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Generic Fantasy Mafia - Day 5 (Game Over)


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Spinning much?

I said smash is off and we can get more info via the levity/ll case.

It's more the timing of it. Smash had 5 votes out of 8 and then you pop in, post twice that he smells off but you vote Leelou instead. Later on you switch to Levity and want it to be between the two of them. If he's really off to you, why would you vote two others instead of him if he was a leader at one point?

That, and you're being a little overly-defensive imo. Casting doubt on Leelou's and Verbal's claims and then saying that I'm spinning a story feels like you have some sort of motive here.

It could be a red herring for me and you are town. It's early. But you're pinging me more than some others so far.

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It's more the timing of it. Smash had 5 votes out of 8 and then you pop in, post twice that he smells off but you vote Leelou instead. Later on you switch to Levity and want it to be between the two of them. If he's really off to you, why would you vote two others instead of him if he was a leader at one point?

That, and you're being a little overly-defensive imo. Casting doubt on Leelou's and Verbal's claims and then saying that I'm spinning a story feels like you have some sort of motive here.

It could be a red herring for me and you are town. It's early. But you're pinging me more than some others so far.

My motive is to not get lynched. I don't trust what Verbal is selling. Then his easy vote plus his lack of case made it same lazy and cemented my feelings on him.

Leelou made a plain vanilla claim, that seems to be the way scum counteracts here now. Used to be flashy claims but it seems the vanilla is a way people.

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Before this post, you really didn’t add anything to the game. You randomly voted Smash and proceeded to go back to sleep. Once you come back you start your tunnel vision on me:

Well, I just read through them all.

It's funny how you were afraid to be on a wagon a few pages back, and now you're completely eager to hop on top of one, Leelou.

Ape's actually been ringing a few bells for me, but I'm going to have to see more game content to judge better. He did take Wombat way too seriously, though.

I don't see any reason to keep my vote on Smash anymore.


Vote Leelou because I meant to do this earlier. Keeping cool, vote pattern was odd, another one who turned attention to the Wombat thing. Because what batter than to keep attention focused on someone else acting strangely? Much better for you. Question it, bathe in it.

I still really don’t know how I took the Wombat thing “too seriously”? I asked wtf was up with him and then voted him for his No Lynch vote, which I quoted when voting.

During this you start arguing a bit with Ape, yet you still find me more scummy:

I like your hypocrisy there.

Hi, John.

I still think Leelou is scummier than you are. You read my post the wrong way, unfortunately.

Uh, what is Smash doing? He voted for Leelou with no reason to back it up, and that really bothers me. I feel like he's trying to frame me. I'm not scum (I really don't want to start hinting at my role like I usually do, but I'll claim if I have to I guess), but if the way Ape keeps associating me with him is going to cause him to start doing sh*t like that, I'm a little irritated.

The discussion about watches was annoying to scroll through and heavily distracting. I don't like off-topic discussion; I always view it as suspicious (since at SF it's often a scumtell).

If you really want to know my intentions behind the Leelou vote, it was for pressure more than anything because she was under the radar and I don't like under the radar players at all. She hasn't contributed very much actual content to the game. Smash and Crusher could fall into this now. I'm having a hard time remembering everyone's usernames, so pardon me if I miss anyone.

The nature of Leelou's claim, to me, is exasperated town. That doesn't change the fact that she hasn't contributed much today, though. I wish she would give more opinion, but I suppose I'll wait.


Vote Smash

I didn't realize the Leelou train built up so quickly, and I don't like Smash's little-content wagon hop at all.

And pardon me, by the way, but I'd rather not be lynched today.

So now you don’t like how my train built up, yet you were pushing me as scummy and acting strange. I had to reveal, of course I’m an exasperated townie. You put me in that position. Nolder should warn you – things tend to move fast here. Also, you changed your reason for voting me basically mimicking what JC said.

Also this. Stop tunneling, it's getting out of hand. I realize my lynch is informative, but you're really letting haste blind you.

Sorry, this made me laugh.

I didn't try to draw attention away from anyone in the first place. Vic, are you only repeating what Ape said or something? You're bothering me a little.

Yes, you did. You drew attention away from Smash by tunneling on me and calling me scummy. Now, it seems as if you are trying to distance yourself from him after being called on it.

So for the tl:dr people Levity didn’t do sh*t early in Day 1, went to sleep, woke up tunneled on me and drew attention away from Smash, claimed to vote me for acting strange and that I’m scummy, argued with Ape, came back the next day, didn’t like how fast my train built, changed her reason for voting me to just to pressure me since I was under the radar (also said by JC), and she doesn’t like people to tunnel on her.

I’m still not sure if she is scum, but I’m not very comfortable with her right now and am debating voting her. I want to look over Vic, Smash and a couple others again before I decide what I do before deadline.

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Everything I do is scummy to you, so there's not much else I really can do, is there?

Your stubbornness is going to hinder the town.

Just because I'm working your case doesn't mean it's all I see.

I actually just looked back at previous vote counts and realized Levity hasn't really had that much of a train at all in the past 10 pages or so. And I don't recall her having one early in the game. But I recall her definitely getting pressure. So who has been nudging Levity? Or is Ape just that much of a loudmouth?

I moved to Levity, and multiple people came up with OTHER people to vote other than her. Which is why I felt good about my case. Usually people drop in right behind me on any train I create. With Smash being vote leader and me driving a Levity case, it feels eerilty similar to one of those both of them are scum moments.

She's had no real votes though, and only heat from me. Her defense pitiful as I've been saying.

Remember I voted her because she pushed FOS at me and voted Leelou while coming off of Smash's train, basically creating two new momentum paths away from Smash. That's why I voted her. I stayed when nobody followed me and she put words in my mouth rather than defend legitimately.

2 for 1. Just lynch her already, sheesh.

I'm saying you bring us information. In the meantime you've offered little to no defense on ape


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It's more the timing of it. Smash had 5 votes out of 8 and then you pop in, post twice that he smells off but you vote Leelou instead. Later on you switch to Levity and want it to be between the two of them. If he's really off to you, why would you vote two others instead of him if he was a leader at one point?

That, and you're being a little overly-defensive imo. Casting doubt on Leelou's and Verbal's claims and then saying that I'm spinning a story feels like you have some sort of motive here.

It could be a red herring for me and you are town. It's early. But you're pinging me more than some others so far.

These are good observations. Vic trying to get me to divert from Levity, to Leelou by telling me Leelou was "getting behind the Ape" felt like an emotional appeal to get me to bite on something I'm hyper-sensitive to.

Vic is much more directive on this D1 than I can remember in a while, that is for sure. Different. I can usually read him like an open book by D2, but I'm not having the same luck right now.

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And I guess the case on Levity hinges on Smash. Shouldn't we get Smash then for info on Levity and Vic?

Smash has been more aloof than anything. His behavior is unlike him which is why he's pinging me. That and his throwaway momentum vote on Leelou. In the meantime LL provided a good rundown on Levity. Ape has continually pressured her and her only defense has been "I don't get you". It's like she's basically folding her arms and not even trying to defend. I feel like Levity would clear LL or at least put me at ease with LL and confirm smash as scum. I'm 50/50 on them and there's more substance to Levity meanwhile Smash is just more of a ping than anything extremely substantial.

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So the case on Vic hinges on his actions regarding Levity and Smash? Seems kinda convoluted given that we have a coroner's report on neither.


Vote: Smash

Pulling pressure off of smash is just one theory, it could be wrong. I'd rather stick on vicious than think lynching smash is just as good because smash himself hasn't really posted all that much. Pegging team dynamics this early is like chasing fool's gold. Vicious has just reacted poorly to a lot of things early on.

For instance, Verbal's claim is likely a bigger threat to scum early on and more worrisome to the town the longer he lives. Who is going to let Verbal live to endgame if he isn't dead by then? We'd all just assume he's 3rd party or scum. But vicious is noticeably the one saying he's suspicious of verbal early on for his claim, when i think a lot of us think that it was a pro-town reveal if he's town.

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Pulling pressure off of smash is just one theory, it could be wrong. I'd rather stick on vicious than think lynching smash is just as good because smash himself hasn't really posted all that much. Pegging team dynamics this early is like chasing fool's gold. Vicious has just reacted poorly to a lot of things early on.

For instance, Verbal's claim is likely a bigger threat to scum early on and more worrisome to the town the longer he lives. Who is going to let Verbal live to endgame if he isn't dead by then? We'd all just assume he's 3rd party or scum. But vicious is noticeably the one saying he's suspicious of verbal early on for his claim, when i think a lot of us think that it was a pro-town reveal if he's town.

First off, I think it's annoying to say I reacted poorly. I'm reacting as things come along. I don't necessarily agree with your case but it at least has something behind it that I would expect of you. I didn't like your vote on me but once you expanded on your view, I don't think you're a person of interest right now. Who voted me to kick it off?




And they were all bang/bang/bang with little to no substance. Verbals case was literally "oh look town, scary vicgod". That's why I have reacted the way I have. Crusher unvoted LL and voted me, and has since unvoted me and then voted Pac and removed that vote easily enough. Pac in the midst of the more central fight of LL/Levity voted JiF and just hopped on Crushers back on me. Haven't heard from him since.

Do a little googling under survivor mafia role. His claim is a perfect way to counteract what his role is. It's a brazen play, but it works. That's why I feel the way I do about him as well as the amount of fluff he's posted since his early reveal. I encourage to look at his post history as well.

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First off, I think it's annoying to say I reacted poorly. I'm reacting as things come along. I don't necessarily agree with your case but it at least has something behind it that I would expect of you. I didn't like your vote on me but once you expanded on your view, I don't think you're a person of interest right now. Who voted me to kick it off?




And they were all bang/bang/bang with little to no substance. Verbals case was literally "oh look town, scary vicgod". That's why I have reacted the way I have. Crusher unvoted LL and voted me, and has since unvoted me and then voted Pac and removed that vote easily enough. Pac in the midst of the more central fight of LL/Levity voted JiF and just hopped on Crushers back on me. Haven't heard from him since.

Do a little googling under survivor mafia role. His claim is a perfect way to counteract what his role is. It's a brazen play, but it works. That's why I feel the way I do about him as well as the amount of fluff he's posted since his early reveal. I encourage to look at his post history as well.

Point taken about saying you reacted poorly. I'm not 100% on you, i'm just trying to walk through your process and rationale.

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vote Wombat

I'm not going to vote Levity today. I really like the tradition of not lynching new people D1. But I'll happily put my vote there tomorrow.

I could go with Smash as well. I'd have to read back for more on Vicious.

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