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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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Interesting how much JiF has to repeat that he's a townie.

Townie Townie Townie Townie


Demon Demon Demon Demon

I'd like to hear a little more from JiF about the vote on Crusher.

I feel very good about Crusher right now.

Pure gut. Get it? Pure "gut"? bwhaahahhahahaha.

I'm starting to second guess myself now. Him and Lily havent posted yet this day phase and I've seen both of them at the bottom of the page. I thought mt had, but I just looked back and he hasnt. Not a big fan of running up a train on a silenced player.

Unvote Crushlove

Vote Jetscode

Dont like the post below. JC doesnt seem like an "ah **** it guy" to me.

Much to catch up on...sorry for the delay...in-laws in town for my son HS grad tomorrow...I'll be sporadic...

The story of the day looks like Jack...several games ago we argued the value of lynching all liars and some of you argued that its OK if the lie is in the town's best interest...looks like Jack's play has challenges some of your notions on this...lol.

Personally, suspect he's an in-over-his-head townie who tried too hard to showoff his scumhunt ability...right now he's just focused the agenda too much on him with his weak a$$ "I'm done posting BS"...guess we could keep him around as long as he promises not to post any more...ahhh...f***-it...at this point he needs to go...

VOTE: Jack

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Ok I removed it. At least you see I'm not lying.

I know you do your workout thing at night. CTM lumped you in with Lily and Jack's convenient disappearances, and I took the opportunity to make a snide reply to your response. Not that your leaving wasn't convenient, too... :P

I'm only thinking about you because you're VicGod, nothing else just yet.

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See - that's the kind of post that makes me scratch my head and ask why in the hell would he even respond? Way not necessary.

However, I can't really complain, because I just got off the phone with Erick and Columbia has agreed to pick up my Pirate line of sportswear. Look for it this fall.

Love ya,


Ego is not included in this line.

I took it as serious. I will always go over the top to prove myself. I didn't think it was too bad. Im not shy about my real identity. I consider many of you friends.

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Ego is not included in this line.

I took it as serious. I will always go over the top to prove myself. I didn't think it was too bad. Im not shy about my real identity. I consider many of you friends.

Good enough for me. Anyone who would blow that would never hold credibility again, so I'm cool with it. Plus, it was, like, an Inigo Montoya moment. Gave me chills.

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Sorry all. I've been out of service today. The job site is in the middle of nowhere and piece of sh*t AT&T didn't have coverage. The hotel's route is acting crazy. It days I've got Internet but it won't load any pages so I'll be on my phone all night.

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Looking at these two trains... I hate where Crusher's vote is sitting, front 4-5 votes on both trains. He wasn't the first vote on 80, some of us voted him - jumped off and then back on.

If scum were to silence one of their own, as both Jack and AVM suggested, there would be no better candidate than Crusher.... for the reasons I stated earlier about his tells. If he can't talk, he can't be prodded and he can't get all fat and nervous. I want to look at some of these other votes too though...

Im not silence you hairy freak. My mom is down from NY and we where out all day. Trying to catch up. Eat my a$$.

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The Wombat lynch was ridiculous, and worth another look. You there was at least one scum on there, and that scum has a double-vote. Makes Pac's vote look more suspicious, because he put him at L1 for no good reason. I said so right at the time, yet no one unvoted, and all of a sudden the guy is lynched without a visible hammer.

Verbal and JiF voted after it had sat there for about two hours going nowhere. JiF's vote put him at L3, inviting the next vote (Brett) that usually halts a train at L2 - but then Pac piled on and he was lynched shortly afterward.

It's the votes by JiF and Pac that I like least.

The Wombat lynch was hilarious. I'd bet there is scum on it though for sure. Personally, I've been waiting to make that vote for 2 games. Also think scum has been trying to hide in a Jack lynch today. If somebody could collect all of those votes/posts, it would be appreciated. Get to it.

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Verbal and JiF voted after it had sat there for about two hours going nowhere. JiF's vote put him at L3, inviting the next vote (Brett) that usually halts a train at L2 - but then Pac piled on and he was lynched shortly afterward.

It's the votes by JiF and Pac that I like least.

Yes my vote was so much summier than Brett or the person before me that put him at L4. LOL.

Honestly, I went with that train because it was awesome. What a breath of fresh air from a normal day 1. My face hurt I was laughing so hard. If thats scummy. Than sobeit. It twas awesome.

JIF likes to make his bitches feel comfortable.


Finally back and catching up.

We are so excited.

Im not silence you hairy freak. My mom is down from NY and we where out all day. Trying to catch up. Eat my a$$.

Thing about love, you believe everything your mt says.

The Wombat lynch was hilarious. I'd bet there is scum on it though for sure. Personally, I've been waiting to make that vote for 2 games. Also think scum has been trying to hide in a Jack lynch today. If somebody could collect all of those votes/posts, it would be appreciated. Get to it.

I'm sure there was both. I think a lot of people voted like me because it was hilarious. How were we to know there was a double voter? But to pick someone from that train, who is jumping on Jack with a "ah **** it" attitude...JC is my choice.

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At this point I'd like to pressure Pac... Putting Wombat at L1 didn't get him nearly as much heat as it should of... and then I just got a scummy vibe when he called out the Jack train... I don't know, I'm exhausted-- but employed.

Vote Pac

You guys got a great case going. I put a guy at L1 so I must be scum. I've given you Dan and CTM - if you don't want to accept it so be it.

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Ego is not included in this line.

I took it as serious. I will always go over the top to prove myself. I didn't think it was too bad. Im not shy about my real identity. I consider many of you friends.

Word. Which is why I take any "real life" reasons of game play absence or attitude at face value. I know we are all dicks, in varying degrees, but I do think we all have enough dignity not to use real life as an "out" to hide from the game.

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Sorry all. I've been out of service today. The job site is in the middle of nowhere and piece of sh*t AT&T didn't have coverage. The hotel's route is acting crazy. It days I've got Internet but it won't load any pages so I'll be on my phone all night.

No really, its okay.

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Im not silence you hairy freak. My mom is down from NY and we where out all day. Trying to catch up. Eat my a$$.

Good. So that probably means Lily is silenced.

So Verbal and Lily have been our two silenced players - the same two that Simple Jack has been chaffing his manhood over the whole game. Heh, nice amateur hour wifoms.

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Official Vote Count

Jack (4): Smash, Vic, AVM, JC

Dan (1): Pac

AVM (3): Slats, CTM, Sharrow

Lily (1): Jack

Smash (2): DPR, Primate

Crusher (1): JiF

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch

Not voting: Dan X, Crusher, Brett, Lily, Duke

Deadline 8:00 pm Monday

At this point I'd like to pressure Pac... Putting Wombat at L1 didn't get him nearly as much heat as it should of... and then I just got a scummy vibe when he called out the Jack train... I don't know, I'm exhausted-- but employed.

Vote Pac

here's my reveal to help you all. I am roleless nothing.... I didn't even know my alignment until someone died and I wasn't in on the NK.

1 vote on him and he reveals. What happened to the Pac that once got brought to L1 as town doc or cop (can't remember, since he confuses them so often) and never showed his handed with a reveal?

Miss that guy... that said, the undertone of disgust in this reveal makes me believe it.

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I'm sure there was both. I think a lot of people voted like me because it was hilarious. How were we to know there was a double voter? But to pick someone from that train, who is jumping on Jack with a "ah **** it" attitude...JC is my choice.

You put him at L-3 didn't you ? The Brett voted, the Pac... so you put him at L3 because it was "hilarious" and Pac put him at L1 because it was "funny."

Good job - someone I suspect you are both town and just reminding us all how ******* retarded you are.


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The Wombat lynch was ridiculous, and worth another look. You there was at least one scum on there, and that scum has a double-vote. Makes Pac's vote look more suspicious, because he put him at L1 for no good reason. I said so right at the time, yet no one unvoted, and all of a sudden the guy is lynched without a visible hammer.

Verbal and JiF voted after it had sat there for about two hours going nowhere. JiF's vote put him at L3, inviting the next vote (Brett) that usually halts a train at L2 - but then Pac piled on and he was lynched shortly afterward.

It's the votes by JiF and Pac that I like least.

Couple things about this response...

1. Stating that there was at least one scum on the Wombat train, is like stating the sky is blue.

2. Why is it presumed that scum had to be the double-voter? Like you did at the end of last game, you are presuming too much about roles and alignments. I think the double-voter could have been town or scum, and we won't know until the game plays out more.

3. Nice nudge on Pac there, affirming my suspicions of him gently... however, he was one of about 7 people that voted for no good reaon, only Jetscode and JIF tried to make their votes sound like more than jokes - and now we see JIF saying his vote was a joke. He said "lynch all liars" which was about as close to a real reason as anyone gave. Jetscode said he wanted Wombat to "explain himself" and the rest all basically said their votes were a joke, because it was just oh so funny killing a townie.

4. I think its fairly obvious that the double vote was cast as a PM, because of how the vote counts were displayed in-thread, meaning it could have been anyone. So again, your soft insinuation that it was Pac is kinda pinging me right now.


Vote Slats

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I'd recommend that anyone who has a vote on Jack (Smash, Vic, JC, AVM) peel it off. No use killing him. 95 % chance he's town in my estimation, and the only reason several of you voted him was that he's a "distraction". As if he isn't capable of being a distraction in the afterlife in Hess's crazy game.

Also, I'd be willing to bet one of the aforementioned Jack voters is scum. Not a bad pool to shoot at.

Oh and f the ape for suggesting we get a dead thread going. You should consider our presence a gift. We're known townies who can provide insight. Verbal's doing his best and you give him sh**, while potential demons are skating by under your nose posting no content whatsoever. Don't think what we have to offer is helpful? Ignore it then.

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here's my reveal to help you all. I am roleless nothing.... I didn't even know my alignment until someone died and I wasn't in on the NK.

This reveal sounds an awful lot like Dan's.

So nice to see people calling my lynch ridiculous now that I'm dead and flipped innocent. FoSing slats and keeping an eye on the ape.

I said so at the time, too. I made a post during the train in which I said something like, "I didn't get the memo that said to lynch Wombat, what else did it say?" There are people here I might lynch for laughs, but you don't really come to mind - for me.

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Couple things about this response...

1. Stating that there was at least one scum on the Wombat train, is like stating the sky is blue.

2. Why is it presumed that scum had to be the double-voter? Like you did at the end of last game, you are presuming too much about roles and alignments. I think the double-voter could have been town or scum, and we won't know until the game plays out more.

3. Nice nudge on Pac there, affirming my suspicions of him gently... however, he was one of about 7 people that voted for no good reaon, only Jetscode and JIF tried to make their votes sound like more than jokes - and now we see JIF saying his vote was a joke. He said "lynch all liars" which was about as close to a real reason as anyone gave. Jetscode said he wanted Wombat to "explain himself" and the rest all basically said their votes were a joke, because it was just oh so funny killing a townie.

4. I think its fairly obvious that the double vote was cast as a PM, because of how the vote counts were displayed in-thread, meaning it could have been anyone. So again, your soft insinuation that it was Pac is kinda pinging me right now.


Vote Slats

Nice to know you're still a moron.

Tell me genius, why the fvck would a townie double voter cast a second vote by PM on the D1 bullet train that took out Wombat? It's one thing to pile on because you think it's funny, it's another thing entirely to clandestinely hammer.

No, the double voter is scum. And Pac enabled that scum double voter to take Wombat out with his L1 vote. We talk about about potential double voters in here all the time, which is why we always stop trains at L2 to get reveals and/or last words out of people. I pointed out to Pac that he put Wombat at L1, and he shrugged it off and kept his vote there. I could FOS that whole train. Certainly anyone on it who was around at the time Pac pushed it to L1 should've unvoted. Pac being the #1 guy who should've realized his mistake at putting him there and should've backed back off.

It's the weekend now, things are going to be slow, and I'll gently nudge whoever the fvck I please until the game starts getting serious again on Sunday night or so.

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Can't really disagree with any of this.

In a word, yes.

The Wombat lynch was ridiculous, and worth another look. You there was at least one scum on there, and that scum has a double-vote. Makes Pac's vote look more suspicious, because he put him at L1 for no good reason. I said so right at the time, yet no one unvoted, and all of a sudden the guy is lynched without a visible hammer.

Verbal and JiF voted after it had sat there for about two hours going nowhere. JiF's vote put him at L3, inviting the next vote (Brett) that usually halts a train at L2 - but then Pac piled on and he was lynched shortly afterward.

It's the votes by JiF and Pac that I like least.

Really? It's ridiculous AND needs another look. During the Wombat lynch almost anyone but scum where not even sure this was a real game. We have already heard that many of us started out baffled by the very non-descript townie PM. The Wombat lynch was crap.

Why would anyone want to go back and look at it? Just a waste of time and can do NOTHING but add confusion.

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Nice to know you're still a moron.

Tell me genius, why the fvck would a townie double voter cast a second vote by PM on the D1 bullet train that took out Wombat? It's one thing to pile on because you think it's funny, it's another thing entirely to clandestinely hammer.

No, the double voter is scum. And Pac enabled that scum double voter to take Wombat out with his L1 vote. We talk about about potential double voters in here all the time, which is why we always stop trains at L2 to get reveals and/or last words out of people. I pointed out to Pac that he put Wombat at L1, and he shrugged it off and kept his vote there. I could FOS that whole train. Certainly anyone on it who was around at the time Pac pushed it to L1 should've unvoted. Pac being the #1 guy who should've realized his mistake at putting him there and should've backed back off.

It's the weekend now, things are going to be slow, and I'll gently nudge whoever the fvck I please until the game starts getting serious again on Sunday night or so.

Okay genius... since when is everything so absolute with you? Rolefinder is town. Double-voter is scum. No if's and's or but's. Why? Because Slats says so. I think that its presumptuous to say that the double-voter is scum at this point... given that we know very little about the setup. But why would that make sense to you... you had the whole setup laid out for you at the end of last game, and still kept your blinders on even though Pac as Town Rolefinder was totally imbalanced... so whatever, I'm not going to pretend you have the capacity to consider anything other than your first guess.

I agree that Pac putting Wombat at L1 "because its funny" is stupid. I've said so already, so we don't disagree there. I voted Pac, and called his vote out from that train. You don't need to convince me of its stupidity, however, the initial post you made had it sounding more like you meant Pac was the double-voter - glad you clarified a little.

Pacs reveal resonated with me. I don't want to re-vote him right now... I like my vote on you if for no other reason, I don't like how bitchy your reaction to 1 vote is. I don't think you got any heat last game, and this is the first time this game... so this is a bit of an over-the-top reply imo.

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Really? It's ridiculous AND needs another look. During the Wombat lynch almost anyone but scum where not even sure this was a real game. We have already heard that many of us started out baffled by the very non-descript townie PM. The Wombat lynch was crap.

Why would anyone want to go back and look at it? Just a waste of time and can do NOTHING but add confusion.

Dude, this is why if you look at the wombat train - votes like JIF and Jetscode's stick out... because they kinda make it sound like they are voting for game-based reasons. While everyone else is saying "whoopidee doo! this is so fun!"

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So nice to see people calling my lynch ridiculous now that I'm dead and flipped innocent. FoSing slats and keeping an eye on the ape.

Top 3 for scum:




Honorable mentions for Sharrow and Ape

Actually, I like your list - as should be clear after seeing my breakdown of your lynch train. However, I'm not sure how I made your list... that part sucks. You are dumb.

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