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I give up... Scummiest doctor ever

Pretty much. Dude never trusts you. He never goes with simple logic, its all ways something bigger. And he's a thick ****. I'm done explaining. We said all we could. Its their decision to be morons and not see how F'ing simple this situation really is.

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How about this then... Take your stupid paranoid ideas and shove them up your a$$

Good job not falling for the truth smash... You're pro

LMFAO!!! He's definitely making it entertaining.

It amazes me that Slats and Sharrow are able to think this through compared to how this guy who is just lost. Obviously Nae adn Verb are going to push this but this dude is something else, especially given his alleged role.

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Good job not falling for the truth smash... You're pro

At least I didnt have to resort to insults to make my point. :) ...so yeah thats pro.

You made your points I made mine will see how it plays out. If you turn up Town then my case was wrong I know you have been in those shoes before.

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At least I didnt have to resort to insults to make my point. :) ...so yeah thats pro.

You made your points I made mine will see how it plays out. If you turn up Town then my case was wrong I know you have been in those shoes before.

I didn't insult you

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At least I didnt have to resort to insults to make my point. :) ...so yeah thats pro.

You made your points I made mine will see how it plays out. If you turn up Town then my case was wrong I know you have been in those shoes before.

IDK dude, this is up there as one of the more confusing plays I've ever seen. A real head scratcher. I have no idea where your brain is, but its not between you ears right now, thats for damn sure.

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I promised I'd respond to this bile when I got home.. so here we go

1. Jif and CTM said several times yesterday that they were going to use their vig shot on

Smash. The uncountered doctor claimant. CTM even said possibly tommorow meaning they were

actually considering using it during the day. Pretty clear to me that nightime protection does

not work during the day yet CTM suggested doing just that.

I didn't believe him, I was suggesting the vig shoot him to see how he'd react, knowing there would be no shot. After we revealed, smash had the scumiest reaction to it. if i was a vig I would've strongly considered taking him out, but waiting till nigh was smarter as it allowed him to protect itself

2. Even if you did take the shot at night it doesn't clear you just because you did it when he could protect.

You made him risk the uncontested Finder.

Well tbh I didn't think he was the doctor, and yes I thought about leaving JC dangling, but I'm not ready to ride him to the finish line anyway. The fact that he survived shoul make everyone a little more skeptical

3. You claim you found Monkey SOOOO suspicious and scummy because he tested JC's theory. Yet

you turned around and shot at Smash and see nothing at all wrong with it.

You don't see the difference between a town roleblocker blocking a cop from investigating and a town vig vetting a doc with a bullet? Really?

Seriously, if I'm scum, smash is in it with me, Cause yesterday i wanted him lynched and now I'm saying i think he's legit

1. You claim vig(as much as you can with no reveals) and yet you were more than willing to just go shooting.

I'll buy Monkey.. he was acting a bit suspicious and he was doing his monkey thing anyways... with suspecting

the entire list of players... but Hess seemed town to me and you just shot him cause he was annoying you. Albeit

thats exactly why you shot monkey but anyways...

I had a null read, jif thought he was more suspect, and we thought it was funny. I wanted to shoot you or verb.

And casing us on this is pointless until we know hess's alignment. If he's scum, how was it scummy?

Or do you know the answer to that question already?

2. You, as supposed TOWN vigs, shot two people and were more than ready to shoot a third. The third being the uncontested

doctor. I dont care if you waited til christmas to do it. Doing so makes you look like scum. - back to the point of

that's exactly what Monkey did that you found so scummy... going after an uncountered power town role.

You should care. Had smash got shot yesterday he'd be dead. We waited and vetted him. It's a huge difference

3. I still think this is some scheme you two cooked up with no coroner to prove one way or another. How better to try to coast

to endgame than try to claim something no one can prove and with a buddy who can "vet" you and hopefully coast to endgame?

Why not stay hidden? Why indeed. You caused more mayhem clearing your throat and pointing to each other than staying quiet and

shooting whoever with no claims to doing so would have ever done.

So stepping into center stage, giving the "doc" a chance to protect himself (and wasting a kill attempt), and not shooting the cop is a better scum play then staying hidden, taking out the cop and the doc and whomever and coasting till end game? Really? If you are town and really think this way, I hope I'm never on the same scum team as you. I can't believe you'd think this was a better play//

1. Asking if we want you to shoot even more people to "prove you are innocent" is the dumest thing I've ever heard.

Too easy. I'll try not to be so dume in the future :D

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Everyone was exhausted after their ordeal with the Indian skeleton. One by one they all fell asleep, where they dreamt of rainbows, razor blades, skinny jeans, and eye liner. All the ghey emo stuff you'd expect. Until a blood chilling scream erupted out of nowhere. Everyone was looking around counting bodies for fear of the worse. That's when they saw it, AVM. He was bludgeoned to death by a briefcase.

AVM - Mortician - innocent coroner has been Nightkilled

It's now day 2

I'm feeling sometime Wednesday for a deadline.

It takes 8 to lynch

"I've got it guys. I've figured it out." Ape screamed from the top of his lungs. The group collectively rolled their eyes because they had been there before. The Ape always had it. He had something all rite. A little man complex and a handful of sh*t was the only thing he has ever had. One member of the group had had enough. "Maybe his brain is wrong." someone said. "must of watched to many episodes of sex in the city. I hear it'll drive you gay or crazy. Whatever comes first. well I've got the cure."

The lights went out all mysterious and sh*t. Well not that mysterious. These cheap assholes didn't pay the electric bill.

After hours of negotiating with the power company the lights flickered on. And Ape was dead. His skull had clearly been opened and pieced back together. But his brain lay on the floor. Looks like someone forgot to put it back. But at least people knew the problem. Size does matter.

Ape is dead. Day continues. With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch

Everyone clear the halls stat. We've got an emergency In the hospital. A careless driver has had a wreck. He wasn't paying attention but his injuries are minor.

You all start to clear the way as a patient is wheeled in the operating room followed by a member of the hospital. Both moved so fast you couldn't see them.

hours pass by with what should have been minor surgery. You all felt like committing mass suicide because the waiting soundtrack of the hospital is justin beibers cd. That thing just kept repeating.

oh look a cart is rolling itself out all mysterious and sh*t. That white sheet isn't a good sign. Someone pulls the sheet down to reveal Hess. Nae screams. "You dumb ****. Why?!!!? Why wouldnt you stop texting and driving? Why would you put this ****ed up place as your first call list? Noooo Hess.

Everyone else looks around to see the exact cause of death. Hess had his thumbs removed and he couldn't think to live without texting sO he just gave up.

Then an echoing voice rang around the hospital halls. "You think you can get rid of me? I am the spam it is in me as I am in it. So suck it bitches."

Hess has been killed.

Get to lynching


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IDK dude, this is up there as one of the more confusing plays I've ever seen. A real head scratcher. I have no idea where your brain is, but its not between you ears right now, thats for damn sure.

JIF I just went back to do a little more research on you and your clown partner and I found something very interesting. Funny I didnt find it earlier but it once again proves you 2 are liars since CTM claimed (and you might have as well im not sure) you guys were a team before the APE was killed which means you would have had that info while you were pointing to each other as scum.

When you 2 clowns where having your arguement, It was during the same day phase you claimed killing the APE. I was not aware role changes occured in the middle of a day phase they usually happen after a phase ends. So you were bitching each other out voting for one another then all of a sudden the APE dies and you claim you already knew you were teammates. Sorry but Im calling bullsh*t on that.

I could not find a trike but this will suffice


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I will keep track of their responses.

Pac: None

JC: None

Nae: None

Verbal: None

Smash: None

my response is gfy.

I've been stressed the last couple weeks with work stuff but I've been following along. If JCFiM where who they said they were then the should have been killed last night. If Smash is doc, Ape was RB, and the diarrhea duo were masons, why weren't they shot? If scum had planned on leaving them alive for a WiFom why is no one else dead?

I prayed they were going to allude to being BP which would have given me the ultimate LOL. Masons with Uzi's who are bulletproof and can skip to night phase... funny no one has copped to that yet.

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I agree with PAC above.

An easy shot would've been to take out deputy Vic. The lack of NK's -while nice on the surface- are disconcerting.

I'd love for someone to give us a plausible reason as to why there hasn't been a NK in two nights.

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I agree with PAC above.

An easy shot would've been to take out deputy Vic. The lack of NK's -while nice on the surface- are disconcerting.

I'd love for someone to give us a plausible reason as to why there hasn't been a NK in two nights.

That part you agree with is telling Sharrow to gfh right?

Did Vic definitively hint at being a Deputy? You don't have to dig anything up - talking about it and seeing his reply will suffice. If he did then he becomes someone I wouldn't mind voting for.

We'd have a cop, doc, super-masons, and a deputy all left alive last night.. too much for me to stomach.

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Vic said that if JC were to get killed, he'd be able to pick up his magic 8-ball and use it. So yeah, I think he made a pretty clear and strong claim to a deputy role - all while wanting to lynch the uncountered guy currently holding the 8-ball.

So yeah, he's my current #1 for scum still.

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I'd love for someone to give us a plausible reason as to why there hasn't been a NK in two nights.

No reveals and no coroner strongly favor scum, for balance purpsoes, them killing everynight would take a lot to balance

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my response is gfy.

I've been stressed the last couple weeks with work stuff but I've been following along. If JCFiM where who they said they were then the should have been killed last night. If Smash is doc, Ape was RB, and the diarrhea duo were masons, why weren't they shot? If scum had planned on leaving them alive for a WiFom why is no one else dead?

I prayed they were going to allude to being BP which would have given me the ultimate LOL. Masons with Uzi's who are bulletproof and can skip to night phase... funny no one has copped to that yet.

Verbal did you fat turd

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I agree with PAC above.

An easy shot would've been to take out deputy Vic. The lack of NK's -while nice on the surface- are disconcerting.

I'd love for someone to give us a plausible reason as to why there hasn't been a NK in two nights.

No reveals and no coroner strongly favor scum, for balance purpsoes, them killing everynight would take a lot to balance

Well at least you got an answer. Its crap but its an answer/

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We had a coroner to start the game.

who could've been vig killed, lynched or NK'd without being able to lett anyone know the danger due to the no reveal rule.. Maybe they lost thier Nk's when the coroner died? Maybe they have a 50/50 shot every night? dunno, but it's hard to argue normal balance when something like this is going on.

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That's ironic.

Hahahaha... good thing you got those boobies.

Lol shush.. their's are initials. Mine is a name. Should be easier to figure out. At least I got all of his letters and didn't say something like Amp.

Ya'll need to take the sticks out of your asses and figure out when I'm joking. I've only been here a year now.

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who could've been vig killed, lynched or NK'd without being able to lett anyone know the danger due to the no reveal rule.. Maybe they lost thier Nk's when the coroner died? Maybe they have a 50/50 shot every night? dunno, but it's hard to argue normal balance when something like this is going on.

I thought you & JiF are the vigs. You think there is another vig out there?

As to the lack of NKs, I think the scum team got blocked at least once (assuming you & JiF killed Hess & Ape). Being blocked twice is an oddity.

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Official Day 4 Vote Count

Verb(4)- SMC, CTM, Jif, Sharrow

Jif(5)- Pac, JC, Nae, Verb, Smash

With 11 takes 6 to lynch.

Not voting- Slats and Vic

All right I got the fact CTM and JiF are posing as some sort of mason role team that had to find each other...I'll agree we are kinda hindered by the lack of alignment upon death...On the Ape...I had a slight scum read on him...on Day 1 I pushed his lynch to save my own neck and I thought he played deliberately obtuse...refused to acknowledge other theories other than his own...he suggested he used a roleblock power on N2...he argued another deliberately confusing theory with only one possible interpretation...his own...then he was gone...on Hess...CTM/JIF have argued he was scum...I had a town read on Hess...reason...when I was on L-1 he unvoted and that allowed me to live another day...IMO...he played his typical helter skelter style...not really sure that made him scum...but then he was gone...now it looks like the CTM/JiF team want to pursue the lynch of Verbal...my read at the moment is Verbal is town...of course with this crazy set up Jack created we may not know till the end...but thats how I see it right now...they have an interesting theory right now...but the current alternative to a JiF lynch is not a place I intend to visit any time soon.

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All right I got the fact CTM and JiF are posing as some sort of mason role team that had to find each other...I'll agree we are kinda hindered by the lack of alignment upon death...On the Ape...I had a slight scum read on him...on Day 1 I pushed his lynch to save my own neck and I thought he played deliberately obtuse...refused to acknowledge other theories other than his own...he suggested he used a roleblock power on N2...he argued another deliberately confusing theory with only one possible interpretation...his own...then he was gone...on Hess...CTM/JIF have argued he was scum...I had a town read on Hess...reason...when I was on L-1 he unvoted and that allowed me to live another day...IMO...he played his typical helter skelter style...not really sure that made him scum...but then he was gone...now it looks like the CTM/JiF team want to pursue the lynch of Verbal...my read at the moment is Verbal is town...of course with this crazy set up Jack created we may not know till the end...but thats how I see it right now...they have an interesting theory right now...but the current alternative to a JiF lynch is not a place I intend to visit any time soon.

who did you investigate last night ?

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I'm not going to make my decisions based on things that I don't know. What i do know is this.

Hess and the Ape were killed by non-lawyers.

Scum are lawyers.

JIF and CTM claim to be responsible for the kills, and haven't been countered.

Simple logic says they aren't scum because they aren't lawyers.

Why the scum haven't been able to kill anyone is completely irrelevant as far as I know.

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Sharrow your forgetting one very important factor. The lack of roles in the Death scenes. This basicly lets Jif and CTM do whatever the hell they want and them beg us to believe them. So they said they were going to shoot certain people and they did how does that make them 100 % innocent ? Could you explain that to me ? Could you explain how they were voting one another and arguing earlier but when questioned about it they come up with some bullsh*t crap about how they just became teammates? Give me a freakin break. Their defense has been sh*tty at best but the three people going after them are all idiots, yet asking very valid questions. I think they are scum and made a bad call .

The people that killed Hess and the Ape are 100% innocent. We know that from the death scenes; unless you think Jack is intentionally misleading us, which I have no reason to believe is the case.

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I love <3 Nae and the Ape. Just saying.

I h8 u

All right I got the fact CTM and JiF are posing as some sort of mason role team that had to find each other...I'll agree we are kinda hindered by the lack of alignment upon death...On the Ape...I had a slight scum read on him...on Day 1 I pushed his lynch to save my own neck and I thought he played deliberately obtuse...refused to acknowledge other theories other than his own...he suggested he used a roleblock power on N2...he argued another deliberately confusing theory with only one possible interpretation...his own...then he was gone...on Hess...CTM/JIF have argued he was scum...I had a town read on Hess...reason...when I was on L-1 he unvoted and that allowed me to live another day...IMO...he played his typical helter skelter style...not really sure that made him scum...but then he was gone...now it looks like the CTM/JiF team want to pursue the lynch of Verbal...my read at the moment is Verbal is town...of course with this crazy set up Jack created we may not know till the end...but thats how I see it right now...they have an interesting theory right now...but the current alternative to a JiF lynch is not a place I intend to visit any time soon.

u2 now

who did you investigate last night ?

obv u

I'm not going to make my decisions based on things that I don't know. What i do know is this.

Hess and the Ape were killed by non-lawyers.

Scum are lawyers.

JIF and CTM claim to be responsible for the kills, and haven't been countered.

Simple logic says they aren't scum because they aren't lawyers.

Why the scum haven't been able to kill anyone is completely irrelevant as far as I know.


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All right I got the fact CTM and JiF are posing as some sort of mason role team that had to find each other...I'll agree we are kinda hindered by the lack of alignment upon death...On the Ape...I had a slight scum read on him...on Day 1 I pushed his lynch to save my own neck and I thought he played deliberately obtuse...refused to acknowledge other theories other than his own...he suggested he used a roleblock power on N2...he argued another deliberately confusing theory with only one possible interpretation...his own...then he was gone...on Hess...CTM/JIF have argued he was scum...I had a town read on Hess...reason...when I was on L-1 he unvoted and that allowed me to live another day...IMO...he played his typical helter skelter style...not really sure that made him scum...but then he was gone...now it looks like the CTM/JiF team want to pursue the lynch of Verbal...my read at the moment is Verbal is town...of course with this crazy set up Jack created we may not know till the end...but thats how I see it right now...they have an interesting theory right now...but the current alternative to a JiF lynch is not a place I intend to visit any time soon.

WHy is verb town?

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So sharrow your basing the lawyer kill on the fact a briefcase was used . So there is no way that could have just been death scene flavor . right ? no possible way

Not unless Jack is playing us, which I really don't believe is the case.

And yes, I see a clear difference between being bludgeoned by a briefcase and having your skull operated on and having your thumbs removed by surgery in an operating room. Tbh, it seems like common sense to me.

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Not unless Jack is playing us, which I really don't believe is the case.

And yes, I see a clear difference between being bludgeoned by a briefcase and having your skull operated on and having your thumbs removed by surgery in an operating room. Tbh, it seems like common sense to me.

I see the clear difference as well.

Ok so then in the same sense does only one laywer kill make sense to you ?

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