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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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lastly, think about it like this..

with 10 players, we need 6 to lynch..

And there's 6 townies!.. So essentially, we need every single townie to vote right to lynch scum today, or hope scum buss..

If we no lynch, tomorrow it will be 5 versus 4.. and we only need 5 to lynch..

We've just removed the chance for 1 townie to make a bad vote and cost us the game.. instead of needing 6 for 6.. we need 5 for 5

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why are you bringing up a framer? i really don't get it

I dont get it either ...if there is a framer hes obviously Scum so whats to discuss ? Another slip ? Ive seen slips from TS now AVM and Sharrows reveal has me questioning him they could very well be scum with Vic as the GF pulling the strings he was awefully quiet yesterday.

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what you guys need to consider is that even a succesful scum kill today buys us little

for example..

6 vs 4.. avm is being honest and smash is scum.. 6 vs 3 going into night

they get a nk and tomorrow it's 5 vs 3.. and it's MYLO all over again..

Except, they'll kill AVM to prevent him from telling us which one of smc/vic is scum... so tomorrow, we'd be flipping a cpoin lynching one of them, and if wrong, we lose.. except( not even flippign a coin, cause you'll have 3 highly motivated scum members pushing us to the wrong lynch)

you guys are acting like lynching scum puts us on the path to victory, when in reality it's just creatign the same situation tomorrow.. the best chance we have is to gather as much information as possible..imo

The more you talk the less I listen.

And Smash. IT WAS SUNDAY. Apologies for taking my son to the Oregon Zoo and mowing my lawn in the back yard that was like 2 feet tall and took 3 hours. Want pictures of my tickets to the zoo? Or the sunburn on my back from working in the sun without a shirt on?

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And Pac. IT WAS SUNDAY. Apologies for taking my son to the Oregon Zoo and mowing my lawn in the back yard that was like 2 feet tall and took 3 hours. Want pictures of my tickets to the zoo? Or the sunburn on my back from working in the sun without a shirt on?

huh? I didn't say anything...

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The mylo possibility that CTM brought up has me thinking no lynch is the right move. It would be a bold move, but it's certainly possible that AVM is lying just to get that last mislynch. Also, the fact that both SMC and Vic (one of whom is scum according to AVM) are lobbying for Smash's death is odd. Shouldn't at least one of them be offering more resistance?


Vote: no lynch

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The more you talk the less I listen.

And Smash. IT WAS SUNDAY. Apologies for taking my son to the Oregon Zoo and mowing my lawn in the back yard that was like 2 feet tall and took 3 hours. Want pictures of my tickets to the zoo? Or the sunburn on my back from working in the sun without a shirt on?

Geez Vic I didnt know that I just pointed out the obvious. if you were at the zoo visiting I28 Im cool with that bro. Did he try and fling sh*t at you ?

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The mylo possibility that CTM brought up has me thinking no lynch is the right move. It would be a bold move, but it's certainly possible that AVM is lying just to get that last mislynch. Also, the fact that both SMC and Vic (one of whom is scum according to AVM) are lobbying for Smash's death is odd. Shouldn't at least one of them be offering more resistance?


Vote: no lynch

I guess it depends on how you look at it. To me SMC and Smash are running something. SMC half-reveals implicating Smash, he gets lynched SMC is a hero and rides to end game. If the plan backfires, SMC is lynched as a liar and Smash is just an innocent townie that was just caught up in a scum scheme.

I only want Smash did because I just really feel in my gut he's scum. He's mock outraged us twice this game for making "bad" decisions and he is playing an insanely clean game when it boils down to it. I don't think he was ever a serious candidate until today. Had it in cruise control pretty much.

Either way I still feel the No Lynch gives scum too many options. And if the town needs me on the train for AVM's thing to work fine, I'm not afraid of getting shot at obviously.

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Geez Vic I didnt know that I just pointed out the obvious. if you were at the zoo visiting I28 Im cool with that bro. Did he try and fling sh*t at you ?

I think you're just trying to split hairs and make people see sh*t that is irrelevant.

And I28 and I had a nice chat. He said you were scum and then he proceeded to tell me a long story as to why but I walked away.

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I think you're just trying to split hairs and make people see sh*t that is irrelevant.

And I28 and I had a nice chat. He said you were scum and then he proceeded to tell me a long story as to why but I walked away.

Nope not splitting any hairs Vic. I have my suspicions just like you do. I noticed you were not on yesterday and I pointed that out. I think your over reacting to that just a bit. Its funny you point at me and SMC as running together but not the possibility of Sharrow and AVM. Sharrow played the 2nd reveal with a really poor timing yet Im being accused ? What hurts twon more that were stuck in this corner.

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Nope not splitting any hairs Vic. I have my suspicions just like you do. I noticed you were not on yesterday and I pointed that out. I think your over reacting to that just a bit. Its funny you point at me and SMC as running together but not the possibility of Sharrow and AVM. Sharrow played the 2nd reveal with a really poor timing yet Im being accused ? What hurts twon more that were stuck in this corner.

Over-reacting? This coming from this games mock outrage king? Good stuff.

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what you guys need to consider is that even a succesful scum kill today buys us little

for example..

6 vs 4.. avm is being honest and smash is scum.. 6 vs 3 going into night

they get a nk and tomorrow it's 5 vs 3.. and it's MYLO all over again..

Except, they'll kill AVM to prevent him from telling us which one of smc/vic is scum... so tomorrow, we'd be flipping a cpoin lynching one of them, and if wrong, we lose.. except( not even flippign a coin, cause you'll have 3 highly motivated scum members pushing us to the wrong lynch)

you guys are acting like lynching scum puts us on the path to victory, when in reality it's just creatign the same situation tomorrow.. the best chance we have is to gather as much information as possible..imo

Which is exactly what happens if we no-lynch, genius. Scum know everything already, they'll just act accordingly to create confusion.

I dont get it either ...if there is a framer hes obviously Scum so whats to discuss ? Another slip ? Ive seen slips from TS now AVM and Sharrows reveal has me questioning him they could very well be scum with Vic as the GF pulling the strings he was awefully quiet yesterday.

Um...probably because you're the one that brought up a framer? Seriously??>

You guys are reading this crap from Smash when HE BROUGHT UP a framer, and you don't want to kill him?

Whatever, I tried. Do whatever you want.

Vote: Smash

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Official Vote Count:

Smash (4) - SMC, Hess, Vic, AVM

Sharrow (1) - Smash

No Lynch (4) - CTM, TomShane, Sharrow, Wombat

SMC (1) - Ape

with 10 maricons alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

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Over-reacting? This coming from this games mock outrage king? Good stuff.

LOL mock outrage ? Are you serious Vic . My intentions were clear all throughout the game that I wanted the vests tested and people ignored that and shot blind killing a sh*t load of townies along the way. Now how many freakin unconfirmed claims do we have getting close to end game ?.... two ? That is the only reason I got pissed because we seemed to be heading down the same road as last game.

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We need Vic or SMC to unvote smash

At this point, I've got to stick with you. If I'm wrong on you I don't think it matters, so I trust you, and I think you can think about this logically.

What do you honestly think is the right play, no-lynch or Smash? The only thing that bothers me is both SMC and Vic (one of which has to be scum, unless there is a Framer then both would have to be) both want Smash lynched.

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Which is exactly what happens if we no-lynch, genius. Scum know everything already, they'll just act accordingly to create confusion.

Um...probably because you're the one that brought up a framer? Seriously??>

You guys are reading this crap from Smash when HE BROUGHT UP a framer, and you don't want to kill him?

Whatever, I tried. Do whatever you want.

Vote: Smash

I know I brought up the framer Im 100 % fully aware of that. Would you expect me to not put every option on the table ?? Sorry man but I dont understand, if we cant discuss possibilities then **** it fire blind. OMFG Im outraging again

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Which is exactly what happens if we no-lynch, genius. Scum know everything already, they'll just act accordingly to create confusion.

There's about 10's of reasons why we'd be in a better spot tomorrow, regardless of what they do. If scum was so thrilled by this idea, you'd think more peole would've happily jumped aboard by now..

If they kill you, we know smash is scum..

If they kill SMC, we know smash is scum + we'll have your results

If they kill sonmeone else, we can go right ahead and lynch SMash tomorrow.. + we'll have more results from you and smc.. and smash and shane/wombat can reveal

If they no kill, even better.. we'll have the same numbers and have results from you and smc

It's true, at some point we'll need to trust someone, but even without additional results, the mere fact that w/an even number of players left we need that extra townie to vote right to put us over the hump is enough reason to let them kill someone..

Trusting you today and having you die tonight leaves way too many open questions and we'll be in the same damn spot tomrrow regardless..Why not get more information?

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Total bullsh*t that the photos haven't been released.

What's the deal, fellas. I know what I know about Smash. I thought AVM's vote put Smash at L-1 and I didn't want a ninja hammer by late lying scum trying to bus.

The thing is, who is on what train for AVM? Do you want me on Smash or No lynch?

BTW, the talk of miss lynch and endgame put forth by CTM is overblown. We don't know how many scum there is, so we're basing our strategy on an assumption?

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At this point, I've got to stick with you. If I'm wrong on you I don't think it matters, so I trust you, and I think you can think about this logically.

What do you honestly think is the right play, no-lynch or Smash? The only thing that bothers me is both SMC and Vic (one of which has to be scum, unless there is a Framer then both would have to be) both want Smash lynched.

If smc is scum, the best play for them right now is to vote smash, let him go down as scum, NK you, then tomorrow he surfaces with a quilty on vic, and we have no information from you.. they get vic lynched, get a succesful nk and they win

lynching scum today does little for our numbers, i'm sure they know this

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I know I brought up the framer Im 100 % fully aware of that. Would you expect me to not put every option on the table ?? Sorry man but I dont understand, if we cant discuss possibilities then **** it fire blind. OMFG Im outraging again

Dude, now you're talking in circles. You just said a few posts ago you didn't know why I was talking about a framer. Uh...it's obvious. I already know my alignment, so for the sake of this argument lets pretend I'm town, k? If I am town, and there is NOT a framer, then I have already proven you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to be scum. There are no other options, you 100% are scum. So, if people think there is not a framer, we are better off killing you now. That's a fact, it's not an opinion. You don't let confirmed scum live. (which, in my eyes, would be the case)

There's about 10's of reasons why we'd be in a better spot tomorrow, regardless of what they do. If scum was so thrilled by this idea, you'd think more peole would've happily jumped aboard by now..

If they kill you, we know smash is scum..

If they kill SMC, we know smash is scum + we'll have your results

If they kill sonmeone else, we can go right ahead and lynch SMash tomorrow.. + we'll have more results from you and smc.. and smash and shane/wombat can reveal

If they no kill, even better.. we'll have the same numbers and have results from you and smc

It's true, at some point we'll need to trust someone, but even without additional results, the mere fact that w/an even number of players left we need that extra townie to vote right to put us over the hump is enough reason to let them kill someone..

Trusting you today and having you die tonight leaves way too many open questions and we'll be in the same damn spot tomrrow regardless..Why not get more information?

This is why I keep bringing up the question of the framer, your exact point. You're acting as if there is not a framer, so put yourself in my shoes -- if no one BUT Smash thinks theres a framer, and I KNOW I am town...why would I want to give someone I know 100% is scum the chance to put together a story, reveal, and perhaps draw someone over to his side? That's why I keep asking.

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Freakin sucks its only Monday

lynching scum today does little for our numbers, i'm sure they know this

That's idiotic. Lynching scum lowers their numbers and gets them closer to losing and town closer to victory. They would either be down to 2 or 3 scum tops faving 8 to 7 town.

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Freakin' sucks CTM can't count

hey you guys have your numbers now, hammer smash.. hope it works out..

Smash is at L-2. What numbers are you talking about?

@AVM, with Vic on Smash, do you or don't you want me on the train for your list?

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Freakin' sucks CTM can't count

Smash is at L-2. What numbers are you talking about?

@AVM, with Vic on Smash, do you or don't you want me on the train for your list?

the godfather ape i'm sure will be here to hammer shortly.. sorry, i thought that was implied..

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Freakin' sucks CTM can't count

Smash is at L-2. What numbers are you talking about?

@AVM, with Vic on Smash, do you or don't you want me on the train for your list?

I'd need you to stay off. Just one of you or Vic.

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the godfather ape i'm sure will be here to hammer shortly.. sorry, i thought that was implied..

fwiw.. i do believe smashis probably guilty, just strongly think we should lynch tomorrow..

in order to not be a pacmule, i'll get on the train if need be

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fwiw.. i do believe smashis probably guilty, just strongly think we should lynch tomorrow..

in order to not be a pacmule, i'll get on the train if need be

I really just don't get it then. I just feel like too many things can go wrong if we wait, I guess.

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