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WrestleMafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Where were you when basically everyone else in the game was telling me to quit being a pus*y?

You shouldn't let Pac use Jedi mind tricks on you.

Major props, though, in your first 2 games you've singlehandedly killed 2 townies.

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Official Vote Count

war ensemble (2) - Jetscode, Song

Jetsfan80 (2) - Vicious, Aemon

Song (1) - Sharrow

JiF (1) - I28

CTM (2) - brett, JVOR

Doggin (7) - Dan, Jetsfan80, slats, JiF, SMC, Crusher, AVM

slats (1) - CTM

Not Voting: war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin, Pac

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.


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The doggin train is moving quickly enough. Killing either Brett or Crusher and landing on scum could have taken both of them out as scum. I chose Brett. Sue me.

It is moving quickly...hopefully it moves quickly enough.

BTW - I'm not upset with the shot. I'd have done the same, just think the choice was bad. Its all good though my man.

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not that I'm confirming anything cat but there's a difference between messing with people and continually doing something that got old after 3 posts. get your head out of the dead thread and back into this game.

Most of what you do gets old after 3 posts.

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You shouldn't have shot anyone, fool. What a waste.

First off, it's his second game and he had most of the "experienced" players BEGGING him to take the shot.

Secondly, I didn't exactly see you around this morning, or yesterday for that matter (or most of the day before though he hadn't revealed at that point, just making a point) to help give your opinion. Really good timing though, from someone who's been one of my favorites for scum.

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The doggin train is moving quickly enough. Killing either Brett or Crusher and landing on scum could have taken both of them out as scum. I chose Brett. Sue me.

You did the right thing, IMHO.

If people want to take a look at me next day phase, they can have a party.

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I feel pretty strongly that CTM is scum at this point, but I get where people are coming from with not wanting more reveals/not being able to come to a consensus by deadline. If we're getting up to it i'll avoid the random lynch cause I'd be willing to vote Doggin as well.

He's at L-4 currently. Care to make him L-3?

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vote Crusher

fos slats.. why shoot the guy who says he has a limited power and is willing to take one for the team.

I think doggin's power is weak and we should look there also

I also am willign to take one for the team, if ya'll want to go there

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Again, where the f*** were you between 10 PM and 5 minutes ago?

Are you writing a book? To answer your question, catching up with the game. I said at the beginning of this game that I've been dealing with a teething kid at home. Last night was a particularly sh1tty night for her and she had an 8am doctors appointment this morning. She weights 23.6 lbs and is 30 1/2 inches long and can now start drinking whole milk instead of formula. Anything else?

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Are you writing a book? To answer your question, catching up with the game. I said at the beginning of this game that I've been dealing with a teething kid at home. Last night was a particularly sh1tty night for her and she had an 8am doctors appointment this morning. She weights 23.6 lbs and is 30 1/2 inches long and can now start drinking whole milk instead of formula. Anything else?

No that about covers it. Sorry.

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Official Vote Count

war ensemble (2) - Jetscode, Song

Jetsfan80 (2) - Vicious, Aemon

Song (1) - Sharrow

JiF (1) - I28

CTM (2) - brett, JVOR

Doggin (8) - Dan, Jetsfan80, slats, JiF, SMC, Crusher, AVM, CTM

Not Voting: war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin, Pac

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.


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Are you writing a book? To answer your question, catching up with the game. I said at the beginning of this game that I've been dealing with a teething kid at home. Last night was a particularly sh1tty night for her and she had an 8am doctors appointment this morning. She weights 23.6 lbs and is 30 1/2 inches long and can now start drinking whole milk instead of formula. Anything else?

yeah.. congrats. this is when it starts getting real fun.

but you did kind of come out of nowhere and blast the guy.. kind of a convenient time if you ax me.

me = legend.

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I feel pretty strongly that CTM is scum at this point, but I get where people are coming from with not wanting more reveals/not being able to come to a consensus by deadline. If we're getting up to it i'll avoid the random lynch cause I'd be willing to vote Doggin as well.

I agree, but getting enough people to jump on to someone who's claimed he'll take another townie out with an hour and a half to go seems unrealistic at this point, I'm afraid. Even if CTM isn't scum, he's played a really bad game for him IMO.

The first one was clearly an accident. And, as it has been mentioned numerous times, you seemed to have lot's more fun being dead than alive.

Don't let it bother you, dude. In the long line of "mistakes," all of us have made, this is barely a blip on the map.

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The first one was clearly an accident. And, as it has been mentioned numerous times, you seemed to have lot's more fun being dead than alive.

I'm not criticizing you; you did what you thought was right. Ultimately, it helps the town's odds.

There are now 19 players, with 3 essentially confirmed townies (you, me & song). That's 5 scum in a pool of 16. That's a 31% chance of getting scum when we started with 25%

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First off, it's his second game and he had most of the "experienced" players BEGGING him to take the shot.

Secondly, I didn't exactly see you around this morning, or yesterday for that matter (or most of the day before though he hadn't revealed at that point, just making a point) to help give your opinion. Really good timing though, from someone who's been one of my favorites for scum.

Dude, I thought I was your favorite for scum. What's up with that?

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vote Crusher

fos slats.. why shoot the guy who says he has a limited power and is willing to take one for the team.

I think doggin's power is weak and we should look there also

I also am willign to take one for the team, if ya'll want to go there

Because we've seen that same play numerous times from frustrated townies, "kill me, I can't stand it anymore!" We never kill that guy. Never. It's actually the perfect play for Crusher to make if he were scum because no one ever wants to kill him, anyway.

Eventually scum will make that play and they will get away with it. Maybe it happened today.

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The arguing continued on as the deadline loomed closer. There was finger pointing like crazy and everyone egging each other on. Eventually, one of you got tired of waiting any longer. As brett stands in the middle of the ring, he is suddenly bowled down with a clothesline in the center of the ring. The culprit then quickly climbs to the top rope, diving off and drilling an elbow right into the heart of brett, knocking him out cold. There was only one way he was leaving this arena now, on a stretcher.

brettw4rd, better known as Hulk Hogan (AKA "Hollywood" Hogan, member of town) has been knocked out and taken off on a stretcher.


should've shot dan or avm or slats or jyoy

oh well.. less distraction tomorrow.. but hogan would probably be powerful/.

atleast we know jf80 wasn't lying

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First off, it's his second game and he had most of the "experienced" players BEGGING him to take the shot.

Secondly, I didn't exactly see you around this morning, or yesterday for that matter (or most of the day before though he hadn't revealed at that point, just making a point) to help give your opinion. Really good timing though, from someone who's been one of my favorites for scum.

You're basing that on all my posts so far, right? :rolleyes:

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Could go with Crusher too if that's preferred. Just worried about how narrowed down the field might already be for the scum team. They're the ones who would know if anyone's lying about their reveals, and we just took out someone who hadn't revealed yet ...

You are dying to get on me. Better bring a rope and a parachute baby, your in for a wild ride.

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The doggin train is moving quickly enough. Killing either Brett or Crusher and landing on scum could have taken both of them out as scum. I chose Brett. Sue me.

You did fine under the circumstances. Next time, don't let them bully you, though.

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I feel pretty strongly that CTM is scum at this point, but I get where people are coming from with not wanting more reveals/not being able to come to a consensus by deadline. If we're getting up to it i'll avoid the random lynch cause I'd be willing to vote Doggin as well.

I feel pretty strongly that you wear women's underwear

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