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Geisha Wars Mafia


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Wait, where did the tough talking a$$hole Christine go?

Joking aside, I commend you for taking home the little beast.

Also, don't cats wait to jump on counters only AFTER they've danced around in their own sh*t a few times?

TBH I find that I am a bit nicer when I am no longer home alone.

There were so many cute kittens, and it broke my heart to say no to them, but I know that the adult cats won't get adopted. They never do. There was four of them, and two were female. Females always get adopted first. The other male was a lanky thing, looked like a professional mouse catcher... And then there was this guy. He was just loving and wanted to be held.

I'm not a 5year old. I don't need a kitten. This guy was perfect.

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I'm just kidding.. My girlfriend has a cat that I inheritated when we moved in together.. first couple months I hated the thing because he shed his black hair all over my sh-t. At this point it's not a love affair but I tolerate him.

My nickname for him is "stupid" which the gf hates so I only use it when she's not around.. I'll walk in from work and say "heey stupid" and he looks up at me and makes guttural grunts of affection.. for some reason stupid loves me when I pretty much show nothing but contempt for him 80% of the time.

the cat loves me more than my gf and she's had him 11 years.. she rationalizes it by saying that the cat is a homo.

can cats be gay? sounds like a CTM question.

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Wanted a bigger dog...like a Lab or something. But the kids and wife wanted smaller dogs...so we settled on these things.

you let a woman talk you into this thing??


good god grow some balls man... it looks like Emmet Otter.

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why don't you find a short pier and take a long walk, white trash.

If Nolder has a shot I will send him a finsky via paypal if he puts a bullet straight up your ass.

A whole finsky? How could he pass that up, he could buy 1/2 a pack of smokes with that. What a generous fella

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So far in this thread PAC has told us he made up the incredibly original and ironic nickname "stupid" for a pet. He offered a finsky to Nolderp. And now he's somehow ended up with a puffball dog as his avatar. Good stuff.

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Sorry. Midsummer was fun.

I have just skimmed the thread. Can someone tell me about the suspicions concerning Smash. I think I have played with him before but I don´t know how he plays.

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Non game related

I'm about 3/4 done with season 2 of Boardwalk Empire

Are there any likable people in this show? Geez

And I don't mean to say I don't like the characters but everyone is kind of an a$$hole and doing crappy things

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So far in this thread PAC has told us he made up the incredibly original and ironic nickname "stupid" for a pet. He offered a finsky to Nolderp. And now he's somehow ended up with a puffball dog as his avatar. Good stuff.

He was worried that some of us had forgotten what a douche he was and wanted to remind everyone

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