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Another Jets Coach Bails...


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Jets coach bails

Jets Blog


Last Updated: 2:14 AM, January 18, 2012

Mike Smith, who was hired as the Jets outside linebackers coach just two weeks ago, is leaving the team to become the assistant defensive coordinator and linebackers coach at West Virginia University.

Smith, 30, had been a coaching intern for two seasons with the Jets. He was widely credited by the coaching staff for the development of outside linebacker Aaron Maybin. When the team let Jeff Weeks go after the season, Rex Ryan promoted Smith to the position.

Smith played at Texas Tech when West Virginia head coach Dana Holgorsen was an assistant coach there.

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interning in the nfl isnt like interning at google or something.. most of the intern coaches have like 6-7 years of experience... just wanted to clarify

but this is why it is known as the "coaching carousel", he didn't bail, if anything the Jets staff is probably proud one of their guys is moving up in the football world.. that's what we call a coaching tree

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