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i get the point.just said the comparison was retarded.its like this for me.i dont mess with anyone.never had.i see people every day who think they can say and do whatever they want without consequences to innocent people who are minding their own business.i love when i see things like this.somebody messing with someone and gets messed up.i dont care how drunk or small he was,he ****ed with someone who didnt want to be ****ed with.case closed.he got what he had coming to him


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i get the point.just said the comparison was retarded.its like this for me.i dont mess with anyone.never had.i see people every day who think they can say and do whatever they want without consequences to innocent people who are minding their own business.i love when i see things like this.somebody messing with someone and gets messed up.i dont care how drunk or small he was,he ****ed with someone who didnt want to be ****ed with.case closed.he got what he had coming to him

Seriously? That makes me sad. Where is the love?

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i get the point.just said the comparison was retarded.its like this for me.i dont mess with anyone.never had.i see people every day who think they can say and do whatever they want without consequences to innocent people who are minding their own business.i love when i see things like this.somebody messing with someone and gets messed up.i dont care how drunk or small he was,he ****ed with someone who didnt want to be ****ed with.case closed.he got what he had coming to him

Except you seem to miss the point of how many thousands upon thousands of people are currently sitting in jail because of things they did to people they think "deserved it". There's a very real chance this chump who no doubt thinks he's a big time tough guy could be joining that list very soon.

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i get the point.just said the comparison was retarded.its like this for me.i dont mess with anyone.never had.i see people every day who think they can say and do whatever they want without consequences to innocent people who are minding their own business.i love when i see things like this.somebody messing with someone and gets messed up.i dont care how drunk or small he was,he ****ed with someone who didnt want to be ****ed with.case closed.he got what he had coming to him

Actually, fist fighting in a parking lot full of families trying to enjoy their time together... is retarded.

You carrying on like Vinny Boom-Batz the knuckle sandwich king because other people realize this and point it out... is retarded.

Your reluctance to use capital letters, spaces and punctuation properly... also retarded.

And to the second point you made, "he ****ed with someone who didn't want to be ****ed with". No. That isn't what happened. He ****ed with one dude, who was backing away from him... and got sucker punched by another guy. It makes the little dude a punk, it makes the sucker punch thrower a pussy, and it makes the guy the little dude was after an even bigger pussy... and ultimately makes them all pieces of sh*t.

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i get the point.just said the comparison was retarded.its like this for me.i dont mess with anyone.never had.i see people every day who think they can say and do whatever they want without consequences to innocent people who are minding their own business

I agree to an extent, but provocation didn't warrant the response in the case, IMO.

I was at the aquarium in Boston this summer and as I was walking through the exit, holding my 5 year-old's hand, a couple stopped right outside the door with their stroller. I stopped and feel a hand on my back, thinking someone also had to stop short behind me. I turn my head and this guy in his 50's is muttering something to me, which is when I realized that he tried to shove me, but failed, as I'm a fairly large person. I exchanged words with him (in a restrained matter, since I had my son with me) and told him he had some balls to put his hands on me and run his mouth (including suggesting that my son was somehow in the wrong) thinking there would be no consequences because he's older. Maybe he thinks he was a tough guy back in his heyday, but eventually, he's going to mouth off to the wrong person and get smacked... it's just not going to be me, because some old dick is not worth ruining my life over, just like the drunk idiot in the video wasn't worth assaulting either.

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I don't think anyone is outraged. YOU are the one taking exception to the comments people have made, as though there is some prevailing point you are trying to make... but you have gotten around to it yet. All 4 of those dopes in the video are idiots... and there are far too many idiots who pat each other on the back for being idiots in our society. End of story.

Whatever is compelling you to carry on like a child who didn't get what he wanted on Christmas morning is beyond me.

not carrying on like a child,just having fun.arent you?
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I agree to an extent, but provocation didn't warrant the response in the case, IMO.

I was at the aquarium in Boston this summer and as I was walking through the exit, holding my 5 year-old's hand, a couple stopped right outside the door with their stroller. I stopped and feel a hand on my back, thinking someone also had to stop short behind me. I turn my head and this guy in his 50's is muttering something to me, which is when I realized that he tried to shove me, but failed, as I'm a fairly large person. I exchanged words with him (in a restrained matter, since I had my son with me) and told him he had some balls to put his hands on me and run his mouth (including suggesting that my son was somehow in the wrong) thinking there would be no consequences because he's older. Maybe he thinks he was a tough guy back in his heyday, but eventually, he's going to mouth off to the wrong person and get smacked... it's just not going to be me, because some old dick is not worth ruining my life over, just like the drunk idiot in the video wasn't worth assaulting either.

Ah but now put your blood alcohol level at 0.02 and how do you react?

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Actually, fist fighting in a parking lot full of families trying to enjoy their time together... is retarded.

You carrying on like Vinny Boom-Batz the knuckle sandwich king because other people realize this and point it out... is retarded.

Your reluctance to use capital letters, spaces and punctuation properly... also retarded.

And to the second point you made, "he ****ed with someone who didn't want to be ****ed with". No. That isn't what happened. He ****ed with one dude, who was backing away from him... and got sucker punched by another guy. It makes the little dude a punk, it makes the sucker punch thrower a pussy, and it makes the guy the little dude was after an even bigger pussy... and ultimately makes them all pieces of sh*t.

are you really gonna start with the way i type sh*t again??really??i think we can all agree that i cant type worth a sh*t.i get it.its not news.i am very aware and really dont plan on doing anything about it.if it bothers you,dont read it.
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dude got what he deserved.you people dont condone the punch but seem to condone the drunks actions."gee wiz,why did you hit him.he was only swinging at you evn tho he missed and invaded your personal space".maybe he should have had a heart felt conversation with him about his actions instead.maybe called his mother to come pick him up.if our forefathers had your attitude,we would still be drinking tea

+1 Yes the guy is a drunken mess, but once he starts swinging on you thats it. Have fun sitting their while he's swinging at you trying to reason with a drunken a$$hole. He got knocked out and it was done with. Lucky for him they didn't proceed to stomp him out ala the guy at Dodger Stadium.

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+1 Yes the guy is a drunken mess, but coming at you swinging?!?! It's not my job to sit there and reason with a violent drunk person. He got knocked out and it was done with.

Instead you should reason that everyone and their grandmother has a phone with a video camera these days and you could do 5 years if the guy's head cracks open like a coconut on the pavement.

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are you really gonna start with the way i type sh*t again??really??i think we can all agree that i cant type worth a sh*t.i get it.its not news.i am very aware and really dont plan on doing anything about it.if it bothers you,dont read it.

If it bothers everybody don't write it. The johnny badass routine is really embarrassing.

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sometimes when i see jif mouthing off in threads, i wish i could do the same to him through my monitor screen

pip squeak that he is

I'd destroy you. Noodle nerd. You've never fought anyone without a joy stick. dweeb.

other times, when it become painfully apparent that JIF is gay... I bet you wish you could do other things to him through your monitor screen. creep.

And you'd love for us to film it so you could jealously beat off to it.

Three huge dudes vs. a little guy. Little guy probably picked the fight, but a cheap shot is a cheap shot.

Worst part of this? It ruined the day of the innocent by-standers who were spending the day (as a family, it appeared) at the game, but they did the right thing by getting involved and calling 911 for the guy who got jacked up.

A bunch of Walmart gangstas, talking like Eminem, waving their arms around like a bunch of scared jackasses that think the more noise they make the less chicken sh*t they will come across. I hate this whole subset within our society... all these scared, fake tough guys. They are a danger to themselves, and even moreso to those around them... they walk around with the constant assumption that they need to feign "how thug they are" and seek out violence in order to qualify the image of "not a pussy" they try to project. Pathetic. They aren't fooling anyone but themselves.

Everything about this disgusts me.

Sounds like someone used to get his a$$ kicked by those Walmart Gangstas.

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Instead you should reason that everyone and their grandmother has a phone with a video camera these days and you could do 5 years if the guy's head cracks open like a coconut on the pavement.

Listen it's easy to sit at your computer desk watching the video sober and comfortable and thinking about the consequences of punching him. It's another thing to be @ a stadium all day long in the rain and then in the heat, watching your team get trounced, and having some drunken maniac in the parking lot throwing punches at you for an encore.

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are you really gonna start with the way i type sh*t again??really??i think we can all agree that i cant type worth a sh*t.i get it.its not news.i am very aware and really dont plan on doing anything about it.if it bothers you,dont read it.

Again. Of everything I wrote... this was your take-away? Really?

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.02? Even at my size, that's only like 2 drinks.

Besides, never been much of a beer muscles guy. I might have yelled a little louder at him and spit like Bill Cowher...

What's a 0 between friends?

Alcohol is what that is all about. If these guys had whatever this argument is about in the street, nothing happens. Pour a case of beer in them, this is what you get

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