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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Don't bother

I'm out of here

I'm not going to sit here and be everyone's ******* punching bag for something I didn't even ******* do you a$$hole

you're being a huge prick to me because you think I said something to Nae when I clearly ******* told you several god damn times that it was not directed to her and that it wouldn't happen again and even offered to ******* leave voluntarily anyway if you really had such a ******* problem with it

I don't understand what the **** else you could have possibly wanted but it doesn't matter now

sorry BG you'll have to find someone else

Nae, no hard feelings I realize it wasn't you that got all bent out of shape


Oh so you're an entitled brat who probably has never had to take responsibility for anything in his life ever? Cool.

Just say sorry won't happen again. Could've been over right there instead you choose to throw a temper tantrum over being right or wrong on the interwebz and now you're taking your Pokeballz and going home.

Hooray for emo breakdowns!

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Not true. Max and I have discussed what MY rules are here. Really not many. Directly insulting a female poster like that might be the only one. We are SUPER lenient here. but thats not ok in my book.

What about gay apes, feminine surfers and jvor's female personality?

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Oh so you're an entitled brat who probably has never had to take responsibility for anything in his life ever? Cool.

Just say sorry won't happen again. Could've been over right there instead you choose to throw a temper tantrum over being right or wrong on the interwebz and now you're taking your Pokeballz and going home.

Hooray for emo breakdowns!

You've still got the best one..

just sayin'.

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Your first day aboard the Death Star did not start off well. Some of you didn't even feel like talking, others wouldn't shut the hell up, and others still seemed to be rambling on about crap that didn't even make any sense. That is, until suddenly people found a common enemy. Nolder had clearly pissed off more than one person and had caught some heat for it. Things only intensified from there, until he finally exploded, flipping out on everyone in a rage, stomping off and heading back towards the shuttle to leave.

At that moment, the sound of a lightsaber opening was heard and from out of nowhere, is seen flying across the docking bay straight towards Nolder. Nolder turns around just in time to see it, but not enough time to even make a sound, as it comes and takes his head clean off his body. The head falls to the ground with a thud, followed by his body crashing to the floor.

At least there's one good piece of news, we don't have to listen to that mouth anymore, but we can still check out that killer body in that little outfit.


Nolder, better known as Princess Leia Organa (town, watcher), has been mod-killed.

The day is now over. Night one has begun.

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And I at least have apologized. Over and over again and acknowledged where even if I didn't think I was wrong where it may have bothered people. Nothing wrong with getting pissed, just admit when you're wrong and man up.

I know I'm just playin...

I liked it. added excitement.

plus I have to bust you after the way you came after me at the end of the Dexter and to begin Mortal Combat...

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Damn. I actually liked Nolder. Maybe he just needs to cool down. Anyways, no need to replace.

Unvote, Vote Nolder

this.. don't know why some people gotta get all tough when mods try and kick them in line.. Seemed like a simple misunderstanding

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Every person that plays mafia gets ridiculed for something. Everyone calls everyone else gay, fag, loser, ect... every one of us has at some point had an emo breakdown... some of us have even left for awhile. Vic made me so mad last year that I wanted to leave. I don't even remember what the hell he said now. Get mad, punch a pokemon, get over it, and play the damned game. Hell... Jif threatens to leave every game. :P

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Every person that plays mafia gets ridiculed for something. Everyone calls everyone else gay, fag, loser, ect... every one of us has at some point had an emo breakdown... some of us have even left for awhile. Vic made me so mad last year that I wanted to leave. I don't even remember what the hell he said now. Get mad, punch a pokemon, get over it, and play the damned game. Hell... Jif threatens to leave every game. :tongue:

Makes the banging more passionate when you're angry.

Sorry Hess.

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Your first day aboard the Death Star did not start off well. Some of you didn't even feel like talking, others wouldn't shut the hell up, and others still seemed to be rambling on about crap that didn't even make any sense. That is, until suddenly people found a common enemy. Nolder had clearly pissed off more than one person and had caught some heat for it. Things only intensified from there, until he finally exploded, flipping out on everyone in a rage, stomping off and heading back towards the shuttle to leave.

At that moment, the sound of a lightsaber opening was heard and from out of nowhere, is seen flying across the docking bay straight towards Nolder. Nolder turns around just in time to see it, but not enough time to even make a sound, as it comes and takes his head clean off his body. The head falls to the ground with a thud, followed by his body crashing to the floor.

At least there's one good piece of news, we don't have to listen to that mouth anymore, but we can still check out that killer body in that little outfit.


Nolder, better known as Princess Leia Organa (town, watcher), has been mod-killed.

The day is now over. Night one has begun.

Under 1500 posts..


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BG just had to get his modkill in.

It was fate. The moment aligned perfectly... it was just meant to be.

Seriously though, after that sh*t, I wasn't even going to bother letting this day drag on. There were no possible replacements available and I'm not going to let an entire 27 player game that I worked my a$$ off on get ****ed up by this garbage. The day's over, and the game moves on.

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this.. don't know why some people gotta get all tough when mods try and kick them in line.. Seemed like a simple misunderstanding

dude is 21 and was getting ready to get voted off day 1 again -- all while being the watcher.

I think the problem with his post was quoting Nae instead of Ape or someone else.. But then again all he had to do was say my bad it wasn't directed at Nae..

I dunno.. dumb all the way around imo.


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dude is 21 and was getting ready to get voted off day 1 again -- all while being the watcher.

I think the problem with his post was quoting Nae instead of Ape or someone else.. But then again all he had to do was say my bad it wasn't directed at Nae..

I dunno.. dumb all the way around imo.


Harbaugh makes fun of our sensitive California feelings

Posted on January 24, 2012 at 2:12 pm by Katie Dowd in Coaches

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Jim Harbaugh enjoys a joke at the expense of Californians. (Paul Sakuma/AP)

Many adjectives come to mind to describe Jim Harbaugh.

Touchy-feely is not one of them.

Chronicle staff writer Eric Branch and the rest of the media atMonday’s press conference learned that in no uncertain terms when Branch asked Harbaugh what he did after the 49ers’ overtime loss to the Giants.

“Is it just California that everybody just wants to know how you feel? Care about what you thought, what you did, how you felt, how your pinky feels. Is that just a California thing?” Harbaugh asked. “Back where I come from, nobody really cares.

“In my opinion, it is a California thing.”

Although YahooSports wrote up the story suggesting Harbaugh was grumpy with the question, a look at the press conference video (the relevant portion begins at about 19:30) shows him looking more amused than anything else.

He answers the question with a smile on his face and a discernible fascination with what he considers a distinctly California line of thinking.

For the record, where he “comes from” is the Midwest, a place that apparently doesn’t do emotional sharing, according to Jim Harbaugh.

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