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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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Was this directed at me, or are you making a general statement? If to me, I'm suspicious of Wombat as well for being on all the trains, but that doesn't mean he's not a clueless townie, hehe.

General statement.

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Sooooo, your not down with the plan, I take it? Perhaps you'd like to suggest another?

I just think it's a huge charade. Just pick someone and then you can tell us you got blocked or mirrored or WHATEVER you're going to make up. Don't blame it on the town, just put in a kill and be done with it.

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I just think it's a huge charade. Just pick someone and then you can tell us you got blocked or mirrored or WHATEVER you're going to make up. Don't blame it on the town, just put in a kill and be done with it.

And you don't even want to consider that it might be legit? I mean, there's not exactly a downside for the town here.

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Does this mean that the general feeling is that DPR is a GF? Nae viewed him as town, and is a confirmed townie via coroner report. So......

....is that the consensus?

We've got to put an end to this idiocy. If I prove I have a vig shot, will everyone then concede that I'm not a GF?

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Does this mean that the general feeling is that DPR is a GF? Nae viewed him as town, and is a confirmed townie via coroner report. So......

....is that the consensus?

I don't honestly. But I'm the crazy one this game so...

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Um, no. You are a ******* retard. I've been asking him to shoot me non-stop.

I said "this" because I'd like to shoot you MYSELF. Not because you are town, not because you are scum... because you are an a$$hole.

Also, I wasn't wrong about JIF, wasn't wrong about JVOR. Had I not been tied up taking the bait to argue with you and the other idiot, I'd have been more aggressive in pursuing them. Thanks for being helpful.

Crusher wasn't my case, but I was right that if he was scum, he'd crack under pressure. Don't talk to me about "wrong" when you've spent the whole game muddling by starting sh*t with me.

lol.. yeah you had jif the whole time..

and i don't care if i hurt your wittle monkey feelings, you deserve it for the mental agony you cause trying to sort out your steaming piles of hypocrtical bullsh*t

Heh. ******* guy is unreal no?

dumb and dumber

how does surviving a lynch help the town? seriously. it would go to night and scum would get another NK= not town friendly. I said my only real value left is absorbing NK's, but because neither of you two are able to comprehend beyond a grade school level, we get this.

And what's funny is i never said I'd survive a lynch in that sense, i said I'm a hard to kill townie and my powers extend to lynchs.. that's it, didn't offer any details other then i absorbed one on N1..

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Does this mean that the general feeling is that DPR is a GF? Nae viewed him as town, and is a confirmed townie via coroner report. So......

....is that the consensus?

It's not that at all. I think it's certainly a possibility and for the scenario is:

-He's lying and we lynch scum

-He's telling the truth and we lynch roleless townie

The end.

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Freakin sucks to be CTM

And what's funny is i never said I'd survive a lynch in that sense, i said I'm a hard to kill townie and my powers extend to lynchs.. that's it, didn't offer any details other then i absorbed one on N1..

Poor memory? If you "never said I'd survive a lynch" then why did you propose to derail the Crusher lynch and have everyone vote for you in order to vet your claim?

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We've got to put an end to this idiocy. If I prove I have a vig shot, will everyone then concede that I'm not a GF?

the ape and the blockhead (smc) are coming for you tomorrow likely no matter what..

I'm not terribly interested in lynching you till closer to end game, way to many unknowns/suspects left to go lynching a guy with an innocent result.. my 2 cents

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Freakin sucks to be CTM

Poor memory? If you "never said I'd survive a lynch" then why did you propose to derail the Crusher lynch and have everyone vote for you in order to vet your claim?

waves white flag..

shoot me, can't take anymore stupidity

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Freakin sucks I'm only getting into the draft now.

@DPR, at this point, shoot who you like. I don't really care. Thinking about it, I want you to shoot CTM for selfish reasons. I think he's a lying sack of sh*t and a vig shot will kill his a$$. That's why he doesn't want to get vetted. I can't let personal reasons guide my judgment.

The town will reassess the situation in the morning.

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Freakin sucks I'm only getting into the draft now.

@DPR, at this point, shoot who you like. I don't really care. Thinking about it, I want you to shoot CTM for selfish reasons. I think he's a lying sack of sh*t and a vig shot will kill his a$. That's why he doesn't want to get vetted. I can't let personal reasons guide my judgment.

The town will reassess the situation in the morning.


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What CTM actually said iirc was that lynching him would not end the day. Either he's the opposite of a beloved princess, or he's implying he will survive the lynch. Either way, there is no downside to lynching him tomorrow. I say we lynch CTM, not shoot him.

As for who to shoot, I don't know. I kinda selfishly want AVM dead tbh. I will tell you this. Shooting at me tonight will not provide the town any information. Wrap your pirate head around that.

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What CTM actually said iirc was that lynching him would not end the day. Either he's the opposite of a beloved princess, or he's implying he will survive the lynch. Either way, there is no downside to lynching him tomorrow. I say we lynch CTM, not shoot him.

As for who to shoot, I don't know. I kinda selfishly want AVM dead tbh. I will tell you this. Shooting at me tonight will not provide the town any information. Wrap your pirate head around that.

Then that would provide us with a ton of information.

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lol.. yeah you had jif the whole time..

and i don't care if i hurt your wittle monkey feelings, you deserve it for the mental agony you cause trying to sort out your steaming piles of hypocrtical bullsh*t

dumb and dumber

how does surviving a lynch help the town? seriously. it would go to night and scum would get another NK= not town friendly. I said my only real value left is absorbing NK's, but because neither of you two are able to comprehend beyond a grade school level, we get this.

And what's funny is i never said I'd survive a lynch in that sense, i said I'm a hard to kill townie and my powers extend to lynchs.. that's it, didn't offer any details other then i absorbed one on N1..

You were just urging us to ******* run up a train on you to test you... NOW you are saying doing so is not a town-friendly move.

You also say "how does surviving a lynch help town? it would go to night" as though we'd reach the lynch number for you, and you wouldn't die and then day would end. Then in the next paragraph, you say "I never said I'd survive a lynch, blah, blah, I'm hard to kill with powers that extend to lynch." Well which is it?

The first paragraph makes it sound like you can survive a lynch, maybe like Pac's character last game. The second paragraph sounds more like extra votes would be needed to lynch you, but we've already seen JF80 with a +1 vote for lynch role.

You've done NOTHING this game but continually contradict yourself... and you are seemingly oblivious to it, as people ask you questions about those contradictions and you lash out and cry scum.

Also, you say "I don't care if you shoot me" and then follow it with repetitious posts of "shoot the ape, shoot smc, shoot sharrow.... " Doesn't sound like you want to be shot... now you are squirming at the idea of us testing your lynch power because you waved that under our noses, in that pseudo-townie way, and it sure seems like you don't want testing that claim either.

My opinion is you are full of sh*t. You keep feigning offers of "shoot me" and "test my lynch power" and then squirming when we start considering it.

******* drama queen.

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Freakin sucks I'm only getting into the draft now.

@DPR, at this point, shoot who you like. I don't really care. Thinking about it, I want you to shoot CTM for selfish reasons. I think he's a lying sack of sh*t and a vig shot will kill his a$$. That's why he doesn't want to get vetted. I can't let personal reasons guide my judgment.

The town will reassess the situation in the morning.

Maybe it will.. i was purposely vague in that regard..

It really doens't matter what I said or didn't, cause I doubt the scum team would believe anything i say re: NK's... it's a wifom either way, everyone knows i lie as town and scum

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You were just urging us to ******* run up a train on you to test you... NOW you are saying doing so is not a town-friendly move.

You also say "how does surviving a lynch help town? it would go to night" as though we'd reach the lynch number for you, and you wouldn't die and then day would end. Then in the next paragraph, you say "I never said I'd survive a lynch, blah, blah, I'm hard to kill with powers that extend to lynch." Well which is it?

The first paragraph makes it sound like you can survive a lynch, maybe like Pac's character last game. The second paragraph sounds more like extra votes would be needed to lynch you, but we've already seen JF80 with a +1 vote for lynch role.

You've done NOTHING this game but continually contradict yourself... and you are seemingly oblivious to it, as people ask you questions about those contradictions and you lash out and cry scum.

Also, you say "I don't care if you shoot me" and then follow it with repetitious posts of "shoot the ape, shoot smc, shoot sharrow.... " Doesn't sound like you want to be shot... now you are squirming at the idea of us testing your lynch power because you waved that under our noses, in that pseudo-townie way, and it sure seems like you don't want testing that claim either.

My opinion is you are full of sh*t. You keep feigning offers of "shoot me" and "test my lynch power" and then squirming when we start considering it.

******* drama queen.

Too long didn't read


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Ok.. i'm "hard to kill" townie.. lots of things in hess's and dpr's and nae's reveal kind of ring true with certain days/time limits and what not... this power also extends to lynches, which I'll happily prove right now if need be..... not sure if i can say my name or not, but i'm definitely not a character in a movie and a couple of you have already nailed it.. i'm not going to go into any more details, I know i've already absorbed 1 NK and we'll see from there..

the opening scene should make this very clear, and all i can say is pacDoosh's gift to the game was keeping my in it for awhile, atleast :D

Say again?

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Too long didn't read


Abridged version: CTM is full of sh*t. Offers of "shoot me" and "test my lynch power" and then squirming when we start considering it. Contradictory in his description of how his power works. I want to kill him. The end.

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lol.. yeah you had jif the whole time..

and i don't care if i hurt your wittle monkey feelings, you deserve it for the mental agony you cause trying to sort out your steaming piles of hypocrtical bullsh*t

dumb and dumber

how does surviving a lynch help the town? seriously. it would go to night and scum would get another NK= not town friendly. I said my only real value left is absorbing NK's, but because neither of you two are able to comprehend beyond a grade school level, we get this.

And what's funny is i never said I'd survive a lynch in that sense, i said I'm a hard to kill townie and my powers extend to lynchs.. that's it, didn't offer any details other then i absorbed one on N1..

Please elaborate a little more...

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You were just urging us to ******* run up a train on you to test you... NOW you are saying doing so is not a town-friendly move.

You also say "how does surviving a lynch help town? it would go to night" as though we'd reach the lynch number for you, and you wouldn't die and then day would end. Then in the next paragraph, you say "I never said I'd survive a lynch, blah, blah, I'm hard to kill with powers that extend to lynch." Well which is it?

The first paragraph makes it sound like you can survive a lynch, maybe like Pac's character last game. The second paragraph sounds more like extra votes would be needed to lynch you, but we've already seen JF80 with a +1 vote for lynch role.

You've done NOTHING this game but continually contradict yourself... and you are seemingly oblivious to it, as people ask you questions about those contradictions and you lash out and cry scum.

Also, you say "I don't care if you shoot me" and then follow it with repetitious posts of "shoot the ape, shoot smc, shoot sharrow.... " Doesn't sound like you want to be shot... now you are squirming at the idea of us testing your lynch power because you waved that under our noses, in that pseudo-townie way, and it sure seems like you don't want testing that claim either.

My opinion is you are full of sh*t. You keep feigning offers of "shoot me" and "test my lynch power" and then squirming when we start considering it.

******* drama queen.

surviving a lynch was you and smc's words, not mine. surviving a lynch implies nightfall, like pac did.. I said you can run me up to lynch count and i won't die, you're filling in the blanks

and you're opinion, as usual, is dead wrong. But i'm sure one of your 100's of posts says you think i was town, which you'll happily bump after my death scene and say you knew it all along. it's maddening

honestly, i can't stop correcting you, don't know why but i now know why slats got caught up in your bullsh*t and sanely decided to ignore you. You just bring the wrong in such new and creative ways it's hard to ignore. It's actually immpressive, if i can remove myself from it.

carry on, manbaby

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Abridged version: CTM is full of sh*t. Offers of "shoot me" and "test my lynch power" and then squirming when we start considering it. Contradictory in his description of how his power works. I want to kill him. The end.

I honestly can say I have no safe feelings on anyone in this game. CTM is just playing weird to me. Like a Jester roll or something. Isn't that a role that wins when they get lynched?

Edited for spelling.

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Ape just caught CTM in a lie. I clearly remember CTM saying earlier that day would not end if we lynched him. Therefore he has contradicted himself and is lying.

He didn't, he couldn't. Smc said I'd survive a lynch, which implies day would end.. I was making a general point when I said surviving a lynch isn't town friendly..

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Freakin' sucks when I have to do research

I honestly can say I have no safe feelings on anyone in this game. CTM is just playing weird to me. Like a Jester roll or something. Isn't that a roll that wins when they get lynched?


A Jester is a role which wins when they are lynched. They generally cause difficulty for the Town in two ways. First, because (while the Jester is alive) they aim to prevent the Town from lynching Scum. Second, because their attempts to get themselves lynched inevitably involve trying to convince the Town that they are Scum, and thereby cause confusion and distraction for as long as they are alive.


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surviving a lynch was you and smc's words, not mine. surviving a lynch implies nightfall, like pac did.. I said you can run me up to lynch count and i won't die, you're filling in the blanks

and you're opinion, as usual, is dead wrong. But i'm sure one of your 100's of posts says you think i was town, which you'll happily bump after my death scene and say you knew it all along. it's maddening

honestly, i can't stop correcting you, don't know why but i now know why slats got caught up in your bullsh*t and sanely decided to ignore you. You just bring the wrong in such new and creative ways it's hard to ignore. It's actually immpressive, if i can remove myself from it.

carry on, manbaby

So... one sentence to vaguely address what I asked you about.

4 to insult my playing style and talk about irrelevant sh*t nobody cares about... a playing style you usually defend, no less.

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I honestly can say I have no safe feelings on anyone in this game. CTM is just playing weird to me. Like a Jester roll or something. Isn't that a roll that wins when they get lynched?

That's possible too, I suppose.

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