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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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Nobody understands nerd language. Well, maybe the cali homo nerd Brett does, but I have no clue what the equation means.

If you take the DPR without the awesome and combined him with the offspring of you and Pac, then divide it all by me... you get Jack.

CTM curiously left himself out though.... possibly a trap.

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If you take the DPR without the awesome and combined him with the offspring of you and Pac, then divide it all by me... you get Jack.

CTM curiously left himself out though.... possibly a trap.

You're a nerd too??? I thought the graphics guys of the world were the cool IT guys who arent smart enough to learn real development.

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You're a nerd too??? I thought the graphics guys of the world were the cool IT guys who arent smart enough to learn real development.

More like apple douchers who aren't very smart, strange people, designers

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Stop explaining this over and over, sheesh...

Almost every time someone claims a role here, someone else says, "hmm, I wonder if there's a counter claim". She may have been doing what you suggest, OR she may have just been saying what someone here always says after a claim with absolutely NO scummy agenda. So take a deep breathe... and prepare to swing.

Vote Jack

At this point, you've lied a couple times over, your play has been scummy and your lynch could prove to be most informative. Your blathering about "If you live through the night" was stupid, and the fact that you said "If you live, then Lily tomorrow" and then open with a self-vote after aggressively defending yourself in night phase is just absurd.

I think you silenced Verbal and NK'ed him to make it look like someone is trying to set you up, because you think an elementary wifom like that will fly here.

I self voted because I want to be lynched. That was going to be my last post this game but this one will. I'm tired of this game. It isn't fun anymore. When something becomes a job to do it's time to quit

Jif there might be other alternatives but those are the options as I see them. Theyre my opinions. I can be wrong, but hey so can you. I'm done.

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I self voted because I want to be lynched. That was going to be my last post this game but this one will. I'm tired of this game. It isn't fun anymore. When something becomes a job to do it's time to quit

Jif there might be other alternatives but those are the options as I see them. Theyre my opinions. I can be wrong, but hey so can you. I'm done.

Giving up FTW. Ghost high-five! Wait, that didn't work....let's try again....

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More like apple douchers who aren't very smart, strange people, designers

Truth. I'm actually trying to find a PHP guy who has graphic experience and its harder then expect...well, I'm not, but my recruiters are...I'm playing mafia. lmfao

I self voted because I want to be lynched. That was going to be my last post this game but this one will. I'm tired of this game. It isn't fun anymore. When something becomes a job to do it's time to quit

Jif there might be other alternatives but those are the options as I see them. Theyre my opinions. I can be wrong, but hey so can you. I'm done.

Last night, there were no other alternatives...today, there might be. lmfao. You are one of a kind.

And I'm confused about your job comment...do you not work or do ever plan on working? My tax dollars cant support you forever...well, actually, maybe they can but thats a whole other ball game.

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Truth. I'm actually trying to find a PHP guy who has graphic experience and its harder then expect...well, I'm not, but my recruiters are...I'm playing mafia. lmfao

Last night, there were no other alternatives...today, there might be. lmfao. You are one of a kind.

And I'm confused about your job comment...do you not work or do ever plan on working? My tax dollars cant support you forever...well, actually, maybe they can but thats a whole other ball game.

I work and o enjoy what I do. So it's not really a job to me. I get to travel and I make about $700 a week after expense.

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I self voted because I want to be lynched. That was going to be my last post this game but this one will. I'm tired of this game. It isn't fun anymore. When something becomes a job to do it's time to quit

Jif there might be other alternatives but those are the options as I see them. Theyre my opinions. I can be wrong, but hey so can you. I'm done.

Rut ro mini emo breakdown.

This does the town no good at all Jack. Youve clouded up the game and people are focused more on you and your wacky style than hunting scum. More of this in the comming days will just create more problems for us and I think our focus needs to be re directed starting with your lynch. Vote Jack Off

That being said Im still looking in the direction of Dan-X but I feel Jack needs to move on first I can easily move my vote from one or the other if the need presents itself.

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I self voted because I want to be lynched. That was going to be my last post this game but this one will. I'm tired of this game. It isn't fun anymore. When something becomes a job to do it's time to quit

Jif there might be other alternatives but those are the options as I see them. Theyre my opinions. I can be wrong, but hey so can you. I'm done.


I like this one. Hair-brained theories, sharp retorts, outlandish scenarios, self-votes, and now emo breakdowns. You are one of us.

FOS all people going after this lunatic. He's obviously played before and I don't think there's any way in hell he'd come in here with this act as scum. zero chance.

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I self voted because I want to be lynched. That was going to be my last post this game but this one will. I'm tired of this game. It isn't fun anymore. When something becomes a job to do it's time to quit

Jif there might be other alternatives but those are the options as I see them. Theyre my opinions. I can be wrong, but hey so can you. I'm done.

No offence... I'm just a casual observer/head haunter of the house... but thats a crappy attitude. You expect people to just fall over and believe you when every time you post it's a different story? First you claim doc then you don't. Then you claim vanilla townie.. but word it as searcher to confuse everyone. Then adamantly deny that you false claimed. Then admit you false claimed. Then swear up and down you totally meant vanilla townie when you said searcher and, though you are experienced on two other boards.. one being the very board Mafia came from... you cannot understand how anyone could be confused at you. Either that or you are playing the confused moron on purpose. Looks like we have the winner of the first emo breakdown of the game. "You all can't see it my way so I quit cause it's boring if people don't follow my lead".

They are right... you ARE Dpr/Jif/Pac's love child. Suck it up and continue your little charade and show us what Mafiascum/Marzipan players are made of or curl up in a little emo ball and quit like a little whiney baby.

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I like this one. Hair-brained theories, sharp retorts, outlandish scenarios, self-votes, and now emo breakdowns. You are one of us.

FOS all people going after this lunatic. He's obviously played before and I don't think there's any way in hell he'd come in here with this act as scum. zero chance.

Over/Under on how many posts Jack will make after proclaiming Done ? 20

bet over

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I self voted because I want to be lynched. That was going to be my last post this game but this one will. I'm tired of this game. It isn't fun anymore. When something becomes a job to do it's time to quit

Jif there might be other alternatives but those are the options as I see them. Theyre my opinions. I can be wrong, but hey so can you. I'm done.

Relax buddy. Its just a game. I'm not quite sure how you're getting bent out of shape over this...I mean, look at it from our perspective. You lied, we know you lied, you've lied multiple times. You've told us there were no other alternatives, now there are. I mean seriously bro, how do you expect to sell this case the way you are playing? I'm not even interested in lynching you today because I'm almost positive you are a townie who is just playing awful (no offense).

However, I think you might have indirectly derailed a train on Dan X who is extremely dangerous and probably going to cruise to end game now. At first, I felt the timing was weird...but now, I cant believe that you 2 are running a gambit. I'm more inclined to think you just really played this awful and derailed potentially our first demon kill.

Honestly, I'm tempted to vote you and grant your wish because quite frankly...you've made an ugly mess of everything. Now the game cant focus and its all about you vs. Lily based on a case that I dont even understand. Hell, she might be mafia...but I cant buy it from someone who is holding sh*t in their hand and telling me its gold.

Need to think this over...but I'm leaning toward voting Dan X.

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They are right... you ARE Dpr/Jif/Pac's love child. Suck it up and continue your little charade and show us what Mafiascum/Marzipan players are made of or curl up in a little emo ball and quit like a little whiney baby.

hey wtf?

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No offence... I'm just a casual observer/head haunter of the house... but thats a crappy attitude. You expect people to just fall over and believe you when every time you post it's a different story? First you claim doc then you don't. Then you claim vanilla townie.. but word it as searcher to confuse everyone. Then adamantly deny that you false claimed. Then admit you false claimed. Then swear up and down you totally meant vanilla townie when you said searcher and, though you are experienced on two other boards.. one being the very board Mafia came from... you cannot understand how anyone could be confused at you. Either that or you are playing the confused moron on purpose. Looks like we have the winner of the first emo breakdown of the game. "You all can't see it my way so I quit cause it's boring if people don't follow my lead".

They are right... you ARE Dpr/Jif/Pac's love child. Suck it up and continue your little charade and show us what Mafiascum/Marzipan players are made of or curl up in a little emo ball and quit like a little whiney baby.

I love you.

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I work and o enjoy what I do. So it's not really a job to me. I get to travel and I make about $700 a week after expense.

I know you took some serious ribbing last night, but I hope you play here more. I think you've learned that false claiming doc is not viewed as a very town friendly move around here. :D

The quitting thing isn't too friendly, either.

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I like this one. Hair-brained theories, sharp retorts, outlandish scenarios, self-votes, and now emo breakdowns. You are one of us.

FOS all people going after this lunatic. He's obviously played before and I don't think there's any way in hell he'd come in here with this act as scum. zero chance.

I gave you 2 scum last night people.

Vote Dan

Agreed. Cant believe I'm following your lead.

Vote Dan X

They are right... you ARE Dpr/Jif/Pac's love child. Suck it up and continue your little charade and show us what Mafiascum/Marzipan players are made of or curl up in a little emo ball and quit like a little whiney baby.

I'm offended by this. My scum hunting prowess is proven to be on unrivaled. Do I play crazy and wild, absolutely. Its actually an insult to him to compare him to someone else. Dude is in a league of his own.

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hey wtf?

Seeing if you were paying attention love. He's actually almost like all of you had some sort of weird orgy I wasn't told about and he's the outcome of it. By you all I mean all the Jets Mafia boys. I swear to god if he claims he's got a bulletproof vest next I'll be haunting you all for real.

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I self voted because I want to be lynched. That was going to be my last post this game but this one will. I'm tired of this game. It isn't fun anymore. When something becomes a job to do it's time to quit

Jif there might be other alternatives but those are the options as I see them. Theyre my opinions. I can be wrong, but hey so can you. I'm done.

Sorry to hear that. I think most people here have enjoyed your addition and hope you play again. I'm really not sure what to make of all this to be honest, but I think you're all over the map. For instance, yesterday you knew who the doctor was, today there isn't a doctor cause nobody countered. It's your first game here and it's also the first time a supposed townie has fake claimed doctor, whereas scum does it all the time. Maybe with more of a history this might be all be more palatable, but right now you're really flailing all over the place, seemingly aimlessly.

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No offence... I'm just a casual observer/head haunter of the house... but thats a crappy attitude. You expect people to just fall over and believe you when every time you post it's a different story? First you claim doc then you don't. Then you claim vanilla townie.. but word it as searcher to confuse everyone. Then adamantly deny that you false claimed. Then admit you false claimed. Then swear up and down you totally meant vanilla townie when you said searcher and, though you are experienced on two other boards.. one being the very board Mafia came from... you cannot understand how anyone could be confused at you. Either that or you are playing the confused moron on purpose. Looks like we have the winner of the first emo breakdown of the game. "You all can't see it my way so I quit cause it's boring if people don't follow my lead".

They are right... you ARE Dpr/Jif/Pac's love child. Suck it up and continue your little charade and show us what Mafiascum/Marzipan players are made of or curl up in a little emo ball and quit like a little whiney baby.

I didn't purposely try and put out confusion. In my very next post I explain by plain searcher I meant vanilla townie. Just because these douche-tards can't read that isn't my fault.

I don't expect everyone to believe me. If I did I would just bold a vote with no reasoning. I gave my justifications and if people don't believe me that's their option.

I'm pissed because a lynch was being ran up on me for trying to get the doc to reveal on thread because I thought and still think the mafia know who it is. Lily tried to bait the doc to counterclaim and she got a slap on the wrist. She must have magic fun bags or something.

I've got no other argument. I don't want to keep posting the same thing over and over again and it seems that's all I'm doing. If people don't like it or it convinces no one. We are killing time. The game needs to progress if I'm a loadstone and an easy scapegoat for the mafia do they can spend another day lynching a townie then I'm better off for the town to not be in the game.

That's my defense.

UNVOTE and vote Lily

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Sorry to hear that. I think most people here have enjoyed your addition and hope you play again. I'm really not sure what to make of all this to be honest, but I think you're all over the map. For instance, yesterday you knew who the doctor was, today there isn't a doctor cause nobody countered. It's your first game here and it's also the first time a supposed townie has fake claimed doctor, whereas scum does it all the time. Maybe with more of a history this might be all be more palatable, but right now you're really flailing all over the place, seemingly aimlessly.

I never said there was no doc. I said the real doc would of counterclaimed, unlike Lily who tried to debase my claim. I gave two different scenarios to reactions to my fake claim not an opinion on possible roles or game set up

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Even if the one time bulletproof is the case here the mafia wouldn't know they hit a one time bulletproof. If someone is claiming they are a doc and they protected themselves then the mafia (if that's who they targeted) will assume that they also attempted a kill on the doc.

Here's what I was thinking. If I claim doc and that I self healed then the real doc and the mafia would know I was lying. The real doc would counter claim while the mafia would try and throw doubt on the claim and try and bait a counter claim. That's what Lily did and that's why I think she is scum. DPR also tried to discredit the claim but I'm not feeling mafia asuch from him. Maybe a symp.

Whenever I claimed doc I did it for 2 reasons to save myself from a lynch and to look for the above reaction. I found it so that's what I think. Lily acted as I would expect a scum to.

I took that to mean, that since there was no counter claim, there is no doc..

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I took that to mean, that since there was no counter claim, there is no doc..

I meant it to be that Everyone would have known who the real doc was if they counterclaimed. they didn't so their identity is still ambiguous. Just like primegay's sexual orrientation.

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