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Rex Ryan says NY Jets have clearly been better than NY Giants over last 2 seasons, can prove it on Christmas Eve

Calls Tom Coughlin one of the great coaches in NFL history

BY Manish Mehta


The morning after the Jets were throttled by the Eagles, Rex Ryan went into overdrive and hyped up this week’s game against the Giants. It’s a virtual must win for both teams. (Both can still technically make the playoffs if they lose on Saturday).

Here are Ryan’s greatest hits from his conference call on Monday:

"Sure there's a lot of talk back and forth, most of it driven by me. But you know what, I’ll stand by everything I’ve ever said. I didn’t come here to be anybody’s little brother. I came here to win…. And to take over not just this city, even though it’s the city to take over, but also this league. I haven’t accomplished that yet. Saturday, I think, will go a long way (toward) doing that. We have to win this game. We have to get into the playoffs.”

“Certainly we were the best team the last two years. We made the playoffs… To say a team is better than you that never made the playoffs is ridiculous. Clearly we were the better team my first two years here. We get to prove it on Saturday who the best team is this year. Quite honestly, both of us are having disappointing years…. Whoever (wins) this game is clearly the best team in New York.”

"I never came here to be little brother to anyone. So, it’s on….. There’s no way I’m going to be second fiddle. If we were playing the NY Yankees, I don’t want to be second fiddle to them."

"I recognize that they’re an excellent football team. But I think we’re better."

On Tom Coughlin: "This is one of the great coaches in the history of the sport."

On Jets’ fans keeping their tickets instead of selling them during the holiday season: "I hope Jet fans keep their ticket... but I understand... if price is right, I’m sure it’s going to be tough to not let those things go"

On making the postseason: "If we handle our business – we win these next two games — we’re in the playoffs. And that’s all that matters."

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Whats wrong with what he said?

His team was just embarrassed for 60 minutes yesterday. Nobody needs or wants him to be a fan of the team, we're here to make stupid, ill-informed boasts, he's supposed to be the ******* coach. Right now, the team is being run by the guy at then end of the bar who talks too ******* loud, sweats when he orders his third plate of wings and really doesn't have a clue why the team ******* sucks... but he still mouths off to anyone that's willing to listen to him.

He is my degenerate uncle, that almost made me stop rooting for the Jets - for shame.

He is every scum bag, lowlife pig that gave our fanbase the reputation of being "less classy" than the Giants fans.

After the way this season has gone, we need a coach. A disciplinarian. Not a cheerleader. Rex sounds like the delusional fans when he talks. Its a joke.

He's fallen in love with the press conference version of himself... and I hope he can eventually reign it in. I'm over it.

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His team was just embarrassed for 60 minutes yesterday. Nobody needs or wants him to be a fan of the team, we're here to make stupid, ill-informed boasts, he's supposed to be the ******* coach. Right now, the team is being run by the guy at then end of the bar who talks too ******* loud, sweats when he orders his third plate of wings and really doesn't have a clue why the team ******* sucks... but he still mouths off to anyone that's willing to listen to him.

He is my degenerate uncle, that almost made me stop rooting for the Jets - for shame.

He is every scum bag, lowlife pig that gave our fanbase the reputation of being "less classy" than the Giants fans.

After the way this season has gone, we need a coach. A disciplinarian. Not a cheerleader. Rex sounds like the delusional fans when he talks. Its a joke.

bwahahahahahahahaaa!!! Because he said he doesnt want to be 2nd fiddle and that his team was better than the other NY team?

You should be a Pats fan. You should just like those morons you surround yourself with.

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It's gonna make the Giants try harder, or something.

Big time. Nevermind their season is on the line...its what Rex said that will motivate the Giants.

I hate people with confidence. I hate competitors. I hate people that want to be the best. Those people have no place in this world.

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bwahahahahahahahaaa!!! Because he said he doesnt want to be 2nd fiddle and that his team was better than the other NY team?

You should be a Pats fan. You should just like those morons you surround yourself with.

The fact that he is compelled to say anything at all, is what the problem is dude. He's become a caricature of himself. It's pathetic.

I'm not saying fire him. I'm just saying, I'm tired of listening to him. He's a goon.

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His team was just embarrassed for 60 minutes yesterday. Nobody needs or wants him to be a fan of the team, we're here to make stupid, ill-informed boasts, he's supposed to be the ******* coach. Right now, the team is being run by the guy at then end of the bar who talks too ******* loud, sweats when he orders his third plate of wings and really doesn't have a clue why the team ******* sucks... but he still mouths off to anyone that's willing to listen to him.

Klacko is rex ryan?

btw... he sounds like a buffoon, but that's par for the course

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Big time. Nevermind their season is on the line...its what Rex said that will motivate the Giants.

I hate people with confidence. I hate competitors. I hate people that want to be the best. Those people have no place in this world.

not sure anyone is claiming that.. he's a buffoon who sounds like a big dumb klacko half the time he speaks.. u like klacko, so you dig it...

I don't really care, but definitely see the embarrassing angle some fans take

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The fact that he is compelled to say anything at all, is what the problem is dude. He's become a caricature of himself. It's pathetic.

I'm not saying fire him. I'm just saying, I'm tired of listening to him. He's a goon.

Not for nothing, but part of his job description is talking to the media every day.

It's not like he's calling reporters into a room and just throwing this out there.

He's answering questions during the course of his daily presser. And he really didn't say anything remotely outrageous. The Jets have come within a win of the SB the last two years while the Giants missed the playoffs. The Jets have been quantifiably better than the Giants the last two years and have a better record this year. These are facts.

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Optimus has a point that seems to be lost on all of you Kool-Aid drinkers. There's plenty wrong with him running his mouth for the simple fact that he can't back any of it up. He has a Defense that is a sieve to the running game and can't pressure the QB and an offense going in complete circles.

His false motivational bull$hit has more than run its course. Three straight years of running his mouth. It was cool at first, it helped this team get some character and remove their heads from decades of sheer ineptitude...but like anything else, it has a shelf life. You can't run around telling everyone you're going to win the Super Bowl and fail without becoming a joke. You can't run around and talk about how great your team is, how you're going to run the table, and $hit the bed in Philly.

Instead of running his mouth, maybe he should concentrate on his high school QB who is regressing at maximum warp, along with the rest of the flaccid offense. Perhaps instead of running his mouth, he should figure out why we can never contain a QB, never get pressure on the QB, defend the run, or blitz anymore?

Perhaps instead of running his mouth he should just win something..

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If the Jets ever have a really bad season under Rex Im not sure he would make it through with out a total melt down or just collapsing out on the practice field. One thing hes got is confidence. The only thing this type of Rex talk does is let the winner of the game talk trash on the field afterwards. if your players cant get pumped for a game like this they dont belong in the NFL

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He Nerdlinger, what exactly did Rex say there that was "outrageous?"

Those of us with brains are talking about the collective Rex Ryan, his entire body of work... while you and the other dimwit defending him for no reason, are referring to one press conference.

Outrageous? Oh, where to begin... perhaps his very first press conference? Was it funny? Sure. Great to see after Mangini? Absolutely. Necessary? Probably not. Outrageous? Absolutely, and he just continues to try to one-up his own quotes... how about one-upping some of our opponents? That'd be nice.

That is his job. Not talking.

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Those of us with brains are talking about the collective Rex Ryan, his entire body of work... while you and the other dimwit defending him for no reason, are referring to one press conference.

Outrageous? Oh, where to begin... perhaps his very first press conference? Was it funny? Sure. Great to see after Mangini? Absolutely. Necessary? Probably not. Outrageous? Absolutely, and he just continues to try to one-up his own quotes... how about one-upping some of our opponents? That'd be nice.

That is his job. Not talking.


Lighten up Francis. It's football. It's supposed to be a diversion from the humdrum nonsense of real life. You and G.O.B. and CTM seem to be taking things waaaay too ******* seriously.

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Lots of fair weather fans on this site

Stop bitching about what he said....its REX TAKE IT OR LEAVE BABY

I back Rex and this team all the way Ride or Die

It's got nothing to do with fairweather... I'm on record going all the way back to season 1 with Rex, as not loving the trash talk. Love Rex the Coach, and think he can be one of the greatest... but I think he's a brash pig, and the soundbytes have done NOTHING to improve his football team, and it needs improving... so maybe time for a new approach? I dunno.

I was also one of the first to turn on Mangini, I thought we should have fired him teh day he was announced as the coach. Schotty, I knew had to go after about 12 weeks of his first season here too...

I still think Rex can make good on his SB promises... he just needs to shift his focus to the team. We get it, he's a funny guy and he's just being himself. The more he beats it to death at the podium, the less genuine it comes across. He should be heads down, figuring out how to put us in the playoffs... coach the football team, becasue after yesterday its clear they are not being coached well... and cram all this carnival barker bullsh*t.

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Lighten up Francis. It's football. It's supposed to be a diversion from the humdrum nonsense of real life. You and G.O.B. and CTM seem to be taking things waaaay too ******* seriously.

I don't need to lighten up... you need to wrap your small brain around the points I'm making.

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Optimus has a point that seems to be lost on all of you Kool-Aid drinkers. There's plenty wrong with him running his mouth for the simple fact that he can't back any of it up. He has a Defense that is a sieve to the running game and can't pressure the QB and an offense going in complete circles.

His false motivational bull$hit has more than run its course. Three straight years of running his mouth. It was cool at first, it helped this team get some character and remove their heads from decades of sheer ineptitude...but like anything else, it has a shelf life. You can't run around telling everyone you're going to win the Super Bowl and fail without becoming a joke. You can't run around and talk about how great your team is, how you're going to run the table, and $hit the bed in Philly.

Instead of running his mouth, maybe he should concentrate on his high school QB who is regressing at maximum warp, along with the rest of the flaccid offense. Perhaps instead of running his mouth, he should figure out why we can never contain a QB, never get pressure on the QB, defend the run, or blitz anymore?

Perhaps instead of running his mouth he should just win something..

He's been the HC during most successful run in the NY Jets history. If he makes it to the playoffs (whic I doubt) it will be the first time in the history of the team they've been to 3 straight playoff appereances. I'm not one to gloat on it, but coming a game from the SB the first 2 years of you HC'ing career means you're winning. So maybe he is backing it up afterall...eventhough he hasnt won the big game.

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Optimus has a point that seems to be lost on all of you Kool-Aid drinkers. There's plenty wrong with him running his mouth for the simple fact that he can't back any of it up. He has a Defense that is a sieve to the running game and can't pressure the QB and an offense going in complete circles.

His false motivational bull$hit has more than run its course. Three straight years of running his mouth. It was cool at first, it helped this team get some character and remove their heads from decades of sheer ineptitude...but like anything else, it has a shelf life. You can't run around telling everyone you're going to win the Super Bowl and fail without becoming a joke. You can't run around and talk about how great your team is, how you're going to run the table, and $hit the bed in Philly.

Instead of running his mouth, maybe he should concentrate on his high school QB who is regressing at maximum warp, along with the rest of the flaccid offense. Perhaps instead of running his mouth, he should figure out why we can never contain a QB, never get pressure on the QB, defend the run, or blitz anymore?

Perhaps instead of running his mouth he should just win something..

This is nice work. This Jets team is going backwards and there's really little hope that it can reverse course here with Tannenbaum and Rex. Don't look now, but it's closing in on the end of the third year of Rex's regime, and we're no closer to the Super Bowl than we were the day Mangini got fired. Jet life, baby.

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This is nice work. This Jets team is going backwards and there's really little hope that it can reverse course here with Tannenbaum and Rex. Don't look now, but it's closing in on the end of the third year of Rex's regime, and we're no closer to the Super Bowl than we were the day Mangini got fired. Jet life, baby.

Wow. Just when I thought it couldn't get any more pathetically dumb around here.

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