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WrestleMafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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have mercy!

unless yall want to just go ahead an mass reveal right now I suggest you make a choice and stick with it. Everyone keeps talking about how lucky it is we haven't outed the cop or doc but then follows that up by unvoting and starting another train. that does not compute.

Now that I've had a minute to think about it JetFats reveal looks like moose sh-t... he and scummates could have easily come up with that after seeing a daytime shot taken earlier. How many daytime killers does this game have?

Worst case scenario we take out a roleless townie who probably would have killed another townie with a wild shot. Once we confirm alignment we can also go back and look at his train and interactions with others.

The notion of hitting scum with our first shot is cute and all but probably not going to happen. yeah.. I'm going back to Jetfat for now.. if I have to hammer someone else tomorrow at 11:59 that's not a problem.


Vote JetFat80

Not sure that this would be the best move. Like JVoR said, he can be verified later on in the game by having him take a shot, ideally at a top lynch candidate.

Leaning towards Doggin over Jetsfan right now. Agreed that realistically, trying to run up another train and deal with that reveal before the deadline seems like a shaky plan. (Lol at CTM voting AVM.) Doggin's power could really become crucial for the town at end game ... if he makes it and is confirmed innocent ... but seems more problematic overall. He could be the godfather, after all. Thinking Jetsfan would be easier to test.

Vote doggin

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Choosing otherwise would be detrimental to town IMO. Like I said, if I'm going to use my shot, its going to be when I have better than a 1/19 chance of hitting scum.

but you don't, we have 3 people that should be considered innocent, 2 for almost certain

if scum make up 25% of game,

you have a 1/3 chance, or 5 in 16

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Official Vote Count

brett (4) - war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin, JiF

war ensemble (2) - Jetscode, Song

Jetsfan80 (4) - Vicious, SMC, Aemon, Pac

Song (1) - Sharrow

JiF (1) - I28

CTM (4) - AVM, slats, brett, Jetsfan80

AVM (1) - CTM

Doggin (1) - Dan

Not Voting: JVOR, Crusher

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.

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We haven't had a night phase in which anyone could have gotten protection, so my assumption is that the daytime vig/sk that threw the coconut had a success percentage that controlled whether they got the kill - not a night protection that carried over. JF80's reveal says NOTHING about kill percentages...

You're right. And that's why you can verify I'm telling the truth that I haven't fired my shot yet. If it was me that did it, there would be someone dead right now.

The role I revealed was everything pertinent to my role that was initially PM'ed to me by BG. Nothing more or less.

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well he can always just shoot CTM.

and you have a nice day.

I like this idea.

Unvote JF80

Vote CTM

Looking back on it. This isn't even necessarily a town reveal, and could very likely be a scum ability. But CTM is ready to confirm the guy by having him kill a (likely) townie?

It makes perfect sense slats. For scum.


Vote: CTM

We could always have JF80 shoot CTM for that scummy remark, then lynch JF80 as he will then be roleless with his alignment still in question and there would still be good info to garner from the lynch since he was a pretty popular candidate for most of the day...?

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Unvote JF80

Vote CTM

Looking back on it. This isn't even necessarily a town reveal, and could very likely be a scum ability. But CTM is ready to confirm the guy by having him kill a (likely) townie?

if he shoots and someone dies, we almost certainly have a confirmed townie ... if scum really has this ability, they've already used it, and if it's a 1 time thing, they'd be wasting it

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Choosing otherwise would be detrimental to town IMO. Like I said, if I'm going to use my shot, its going to be when I have better than a 1/19 chance of hitting scum.

Keeping you around to test later in the game makes much more sense. Shooting now is silly.

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I like this idea.

We could always have JF80 shoot CTM for that scummy remark, then lynch JF80 as he will then be roleless with his alignment still in question and there would still be good info to garner from the lynch since he was a pretty popular candidate for most of the day...?

lynch me then..

come on apppy

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but you don't, we have 3 people that should be considered innocent, 2 for almost certain

if scum make up 25% of game,

you have a 1/3 chance, or 5 in 16

TRUST NO ONE. You're right that I have 5 chances to hit scum if indeed it is 5 scum members. 5 in 19. Still not strong enough for me to take that chance.

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Not sure that this would be the best move. Like JVoR said, he can be verified later on in the game by having him take a shot, ideally at a top lynch candidate.

Leaning towards Doggin over Jetsfan right now. Agreed that realistically, trying to run up another train and deal with that reveal before the deadline seems like a shaky plan. (Lol at CTM voting AVM.) Doggin's power could really become crucial for the town at end game ... if he makes it and is confirmed innocent ... but seems more problematic overall. He could be the godfather, after all. Thinking Jetsfan would be easier to test.

Vote doggin

Really? You think I'm a godfather who is also a plus-1 for a lynch? How many other powers do you think Bleedin gave me? Flight? The ability to speak to animals? (That would be useful, this game). Actually, I really ought to fully reveal: I'm actually The Flying Pumpkin That Shoots Laser Beams Out Of Its a$$ (TFPTSLBOOIA, for short).

Be serious, Dan.

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I'm not shooting anyone day 1. Period.

your reluctance to even consider shooting makes me more comfortable with my vote... you were on the verge of getting lynched but now you'd rather be a martyr than take a shot? for what - to be a team player?

If I was in your position I'd light someone up. have mercy.

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I'm not shooting anyone day 1. Period.

Not to encourage you to shoot or anything, but I don't think you're living past tonight if you don't.

Meanwhile, CTM is claiming that he'll take someone down with him if he's lynched, and looks pretty happy about it.

So if you're going to shoot anyone, shoot him.

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your reluctance to even consider shooting makes me more comfortable with my vote... you were on the verge of getting lynched but now you'd rather be a martyr than take a shot? for what - to be a team player?

If I was in your position I'd light someone up. have mercy.

I'd prefer to be around and be useful for town later in the game, Pac. That's what I'd like best. Short of that, I had ZERO intention of using my shot on Day 1, whether I was about to be lynched or not.

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Not to encourage you to shoot or anything, but I don't think you're living past tonight if you don't.

Meanwhile, CTM is claiming that he'll take someone down with him if he's lynched, and looks pretty happy about it.

So if you're going to shoot anyone, shoot him.

Don't shoot me.. if you're town.. catch my drift

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Really? You think I'm a godfather who is also a plus-1 for a lynch? How many other powers do you think Bleedin gave me? Flight? The ability to speak to animals? (That would be useful, this game). Actually, I really ought to fully reveal: I'm actually The Flying Pumpkin That Shoots Laser Beams Out Of Its a$$ (TFPTSLBOOIA, for short).

Be serious, Dan.

Ha, you're right, it's not really probable. Between you and Jetsfan, though, Jetsfan seems easier to deal with/confirm. His reactions to CTM's nonsense are also feeling more townie-like.

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I'd prefer to be around and be useful for town later in the game, Pac. That's what I'd like best. Short of that, I had ZERO intention of using my shot on Day 1, whether I was about to be lynched or not.

as Slats just mentioned scum is not going to let you live much longer knowing you can take one of them out. time to step up to the plate.

I don't know if I'd shoot CTM though.. not too beneficial for him as scum to suggest you shoot someone today when he could have just killed you tonight.

have mercy.

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Not to encourage you to shoot or anything, but I don't think you're living past tonight if you don't.

Meanwhile, CTM is claiming that he'll take someone down with him if he's lynched, and looks pretty happy about it.

So if you're going to shoot anyone, shoot him.

So you think I'm going to be a target for a NK? Really? For one, I'm not a strong player, and secondly, my role isn't a particularly powerful one until later in the game. I would think they go elsewhere.

If they choose to NK me I don't think it would be the worst thing for the town. Either way I'm not budging on this one. No one dies today by my hand.

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If they choose to NK me I don't think it would be the worst thing for the town. Either way I'm not budging on this one. No one dies today by my hand.

I haven't seen a performance this bad since I watched Corey Haim in License to Drive..

can we just lynch this scum already? have mercy.

"no one dies by my hand"... what are you Ghandi?

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1. Song of Ice and Fire (Claim: Mason)

2. Jetsfan80 (Claim: Impotent 1-shot day vig)

3. The Crusher

4. AVM

5. Dan X

6. Integrity28


8. Pac2566

9. SMC (Claim: Mason)

10. CTM (Claim? Bomb-type pro-town insinuation)

11. Jetscode1

12. brettw4rd

13. slats

14. Vicious89x

15. Doggin94it (Claim: town +1 vote)

16. Sharrow

17. JiF

18. Aemon Kristen

19. war ensemble (Claim: Pending...)

20. Jets Things

This is a sh*t show.

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I haven't seen a performance this bad since I watched Corey Haim in License to Drive..

can we just lynch this scum already? have mercy.

"no one dies by my hand"... what are you Ghandi?

Nah, I'm Dark Knight Batman. You know, when he decides he's going to reveal his true identity so Joker won't kill anyone else.

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