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Yes, it's a shame we can't be focused on our defense, which can very easily be #1 in the league again this season. (We may finally get pressure up front!!! ALRIGHT!)

But since the media wants to continue creating this mess for us-- The new thing that is sweeping through ESPN now is the idea that the Jets OL will be soo bad that it may be BETTER to start Tebow! OK, first of all, it is never better to start Tebow over anyone regardless of the rest of the team-- at QB. And we are all going to seee that first hand if and when Tebow did get the nod. How many straight punts will real Jet fans sit through before saying, "Ok forget it!" lol Bcause that's what will happen.

BUT I can't help but think:

First of all, as Mike T's biggest critic I have to say it is getting blown out of proportion how bad this offense will be. They didn't completely ignore the WR position...they drafted two guys who MAY have an impact, we got Schilens, Kerly who showed promise as a rookie as well as Turner (and you know the jump from year one to year two is major), Holmes, Keller and dont forget Cro. These are all unknowns. Victor Cruz was undrafted and Eli was getting clowned just a year ago.

On the O-line-- I mean people are talking like we have 5 rookies. We have 3 of the guys who dominated for us a couple years ago---two of them pro-bowlers-- then slauson who has been getting steadily better and of course, Hunter--- not the '82 Redskins but not horrible.

Now, if you take all that and made Tebow a HB/FB (who can kind of throw like a QB) and add a backfield of Greene/Tebow. That's more of a ground and pound unit than Greene/Mcknight.

Add to that our monster Defense..... NOW we are talking! But NOOOO Tebow has to play Quarter back! :superman: and start a whole friggin circus!

Am I wrong, guys?

BTW-- one thing about Tannebum is he loves to bargain-hunt and he DOES have a couple guys that could make him look like a genius and it's not Tim Tebow : but Laron Landry and Aaron Maybin could explode this year. Over and Out

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Agree with lancemehl for the first time ever... this o-line is not bad.

Also agree with the basic idea you mentioned about Tebow in the backfield in a 2 back set. Been saying that since day 1, it's the way to go. Think I even mentioned it in an article here.

What it might lack in tradtional NFL talent, it more than makes up for with extreme versatility and unpredictability.

He looks like he could be a capable blocker. No team has a back that can throw nearly as well as he can. It gives the defense another thing to account for every time he's in the backfield. Plus, it keeps Sanchez on the field so he stays in rythm and gets rid of the "QB competition" nonsense.

The whole Tebow uproar is foolish. All you need to know is Tebow > Brunell.

Yes, exactly.

All this talk about how it "puts Sanchez in a bad position," etc. Really? What a poor baby Sanchez is, here he's only entering his 4th year and he's feeling the heat from a guy with a 46.5% completion percentage last season? LOL. Yes Tebow is still better than Brunell and yes Sanchez will be under pressure, but it's not exactly Andrew Luck sitting behind him here... and if he can't handle it then he needs to go anyway. Good riddance.

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The Jets OL is NOT awful. It's NOT good enough to be a dominant run-blocking OL which seems to be what Ryan and Sparano are planning with their "ground and pound" offense, especially with Shonn Greene as the "featured" RB. I think that the offensive philosophy that Ryan and Sparano are attempting to implement is what is faulty, and that is what the real problem is.

Furthermore, the Jets do NOT have offensive playmakers, and their depth, especially on the OL, is virtually non-existent. That's a prescription for a long season unless the defense can totally shut down offenses, and with the current rules in place, that's probably NOT going to happen real often.

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The Jets OL is NOT awful. It's NOT good enough to be a dominant run-blocking OL which seems to be what Ryan and Sparano are planning with their "ground and pound" offense, especially with Shonn Greene as the "featured" RB. I think that the offensive philosophy that Ryan and Sparano are attempting to implement is what is faulty, and that is what the real problem is.

Furthermore, the Jets do NOT have offensive playmakers, and their depth, especially on the OL, is virtually non-existent. That's a prescription for a long season unless the defense can totally shut down offenses, and with the current rules in place, that's probably NOT going to happen real often.

Heh, thanks for sharing. The trolling would go down better if the Jets hadn't swept the Bills each of the last two seasons. :)

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I am Mike Ts biggest critic. The bean counter has been in my crosshairs since he paid two firsts and a fourth for the bowling ball with butcher knives.

That was Terry Bradway. I still hate him.

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What ever happened to that guy?

via wikipedia

Bradway worked in the personnel department for the Kansas City Chiefs prior to being hired as general manager of the Jets in 2001, and served in that capacity until his resignation in 2006.[1] Bradway has remained with the Jets as a consultant. Bradway believed that Doug Jolley would be the next coming of Jeff Parles, hence trading a first round pick to obtain him.
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Then he's kinda made you look foolish since Rex got here, huh?

Yes, he has. The offense has been a perennial jugernaut the last seven years. And his ability to bring in top-shelf talent at bargain prices has made a total fool of me. Bart Scott and Calvin Pace have far outplayed thier menial contracts. And then there was Brett Favre. Wow. He got Brett Favre. For a year.Stellar. Boy was I red-faced after that one. And the 26 million he gave to Lito Sheppard--money well spent! Then of course his exemplary drafting record. He stole Kyle Wilson. Stole him! And Vlad. My god how does he do it time and again? Sure he's only got three or four picks per draft due to his ability to trade those stupid cheap young kids for experienced, expensive veterans drafted by other teams, but he makes the most of those picks. Like when he traded a king's ransom to get move up from 17 to 5 to draft Mark Sanchez! Taken at 17? Some stiff that'll be flipping burgers at the UPS cafeteria! Some Josh Freemason or something. Tanny is smarter than the rest of us. that much is clear. The man just knows football.

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Yes, he has. The offense has been a perennial jugernaut the last seven years. And his ability to bring in top-shelf talent at bargain prices has made a total fool of me. Bart Scott and Calvin Pace have far outplayed thier menial contracts. And then there was Brett Favre. Wow. He got Brett Favre. For a year.Stellar. Boy was I red-faced after that one. And the 26 million he gave to Lito Sheppard--money well spent! Then of course his exemplary drafting record. He stole Kyle Wilson. Stole him! And Vlad. My god how does he do it time and again? Sure he's only got three or four picks per draft due to his ability to trade those stupid cheap young kids for experienced, expensive veterans drafted by other teams, but he makes the most of those picks. Like when he traded a king's ransom to get move up from 17 to 5 to draft Mark Sanchez! Taken at 17? Some stiff that'll be flipping burgers at the UPS cafeteria! Some Josh Freemason or something. Tanny is smarter than the rest of us. that much is clear. The man just knows football.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm more concerned about results rather than names, contract breakdowns, focusing on one side of the football exclusively, etc.

But see, that's just me - I like when this team is winning, making playoff runs, etc. Perhaps we have different interests and you're more into analyzing contracts, or just looking at the offense, etc.

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The Jets OL is NOT awful. It's NOT good enough to be a dominant run-blocking OL which seems to be what Ryan and Sparano are planning with their "ground and pound" offense, especially with Shonn Greene as the "featured" RB. I think that the offensive philosophy that Ryan and Sparano are attempting to implement is what is faulty, and that is what the real problem is.

Furthermore, the Jets do NOT have offensive playmakers, and their depth, especially on the OL, is virtually non-existent. That's a prescription for a long season unless the defense can totally shut down offenses, and with the current rules in place, that's probably NOT going to happen real often.

Thank you for this totally fresh perspective. I have yet to read any similar sentiments this offseason. How fortunate we are to have Bills fans enlighten us on the subtle weaknesses of the current New York Jets roster.

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Maybe it's just me, but I'm more concerned about results rather than names, contract breakdowns, focusing on one side of the football exclusively, etc.

But see, that's just me - I like when this team is winning, making playoff runs, etc. Perhaps we have different interests and you're more into analyzing contracts, or just looking at the offense, etc.

I'm not arguing with you, really. I've never bought into tanny. You feel he's doing a good job. Neither of us is going to capitulate because we have differing opinions. And that's cool too. I want a solid, balanced team with depth and good character. There are maybe five of those out do 32. So I may be aiming too high. But why settle for being second tier as a fan? I've invested a lot in this team over the years and I'd like to be proud of them. It's not easy to do that recently.

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There are certainly teams in far worse situations roster-wise than the Jets. The Jets have been at the very least competitive for the last decade+, barring a few injury plagued seasons here and there. The problem is the expectations have always been set very high, often times higher than they had any right to be set in some cases.

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The Jets OL is NOT awful. It's NOT good enough to be a dominant run-blocking OL which seems to be what Ryan and Sparano are planning with their "ground and pound" offense, especially with Shonn Greene as the "featured" RB. I think that the offensive philosophy that Ryan and Sparano are attempting to implement is what is faulty, and that is what the real problem is.

Furthermore, the Jets do NOT have offensive playmakers, and their depth, especially on the OL, is virtually non-existent. That's a prescription for a long season unless the defense can totally shut down offenses, and with the current rules in place, that's probably NOT going to happen real often.

Allrighty then! Dont you have a team up in Buffalo or is it Toronto or is it L.A. that hasnt made the playoffs since like the last century to worry about?

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