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The JetNation NFL "Let it Ride" Challenge


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The rules/scoring:

1. In this thread, post the 12 teams (4 division winners and 2 wild cards) you believe will make the postseason.

2. Specify which are your division winners and which are your wild cards.

3. From each conference, pick the team you think will earn homefield advantage.

4. You will also select your Super Bowl Champion.

5. For each regular season victory, your teams will earn a point.

6. Your "homefield advantage" choices will earn an additional point for each regular season victory.

7. If, at the end of the regular season, you correctly identified a division winner and/or wildcard team, you'll be rewarded with 3 points per correct pick.

8. Your correctly named postseason teams will earn 5 points for every playoff victory (NOT including the Super Bowl), and you will be awarded with 10 points if you correctly pick the Super Bowl winner.

9. The total point winner will be crowned champion. Perhaps Max will give you a prize. I have not alerted him to this contest until this moment so maybe not.

10. You have until kickoff Thursday night to submit your entry in this thread; I will keep track of the points and post weekly updates. Good luck!

NOTE: If you submit your choices late (i.e. after Thursday kickoff but before Sunday's games), I'll allow the picks but you forfeit the points for the Thursday opener.


AFC Division Winners: Patriots, Steelers, Texans, Chargers

AFC Wild Cards: Jets, Ravens

AFC Homefield: Steelers

NFC Division Winners: Cowboys, Packers, Saints, Rams

NFC Wild Cards: Eagles, Falcons

NFC Homefield: Saints

Super Bowl Champion: Pittsburgh Steelers

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AFC division winners

East Patriots

North Steelers

South Titans

West Chargers

AFC Wild Cards



AFC home field Chargers

NFC division winners

East Giants

North Packers

South Saints

West Cardinals

NFC wild cards



NFC home field Packers

Super Bowl Champs Chargers

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AFC Division Winners: Jets, Ravens, Texans, Chargers

AFC Wild Cards: Patriots, Steelers

AFC Homefield: Ravens

NFC Division Winners: Eagles, Packers, Falcons, Seahawks

NFC Wild Cards: Saints, Bucs

NFC Homefield: Packers

Super Bowl Champion: Jets


You picking the Jets actually makes me believe this is possible now.

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Confused why the Conference champs arent part of the criteria. Seems pretty stupid figures JF80 started this.

AFC Division Winners

Jets, Steelers, Texans, San Diego

AFC Wild Card

Patriots, Ravens

Home field - Steelers

NFC Division WInners

NY Giants, Saints, Packers, Rams


Cowboys, Falcons

Home field - Packers

Packers vs. Jets

NY Jets win the mother ******* Super Bowl.

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AFC Division Winners: Patriots, Steelers, Texans, Chargers

AFC Wild Cards: Jets, Ravens

AFC Homefield: Chargers

NFC Division Winners: Cowboys, Packers, Falcons, Rams

NFC Wild Cards: Eagles, Saints

NFC Homefield: Falcons

Super Bowl Champion: JETS!

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