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I doubt that any or the 'real' in house Jets fan will miss you bubba.

As to your tripe on why the donkeys won with Tebow at QB:

Yap - Yap - Yap - Tebow Sucks - Yap - Yap - Yap

But they still can't get around the actual 'On The Field' NFL Facts/Stats can they? (rhetorical)

Passing 20 TD's to 9 Ints. (for a 2.22 to 1 Ratio)

Rushing 13 TD's to 6 Lost Poss Fumbles (2.16 to 1 Ratio)

Total 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers (2.20 to 1 Ratio) with an 8-6 + 1-1 for a 9-7 W/L record.

For a Top Quality Team that went 4-14 with a 7-8 year NFL Vet QB, + WR B.Lloyd + WR J.Gaffney + RB N.Moreno.

(none of those were there when Tebow started in game 6 going 7-4 + 1-1 - 8-5 for a Top Quality 1-4 team)

Or the fact that the Broncos were 24th in the NFL on both Offense and Defense when Tebow went in,

'cold off the bench' for a 1-4 team in 2011.

Where was the winning defense while 7-8 year Vet QB Orton was going 4-14 in 2010/11?

They were also 27th in the league rushing and he took them to the #1 Rushing Team in the NFL also.

His OC McCoy admitted that he'd never run an option offense in his entire career.

Tebow is the one that taught them the 'Read/Option' plays that turned around their season, not defense Fox or OC McCoy.

Sorry, but you Ignoring the actual FACTS won't make them go away....

Go take a look at Denver's last 2 regular season games and the playoff game against New England and explain those numbers for me please. Who know what Pittsburgh was doing that day but if you want to claim that as your great victory that Tebow can play in this league then I will take Sanchez over him with wins over Rivers, Manning and Brady on their home fields in the post season and write off last year as a bad year.

Take it from a guy who supported Pennington, when a defense figures out how to defend a QB it gets around the league REAL FAST. Once teams figured out how to defend the Broncos they lost 4 of their last 5 and backed into the post season.

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IMO the basic problem that most Jets fans have with Tebow supporters is the hypocrisy. When Sanchez has a bad game, Tebow fans say "Well that's because Sanchez sucks."

When Tebow has a bad game, Tebow fans say "OMG, the OC sucks, the O line sucks, the WRs suck and the running game sucks. Tebow would be the best QB in the league if we fixed all that"

It's a total double standard and doesn't sit well with most people.

I seen the claim before, but the real evidence for it is severly lacking imoho.

I have repeatedly said to start Mark and play Tim.

I have also said that I don't believe that the Jets overall 'team' talent is good enough to win,

without both QB's fulfilling their seperate rolls in 2012.

Every QB can have a bad game or a great game, happens all the time. Causes vary as much as the teams do.

Constantly screaming that TEBOW SUCKS will not help the Sanchize play any better.

My problem with the Tebow haters is that they are so biased that Tim NEVER DOES ANYTHING that's good as a QB.

He's a 9-7 NFL QB,,,,,, that can't WIN in the NFL. (wtf)

He has thrown 20 TD's to just 9 Ints, but he can't read a defense, make an accurate throw, or continue to improve over time.

But 'every advantage' starter QB's who threw for:

MS 12 TD's to 20 Ints.

PM NFL Rookie QB Record 28 Ints.

JE 7 TD's to 14 Ints with a 54.9 PER

JN who never had a completion % over 51.1 in his 8 year NFL career, nor a season with more TD's than Ints

Were/Are 'sure thing' NFL HoF QB's.

Hypocrisy did you say???

Seems like we could all meet in the middle somewhere with a little effort,,,, to the benefit of all Jet and/or Tebow fans everywhere.

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Sorry about the bad format, not sure why that happened. But to say you cant read it was a bit much dont you think war ensemble? @ Jif, you must have been the guy behind me cheering we want Tebow. I am embarased for you. Do you not realize the guy cant throw?

Nah, wasnt me. But if I were there, it would have been. Dont be embarrassed for me. I'm not embarrassed at all. I <3 Tebow and you will too when he's hoisting the Lombardi for our favorite team.

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Go take a look at Denver's last 2 regular season games and the playoff game against New England and explain those numbers for me please. Who know what Pittsburgh was doing that day but if you want to claim that as your great victory that Tebow can play in this league then I will take Sanchez over him with wins over Rivers, Manning and Brady on their home fields in the post season and write off last year as a bad year.

Take it from a guy who supported Pennington, when a defense figures out how to defend a QB it gets around the league REAL FAST. Once teams figured out how to defend the Broncos they lost 4 of their last 5 and backed into the post season.

Naw, you just explain the Sanchize's last 4 'Out of the Playoffs' games for me instead.

Or maybe you'd like to explain the results of their 2011 head-to-head matchup game? :superman: (crickets chirping)

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Couldnt agree more thats why after over 30 years as a season tix holder i put my tix on stubhub! As for the FKN Tebow fanatics that keep bringing up last year it was the defense,kicker, raiders losing last 3 games and barber running out of bounds for the broncos to advance to the playoffs! I can hear all the Teblow fans saying what about the steeler game and i will give you that BUT what did he do twice against the patriots!!! By the way for you newbies Patriots play in our division

What did Mark Sanchez do vs. the Patriots last season?

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When Tebow has a bad game, Tebow fans say "OMG, the OC sucks, the O line sucks, the WRs suck and the running game sucks. Tebow would be the best QB in the league if we fixed all that"

Actually, this is equally the case for both Sanchez and Tebow. Again, time to simply admit both suck. There shouldn't be a Sanchez and Tebow camp. Just Jets fans who can come together and realize our future at the QB position isn't on the roster.

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Actually, this is equally the case for both Sanchez and Tebow. Again, time to simply admit both suck. There shouldn't be a Sanchez and Tebow camp. Just Jets fans who can come together and realize our future at the QB position isn't on the roster.

I used to root for the name on the front of the jersey. That was, until Tim Tebow came to town.

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Actually, this is equally the case for both Sanchez and Tebow. Again, time to simply admit both suck. There shouldn't be a Sanchez and Tebow camp. Just Jets fans who can come together and realize our future at the QB position isn't on the roster.

I agree somewhat with this. The biggest difference is that I don't think even Sanchez's biggest fans think he would be the best QB in the NFL with a Pro Bowler at every offensive position. Tebow fans think he's the greatest football player to ever strap on the pads and is the savior of the franchise. IMO Sanchez would be a pretty good QB if there were major upgrades at all offensive positions, while Tebow would still be struggling to complete 50% of his passes.
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Couldnt agree more thats why after over 30 years as a season tix holder i put my tix on stubhub! As for the FKN Tebow fanatics that keep bringing up last year it was the defense,kicker, raiders losing last 3 games and barber running out of bounds for the broncos to advance to the playoffs! I can hear all the Teblow fans saying what about the steeler game and i will give you that BUT what did he do twice against the patriots!!! By the way for you newbies Patriots play in our division

If you really want to know; in the first game he was 11-22 for 194 yds passing and rushed for 93 yds with 2 tds,

in the second game that great Bronco defense gave up 6 td passes to Brady.

Soooo... how did our Jets do in their 2 games against the Patriots last year?

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Its too bad I've already used neg rep on you today.

Neg rep should be unlimited. Max has a bleeding heart.

While I understand what it is that you're doing here, given the current situation we already have to deal with, could you at least put it on hold until the trash has been taken out?


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Naw, you just explain the Sanchize's last 4 'Out of the Playoffs' games for me instead.

Or maybe you'd like to explain the results of their 2011 head-to-head matchup game? :superman: (crickets chirping)

Well obviously you have no answer or you know and won't admit it.

As far as Sanchez goes he flatted out sucked the last 3 games (Eagles, Giants, Miami), Heck he pretty much sucked the entire season sans a couple of games but unlike you I am more than willing to admit that and openly question whether he has it in him to bounce back from it.

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Heck that's easy to answer, cause EVERYBODY KNOWS that he can't throw a football.

"It's not that people are ignorant that's the problem,

it's just that they KNOW so many things that are just not true...." -- Will Rogers

For example:

Tebow's every disadvantage Bronco 16 starts split by a lockout stats:

Passing 20 TD's to 9 Ints. (for a 2.22 to 1 Ratio)

Rushing 13 TD's to 6 Lost Poss Fumbles (2.16 to 1 Ratio)

Total 33 TD's to 15 Turnovers (2.20 to 1 Ratio) with an 8-6 + 1-1 - 9-7 W/L record.


P.Manning 28 Ints while going 3-13

T.Tebow's 44 sacks with 3 & out punts instead, while going 9-7

(protect the ball and win, right?)

Can't Throw Tebow's TD/Int Ratio (20 to 9) is only a paltry 2.22 to 1.

P.Manning's Career TD/Int Ratio is (399 to 198) a 2.02 to 1.

Saint John El' Dim-Way's 7 TD's to 14 Ints, 47.5% with a 54.9 PER

Can't Throw Tebow 20 TD's to 9 Ints, 46.5% with a 77.7 PER

Bored-Way Joe with a sterling career TD/Int Ratio (76 to 116) of .65 to 1. (Career PER 59.9)

Bored-Way Joe NEVER had a single NFL season where he threw for more TD's than Ints.

His yearly Completion percentages ran from 46.7% to his best of 51.1% over his 8 year NFL career.

So Joe had one of the quickest releases in NFL history, trouble is most went to the wrong guy.

And when Tebow actually can't throw, even running behind a crappy OL:

produced 13 rushing TD's, 950 yds, 5.3 ypc,with only 6 LP-Fumbles on 580 plays.

I just can't understand why Rex/Sap haven't already just cut this no-talent chump......

(maybe eventually some of those FACTS will actually sink into the granite hard heads) :sign0182:

tl; dr
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I was trying to be nice, but now it's on, punk. You know what you are? You're a... you're a... poop-head!



But come'on with that request. Thats like asking T0mShane not to be the creepiest annoying dbag on the planet.

The only reason the chants for Tebow aren't worse is because he's played so much worse than Sanchez in preseason. If he even resembled a semi-competent NFL QB, the chants would be twice as loud.

Just wait till the "we want Tavaris" chants start...

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If you really want to know; in the first game he was 11-22 for 194 yds passing and rushed for 93 yds with 2 tds,

in the second game that great Bronco defense gave up 6 td passes to Brady.

Soooo... how did our Jets do in their 2 games against the Patriots last year?

Curious, you don't think Tebow completing less than 35% of his passes with no TDs for a Bronco's offense that scored 10 points (with the only TD coming from a drive that started on the Pats 24 after an INT) had any bearing on the outcome of that game? If anything, it would seem your point would be consistent with the idea that the Broncos were extremely reliant on their defense to win games for them.

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Curious, you don't think Tebow completing less than 35% of his passes with no TDs for a Bronco's offense that scored 10 points (with the only TD coming from a drive that started on the Pats 24 after an INT) had any bearing on the outcome of that game? If anything, it would seem your point would be consistent with the idea that the Broncos were extremely reliant on their defense to win games for them.

Ignore that the Top Quality donkey team was 4-14 in 2010-11 without Tim at QB.

Ignore that they had traded away their Top 2 WR's from 2010 before starting Tim on that 1-4 team in 2011.

Ignore that their 1st Rnd and best receiving RB was injured out for the season in 2011.

When the donkeys won, it was defense, coaching and/or luck.

When the donkeys sucked and lost it was all because of that crappy 9-7 QB Tebow.

Perfect logic/sense..... :animal0029:

And Oh BTW, Eli Manning just went 4 of 8 for 29 yds, for 3.6 yds/att,,,, soooooooooo fire his totally incompetent butt! :wild:

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Curious, you don't think Tebow completing less than 35% of his passes with no TDs for a Bronco's offense that scored 10 points (with the only TD coming from a drive that started on the Pats 24 after an INT) had any bearing on the outcome of that game? If anything, it would seem your point would be consistent with the idea that the Broncos were extremely reliant on their defense to win games for them.

Not really, because in the first game the Broncos scored 23 pts which is more than the Jets did in either game against NE.

But if you look back over my posting history (as short as it is) you will see that I am a realist Tebow fan. I will be happy if he gets a few plays in each game and makes some kind of positive contribution. I thought Sanchez looked sharp in the Carolina game but was victimized by his receivers and see no reason to make a QB change at this time.

I will also say that when Tebow is at his best you will see fairly low scoring games because the Jets will be running a ball control offense, but when the other team is scoring at will like the Pats were in the second game against the Broncos and Tebow has to resort to just heaving bombs...well, not many QBs would have a very good percentage and certainly not Tim.

Lastly to the posters that want to bring up Tim's great passing stats in college there are 2 issues with that argument;

1) They were not playing against the same level of defense he is up against now and

2) Not trying to insult anyone but that 2008 Gator offense was probably a good bit better than the current Jet offense.

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Tebow >>> Eli


But I was curious so I looked. Not a one to one comparison on anything of course,

including the total # of plays, but it's the best I could do quickly.

Rookie Eli - in 9 games played:

Passing - 95 of 197, 48.2% for 1.043 yds, 5.3 yds/att, 6 TD's to 9 Ints, PER 55.4

Rushing - 6 for 35 yds, 5.8 ypa, 0 TD's

2nd Year Eli - in 16 Starts:

Passing - 294 of 557, 52.8% for 3,762 yds, 6.8 yds/att, 24 TD's to 17 Ints, PER 75.9

Rushing - 29 for 80 yds, 2.8 ypa, 1 TD

Two seasons totals:

Passing - 389 of 754, 51.4% for 4.805 yds, 6.4 yds/att, 30 TD's to 26 Ints. (1.53 to 1 Ratio)

Rushing - 35 for 115 yds, 3.8 ypa, 1 TD

Total Offense - 789 plays for 4,923 yds, 6.2 yds/play.


Tebow's every disadvantage two seasons on a 4-14 team totals:

Passing - 186 of 400, 46.5% for 2,835 yds, 7.1 yds/att, 20 TD's to 9 Ints (2.22 to 1 Ratio)

Rushing - 180 for 950 yds, 5.3 ypc with 13 TD's

Total Offense - 580 plays for 3,785 yds, 6.5 yds/play.

WoW, now that actually surprised me a bit.... :winking0001:

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But come'on with that request. Thats like asking T0mShane not to be the creepiest annoying dbag on the planet.

Just wait till the "we want Tavaris" chants start...

Right-o. Like Tavaris Jackson has an army of groupies that followed him from Arkansas to Minnesota to Seattle to Buffalo like the Tebots have flocked from Florida to Denver and then to Jersey in Savior Timmy's wake. :lololol:

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Right-o. Like Tavaris Jackson has an army of groupies that followed him from Arkansas to Minnesota to Seattle to Buffalo like the Tebots have flocked from Florida to Denver and then to Jersey in Savior Timmy's wake. :lololol:

It wont be because of a following, instead because your starting QB is horrific.

yeah sure but what an awesome neg rep brigade!!!!

All the neg rep in the world cant keep this stud down, just like it doesnt keep Tebow down.

Life lessons, my friend. He's not just a QB.

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