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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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DPR (7): Smash, AVM, Pac, Verbal, Crusher, I28, J80

AVM (6): Wombat, Slats, DPR, CTM, Brett, SMC

I28 (2): Sharrow, Jetscode1

CTM (1): JiF

Jetsfan80 (1): Lily

Crusher (1): Hess

Lily (1): Vicious

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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and hypothetically if AVM claims cop, do we then take both him and DPR out of the equation and lynch btw 80 and the Ape? I thought we were trying to get away from this?

WEll were not going to blind lynch, i'd reckon.. so vote for who you want in the top 3 and tomorrow try harder to stop a reveal like jf80's.. idelaly we could have 3 people who've played sketchy to choose from, I'm not ure 80 fits that bill, so we'll have 2

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I can understand pressuring AVM but I didn't like what I percieved to be an untouchable label you and CTM were pinning on DPR.

Last game had the DPR fiasco been taken care of on Day 1 the game might not have been as close. I just don't see the point of delaying the inevitable is all... if he's going to reveal tomorrow why not today.

Not speaking for CTM, but I'm definitely not trying to put an untouchable label on DPR. Not at all. I am trying to avoid the fiasco we had last game, though, which is why I'm clamping down on my own personal rhetoric here on D1.

I agree with you that it's inevitable that DPR will reveal, and that's one of the major reasons I don't feel the need to make him the last reveal of today.

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I'm reading it as DPR being happy to reveal because he knows he can say whatever fantabulous role he can imagine.

I can understand pressuring AVM but I didn't like what I percieved to be an untouchable label you and CTM were pinning on DPR.

Last game had the DPR fiasco been taken care of on Day 1 the game might not have been as close. I just don't see the point of delaying the inevitable is all... if he's going to reveal tomorrow why not today.

especially given the fact if AVM is scum he knows all he has to do is reveal a more important role than 80 or ape and he will make it to tomorrow.

shame on us for misuing our reveal allotment i guess..

I'm fully prepared to vote off the ape, he's pushing inactives now which is something I've seen scum do a ton (even if it makes sense, the town almost always doesn't listen till day 3)

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WEll were not going to blind lynch, i'd reckon.. so vote for who you want in the top 3 and tomorrow try harder to stop a reveal like jf80's.. idelaly we could have 3 people who've played sketchy to choose from, I'm not ure 80 fits that bill, so we'll have 2

I have a feeling we're going to see many reveals like the apes... and I have some thoughts about potential game mechanics but I guess I'll keep those to myself for the time being.

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DPR (7): Smash, AVM, Pac, Verbal, Crusher, I28, J80

AVM (6): Wombat, Slats, DPR, CTM, Brett, SMC

I28 (1): Jetscode1

CTM (1): JiF

Jetsfan80 (1): Lily

Crusher (1): Hess

Not voting: Sharrow, Vicious

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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I have a feeling we're going to see many reveals like the apes... and I have some thoughts about potential game mechanics but I guess I'll keep those to myself for the time being.

ooh, cryptic!


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I know that DPR enjoys being scum as much as I do. He has been having an awful lot of fun this game. But, it's also true that he will have a reveal that will keep him from being lynched. He's good at those. I know I'm metagaming, but that's what I'm thinking.

I feel silly leaving my vote where it is, so I'm going to unvote for now.

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DPR (7): Smash, AVM, Pac, Verbal, Crusher, I28, J80

AVM (6): Wombat, Slats, DPR, CTM, Brett, SMC

I28 (1): Jetscode1

CTM (1): JiF

Crusher (1): Hess

Not voting: Sharrow, Vicious, Lily

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

Deadline has been extended to Wednesday 12PM ET.


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Wrapped up early. I can check in here and there this afternoon before I go home later.

AVM, Crusher, and Pac are scummates. Book it.

FOS lists? Anyway, THIS is the type of stupid I've come to expect from you when you are town. You didn't do it last game. Thank you.

Vic, SMC, DPR, Brett, Slats, AVM, Crusher, Lily, Wombat, CTM

If I could instantly kill 10 players right now, they would be dead. Bunch of scum in there.

I'd add Hess and Jetscode, and remove Slats and Lily, but otherwise I agree... feel a bit better about you now, same page.

Not speaking for CTM, but I'm definitely not trying to put an untouchable label on DPR. Not at all. I am trying to avoid the fiasco we had last game, though, which is why I'm clamping down on my own personal rhetoric here on D1.

I agree with you that it's inevitable that DPR will reveal, and that's one of the major reasons I don't feel the need to make him the last reveal of today.

Here! Here! But be careful talking about trying not to repeat the sh*t-show from last game, it automatically makes you scum in the puny minds of these ******* retards.

shame on us for misuing our reveal allotment i guess..

I'm fully prepared to vote off the ape, he's pushing inactives now which is something I've seen scum do a ton (even if it makes sense, the town almost always doesn't listen till day 3)

See my comment to Slats above... I'm trying to play a smarter game, and not repeat Scarface. You aren't thinking... none of you are.

Every time I'm scum I do a pretty damn good job of playing like the retarded Ape, look back at how I played Transformers before my flimsy reveal in that game, my game play as scum doesn't need much work... its when I'm town that I'm a mess.

So if I were scum right now, which I'm not, why in the world would I do anything different than the usual Ape routine? It wouldn't make any sense. You, Hess and a couple others keep saying how I'm committing generalized scumtells... well maybe they are for other players, but when have I ever done any of what I've done this game as scum? Never.

Last game, BEFORE you and DPR got up my a$$, I was advocating voting inactives on D1 too by the way... and I wasn't scum last game either, me thinks you just like being wrong. Dummy.

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I find it interesting that SMC in particular was very eager to hop on the trains to push my reveal and 80's, and suddenly he's now distancing from DPR... Vic and Hess were also two quick ones to push my reveal and 80's, but have gotten awful quiet now.

You had 5 votes no one pushed anything. if you were at 7 or 8 i would understand you bewing pushed but not 5.

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So if I were scum right now, which I'm not, why in the world would I do anything different than the usual Ape routine? It wouldn't make any sense. You, Hess and a couple others keep saying how I'm committing generalized scumtells... well maybe they are for other players, but when have I ever done any of what I've done this game as scum? Never.

OMG - WIFOM - scum

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I already responded to you about this - did you not read it?

I did, just refreshing your memory. You can say what you will your actions speak for themselves magilla. I think you enjoy your early reveals sets you up nicely for when you actully are scum

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Oh please, I'm not saying anything the people with brains haven't already asked themselves... I'm just trying to get it through CTM's dumb brain.

I know, I was kidding, dont you remember my wifom is stupid rant last game?

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I know, I was kidding, dont you remember my wifom is stupid rant last game?

All I remember from last game is arguing with CTM and DPR, and being wrong and feeling like an a$$ about it. Which is why I'm trying not to take the bait from some of these pigs who are clearly trying to entice me into arguing.

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All I remember from last game is arguing with CTM and DPR, and being wrong and feeling like an a$$ about it. Which is why I'm trying not to take the bait from some of these pigs who are clearly trying to entice me into arguing.

I appreciate the way you are handling yourself this game.

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I did, just refreshing your memory. You can say what you will your actions speak for themselves magilla. I think you enjoy your early reveals sets you up nicely for when you actully are scum

Now I'll respond to the edited version...

The premise of this accusation is stupid. I was online in the morning with a few votes and Slats asking me to reveal, if I WANTED to reveal early I could have done it yesterday at 8AM... rather than holding out to see a complete train build on me. I would have revealed at L2, like anyone else. By the time I got home from work people had moved their votes but said they wanted my reveal still, which for all intents and purposes means they were just going to re-vote me once I came back.

You are the only one that doesn't get it, from what I can see. Scummy accusation, or stupid. Your choice.

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All I remember from last game is arguing with CTM and DPR, and being wrong and feeling like an a$$ about it. Which is why I'm trying not to take the bait from some of these pigs who are clearly trying to entice me into arguing.

You're the only who feels like anyone mentioning your name is 'enticing you to argue'

I understand your point, but while wifom isn't really a predictor of being scum, it's certainly not an innocent tell either.. particularly when after wiating around for 24 hours for someone else to offer it, you offered it yourself

Do I think you're scum? Probably not, but I like your chances better then jf80s' atm

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Now I'll respond to the edited version...

The premise of this accusation is stupid. I was online in the morning with a few votes and Slats asking me to reveal, if I WANTED to reveal early I could have done it yesterday at 8AM... rather than holding out to see a complete train build on me. I would have revealed at L2, like anyone else. By the time I got home from work people had moved their votes but said they wanted my reveal still, which for all intents and purposes means they were just going to re-vote me once I came back.

You are the only one that doesn't get it, from what I can see. Scummy accusation, or stupid. Your choice.

What dont I get ? Its obvious you want to prematurely reveal based on what you think people Might do. Youve done it before I guess you'll do it again. I guess we have different ways of looking at it/ Im not trying to argue with you either, but when you keep saying things like "people pushed you into revealing" I think its more you pushed yourself.

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I'd add Hess and Jetscode, and remove Slats and Lily, but otherwise I agree... feel a bit better about you now, same page.

So that must mean that Hess and JC are definitely town, and Slats and Lily are definitely scum.

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