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How sweet. If you really want to pay him back with a grandson you gotta get that book that explains how to have a male child when you conceive. Im SERIOUS. I did it with Baby Crusher, Little Sal and LeLe and got what I wanted each time. Has to do with angle of ejaculation and the ph of the va jay jay based on the cycle of menstration. NOT EVEN KIDDING. SCIENCE

Yep, this is real. The info is available online as well. The strongest sperm have the highest testosterone level and, thus, produce boys. But since it's a race against thousands, there needs to be some assistance, as you mentioned, such has angle, timing of cycle, female orgasm, etc. I followed it to the T for the first one, and, bullseye, got a son. I wanted a girl for the second one, didn't follow the procedure and, bullseye, got a girl.

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Yep, this is real. The info is available online as well. The strongest sperm have the highest testosterone level and, thus, produce boys. But since it's a race against thousands, there needs to be some assistance, as you mentioned, such has angle, timing of cycle, female orgasm, etc. I followed it to the T for the first one, and, bullseye, got a son. I wanted a girl for the second one, didn't follow the procedure and, bullseye, got a girl.

effin great. Now you tell me.

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Yep, this is real. The info is available online as well. The strongest sperm have the highest testosterone level and, thus, produce boys. But since it's a race against thousands, there needs to be some assistance, as you mentioned, such has angle, timing of cycle, female orgasm, etc. I followed it to the T for the first one, and, bullseye, got a son. I wanted a girl for the second one, didn't follow the procedure and, bullseye, got a girl.

So like, what if I'm used to doing all the angles each time, then what? Heh heh...

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So like, what if I'm used to doing all the angles each time, then what? Heh heh...

Needless to say, fornication is awesome. But this is about procreation and you have to be on a mission.

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So like, what if I'm used to doing all the angles each time, then what? Heh heh...

Don't want to give away all the secrets...but the boy sperm are fast little fukkers...unfortunately they cannot run long distances...decrease the distance and the boy sperm can win the race to the egg...increase the distance...the girl sperm win because all the boy sperm gave up half way there...also includes some interesting positioning drills that are always fun to try...there's more especially if your wife-to-be gets into the timing aspect...then you get a whole new meaning to "on-demand" sex...so yeah...you have a lot to look forward to...lol.

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Sorry to hear about the family stuff, Ape. I'm sure you'll give her the wedding she wants/deserves. Only met her once, but she seems to be a really cool girl, and even more so for putting up with you.

something something roach clip joke something something

Why can't I rep? I'm getting an error for "unable to save reputation" or something. Crusher - HELP!

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Don't want to give away all the secrets...but the boy sperm are fast little fukkers...unfortunately they cannot run long distances...decrease the distance and the boy sperm can win the race to the egg...increase the distance...the girl sperm win because all the boy sperm gave up half way there...also includes some interesting positioning drills that are always fun to try...there's more especially if your wife-to-be gets into the timing aspect...then you get a whole new meaning to "on-demand" sex...so yeah...you have a lot to look forward to...lol.

Yep, boy sperm twice as strong, run half as long. They're sprinters and girl sperm are marathon runners.

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Don't want to give away all the secrets...but the boy sperm are fast little fukkers...unfortunately they cannot run long distances...decrease the distance and the boy sperm can win the race to the egg...increase the distance...the girl sperm win because all the boy sperm gave up half way there...also includes some interesting positioning drills that are always fun to try...there's more especially if your wife-to-be gets into the timing aspect...then you get a whole new meaning to "on-demand" sex...so yeah...you have a lot to look forward to...lol.

We were tried at least 3 fast positions and 2 slow ones last Friday. I'm going to be awesome at this.

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Sorry to hear about the family stuff, Ape. I'm sure you'll give her the wedding she wants/deserves. Only met her once, but she seems to be a really cool girl, and even more so for putting up with you.

Why can't I rep? I'm getting an error for "unable to save reputation" or something. Crusher - HELP!

Haha... thanks. She's awesome for a myriad of reasons, putting up with me being top of the list, yes...

I can't rep anymore either. This forum software sucks, Max asks us what we want... we all say Rep + Rep comments, and instead Rep get broken entirely. lulz

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Don't want to give away all the secrets...but the boy sperm are fast little fukkers...unfortunately they cannot run long distances...decrease the distance and the boy sperm can win the race to the egg...increase the distance...the girl sperm win because all the boy sperm gave up half way there...also includes some interesting positioning drills that are always fun to try...there's more especially if your wife-to-be gets into the timing aspect...then you get a whole new meaning to "on-demand" sex...so yeah...you have a lot to look forward to...lol.

Yea, I think the timing is more important for getting knocked up period. Sadly, I knocked her up on first try so I had like a week of straight bangin'. Then 11 months of getting cockblocked.

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We were tried at least 3 fast positions and 2 slow ones last Friday. I'm going to be awesome at this.

He's referring to shallow load droppin or deep. And it's good for her to not be on top so all the baby batter doesn't come out. That's what I was told. I was just directed to bang and so, I banged.

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“Oh crap, Vic, sorry about that,” Pac said with a smirk. “But removing you was good for my soul.”

“You have no soul!” Hess yelled out. “And killing Vic was super stupid like your face!”

“Screw you, Hess,” Pac snapped. “It’s Vic’s own fault. My logic was sound.”

Crusher shoved Hess in the back. “Stop bitching. It’s not like you were involved in what happened.”

“Shut your big ugly mouth,” Hess sneered and whipped out his gun. “I’ll shoot your fatass, just like I would do to CTM, Christine, 80, and Leelou.”

Crusher pulled out his gun and aimed it at Hess. “I’d like to see you try.”

But they were not alone and others pulled out their guns as well.

“It’s about to get real,” someone said.

Before anyone said another word, bullets started to fly, ricocheting off the van and the walls. A staccato of gunfire and smoke filled the air.

“Stop! Stop!” someone yelled out and the firing ceased. There were two dead bodies on the floor, but, surprisingly, they were not Crusher or Hess, the latter whom was somehow only grazed.

Everyone crowded around the two fallen men, both with a bullet to the back of their heads.


Pac, Robert Fischer (townie), a self-projection in Robert Fischer’s subconscious, has left the dream level.


The other was, Sharrow, Robert Fischer (townie), a self-projection in Robert Fischer’s subconscious, has left the dream level.

“Glad Pac’s dead,” CTM said, “but this was bullsh*t. Let’s do the vote again, okay?”

“Yeah, whatever you say, creepy ahole,” Ape replied.

The Players

1. Nolder

2. Crusher

3. Verbal

4. Vicious 1 –Lynched D1

5. Leelou

6. Ape

7. Pac – Killed N1

8. JF80

9. JiF

10. Christine

11. JC

12. Smashmouth

13. AVM

14. Tina

15. WWWombat

16. CTM

17. Hess

18. Sharrow – Killed N1

19. Jack_D


With 16 Robert Fischers, it takes 9 to lynch out of the dream level

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