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Penny to be on FOX NFL


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Chad Pennington plans to take a year off football and work with Sam Rosen as an NFL analyst for FOXSports.

"I'm going to evaluate things and see where I am physically,” Pennington told Rich Stevens of the Charleston Daily Mail.

"It would've been (good for me) if I wouldn't have had the knee injury," Pennington said. "I planned to make a fourth comeback, but it doesn't make sense to try to rehab a shoulder injury a fourth time on top of an ACL injury. I'm at a point of my career where I haven't been patient before, I'm going to be patient now."

As if i needed another reason not to watch fox

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I wish nothing but the best for Chad Pennington. I dont know how any fan of the NYJETS could wish bad things on a guy who gave his heart and soul every time he stepped on the field.

I tend to agree... the guys head and heart were 100% football, he was just unfortunately cursed with a body that is not fit for the game. Would love to see a 57th comeback though... at this point he's approaching Disney movie territory.

lol.. get a load of these two

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Between the playoff chokes and the bizarre statements to the media, I think it fits, but you're right in that LeBron still has the time and the talent to make something of his career.

Lebron >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chad

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Did you really play the race card twice in a conversation on Pennington? Congratulations

Why not, he was an effiminate, baby faced, white boy hillbilly that fans shower with unwarranted praise.. to this day... If you judge the guy by his actions rather then his canned resposne words and non intiminidating presence, you'd react differently. Heck, if TO or Moss gave the honor and privilege speech about watching him play, they'd be lambasted as egomaniacal

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Please tell me you are kidding me!

Watch much football, lad?

Herman Edwards is a phvkcin' dolt.

His tenure here was a massive lost opportunity.

He only got the job through kissing Tagliabue's a$$ at exactly the time the NFL accepted Woody Johnson's bid over that of the Dolans and needed a head coach. And by the time he shot his way out of town, Woody and Tanny were overjoyed to see him go, and even happier to get a pick that became Leon Washingotn for him.They would have settled for a fruitbasket. In between Edwards utterly sucked as an NFL head coach.

I could go on for another 20 pages about what a complete a$$hole he was and still is.

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Curtis Martin didn't win squat and most of you think he's a demi-God.

I did not listen to Chad's pressers the way Jets fans do, so I will defer to your observations regarding him. However, for me anyway, it's a little hard to bash a dude that played hurt all the time and tried to play through it for his team. I think some of you hate him for it. Call it selfish, and perhaps that is justified. I would hope then that all of you hate Brett Favre for the very same reason.

I was at the Meadowlands for the Pats/Jets game where Chad got hurt, lay on the turf injured, and the Jets crowd in attendance started cheering. Not sure if was the majority, but if not, it sure was a very loud vocal minority.

Pats fans are always the 2nd biggest Chad fans (behind delusional jets fans)... I wonder why? Maybe cause the guy drafted 6 rounds after him in the same draft lead your team to 4 sb's and 8(?) division titles, while our first rounder top'd out at WC card round

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Pats fans are always the 2nd biggest Chad fans (behind delusional jets fans)... I wonder why? Maybe cause the guy drafted 6 rounds after him in the same draft lead your team to 4 sb's and 8(?) division titles, while our first rounder top'd out at WC card round

More importantly, wouldn't you be a fan of an opposing QB who was that much of a sure win for your team? I'd love to have a QB who the Jets got to face twice a year every year for 10 years who couldn't put together an even mediocre performance against them if his life depended on it.

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Curtis Martin didn't win squat and most of you think he's a demi-God.

I did not listen to Chad's pressers the way Jets fans do, so I will defer to your observations regarding him. However, for me anyway, it's a little hard to bash a dude that played hurt all the time and tried to play through it for his team. I think some of you hate him for it. Call it selfish, and perhaps that is justified. I would hope then that all of you hate Brett Favre for the very same reason.

I was at the Meadowlands for the Pats/Jets game where Chad got hurt, lay on the turf injured, and the Jets crowd in attendance started cheering. Not sure if was the majority, but if not, it sure was a very loud vocal minority.

Bleedin' Green does a pretty solid job of explaining what you're asking, so I wont bother expounding on the facts. The quote below is really the most 'vilifying' if you will.

I can't tell you how often we'd have to listen to why a horrendous game by Chad wasn't his fault and that if he had a chance to play it again, he wouldn't have changed a thing. The only thing that ever went wrong for Chad was just bad luck, and the fact that he had the same "bad luck" against the same teams over and over again was just coincidence I'm sure. Then when his continuous bad luck got too much for even the Jets to handle and he was benched for Clemens, he was the most immature child about it imaginable. He made it known repeatedly that he should be the starter, and that his poor play wasn't his fault.

It's completely true. We used to joke that there was a "Chad Bus" and we'd see who'd get thrown under it next.

That's the difference between Curtis Martin and Chad Pennington. Curtis didn't need to remind you how good he was, or blame others for his failings. He just went out and played ball to the best of his abilities. That's what makes him classy. And, for the record, I think he's overrated too. I think he's great because he was simply good for a long time. His greatest attribute was consistency. Can you name a few Curtis Martin Signature Runs? Even Signature Games? His consistency makes him a valuable player, but honestly, running backs are a fungible (am I part of the thesaurus crew now?) resource and I'd rather recycle them every 3-4 years and have guys that are home run threats than have one for 10 years who's just impressively consistent. Almost every year, there's a new 'Best Running Back in the League', so that's just my philosophy on the position.

On Favre/Pennington Playing Hurt... I remember Quincy Carter winning 2/3 games one year, and it would have been 3/3 had Herm not called probably the most ill advised, ill timed halfback pass with Lamont Jordan up two touchdowns while driving to go up a third which Ed Reed caught in the endzone and took back 3/4 the way of the field. Chad played hurt not because he was the best option, but because he was constantly worried about what the other option could do. It was not in the best interest of the team at all. As for Favre, I think we all knew he only cared about himself, and at the time, we don't know he was hurt, so it was hard to judge. In hindsight, Clemens should have taken over. But, the reality of the situation was (with the view of hindsight), once Favre got hurt, our chances of turning the season into anything was over.

On cheering Pennington's injury... I was at that game, and while people will disagree, I will tell you that the huge ovation came the moment Clemens ran out onto the field. Those two things coincided, obviously, but the cheers did not happen the moment Chad went down as many would have you believe. That's revisionist history by Penningtologists and Anti-Jets fans.

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Watch much football, lad?

Herman Edwards is a phvkcin' dolt.

His tenure here was a massive lost opportunity.

He only got the job through kissing Tagliabue's a$$ at exactly the time the NFL accepted Woody Johnson's bid over that of the Dolans and needed a head coach. And by the time he shot his way out of town, Woody and Tanny were overjoyed to see him go, and even happier to get a pick that became Leon Washingotn for him.They would have settled for a fruitbasket. In between Edwards utterly sucked as an NFL head coach.

I could go on for another 20 pages about what a complete a$$hole he was and still is.


Herman is the one and only one true genius that ever walked the fields of football. His intelligence goes beyond Einstein and Newton combined. He is one of the smartest and most eloquent man this world has ever seen. The general populace are too stupid to comprehend such genius. Look at what happened to Spiderman and Batman.

P.S: I cannot make it any easier than this for you.

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On cheering Pennington's injury... I was at that game, and while people will disagree, I will tell you that the huge ovation came the moment Clemens ran out onto the field. Those two things coincided, obviously, but the cheers did not happen the moment Chad went down as many would have you believe. That's revisionist history by Penningtologists and Anti-Jets fans.

Indeed. If people like me, you, CTM and SMC weren't cheering Chad's injury (as we were all accused of at the time), who the hell would be?

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Herman is the one and only one true genius that ever walked the fields of football. His intelligence goes beyond Einstein and Newton combined. He is one of the smartest and most eloquent man this world has ever seen. The general populace are too stupid to comprehend such genius. Look at what happened to Spiderman and Batman.

P.S: I cannot make it any easier than this for you.

Sometimes after a long day of whatever, my sarcasm meter goes on the fritz. Was unaware Edwards was a rich guy nor a student biten by a radiocactive spider who fought street crime in our fair city. Apologies.

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I wish Penny the best. And as far as not blaming herm for chad's injuries....huh? Herm played him injured for half a season and rushed him back before he was recoverd. That equals 2X he effed Chad's shoulder. As far as him sucking, thats rediculous. He had some spotty teams but always had the leader mentality, could ball-fake with the best of them and knew how to work the clock better than his coaches. He never had a rifel arm. but he was better than Sanchez is right now--and even beat us as a Dolphin. He's what pro football players aught to be. Tough, smart and resilient. Sux he had to play under Herm Edwards. But I'll never dislike the guy.

Would have made a better magician than a QB. :D

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I found your post kind of interesting too. I wonder why you would take such a leap? Why would you attribute peoples perception to Chad's alleged "classiness" to his being white? Maybe he is just a nice guy. Everyone thinks Curtis Martin is a class act. He's black. Everone thinks Philip Rivers is an a-hole - he's white and has taken the hit in press conferences. People may think Herman Edwards is a buffoon, but everyone thinks he's a good guy and he used to throw people under the bus all the time during his pressers.

Honestly, I think it's a southern thing. Everytime I visit the Southeast, it's a smile, "thanks ma'am," "y'all have a nice day," "I'm glad to help, sweetheart," etc. Nice to hear... and everyone assumes these people are "nice" and "class acts." I've been down there enough times to realize it's just part of the vernacular. There are assholes everywhere. All shapes, sizes, colors, religion, political leanings, region, ethnic background, sports fandom, etc.

Curtis is black and Penny is white. But in the post season they where both invisible. Equality.

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