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Fight Club Mafia - May your ass be kicked


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I'm a pirate. Wherever one may find drunken festivities, I've been there and pillaged. I once spent a weekend in that very trashcan. I think. The girl wasn't there though, which was a pity because she looks like she really knows how to par-tay.

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I'm a pirate. Wherever one may find drunken festivities, I've been there and pillaged. I once spent a weekend in that very trashcan. I think. The girl wasn't there though, which was a pity because she looks like she really knows how to par-tay.

You're top notch in my book, DPR. Or D P R. Whatever.

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Vote JiF

If confirmed townie Crusher doesn't feel good about him, I sure don't. The only reason I don't feel confident in this vote is that the scum team is doing well so far. Every scum team with JiF on it in Mafia history has been an unmitigated disaster, with Dan X bailing him out that one time.

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It came across different than you meant it. Get some more sleep.

It's one of those things that if spoken, with the proper inflection, it would have resonated. I see where I failed, and will aspired to either do better next time or at the very least fail just as hard.

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This man is scum.

I admire your confidence. Interesting to see someone else so sure of their read, and yet not getting heat for it like I did on D1. I guess I try too hard. I'm going to watch how you do this, to see if I can learn how to be a bit more convincing without undermining my own instincts. In the meantime, let me ask, do you think there would be value in a competing train vs. SMC? Would that be informative for us?

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The above applies to both your sense of humor and your scum-hunting abilities. Or lack thereof. At least you're trying, I guess.

Good grief, that was awful... well at least no matter how much my one-liners fail, I've always got you to come along and establish a new floor.

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DPR stop posting images immediately... worst series of images ever posted in teh mafia... 3 over-sized images and a spinny skull? Not one hottie??? WTF???

Thankfully Leelou came along and bailed us out with a hot pirate chick... wtf though dude, are you drinking sea breezes instead of rum these days?

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