playoffs becuase no way in hell were scoring on Chicago or the Steelers. NO WAY

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Agreed...Schotty has to go. Sanchez played like crap and has lost almost all confidence...yet we still see some signs where the competitor comes out...his teammates didn't help him out either. The entire offense looking like the are playing scared and some of that has to fall on Rex, Schotty and the rest of the coaching staff...

I'm not yet willing to make the comparisons to Buddy's Philadelphia team...OK...maybe its time to make a comparison:

In Philly, Buddy favored the D so much in practice the offense could never develop their own identity except when Randall Cunningham just put the O on his shoulders....other than that the D ran rough shod over the O during practice and the O never developed any chemistry or flow. They were easily a competitive team but so one-sided they were never a serious threat in the playoffs.

Rex needs to get his ship (the team not the D) righted and no I don't mean letting O get the ball first when we win a coin toss.

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That's not what Im saying. I mean you can spread the d out on 1st down with 4 wide and run it out of the shotgun. ANYTHING different than what we've been doing will suffice. and will Brad Smith throw the ******* ball at least one time? the wildcat is a joke too.

I love when we finally put together a couple or three first downs in a row and and are getting into a rhythm and then wind up in a third and three so the moron calls a Bradcat play and he runs it up the middle for two yards and kills the drive. Those are my favorite.

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Why open the gam with 15 and 20 yard outs in this freakin weather ? We basicly begged those corners to take back a pick six. The route by Holmes on the second pass was not sharpe at all it was terrible but the ball was alredy in the air . We are ruining this kid Im tellin ya ruining him

They dont throw slants too much either. and the Dolphins jumped the slant and go by Holmes and he ******* dropped it.

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+1 to the OP. The players, who have too much talent to fail or even do wrong, are failing. This is on the coordinator. The players are not being utilized correctly.

Take for instance today...Sanchez ran the ball for 14 and 6 yards...Why not more QB sneaks?

No f*ck that...better example...Holmes' dropped pass in the endzone...ANY...ANY DECENT OC could have f*cking called a complete pass...ANYONE...f*ckin Dan Henning could have completed that pass...instead he designs the identity of the play to be a drop to FURTHER DESTROY the rhythm.

This team needs a new OC...more than anything else they need that. The reputation of our players and franchise itself has taken too much of a hit with this guy, and his lack of ability to create a gameplan that gives us identity, rhythm, and points is a black hole for everyone, including the proud history of the JETS and the NFL.

The amount that I agree with the OP overwhelms me...football players, especially quarterbacks, should NOT be held accountable for their play. They're played to PLAY football, not WIN football...coaches are supposed to do that by dominating the sideline game.

Great post OP. I am starting to see the light.

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Yes we will be talking about it cause Ive been saying it for most of the damn year . Our Hurry up is better an Sanchez performes because defenses cant sit back and read our 3rd grade ******* offense. PERIOFD

I hate Schitty as much as you, but these receivers are not helping either.

WR's playing like poo, not getting open, dropping passes left and right, combined with terrible calls from Schitty-for-brains and a QB who looks shell shocked. The OC needs to go, fast. Something has to give between this week and next if were trying to make the playoffs. Please I hope something changes.

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+1 to the OP. The players, who have too much talent to fail or even do wrong, are failing. This is on the coordinator. The players are not being utilized correctly.

Take for instance today...Sanchez ran the ball for 14 and 6 yards...Why not more QB sneaks?

No f*ck that...better example...Holmes' dropped pass in the endzone...ANY...ANY DECENT OC could have f*cking called a complete pass...ANYONE...f*ckin Dan Henning could have completed that pass...instead he designs the identity of the play to be a drop to FURTHER DESTROY the rhythm.

This team needs a new OC...more than anything else they need that. The reputation of our players and franchise itself has taken too much of a hit with this guy, and his lack of ability to create a gameplan that gives us identity, rhythm, and points is a black hole for everyone, including the proud history of the JETS and the NFL.

Completely agreed...football players, especially quarterbacks, should NOT be held accountable for their play. They're played to PLAY football, not WIN football...coaches are supposed to do that by dominating the sideline game.

Great post OP. I am starting to see the light.

Gato, you are probably too young to remember this but back in the mid-80s we had and offense with similar talent to this one that was capable of putting up 50 points on a whim. Rich Kotite was the OC.

I can guarantee you one thing, Kotite was sitting at home in Staten Island today screaming at his TV over Schotty's playcalling today because it was that ******* bad.

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On the predictablity of the playcalls...definitely one of the three biggest problems on the team...The key to top offenses has always been the order of the playcalls...great offenses don't have tendencies and certainly no D is able to read them...yet time after time again this guy Schittenheimer calls run, run, pass (except they call too many passes toO! Sanchez isn't ready for that, but it's not his fault he isn't!).

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Agreed...Schotty has to go. Sanchez played like crap and has lost almost all confidence...yet we still see some signs where the competitor comes out...his teammates didn't help him out either. The entire offense looking like the are playing scared and some of that has to fall on Rex, Schotty and the rest of the coaching staff...

I'm not yet willing to make the comparisons to Buddy's Philadelphia team...OK...maybe its time to make a comparison:

In Philly, Buddy favored the D so much in practice the offense could never develop their own identity except when Randall Cunningham just put the O on his shoulders....other than that the D ran rough shod over the O during practice and the O never developed any chemistry or flow. They were easily a competitive team but so one-sided they were never a serious threat in the playoffs.

Rex needs to get his ship (the team not the D) righted and no I don't mean letting O get the ball first when we win a coin toss.

Excellent post !! I wonder how much Rex lets the defense run over the offense in practice not giving them any chance at getting in a flow or rhythm. Hell they probabply see how freakin predictable we are as well.

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Gato, you are probably too young to remember this but back in the mid-80s we had and offense with similar talent to this one that was capable of putting up 50 points on a whim. Rich Kotite was the OC.

I can guarantee you one thing, Kotite was sitting at home in Staten Island today screaming at his TV over Schotty's playcalling today because it was that ******* bad.

that name still makes me shudder

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Gato, you are probably too young to remember this but back in the mid-80s we had and offense with similar talent to this one that was capable of putting up 50 points on a whim. Rich Kotite was the OC.

I can guarantee you one thing, Kotite was sitting at home in Staten Island today screaming at his TV over Schotty's playcalling today because it was that ******* bad.

No doubt Klecko. No doubt. I definitely think this offense is capable of putting up 50 points on a mere whim. It's the playcalling, lack of identity, lack of rhythm, and lack of gameplan that is stopping them from doing so.

Guaranteed if Sanchez called his own game...or if Callahan took over...or better yet...Savior Ryan took over...83 points...and I'm talking just on a per game basis.

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On the predictablity of the playcalls...definitely one of the three biggest problems on the team...The key to top offenses has always been the order of the playcalls...great offenses don't have tendencies and certainly no D is able to read them...yet time after time again this guy Schittenheimer calls run, run, pass (except they call too many passes toO! Sanchez isn't ready for that, but it's not his fault he isn't!).

20 runs and 4 passes on 1st and 10 before we went into 100% pass at the end of the game. Great play calling. You can't set a team up for better success than that.

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No doubt Klecko. No doubt. I definitely think this offense is capable of putting up 50 points on a mere whim. It's the playcalling, lack of identity, lack of rhythm, and lack of gameplan that is stopping them from doing so.

Guaranteed if Sanchez called his own game...or if Callahan took over...or better yet...Savior Ryan took over...83 points...and I'm talking just on a per game basis.

Honestly dude, if you can't recognize how incompetent boy blunder is, your too ignorant about football to waste time with.

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I hate Schitty as much as you, but these receivers are not helping either.

WR's playing like poo, not getting open, dropping passes left and right, combined with terrible calls from Schitty-for-brains and a QB who looks shell shocked. The OC needs to go, fast. Something has to give between this week and next if were trying to make the playoffs. Please I hope something changes.

Yes a few big plays cost us as well. The santonio drop and the drops at the end of the game but on the Santonio drop its not like we drove 90 yards we were in position to score and he dropped the ball thats totally on the player. BUT when your offense only gets in that position to score because the defense made a play how much do you give props to the OC ?? Like I said this team does much better when in the hurry up because defenses cant sit back and read Shottys CRAP offense they Must react and react quickly and Sanchez is usually right on target NOW WHY IS THAT ? Why does he becomes deadly accurate at that point but in the conventional Shooty offense hes a disaster ? Someone tell me when this offense has moved the ball in the first half of a game or even in the first 3 quarters of a game in our conventional offense ? WHEN ? Buffalo ? Sanchez at USC could hav put up points vs Buffalo

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Like I said this team does much better when in the hurry up because defenses cant sit back and read Shottys CRAP offense they Must react and react quickly and Sanchez is usually right on target NOW WHY IS THAT ? Why does he becomes deadly accurate at that point but in the conventional Shooty offense hes a disaster ?

Despite the fact that I completely agree with your hardcore, straight on analysis, I think you just made this up.

Ah a Jets loss...nothing invigorates the best of the fanbase more.

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Thru all the bs, its really simple. Shotts Play calling is horrendous! These stupid high school plays we run r the reason teams dont respect us. MS is ok, at this stage of his career. this offense is putrid. unimaginative, unwatchable, and boring. I love the Jets, But I simply cant stand to watch Shotts anemic play calling anymore. Rex is a Dolt for keeping this Loser. I dont get it. All This talent, and Shott dosent have One clue. If we ran a simple conventional offense, it would be miles better than the S##t we prance out every week. Our offense under this Dimwit , SUCKS. :baby:

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