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Anyone hear Rex on 1050 today?


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Yes it was the usual dud Kay interview (the opening question dealt with whether or not Rex felt bad after losing), but I thought there was some real interesting comments that Rex made and it shows some of the disconnect between he and Sanchez.

They asked Rex about Holmes' boneheaded plays and Rex chalked it up as a message to the Eagles and the team that we are still playing and to watch out. He also claimed Holmes did not know the rules about the ball being used as a prop and how we all learn from mistakes. He then pointed out all the great things Holmes does in the game. He also gave his usual glowing praise to Wayne Hunter and Eric Smith about the effort and the bad situations that they put those players in to make them look bad. They did finally ask him if he ever criticizes his players and he said he coaches them on and off the field and he believes in all his guys. He would never rip them outside of the locker room and there are better ways to learn.

Of course the guys hosting have no real followups but to me it just begged the question---if he refuses to rip his players publicly and was adamant about that not being team policy how can he rip his QB for doing the dumbest thing he has ever seen in his life for taking an ill advised timeout. How can he make remarks about opposing QBs that are as much of a dig at his own guy as they are love for the opposition. Making it known in the past about the red/yellow/green systems for the kid. Not to mention the shots he took at players in his book like Rhodes or the public exhibition he made of Rhodes when he benched him (not that it wasnt warranted).

It just seems like there is a big double standard for the Rex guys and guys that may not exactly be his guys. Sanchez seems to fit into the wrong category and thats a big problem. You have to have the QB be one of the coaches guys, and I see Mark falling further and further off Ryans list.

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I think the "dumbest thing he has ever seen" was a heat of the moment comment. And he may very well feel that way still. I sure do. But he did nothing but praise Sanchez after halftime and after the game to cover it up. He may feel sanchez won't ever be what he thought he would be, but I doubt he would ever say that to the media

I believe he has a policy that any negative comments regarding players production and such stays behind the scenes and pubicly he will never call them out. I guess you will only be able to tell come contract time, how he really feels about players.

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I just think as a QB and face of the franchise he holds Mark to a different standard and thus the double standard. It's like a coach's son, he always is tenfold more critical and harder on him than those players whom aren't his kids. I've seen the later a lot actually.

Rex definitely thinks a lot about sanchez and has even gone as far as to say, we wouldn't trade him for anyone etc. Now that's all talk as if someone offered Rodgers or Brees straight up, I'd be hard-pressed to bet against Rex not pulling that trigger. There is a double-standard here, but it's my opinion that he loves sanchez to the point where he feels it's okay to berate him publicly..right or wrong.

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Yes it was the usual dud Kay interview (the opening question dealt with whether or not Rex felt bad after losing), but I thought there was some real interesting comments that Rex made and it shows some of the disconnect between he and Sanchez.

They asked Rex about Holmes' boneheaded plays and Rex chalked it up as a message to the Eagles and the team that we are still playing and to watch out. He also claimed Holmes did not know the rules about the ball being used as a prop and how we all learn from mistakes. He then pointed out all the great things Holmes does in the game. He also gave his usual glowing praise to Wayne Hunter and Eric Smith about the effort and the bad situations that they put those players in to make them look bad. They did finally ask him if he ever criticizes his players and he said he coaches them on and off the field and he believes in all his guys. He would never rip them outside of the locker room and there are better ways to learn.

Of course the guys hosting have no real followups but to me it just begged the question---if he refuses to rip his players publicly and was adamant about that not being team policy how can he rip his QB for doing the dumbest thing he has ever seen in his life for taking an ill advised timeout. How can he make remarks about opposing QBs that are as much of a dig at his own guy as they are love for the opposition. Making it known in the past about the red/yellow/green systems for the kid. Not to mention the shots he took at players in his book like Rhodes or the public exhibition he made of Rhodes when he benched him (not that it wasnt warranted).

It just seems like there is a big double standard for the Rex guys and guys that may not exactly be his guys. Sanchez seems to fit into the wrong category and thats a big problem. You have to have the QB be one of the coaches guys, and I see Mark falling further and further off Ryans list.

He also calls Mark elite and a winner and he'll take him any day of the week. And he compliments his big game presence. I've also heard him say that as long as he is HC Mark will be his QB.

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I'm a huge Rex Ryan fan, but I feel like he's delusional at times. Wayne Hunter and Eric Smith have no right starting in this league. Eric Smith is an excellent special team guy but as a starter? You ******* kidding me?

Wayne Hunter is nothing but a backup, if that. Rex Ryan gotta wake up. This is New York. He's gonna get his a$$ ran out just like the other fat coach we had here.

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If Rex sides with Shoddy over Sanchez, then he is dead to me. How a 6th year OC cannot gameplan to his team's strengths and weaknesses is beyond me. Sanchez deserves more than this (at the very least an OC who can allow him to flourish as best he can).

To be honest with you the more and more I watch this team, I put the offensive woes on Rex, he tells Schotty to run, run, run, and dink and dunk, I want to ground and pound and eat clock, and play defense. This is REX's philosophy, now don't get me wrong Schotty sucks, but I also think he is not allowed to open it up, cause if he was then he would have this week down 28-0, but we still came out and ran the ball and dinked and dunked like it was 7-0, the only time I truley believe he was allowed to open it up was last years AFC championship game in the 2nd half, cause Rex knew there was no tomorrow.

As long as Rex is here this will always be the way the Jets play offense I truley believe that, and I'll be ok with it if he can get a coordinator like Harbaugh ( I know neither Harbaugh is/will be available, but someone who is from that school) who knows how to offensively game plan and make proper play calls to be succesful in that type of philosophy, Schotty is not that kind of offensive mind.

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It all goes back to WHO and WHY they drafted Mark Sanchez........Woody Johnson?

Anybody really think an overly defensive minded coach (Rex) was dying to take a QB with his first ever 1st rd draft choice as a Head Coach?

Not to mention trading up to #6 for him....

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