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JAWS MAFIA - Game Thread


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And no, the actual bomb(s) have not revealed yet. As he/she/they shouldn't. Right now the bomb(s) might be the most important role in the game.

I agree with you. ****. I hate agreeing with you. Say something stupid, please.

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Eat the ape, please? Kthnx.

I may be wrong on that. My original theory was 2 bombs and 2 backups, one via lynch the other via NK. With what we know now, there may in fact only be 1 bomb and 2 backups (Nolder and AVM).

I thought I was scum, though?

vote SMC

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Whatever, lets test our theory on Wombat. Wombat, don't claim and take your death like a man. If Hess is really required to eat every day, he'll have to eat you before we lynch. Hopefully you're a bomb.

Unvote vote Wombat

Risky. Win spectacularly or die trying. I like it.

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Whatever, lets test our theory on Wombat. Wombat, don't claim and take your death like a man. If Hess is really required to eat every day, he'll have to eat you before we lynch. Hopefully you're a bomb.

Unvote vote Wombat

Ok. unvote vote wombat

I've had a town read on you from D1.

I was referring to the Ape...who has thought I was guaranteed scum on two occasions :D

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The lovers cared nothing for the goings on of the town. All they cared about was geting their skinny-dip-freak on, and they were in full swing when the shark found them.

They didn't even notice him as he circled slowly around them.

For privacy, they took Shinori's dingy out into the bay. Tina always brought her radio. Right now, a popular song that was played pretty much non-stop was blaring.

The shark was more of an Eminem fan, and in the spirit of that, made up his own lyrics.

"I don't know y'all - and this is crazy - but won't jump in my belly, maybe?"

He was laughing to himself when he noticed them staring back at him.

"What? Was that over the top? I never can tell..."

They didn't move.

"Oh well. Come to papa..."

And with that, he chomped down on both.


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Then how do we kill the Shark?

People are saying multiple harpoons won't work. Then what else? Hess eating a bomb? But what if he doesn't do that? Doesn't make sense that the only way he can be killed his by HIS OWN ACTIONS.

Shouldn't there be a way in which WE can kill him?

I still have a lot of catching up to do, but I agree with this. I think Hess can die either way.

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Im the town tracker

Night 1 I tracked Wombat - Result he visited no one

Night 2 I tracked The Apetard He visited no one

Night 3 I tracked SMC he visited no one

Night 4 I tracked Christine She Visited Hess. Obviously Shooting does not kill the shark either so Lynch Christene and Harpoon the shark

Quint Harpoon Please

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@DPR -

Christine took credit for Harpooning Hess during night phase. Would that register as her visiting Hess to a tracker?

I'm not following how Smash is arriving at Christine being scum, when she told us she harpooned Hess in the same night phase that he tracked her.

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Im the town tracker

Night 1 I tracked Wombat - Result he visited no one

Night 2 I tracked The Apetard He visited no one

Night 3 I tracked SMC he visited no one

Night 4 I tracked Christine She Visited Hess. Obviously Shooting does not kill the shark either so Lynch Christene and Harpoon the shark

Quint Harpoon Please


Thought Christine had the harpoon and declared she would take the shot?

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I may be wrong on that. My original theory was 2 bombs and 2 backups, one via lynch the other via NK. With what we know now, there may in fact only be 1 bomb and 2 backups (Nolder and AVM).

Who says there are only two backups?

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@DPR -

Christine took credit for Harpooning Hess during night phase. Would that register as her visiting Hess to a tracker?

I'm not following how Smash is arriving at Christine being scum, when she told us she harpooned Hess in the same night phase that he tracked her.

How do we know Christine got the harpoon?

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Im the town tracker

Night 1 I tracked Wombat - Result he visited no one

Night 2 I tracked The Apetard He visited no one

Night 3 I tracked SMC he visited no one

Night 4 I tracked Christine She Visited Hess. Obviously Shooting does not kill the shark either so Lynch Christene and Harpoon the shark

Quint Harpoon Please

Ugh...did you really just reveal all that?


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