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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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Slats thought it sounded like a scum role, but never wondered why you weren't targetted instead of me.

That's not what I said. The chimp is now saying what I said right after you revealed - that it didn't make sense that you stole an item, but then someone else targetted you and destroyed it.

Makes much more sense that you stole the item AND destroyed it.

As for bringing it up, what choice did you have? The mod confirmed that the item was destroyed, and the monkey could confirm that his item was stolen. Take yourself out of the equation for a moment and think about which you'd be more likely to believe - your story, or the idea that the same person who took the item also destroyed it?

Because I agree with you. There were a couple people hinting they might have items, but you weren't one of them. No reason for a thief/destroyer visit you.

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That's not what I said. The chimp is now saying what I said right after you revealed - that it didn't make sense that you stole an item, but then someone else targetted you and destroyed it.

Makes much more sense that you stole the item AND destroyed it.

As for bringing it up, what choice did you have? The mod confirmed that the item was destroyed, and the monkey could confirm that his item was stolen. Take yourself out of the equation for a moment and think about which you'd be more likely to believe - your story, or the idea that the same person who took the item also destroyed it?

Because I agree with you. There were a couple people hinting they might have items, but you weren't one of them. No reason for a thief/destroyer visit you.

Again, if you look at how I revealed, you'd see I was clearly under the immpression that Hess was going to say he destroyed ape's letter in my possession. People were moving to hess and I asked to reveal first figuring my reveal would cover his. Hess came right out of the gate making the connection between destroyed letter and ape's envelope... then he was itching to reveal right around the time my train stalled. I thought he must of visited me, destroyed apes letter in my possesion and new I had it. He kept saying things like he has to tell us something about items. And then at one point, says I'm down (After i offered) which I thought was confirmation of him wanting to out me..

re: the bolded, the choice i had, if I was scum with the ability to destroy items, was to not mention anythign at all about the ape's letter, and claim something completely different. Why would I reveal a scum sounding role unless it was true? Wifom, I know. But lynch me and you'll find out I've been straight up

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Those of you who are town should really read the circumstances of how and when I revealed my role and don't buy what the swine brothers ape and pacMule are selling.

Your gross innuendo is unfounded and insulting. Lets revisit what actually happened and not your pathetic spin.

While your train hit it's peak I wasn't even around to comment much less vote you. When I got home and was able to re-read I thought the case on you (which was your sh*tty case on the Ape) was kind of overblown. I was prepared to say so when YOU said:

If I wasn't worried about Hess revealling that he destroyed apes item in my possesion cause I actually destroyed it, there'd have been no reason to volunteer to reveal or to reveal a scum sounding role at all.

In any event, smash is gone for awhile, shows up, and then we get his voter killed. Either smash is being framed or a ducks a duck and smash is scum again..

WIlling to provide a bit mroe pressure to try and figure it out


vote smash

I thought the reasoning behind you vote on Smash was even more ridiculous than the one on the ape and said as much:

Just caught up and I was ready to say the case on you was overblown but then you do this. Why in the hell would Smash pop in, vote Brett, then kill him? :blink:

I'm not saying Smash is definitely town but to use that reasoning as the basis for your vote is very weak.. 1 weak case can be forgiven but 2 in the span of a couple hours?

I can see a SK being a thief this game. I've been thinking all along that our typical doc protects and investigations might be floating around in the form of these items. Could be wrong but that's what I'm thinking until I see otherwise.

No one appears to be interested in JC so I'm on the verge of voting you. I want things to play out a bit more as Lily, Hess, and Crusher are all shady IMO.

I also think AVM is either scum or 3rd party. His hinting doesn't sound like town and most certainly not an important role.

At that point I didn't even vote you and MOVED ON to other matters like talking about AVM, Lily, and questioning Vic:


I think it was when you said, and I'm paraphrasing:

"If I reveal I'm going to ask that you vote me off. It's as simple as that."

That stuck with me as something wifomilicious to say as scum. I can pull the direct quote if you like?

Regarding Lily:

The part about Lily that has me wavering is would she be so overtly obvious? It's not like she's new... from my vantage point she's been way to amiable with everyone and all too happy to join the flavor of the day case. I have to believe scummates would be telling her to tone it down, no?

More AVM:

Was just thinking about who could have killed Brett and AVM seems like the best bet to me.

He had that highly public spat the other day and they've cooled off since. If AVM is scum/sk he'd want to take someone out who has proven he'll have no problem voting him off.

Also looked at AVM's first post after Bretts death and it was jokes about an 8 ball followed by plopping a vote on JC.

Questioning Vic:

Why are you acting like it's a fact that he's town? Can't he just be scum trying to railroad you?

My point is that if I'm innocent and someone is coming after me with a frivolous case, I don't discount the possibility they are scum. You've been answering him as if he's just stupid town as if you know he's town. That's what has gotten my attention tbh.

The ONLY post I've made about you was when you gave that "pro town benefits" tripe you always do.

I hate when you do this crap... "pro CTM benefits" is more likely.


For 2 days I've given you the benefit of the doubt and tried looking at other people but you are painting this picture that "I've been all over you". That's clearly a bold faced lie.

Your bogus case on Smash, lies about my motives, and cryptic messages about a your supposed pro-town benefits are why I'd vote you and not this other jazz about the destroyer.

As much as I hate to agree with the Ape the only conclusion I can make is that you are in fact trying to drag me into a sh-t war with you and hope you get people to start voting me for the fun of it. That is something I can see you doing as scum.. going after the guys that are fun/easy to lynch.

And yes today I have been on you but ONLY AFTER your dumb vote on me and continued attempts to drag me into your circle of sh-t.

Hell all you have to do is go back a couple pages and you'll see I actually VOTED HESS right after YOU DID.

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Shut it already, I didn't seek you out. I've ignored quite a few or your responses so as not to dominate the game with bickering. I happen to find you suspicious, I'm not going to shy away from that just cause you have brain damage.

Like i said, if the item destroyer is a scum role like several have suspected it is, why wouldn't they target you N1 and get the sure fire removal of a townie item? From my perspective (and when i die, town will have the same persepctive), there's three possibilities, 1) you are scum 2) the destroyer is town and thinks you're town 3) scum decided to gamble that i had an item rather go for the surefire thing in you. I think 3 is probably least likely (although since it's you, maybe scum didn't fear a power .. heh). That's why i voted you day 2, just didn't mention cause I wanted to see what people talked about in regards to it. Slats thought it sounded like a scum role, but never wondered why you weren't targetted instead of me?

Then when I got the item I had a plan to try and figure it out, which has gone a little awry partially due to a minor misscommunication from mod (and partially due to me not clarifying everything before acting). If i'm the lynch today, since the item will be distributed randomly, I'll tell everything as long as not hammered before given a chance.

1. You didn't seek me out? Hahahaa... look back to the beginning of D2 dummy. You started with a nonsense case, and badgered me about why I wouldn't OMGUS vote you. I told you why. You ignored that and continue to harp on me, coming up with more intelligence-insulting layers of nonsense with each post, and when I start looking elsewhere you rope me back in. Just like last game, you are WRONG about me, and on top of it you have the audacity to pretend you haven't been the antagonist here.

2. The bold red question... is the same ******* question I asked myself. I gave you my perspective twice already - why? Because each time you say it, its the scenario you leave out. Again, it makes more sense that you have the ability to steal and destroy, rather than believing that you stole, and someone else had the ability to follow the envelope from me to you, then destroy it on top of that.

3. To the bold blue part... So you basically thought instead of an actual case, the "might have slipped" theory was a better way to go? That case was so solid, that you left out each of these new layers of nonsense you make up with each squirm? Unreal. Can't wait to see what you make up next.

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That's not what I said. The chimp is now saying what I said right after you revealed - that it didn't make sense that you stole an item, but then someone else targetted you and destroyed it.

Makes much more sense that you stole the item AND destroyed it.

As for bringing it up, what choice did you have? The mod confirmed that the item was destroyed, and the monkey could confirm that his item was stolen. Take yourself out of the equation for a moment and think about which you'd be more likely to believe - your story, or the idea that the same person who took the item also destroyed it?

Because I agree with you. There were a couple people hinting they might have items, but you weren't one of them. No reason for a thief/destroyer visit you.

This, especially the ******* bold part - CTM has gone full-Ape.

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Your gross innuendo is unfounded and insulting. Lets revisit what actually happened and not your pathetic spin.

While your train hit it's peak I wasn't even around to comment much less vote you. When I got home and was able to re-read I thought the case on you (which was your sh*tty case on the Ape) was kind of overblown. I was prepared to say so when YOU said:

lying pos... this is your post when my train was at it's peak (6 votes).. You were ready to "hammer" but didn't put me at l-2.. and then the next day fos'd me cause my train stalled.

holy crap playing on a phone is horrible. not sure why ctm is close to death but i hereby volunteer to hammer.

Also, i haven't said you've been all over me. I said you and that moron ape we're selling the idea that I destroyed the item. Stop exxagerrating you women.

and ape, gfy.. my death scene will point the town right at your dumb a$$ which means i don't need to debate with you anymore

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lying pos... this is your post when my train was at it's peak (6 votes).. You were ready to "hammer" but didn't put me at l-2.. and then the next day fos'd me cause my train stalled.

LOL.. read that post again dummy. It was a joke. I was half reading on my stupid phone while at work and said as much. If anything it was a favorable post to you because I said I wasn't sure why your train moved so fast. I wasn't doing anything until I got home and was able to re-read.. go back and look again.

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lying pos... this is your post when my train was at it's peak (6 votes).. You were ready to "hammer" but didn't put me at l-2.. and then the next day fos'd me cause my train stalled.

Also, i haven't said you've been all over me. I said you and that moron ape we're selling the idea that I destroyed the item. Stop exxagerrating you women.

and ape, gfy.. my death scene will point the town right at your dumb a$$..

1. Was suggesting that it makes more sense that you could steal and destroy an item, versus you stealing and then someone else tracking that item and destroying it really a sell? Was it really an exaggeration to talk about what is most feasible? Maybe I should have built a case around someone's jokes from when we were talking about hot chicks and shoes instead?

2. If lynched, your death scene will show your alignment, nothing more. The insinuation that it'll "lead directly to me" is a bit sensationalistic given I've stated time and again I didn't have a case on you until you starting coming at me, my case grew out of you forcing me to poke holes in your nonsense over and over, until I finally reached the point where I couldn't believe you could be this stupid, so my conclusion is you are scum. If you are town, bravo... you reached the level of suck in this game in half the amount of time it took you to last game.

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Went back to re-read the early events on Day 2...here are my observations after the re-read...

1. The food fight between CTM and the Ape almost appears contrived...yeah, I know it's probably just me...but CTM's case was weak to start and the Ape's over-reaction to it only appears to re-engage the battle from the last game...probably a little early for fake reveals but CTM "town thief" and steals a letter for the Ape. Ape confirms the letter was stolen and the Mod confirmed the letter was destroyed...later when Brett brings up the point that the thief is usually a scum role the Ape is the one quickly scolds Brett to remind him that we made that mistake last game.

The question CTM keeps posing is what I'm struggling with...why would CTM reveal as thief (scum sounding role)? What in it for him? and no CTM I'm not buying the fact you were expecting Hess to reveal that he destroyed the letter...more likely the Mod destroyed the letter when the Ape chose another item.

Alternative theory...Ape choses to receive another item...the letter is destroyed as per the original reveal...the scum team (CTM + Ape) concoct the story about a town thief stealing/destroying the letter. May be a little difficult to follow but their stories are difficlut to reconcile otherwise. Just putting that out there...

Finally, with the facts in front of me I'm heavily leaning toward voting CTM...I asked earlier and Slats was the only one to raise an objection but I would like CTM to reveal what he earned for winning the trivia game...if no one else objects please do so now. Thanks in advance.

2. I would like to hear what Hess wants to reveal about N1...Brett made the point that Hess claimed JiF town and I'd like this confirmed with details on the how...

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Official Day 2 Vote Count

Lily (4): Vicious, Slats, Hess, Wombat

Hess (3): Pac, AVM, Primate

CTM (3): JiF, Verbal, Smash

Vicious (2): Crusher, Jetscode1

Wombat (1): Lily

Smashmouth (1): J80

Pac (1): CTM

With 15 people alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch


Deadline has been set for Monday at 4PM ET

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That's not what I said. The chimp is now saying what I said right after you revealed - that it didn't make sense that you stole an item, but then someone else targetted you and destroyed it.

Makes much more sense that you stole the item AND destroyed it.

As for bringing it up, what choice did you have? The mod confirmed that the item was destroyed, and the monkey could confirm that his item was stolen. Take yourself out of the equation for a moment and think about which you'd be more likely to believe - your story, or the idea that the same person who took the item also destroyed it?

Because I agree with you. There were a couple people hinting they might have items, but you weren't one of them. No reason for a thief/destroyer visit you.

I missed this...any chance you can elaborate on who hinted they have an item and by chance are any of the hinters dead?

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Don't know what to say jetscode, but you,re wrong...everything i'm saying is true... there was no reason for me to claim that I stole an item that was later destroyed... if I had that ability i'd be too important to scum team to mess around with wifoms... votes were pealing off of me when I volunteered to reveal.. also, going after ape was in addition to my day 1 suspicions....this scum sounding role of item destroyer does not target him?? Seems odd no?

and I'm not revealing what my item is unless the destroyer of items comes forward... reason being is this item is more important then a bpv and letting it get destroyed is bad for town...

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Don't know what to say jetscode, but you,re wrong...everything i'm saying is true... there was no reason for me to claim that I stole an item that was later destroyed... if I had that ability i'd be too important to scum team to mess around with wifoms... votes were pealing off of me when I volunteered to reveal.. also, going after ape was in addition to my day 1 suspicions....this scum sounding role of item destroyer does not target him?? Seems odd no?

and I'm not revealing what my item is unless the destroyer of items comes forward... reason being is this item is more important then a bpv and letting it get destroyed is bad for town...

1. I don't think your the destroyer...in fact, I doubt that role exists...highly doubtful a destroyer knew you stole the Ape's letter...I suggested the mod destroyed it after the Ape chose another item...just like the Ape described what would happen in his reveal...where it gets murkier is where the Ape says he was told his letter was stolen...I can only conclude you are working together...got a better conclusion...I'm all ears...

2. If you won't reveal and we cannot determine your item another way then you probably get lynched...I just don't see the town carry the two of you around like we did last game.

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How can I have a better conclusion when you are wrong... if you need to lynch me to see there is a destroyer then so be it.. when you do., remember to ask yourself what i've been asking.. why didn't the ape get visited when he was the only person that claimed he had an item

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Don't know what to say jetscode, but you,re wrong...everything i'm saying is true... there was no reason for me to claim that I stole an item that was later destroyed... if I had that ability i'd be too important to scum team to mess around with wifoms... votes were pealing off of me when I volunteered to reveal.. also, going after ape was in addition to my day 1 suspicions....this scum sounding role of item destroyer does not target him?? Seems odd no?

and I'm not revealing what my item is unless the destroyer of items comes forward... reason being is this item is more important then a bpv and letting it get destroyed is bad for town...

Frankly we don't know how many people visited me on N1 other than you.

You need to decouple your suspicion of me from the hypotheses about the item destroyer. You are making a ******* mess of this game. You are so hell-bent on convincing yourself I'm scummy that you have abandoned reasonable thought and made yourself look scummy. So much so, that you have limited your own perspective on the possibilities around everything you bring up.

Perhaps this item destroyer can submit a night action to destroy X item and no matter where it moves to it gets taken out of the game. You keep asking "why wouldn't scum visit Ape" and I keep saying "I think your scum and you did" but we haven't considered all the possibilities of how this item destroyer role could work, if it is in fact not part of your role as thief.

Also, the two red highlighted items contradict each other, and the latter is a very Pac-like "I'm holding town prisoner" move, imo.

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How can I have a better conclusion when you are wrong... if you need to lynch me to see there is a destroyer then so be it.. when you do., remember to ask yourself what i've been asking.. why didn't the ape get visited when he was the only person that claimed he had an item

Ok...then your only counter argument is the Ape is behind this mess...now usually I buy this at any price...but in this case I cannot see how its him without it being you as well...put some meat on the bone...because right now I'm not seeing it being a solo job from him...

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Frankly we don't know how many people visited me on N1 other than you.

You need to decouple your suspicion of me from the hypotheses about the item destroyer. You are making a ******* mess of this game. You are so hell-bent on convincing yourself I'm scummy that you have abandoned reasonable thought and made yourself look scummy. So much so, that you have limited your own perspective on the possibilities around everything you bring up.

Perhaps this item destroyer can submit a night action to destroy X item and no matter where it moves to it gets taken out of the game. You keep asking "why wouldn't scum visit Ape" and I keep saying "I think your scum and you did" but we haven't considered all the possibilities of how this item destroyer role could work, if it is in fact not part of your role as thief.

Also, the two red highlighted items contradict each other, and the latter is a very Pac-like "I'm holding town prisoner" move, imo.

Did you say you chose another item or just that is was stolen before you knew the contents...thanks for saving me the search...

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Did you say you chose another item or just that is was stolen before you knew the contents...thanks for saving me the search...

I said my letter was stolen.

EDIT: If I said I had chosen another item, it would have counted as a reveal. Not sure if you realize this or intended on forcing me to slip here.

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Should I be surprised that CTM came for me with a crapola case, Jetscode hopped right on, I poked holes in CTM's nonsense, told CTM he was an idiot but I felt Jetscode was the scummy one, and now Jetscode (my #1 scum suspect coming into the day) is pushing a CTM/Ape gambit theory?

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Ok...then your only counter argument is the Ape is behind this mess...now usually I buy this at any price...but in this case I cannot see how its him without it being you as well...put some meat on the bone...because right now I'm not seeing it being a solo job from him...

I don't know that apes behind it.. I just think he could be scum .. If the item destroyer is scum, the most likely scenario I see for him visiting me rather then ape is that ape is also scum.. Good enough for day 2 IMO

If the item destroyer is town .. Them this is more or less moot

and if they're town they are dangerous to town IMO

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I don't know that apes behind it.. I just think he could be scum .. If the item destroyer is scum, the most likely scenario I see for him visiting me rather then ape is that ape is also scum.. Good enough for day 2 IMO

If the item destroyer is town .. Them this is more or less moot

Or if the item destroyer role doesn't work the way you think it does, and is item-oriented and not player-oriented.

Or if the scum team has an item tracker, and destroyer. Given how JVOR said at one point in the night phase that a portion of night actions was completed, but not all. It might be that scum tracked the item... then destroyed it.

I don't like how black and white you are positioning this.

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I don't know that apes behind it.. I just think he could be scum .. If the item destroyer is scum, the most likely scenario I see for him visiting me rather then ape is that ape is also scum.. Good enough for day 2 IMO

If the item destroyer is town .. Them this is more or less moot

and if they're town they are dangerous to town IMO

I think several people could be scum and that includes you...you really are offering nothing new here...and no its not good enuff for Day 2...

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I find it highly suspect that JF80 clammed up after I pointed out the potential corroboration between CTM and him... and now we see Jetscode, who was the ONLY one that thought it was a good idea to vote me based on CTM's sh*t case, working through a discussion with CTM that is seemingly designed for CTM to try to "turn" this from him to me.

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I think several people could be scum and that includes you...you really are offering nothing new here...and no its not good enuff for Day 2...

OK then lynch me.. see that i'm not lying and go figure out why the item destroyer didn't visit ape.. I don't give a fart

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Or if the item destroyer role doesn't work the way you think it does, and is item-oriented and not player-oriented.

Or if the scum team has an item tracker, and destroyer. Given how JVOR said at one point in the night phase that a portion of night actions was completed, but not all. It might be that scum tracked the item... then destroyed it.

I don't like how black and white you are positioning this.

How did the scum track the item? Especially given the fact that CTM claimed to have stole it...your proposing a more difficult theory not simpler theory...its why I'm tieing both of you to this mess...

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Don't like your reasoning but I'm down for a vote on the Ape. The 8-ball hasn't been wrong yet.

VOTE: I-28

I find it highly suspect that JF80 clammed up after I pointed out the potential corroboration between CTM and him... and now we see Jetscode, who was the ONLY one that thought it was a good idea to vote me based on CTM's sh*t case, working through a discussion with CTM that is seemingly designed for CTM to try to "turn" this from him to me.

This is why I think you two are in cahoots...CTM attempts to deflect by using a more complicated theory to resolve a conflict and you try to pile on sh*t on anyone who dares to throw a vote your way...

As my original votes ^^^^ clearly states I disagreed with CTM reasoning but you've psychobabble earsn a vote from me almost by default.

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I find it highly suspect that JF80 clammed up after I pointed out the potential corroboration between CTM and him... and now we see Jetscode, who was the ONLY one that thought it was a good idea to vote me based on CTM's sh*t case, working through a discussion with CTM that is seemingly designed for CTM to try to "turn" this from him to me.

BTW...once CTM swings your next...consider it written, consider it done!

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Official Day 2 Vote Count

Lily (4): Vicious, Slats, Hess, Wombat

CTM (4): JiF, Verbal, Smash, Jetscode1

Hess (3): Pac, AVM, Primate

Vicious (1): Crusher

Wombat (1): Lily

Smashmouth (1): J80

Pac (1): CTM

With 15 people alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch


Deadline has been set for Monday at 4PM ET

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I find it highly suspect that JF80 clammed up after I pointed out the potential corroboration between CTM and him...

Because it was a terrible argument. If people had to respond to every one of your inane theories we'd never lynch anybody.

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I said my letter was stolen.

EDIT: If I said I had chosen another item, it would have counted as a reveal. Not sure if you realize this or intended on forcing me to slip here.

I'm not trying to force you to slip up...my memory thought you said you knew it was stolen...just didn't have the post and already read too many back pages...just thought I'd ask for a little help from the source...though it is useful that you provided it...thanks.

@ Mod...was this in the rules of engagement...that if he stated he chose another item it would count as a reveal...because his reveal already stated he had an item...not sure talkin about choosing another item would count as a reveal if he doesn't state what the new item is...if that's the case why wouldn't Hess' half reveal count toward are reveal limit?

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