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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Kea then Sharrow. Ballgame.

I'll translate your role in the JIF lynch into song for everybody.

Workin' on mysteries without looking for clues

Workin' on our bus moves

Trying' to get the townies to let me cruise

Workin' on our bus moves in the summertime

In the sweet summertime

I woke last night to the sound of hammers

How far off I sat and wondered

Started humming a song from back on day 2

Ain't it funny how the bus moves

When you just don't seem to have as much to lose

Strange how the bus moves

With end game closin' in

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I'll translate your role in the JIF lynch in song for everybody.

Workin' on mysteries without looking for clues

Workin' on our bus moves

Trying' to get the townies to let me cruise

Workin' on our bus moves in the summertime

In the sweet summertime

I woke last night to the sound of hammers

How far off I sat and wondered

Started humming a song from back on day 2

Ain't it funny how the bus moves

When you just don't seem to have as much to lose

Strange how the bus moves

With end game closin' in

I gave you the Dirk Nowitzki award. Remember that.

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And you thought yesterday was quick? After yesterday going by so quickly, today went by even quicker. As soon as it started, you all focused in on JiF. You quickly came to a majority, and before he could even get a word out, you all drew your blasters and fired away, blasting him into nothing more than a pile of charred bones. Could you really be lucky enough to get such a quick decision right twice in a row? Well perhaps you can.


JiF, known to you as Darth Vader (Imperial, symp finder) has been lynched.

Night 5 has begun, all night actions are due by 11 AM tomorrow.

Gave him to you dopes on D1... then you let him cry about "don't go back and read Ape's posts" for how many days. LOL... he thought he was playing so awesome he PM'ed me about it... made me puke on my new keyboard. You are all at fault for giving this asshead a false sense of accomplishment... congrats.

It finally happened, btw. I accidentally referred to JVOR as "JVOR" when talking to someone at work today.

Did that person say, "Wait... are you talking about JVOY?"

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Please, that Twilight crap should never be in the same sentence as Harry Potter, let alone The Lord of the Rings or Star Wars.

Which is why him lumping it in with HP is a total fail.

And both chicks are hot. Way hot. *drools*

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I would like to state for the record that I'm afraid Brett or AVM are scum. I feel this was a gambit. JMO.

yeah but would Brett both start a train and call for a hammer on fellow scum. Especially late in the game when the cant be that many left? Not so sure on AVM him lurking has me wondering a bit

Also what about sharrow?

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yeah but would Brett both start a train and call for a hammer on fellow scum. Especially late in the game when the cant be that many left? Not so sure on AVM him lurking has me wondering a bit

Also what about sharrow?

Sharrow I have no read on. If its a gambit Bret would do whatever to get JiF killed so he can seem like town.

I'm also guessing they either found their symp or converted KAE. Gives them an extra head to pull a move like that.

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Gave him to you dopes on D1... then you let him cry about "don't go back and read Ape's posts" for how many days. LOL... he thought he was playing so awesome he PM'ed me about it... made me puke on my new keyboard. You are all at fault for giving this asshead a false sense of accomplishment... congrats.

Did that person say, "Wait... are you talking about JVOY?"

yeah day one when you usually fos the entire lineup,,,,, gtfo

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Another quick day followed by another quick night. As you all wake up, two more of the people who were with you don't get up with the rest of you. The first you find seems as though a choke by the dark side of the force wouldn't do the trick, so they stepped it up a notch and just crushed in his entire head. The chances of him surviving that are, well... 0. Yeah, I think that about put an end to any future protocol work.


StraightCash, known to you as C-3PO (Rebel, mason) has been killed.

But hey, it looks like things may not have been all bad last night. It seems as though someone enjoyed a little snack last night, and all that's left is a few cleaned bones. Well that and some white armor.


Sharrow, known to you as a Stormtrooper (Imperial, symp) has been killed.

Day six has begun, with 9 players alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

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