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To all the Haters...63.2%!


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hahaha More comedy. I wish we had Eli Manning and his 27 picks in the last 18 games. lol Don't waste time posting this pro-sanchez stuff, just watch. He was a 60+% guy at USC, He was a TD thrower, a gamer, good head, good arm strength, good mobility, and basically a winner, a good teammate, a leader, not a ******* baby or a distraction in any way. He WILL be a pro-bowl QB. I say THIS year. Again, only two things can stop that inevitable fact (that all the scouts agreed on and pretty much all of the experts still agree on): An injury or the NY fans and media.

So, until either of them happen, I would suggest enjoying this Golden Era of Jets football and occasionally point and say, "scoreboard."

Because Rex doesn't care about his stats. (He said, "...I don't have Sanchez on my fantasy team so...." lol ) Sanchez doesn't care about his stats. (He says, "I don't care if I have 50 yards or 500 yards, as long as we win the game and accomplish the goal." perfect.)

So, I don't care about his stats. (I don't have a fantasy team). Right now the only stat is 2-0 100%.

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I'd fall into the latter, reserving judgment, but I really can't see how we get out of these next 3 games 2-1 with Sanchez playing the way he plays.



I'm terrified of the Raiders with their defensive line. I think things will go very badly for Sanchez.

Also if I hear one more pro Sanchez argument summed up with the pointless term "gamer" I may cry. That means absolutely nothing,

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hahaha More comedy. I wish we had Eli Manning and his 27 picks in the last 18 games. lol Don't waste time posting this pro-sanchez stuff, just watch. He was a 60+% guy at USC, He was a TD thrower, a gamer, good head, good arm strength, good mobility, and basically a winner, a good teammate, a leader, not a ******* baby or a distraction in any way. He WILL be a pro-bowl QB. I say THIS year. Again, only two things can stop that inevitable fact (that all the scouts agreed on and pretty much all of the experts still agree on): An injury or the NY fans and media.

So, until either of them happen, I would suggest enjoying this Golden Era of Jets football and occasionally point and say, "scoreboard."

Because Rex doesn't care about his stats. (He said, "...I don't have Sanchez on my fantasy team so...." lol ) Sanchez doesn't care about his stats. (He says, "I don't care if I have 50 yards or 500 yards, as long as we win the game and accomplish the goal." perfect.)

So, I don't care about his stats. (I don't have a fantasy team). Right now the only stat is 2-0 100%.

Yeah bitches!!!! Super Bowl, Pro-bowl and ******* 17 year olds is th Sanchez way.

Rex + Sanchez x year 3 = Super Bowl.

And all you whiney faggot bitch a$$ Sanchez haters can eat a dick. When we win the the SB and Sanchez hoists that SB MVP trophy, all you faggots will be standing alone trying to find something to knock Sanchez for and he'll be banging 17 year old with the Lombardi trophy in his bed.

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I'm terrified of the Raiders with their defensive line. I think things will go very badly for Sanchez.

Also if I hear one more pro Sanchez argument summed up with the pointless term "gamer" I may cry. That means absolutely nothing,

Agreed. That line is nasty...nevermind the 217 yards rushing the Bills put up last week. Or the fact the Bills scored on every posession of the 2nd half. Those things dont matter.

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Who's whining? And why are you jumping all over people for pointing out something that is clearly supported by every available piece of statistical data? That's weird.

What statistical data you lookin' at, 'bro?

The stuff I'm seeing is:

2009 - 364 Attempts, 2,444 Yards, 12 TDs, 20 Ints, 53.8% Comp, 8-7 RS record, 2-1 postseason record

2010 - 507 Attempts, 3,291 Yards, 17 TDs, 13 Ints, 54.8% Comp, 11-5 RS record, 2-1 postseason record

2011 - 524 Attempts, 4,136 Yards, 32 TDs, 24 Ints, 63.2% Comp (Projected), 2-0 RS record

I think if anyone's ignoring statsitical data in evaluating Sanchez, it's the haters.

He's clearly getting better.

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He'll be an average at best QB if he keeps playing like he did yesterday.

haha I can't wait............

There must be a name for this condition. --- Something having to do with low self-esteem because the franchise has not been so successful in the past, so there is an "I dont deserve this" mentality preventing a person from enjoying success. Any psych pros out there?

Anyway, I personally hate having to say I told you so. I would rather dog on other teams and enjoy the bliss of having an elite team, an elite CS, and a pro-bowl, franchise QB as a whole!

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, but I fail to see what he has personally accomplished in the last two weeks that has everyone all giddy.

Yes you do fail to see it, but let me tell you it's been exciting. Go back and watch the last two Giants games..or better yet, the guy who was our "other" option to drafting Sanchez...Jay Cutler. lmao

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The problem with sample size is that all of the numbers regress. Unless you think he's going to throw 24 interceptions, I don't see how you can declare that 63.2% is sustainable over 16 games.

No, dbates, that is not at all accurate. Claiming that he can sustain a 63.2% comp is equivalent to believing he will continue throwing 4 td's to every 3 ints (like perhaps 20td 15int) You do see your error, right? It's all good. The other day I stated that Wade Phillips was an OFFENSIVE genius. Clearly a mistake. We all make them, the question is do we make the correction or just move on and sweep it under the rug. lol

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Until his performance and statistics say otherwise he is a middle of the pack talent and was a reach when drafted.

His performance (6 4th quarter comebacks/ 8 game winning drives in two year, 4 road playoff wins in 2 years, 2-0 thus far) and his stats (steady improvement. So far on pace for 4,000+ yards and 20 TDs) say otherwise.

To further illustrate that BOTH his performance AND his stats

both say that he is a pro-bowl talent. I just grabbed the first three QB's (out of four. Marino doesnt exist to me) listed on Pro Football reference.com, right on the front page

and compared them to Sancho. In italics are comments. In bold are points of interest. lol)


First Two Seasons -- 29TD 33 INT 26-12 (4-2 playoffs)

Two games into year three -- 4 td 3 INT 517 yrds 2-0

6 4th quarter comebacks / 8 Game winning Drives


First two seasons -- 35 TD 37 INT W18 L14 (no playoffs) (and made the f---in probowl? both years!?)

Had a breakout year three (like Sanch will), but still no postseason. Two games into that breakout year looked like: 3 TD 1 INT record-1-1

7 4th quarter comebacks / 7 Game winning Drives (by game 2 year 3)


First Two seasons -- 25 TD 29 INT W16 L8 (0-1 in playoffs)

In year three, Elway had 22 TD 23 INT and missed the playoffs.

(only) 3 4th quarter comebacks / 3 Game winning Drives (by game 2 year 3)

Manning (Peyton that is)

First Two seasons -- 52 TD (wow) 43 INT (ouch)(insane amount of attempts, led the league in year 1. So, quite a different philosophy.. ) W16 L16 (0-1 in playoffs)

By this time year 3, He had 4 TD and 3 INT(familiar?) , but got bounced first round, something he did repeatedly throughout his career (Going back to college, he has had trouble winning big games against conference rivals. Lucky for us, we see that isnt a prob after bouncing the 14-2 pats home last year).

7 4th quarter comebacks / 8 Game winning Drives (by game 2 year 3)

As much fun as this is, I'm gonna stop there, but please feel free to do a couple yourself. lol I realize what it is. I doubt most Jet fans can recognize a franchise QB. Many of us have never actually seen Joe Willy play, so this is a small example of what they actually look like around 24 years of age. The future is so bright...I gotta wear...(you know the rest!)

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In all seriousness why the hell did we trade up to #5 for Sanchez at the time? I don't remember the specific QB dynamics for the 2009 draft but looking back it seems like it was an unnecessary move. He probably wouldn't have lasted till 17 but I feel like he would have fallen out of the top 10 or late top 10. Though I guess we mostly gave up crap players for him so it wasn't a huge loss.

Shoulda went with Cutler, right? I was against the move when it happened, but luckily I am able to objectively re-evaluate things. It is the opposite of what happened to me with Clemens, a pick I liked.

I thought Jet fans, of all people, recognized a crappy limited QB, guess not.

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What statistical data you lookin' at, 'bro?

The stuff I'm seeing is:

2009 - 364 Attempts, 2,444 Yards, 12 TDs, 20 Ints, 53.8% Comp, 8-7 RS record, 2-1 postseason record

2010 - 507 Attempts, 3,291 Yards, 17 TDs, 13 Ints, 54.8% Comp, 11-5 RS record, 2-1 postseason record

2011 - 524 Attempts, 4,136 Yards, 32 TDs, 24 Ints, 63.2% Comp (Projected), 2-0 RS record

I think if anyone's ignoring statsitical data in evaluating Sanchez, it's the haters.

He's clearly getting better.

First two games of 2009: 60.4 C%, 8.2 Y/A, 2:1 TD/INT

First two games of 2010: 60.8 C%, 5.8 Y/A, 3:0 TD/INT

First two games of 2011: 63.2 C%, 7.6 Y/A, 4:3 TD/INT

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I think the evidence is right there for everyone to see and maybe you're just blind.

Improvement you say - please - First season, 12 TD's, 20 INT's. Second season - 20 TD's, 17 INT's. Just 2 stats, but I dare you to show me how he's improved based on those numbers. Until you can prove that some how those numbers are improvement (which is impossible), I'm keeping my book firmly closed on Mark Sanchez.

I see you conveniently left out this years stats. Very clever....very clever

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I'm one of those guys who was ok with Sanchez. Waited. Watched. Looked for the good in Sanchez and saw flashes, and tried to not get nuts over the bad. But I feel like the more it goes on with this kid the more it becomes part of the "hope" syndrome. We keep on hoping he'll get better, we keep looking at the small things to see if he'll be better. In the end I just dont' think he can do it. I think he's going to be a mistake prone QB that can't consistently throw a team on his back and win games for us. It starts Sunday against a good front 7 and we'll see Sanchez be what he is, an innaccurate QB who makes a few nice throws a game.

We continue harping on "time" but he's had 32 regular season games and 6 post season games. He may "only be" 20-something but he's had plenty of experience.

Best post of the thread. I agree.

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So we have a overpaid, lowly rated QB that is on pace to having a 63.2% completion rate and projected to score 32 TD's standing behing a O-line that has not been up to par in pass protection! And the problem is ?

And considering Mark's chemistry with his new receivers will only get better I can only see this stats and impact improving.

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It's not the hope syndrome. It's just stupid. People who thought Sanchez sucked before think he sucks now. People who thought Sanchez was great before think he sucks now. People who were trying to reserve judgment before think he sucks now. But there's not a single person who thinks Sanchez is good now who hasn't thought so all along.

Wow so nice to have you explain it so clearly. I think we all hoped he would be good. It just became harder and harder to convince ourselves. If what your saying is any rational person would like him less now than before I would have to agree.

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I'm not defending, nor attacking any position here, but what I find interesting is the fact that I really haven't heard any ex-Sanchez receivers dog cussing him, or publicly throw his abilities under the bus. And with the way the Jets divorced from some of them, you'd think there'd be plenty of incentive to give the high hard one back at the organization by criticizing the team savior. Just a thought.

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I'm not defending, nor attacking any position here, but what I find interesting is the fact that I really haven't heard any ex-Sanchez receivers dog cussing him, or publicly throw his abilities under the bus. And with the way the Jets divorced from some of them, you'd think there'd be plenty of incentive to give the high hard one back at the organization by criticizing the team savior. Just a thought.

To know him is to love him I guess.

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So we have a overpaid, lowly rated QB that is on pace to having a 63.2% completion rate and projected to score 32 TD's standing behing a O-line that has not been up to par in pass protection!

If these projections are worth crowing about then they're worth betting, right? How much action can you stand on under 32?

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Wow so nice to have you explain it so clearly. I think we all hoped he would be good. It just became harder and harder to convince ourselves. If what your saying is any rational person would like him less now than before I would have to agree.

Did you really just use the word "rational" to describe anything related to an argument from a man who's spent the better part of the past two and half years looking for every means possible to criticize Sanchez, regardless of his performance? There's certainly plenty of rational critcism to be made of Sanchez, I'm just not so sure Aten qualifies.

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