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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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I'd expect the Ape to FOS the people on his train. However, its worth a look.

I28 (8): Sharrow, Dan X, CTM, Wwombat, Hess, Vicious, Jetscode1, DPR

Personally, I think the middle voters are the most suspect on this train. Jetscode and DPR may have simply been trying to get on with it and force the 2nd reveal.

However, Wombat, Hess, and Vic don't have the luxury of using that defense. I'd bet one or two of those three are scum.

Getting caught up...

This is the EXACT same type of thing I did earlier in the game and YOU jumped on my back about it.


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You're doing what the Ape does and really why I'm voting him in the first place ftr.

I'm confused by your rationale Hess, if you wanna call it that. I picked apart a train and voted someone on it, I did this all the time, you just acknowledged that I do it all the time... yet you are voting me for it?

This is why I think you guys are all full of sh*t. You criticize my play, NOBODY take more guff about their play than I do, so I announce I'm going to play different before the game starts... and you guys want to lynch me for it, so I do something like I'm known for, and you guys want to lynch me for that too.

So basically, now I can't use either playing style?

First off I basically started the train on 80. I didn't hop on it. As far as I28 I've already stated why my vote is on him. Making cases on people on trains before you know the what the train is, is trying too hard and a scumtell. Monkey said he changed his style but is still doing the same thing. That's a contradiction.

How is it a scumtell when I do it all the time as town?

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You're voting him because its an easy place to land. You've now hopped on two popular trains of, in all likelihood, two townies. Scum.

This I agree with... I contradict myself on D1 all the time and make "stupid" plays, I also analyze trains before we know the outcome when I don't like how the train started and grew. The train on you 80 fits the bill... 4 "joke" votes and then a second wave of people to give it momentum under the guise of "lets get all those reveals out in the open."

It ******* stinks to me. Am I confident that you aren't scum? No. But I understand the odds in the game are way in favor of you being town, and I hated your train.

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Your getting pretty defensive about I28 and myselfs vote.

Bolded essentially sounds like "I am going to lay low in the beginning of games, not say anything to attract pressure, and hope nobody notices"

Don't like, and once everyone moves off I28 following his reveal I am more than happy to lynch you or JF80.

Agree with Brett, I do.

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I'm confused by your rationale Hess, if you wanna call it that. I picked apart a train and voted someone on it, I did this all the time, you just acknowledged that I do it all the time... yet you are voting me for it?

This is why I think you guys are all full of sh*t. You criticize my play, NOBODY take more guff about their play than I do, so I announce I'm going to play different before the game starts... and you guys want to lynch me for it, so I do something like I'm known for, and you guys want to lynch me for that too.

So basically, now I can't use either playing style?

How is it a scumtell when I do it all the time as town?

Not sure they want to lynch you. I think they just want you to reveal. Then lynch you. Your train stinks like my toilet seat if you ask me.

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Why are you telling me "the method" like I was the only one on the lynch? Are you and CTM actually going to argue that on D1, time after time, trains are run, reveals are made, and that's where the information comes from? You sound like you're trying to explain some hybrid run-the-train-while-scumhunting-a-little method.

Look, my usual would be to try and ply that into you looking scummy (and from my record here, failing...) but I'm not doing that. I'm just going along with the inevitable, and seeing what can be had form that. You're the one muddying the water by calling it anything else.

Well, you did it by saying you weren't going to do it. Technically. :rolleyes:

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Actually Lily this is my way of playing now. When AVM and I modded our game we decided to cap the reveals as I and other complained about the endless reveals in our games.

In the wrestlemania game we literally had half the people reveal and it was becoming impossible as scum to win games. So even last game, I just basically dismissively wank at anyone "scum-hunting" because the truth is what happens here is:

-Someone makes case

-Either person who has case against them gets run up or person who made the case gets run up because them making their case was scummy


-Depending on timing, unvotes or hammer

We basically use up our reveal "cap" every phase and work from there. That's why I'm just very "whatever" about day 1 now because we rarely hit scum and because we run up trains. Day 1 is a sh*tshow that I gladly take part in with pictures and trying to produce LULZ. Otherwise I don't waste my energy with trying to scum-hunt day 1. We all know each other far too well and I haven't seen us operate otherwise. JMO. And I just don't care to defend either. Just like last game run me up, I'll reveal and we'll go from there.

Oh wait, so you can play different and its okay?

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Dear I28,

You FOS the sh*t out of everyone all the time. You DO NOT on day 1 find trains and call out everyone on them. Plus you said you weren't going to do that and it's the first you do. In general fos'ing a train before you know the results is a scumtell. I would expect you all over it day 2 say, not day 1. You and 80 did the same thing day 1. You and 80 are my top 2 scum choices. I don't think you're would be on the same team though.

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You FOS'ed every single person on my train. I picked out a couple I liked for scum.

No, I talked about every person on your train, expressed skepticism about a couple and voted one.

6 to 1 bub...

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Fwiw I pretty much agree with Vic's circumstantial Day 1 stategy. I get him.


Vic changes his play, and just votes whoever... and its good with Hess.

Ape changes his play, to try NOT to be a detriment to the town... and Hess wants him dead.

Got it.

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I'm playing this game differently, too, and all I'm getting is frustrated so far. I'm trying really hard to share my thoughts far more than I usually do. Then I get back the responses I'm getting from Vic and DPR. I can't say that I blame them for feeling that way, either.

Oh, well. Maybe day two my new playing will work better. It's sure sucking day one.

And now, I'll be quieter the rest of the day. I had a really, really bad day, took my anxiety meds, and well, I won't make much sense now. Unlike some of you, I can't do "drunk" posting and get away with it.

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Dear I28,

You FOS the sh*t out of everyone all the time. You DO NOT on day 1 find trains and call out everyone on them. Plus you said you weren't going to do that and it's the first you do. In general fos'ing a train before you know the results is a scumtell. I would expect you all over it day 2 say, not day 1. You and 80 did the same thing day 1. You and 80 are my top 2 scum choices. I don't think you're would be on the same team though.

I absolutely pick trains apart on D1 when I don't think the person being run up is scummy. Your full of crap now.

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What Vic is saying is, why bother b/c it's day 1 and it's a total crapshoot so let's just get this over with. And then he actually changes his style. I get that.

What you're saying is 75% of the game should already know what the hell is going on and they're all wrong b/c they don't agree with you. And you haven't changed besides it's like you're trying to be smarter with your fos. Give me a break.

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Oh wait, so you can play different and its okay?

Honestly I never criticized your play at all. I voted for you because you had the highest post count running and figured you were going to be reveal #2. If you get to L-1 and haven't revealed I'll unvote because I am on your train strictly for the reveal. We have a 3 reveal cap, I'm sure we're going to get 3. Honestly though with the way we play I feel the reveal thing plays into the town a bit better for the reason that scum can't hide in plain sight for long. I'll eventually get run up and have to reveal myself. Hell, maybe even later today, so whatever. Day 1 is pointless in defending/casing.

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I'm playing this game differently, too, and all I'm getting is frustrated so far. I'm trying really hard to share my thoughts far more than I usually do. Then I get back the responses I'm getting from Vic and DPR. I can't say that I blame them for feeling that way, either.

Oh, well. Maybe day two my new playing will work better. It's sure sucking day one.

And now, I'll be quieter the rest of the day. I had a really, really bad day, took my anxiety meds, and well, I won't make much sense now. Unlike some of you, I can't do "drunk" posting and get away with it.

What if we all made a pact to get completely, pie-faced wasted? I'll start now...

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What Vic is saying is, why bother b/c it's day 1 and it's a total crapshoot so let's just get this over with. And then he actually changes his style. I get that.

What you're saying is 75% of the game should already know what the hell is going on and they're all wrong b/c they don't agree with you. And you haven't changed besides it's like you're trying to be smarter with your fos. Give me a break.

Where did I say any of this? You've crossed over into just making sh*t up now...

I've NEVER seen you invoke meta like this, and never seen you this full of crap.

I said I was going to change my playing style, SPECIFICALLY I wasn't going to argue and over-shadow games to the point that it was a distraction. If I FOS people then big ******* deal, EVERYONE in this game runs rampant with their suspicion, I just do it louder. That has nothing to do with the aspect of my game that is a detriment to the town... the detrimental part of my play is when I get narrowed in on 1 or 2 people, and badger the sh*t out of them and argue and don't let go. THAT is the type of play I'm trying to avoid this game.

Now here you are pecking away at me to try to get me into an agitated exchange. Go figure. Not scummy at all.

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Where did I say any of this? You've crossed over into just making sh*t up now...

I've NEVER seen you invoke meta like this, and never seen you this full of crap.

I said I was going to change my playing style, SPECIFICALLY I wasn't going to argue and over-shadow games to the point that it was a distraction. If I FOS people then big ******* deal, EVERYONE in this game runs rampant with their suspicion, I just do it louder. That has nothing to do with the aspect of my game that is a detriment to the town... the detrimental part of my play is when I get narrowed in on 1 or 2 people, and badger the sh*t out of them and argue and don't let go. THAT is the type of play I'm trying to avoid this game.

Now here you are pecking away at me to try to get me into an agitated exchange. Go figure. Not scummy at all.

You know who defends themselves this much on D1 over nothing?


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Honestly I never criticized your play at all. I voted for you because you had the highest post count running and figured you were going to be reveal #2. If you get to L-1 and haven't revealed I'll unvote because I am on your train strictly for the reveal. We have a 3 reveal cap, I'm sure we're going to get 3. Honestly though with the way we play I feel the reveal thing plays into the town a bit better for the reason that scum can't hide in plain sight for long. I'll eventually get run up and have to reveal myself. Hell, maybe even later today, so whatever. Day 1 is pointless in defending/casing.

I get what your saying, the remark was more about the bullsh*t case about "different play" some people are selling because in the first 4 game days, I blew off Thursday and Friday and just posted boobies, like everyone else, and then I made a vote on the weekend and apparently didn't badger and go crazy enough to suit everyone's fancy.

The game had barely started, I expected today to be treated like the first real day - but by Saturday fresh off of making the same ghey jokes from the last 20 games, people are "casing" me about meta bullsh*t?

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The game had barely started, I expected today to be treated like the first real day - but by Saturday fresh off of making the same ghey jokes from the last 20 games, people are "casing" me about meta bullsh*t?

Yes. Now go ahead and reveal you f***ing gorilla.

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You know who defends themselves this much on D1 over nothing?


What are you talking about? I blew it off earlier over the weekend, but now that I'm being run up... I'm not supposed to defend?

Also, you are showing off an awful short memory... did I not defend myself to you the say way last game on D1, 2, 3, 4, etc?

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^Actually I'm voting you b/c as of day 1 I think you're the best shot at being scum. I'm trying to explain to you why I think that. You would actually be last person I would pick out if I were scum as we're usually on same wavelength to a degree and I would ride that...but we're not this game, hence my vote. It's not like I have tunnel vision on you either ftr.

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I get what your saying, the remark was more about the bullsh*t case about "different play" some people are selling because in the first 4 game days, I blew off Thursday and Friday and just posted boobies, like everyone else, and then I made a vote on the weekend and apparently didn't badger and go crazy enough to suit everyone's fancy.

The game had barely started, I expected today to be treated like the first real day - but by Saturday fresh off of making the same ghey jokes from the last 20 games, people are "casing" me about meta bullsh*t?

I'm gonna out and out say it. I don't know sh*t. I won't know sh*t even if I last until end game. That's mafia for me and I am not even going to PRETEND I have a read on anyone. Like I said I think people trying to case you are people trying a little to hard on day 1. You are typically an easy person to make a case on too because you play out front a lot and your style is more abrasive than most. You're an easy sell. It's like lynching Pac is usually somewhat easier than most not because you guys don't defend well, it's just you are who you are. I feel like I'm in the same boat due to some scum wins and once people start seeing you as more scum than not, it's an easy person to peg as scum.

At this point I say reveal and get on with it. I'm telling you right now I'll be unvoting once you reveal.

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What are you talking about? I blew it off earlier over the weekend, but now that I'm being run up... I'm not supposed to defend?

Also, you are showing off an awful short memory... did I not defend myself to you the say way last game on D1, 2, 3, 4, etc?

You don't even know what you're talking about. You're scum, and that's that.

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Are you kidding? this is actually subdued for Monkey. The self control he is showing is proof he is evolving. Hess and Vic are making me un-easy right now.

Thank you.

This little nudge by DPR reeks.

He, of anyone, should know how I defend as town. His badgering me last game was central to my motivation to not be the MVP anymore.

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