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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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LMFAO - does this go for the other twenty people he's voted already? What about his dead serious list he's already made?

I do like how he's voting me for defending Lily (which like 10 people have done) and voting me because I cant prove that he's playing the same or different. Thats like profound sh*t and the making of a great case.

Haha... I've voted I think 2-3 people. Probably the same amount as you, except I've been starting trains, not hopping on them. How often to scum start trains on D1?

This post confirms every bit of suspicion I have for you.

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True, but we also used to just sit back and watch when that happened. The fact that Ape currently has a bunch of reply notifications of people mocking him and laughing at him that he's ignoring makes it even better.


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Last word on the Nolder crap

Nae is ok with it so Im not going to do anything. Nolder wrote me a nice long PM and I can honestly say he is now my least favorite person playing this game. That being said... I will not ban him this time but will not hesitate.

To NOLDER.. Do not reply to this post or I will waste you where you stand.


Oh dear.

Nolder likes to get the last word... this should end awesomely horrific.

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Don't bother

I'm out of here

I'm not going to sit here and be everyone's ******* punching bag for something I didn't even ******* do you a$$hole

you're being a huge prick to me because you think I said something to Nae when I clearly ******* told you several god damn times that it was not directed to her and that it wouldn't happen again and even offered to ******* leave voluntarily anyway if you really had such a ******* problem with it

I don't understand what the **** else you could have possibly wanted but it doesn't matter now

sorry BG you'll have to find someone else

Nae, no hard feelings I realize it wasn't you that got all bent out of shape


Called it.

Yeah because when we qoute someone it doesn't mean we are talking to them. Your almost as bad at life as you are at mafia.

Hey fatty - remember when you were all like "Crusher loves Nolderp, blah, blah, blah-blah, blah". Yeah.

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LOL... I hope Ape's having fun with his catch-up.


When you reply to a post on previous pages, it jumps you to the most current page after the reply. How has Ape not noticed what has happened yet.. unless he is faking it.

In my browser, it pops up my response as the post in view... then I immediately click on the grey arrow that jumps me back to where I was in my re-read. I try to keep it sequential so I don't miss anything in the context of the re-read. I didn't realize all this went down... its pretty funny sh*t...

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Ape is faking it. D2 lynch acquired.

Nope. However, if you want to reach JIF level of epic retardation - keep pushing it.

Because it goes to the last post. He likely has 2 tabs open, 1 where he's reading and 1 where he posts. The new posts pops up in the second tab and unless he scrolls up he won't see what happens.

Just sayin'

I do my catch-ups like this all the time. I pick up where I left off, reply, it shows me my reply, I immediate jump back to where I was, and keep going. It preserves the context. I do it ALL THE TIME. If someone actually pushes a case on me for this, just remember who pushed it.

But he IS the first to post 10 or so times before fully catching up.

Sigh. I do it all the time.

Watching Ape catch up is entertaining.

*grabs some popcorn*

Haha... yeah, I had no clue how much I missed. I was at the doctors office for like 3 hours today. They think my gallbladder is kaputsky.

I would like to send my heartfelt thanks out to the Ape. I didn't think it was possible for one person to completely turn this thread around from somber emo-ville to comedic hilarity oh so quickly.

You got it dude.

i've actually done this as scum once.. you want to pretend like you don't know what's going on so it appears you couldn't have been informed in qt..

I agree with brett, kill the ape.

Of course you do. If the Ape is dead, then you can lead everyone around uncontested.

Its certainly possible. I can't see the Ape having to do THIS MUCH catchup work.

Keep pushing it scummy ****er...

Yep. Its an act. Ape has been breadcrumbing the Nolder breakdown this whole "re-read"

Wow. Your play has digressed so much from your "2 time rookie of the year" level of play.

Here we go lynch Ape here we go!

In summation... come at me bro... once your done pushing the worst case I've ever seen, maybe then revert your attention to JIF and Lily.

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