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what if Rex was our Def.Coach not Head coach


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Rex is aan awesome DC filling the role of a pretty good HC. He needs help from an experinced OC to run his offense. Rex basically concerns himself with defense only--which is one of his few failings. I have yet to see him take over play calling or hold Schotty's feet to the fire in the media as Parcells and some others have in the past. He doesn't demand much from his offense because he basically doesn't have the understanding to correct offensive issues. He's had his cart tied to Schotty's offense and Schotty has had carte blanche with half of Rex's team.

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Rex is aan awesome DC filling the role of a pretty good HC. He needs help from an experinced OC to run his offense. Rex basically concerns himself with defense only--which is one of his few failings. I have yet to see him take over play calling or hold Schotty's feet to the fire in the media as Parcells and some others have in the past. He doesn't demand much from his offense because he basically doesn't have the understanding to correct offensive issues. He's had his cart tied to Schotty's offense and Schotty has had carte blanche with half of Rex's team.

I was sympathetic to that for a while (and that was probably due to the success we had in spite of his inattention to the offense). In year 3 now I am totally unsympathetic to it.

If he wanted to be an overglorified defensive coordinator who makes jokes at press conferences, he should have applied for that job instead. This team needs a head coach heavily involved in both sides of the ball. I hope that guy's Ryan because I really do like the fat bastard. I pray either Sanchez does a miracle turnaround in his career, Schottenheimer conjures up some new indefensible scheme that a stupid, blind, and inaccurate QB can succeed in, or it dawns upon Rex how easy he'd have it if he was coaching a defense charged with stopping the Jets.

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I was sympathetic to that for a while (and that was probably due to the success we had in spite of his inattention to the offense). In year 3 now I am totally unsympathetic to it.

It's a good thing you were sympathetic to that for awhile! Otherwise I'm not sure how you could have possibly coped with a rookie coach going who inherited a mediocre team and took them to the AFC championship game with a rookie QB... and then did it again the next year. Without sympathy, there's no way Rex would have survived in this town with that track record.

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It's a good thing you were sympathetic to that for awhile! Otherwise I'm not sure how you could have possibly coped with a rookie coach going who inherited a mediocre team and took them to the AFC championship game with a rookie QB... and then did it again the next year. Without sympathy, there's no way Rex would have survived in this town with that track record.

Not to speak for Sperm Edwards, but saying he was sympathetic to Rex's limitations offensively is precisely due to the fact that he was a rookie headcoach with a limited QB. It was nderstandable that his offense was way behind the defense. Three years later, he's no longer a rookie head coach, and needs to take more overall responsibility. I'm pretty sure thats what SE was stating. Not sure what thte knock on his post is?

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It's a good thing you were sympathetic to that for awhile! Otherwise I'm not sure how you could have possibly coped with a rookie coach going who inherited a mediocre team and took them to the AFC championship game with a rookie QB... and then did it again the next year. Without sympathy, there's no way Rex would have survived in this town with that track record.

Re-read what I wrote. Then read the post by sirlancemehlot, who is being modest because he does speak for me.

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Not to speak for Sperm Edwards, but saying he was sympathetic to Rex's limitations offensively is precisely due to the fact that he was a rookie headcoach with a limited QB. It was nderstandable that his offense was way behind the defense. Three years later, he's no longer a rookie head coach, and needs to take more overall responsibility. I'm pretty sure thats what SE was stating. Not sure what thte knock on his post is?

To reply to both of you, then: the point seems to rely on the idea that the Jets offense is woeful. As bad as Sanchez looks at times, that's not true. The Jets are tied for 8th in the NFL (4th in the AFC) in the most important offensive barometer: points scored

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Rex is aan awesome DC filling the role of a pretty good HC. He needs help from an experinced OC to run his offense. Rex basically concerns himself with defense only--which is one of his few failings. I have yet to see him take over play calling or hold Schotty's feet to the fire in the media as Parcells and some others have in the past. He doesn't demand much from his offense because he basically doesn't have the understanding to correct offensive issues. He's had his cart tied to Schotty's offense and Schotty has had carte blanche with half of Rex's team.

yeah when I see Rex standing in the background during a timeout on a critical play thats bothers me a bit. Rex stumbles during press conferences as well which makes me think he has even less grasp of the offense. You just cant go to an offensive coor. and say hey run the ball or hey I want balance this week and have them follow that script because Shotty has no balls to go off script and take what the defense is giving him.

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