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admittance is half the battle


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after watching the first offensive snap last year for the jets, with ware planting sanchez like a seed, you knew there was problems with the right side of the offensive line. all last season, hunter was not the player who filled in for woody in the previous season. he seemed to suffer from the eric smith syndrome. great role player/back up. not good at being a starter. and whilst we all watched hunter struggle all year, the front office,coaches, and cordinators seemed to turn the other cheek and ignore the situation. hunter left out on an island against good to elite pass rushers with no help with the same result. qb pressure.this seemed to carry out all offseason until after the giants game.the first admittance that there is a problem on the right side. only took a year

the solution is not that complicated.it isnt brain surgery. you give the stuggling offensive lineman some help.some help does wonders.however, your top 3 backs and both starting tight ends cannot block,period. now thats a problem. alot of fans are waiting for final cuts so the jets can pick up that serviceable right tackle(we all know that howard isnt any better than hunter, probably worse). probably not going to happen. the jets have the 3 tackles on the team that they probably will carry on the final roster. i am pretty confident the jets could pick up a decent blocking tight end or 2. and while we are on the blocking subject, cut john conner. dude is a bum. should have never been drafted. tony richardson was great for the jets, but the full back is just dinosour. replace with blocking tight end. just dont leave the right side on an island against the likes of mario williams and the jets offense will be better

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Thank you so much for starting a brand new topic about this. Seriously, If you hadn't, Im not sure anyone would have a place to talk about Sanchez, Tanny, and the OL anywhere else in the entire forum!!

Good Work!!!

i forget who i am dealing with sometimes.sorry.should have known you are out there
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Thank you so much for starting a brand new topic about this. Seriously, If you hadn't, Im not sure anyone would have a place to talk about Sanchez, Tanny, and the OL anywhere else in the entire forum!!

Good Work!!!

Listen you, having Vulgar Display of Power as your avatar gives you license to write anything you ****ing want. Recognize.

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I've been denied admittance by so many women. It's the whole battle if you ask me. I find Admission is half the battle. If you pay admission, women tend to allow admittance. Just answer "no" when they ask if you're a cop. That's the other half of the battle. Also go jets.

The hanging outside at all hours and making unwanted phone calls and yelling the young lady's name-also and ideas.
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