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Replacement refs-what do you people think now about them?


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It took forever for them to set the ball. Also, in a blowout with the outocme decided halfway through the 3rd quarter like that, the regualr refs would've done everything possible to run the clocj. Instead they wasted oodles of time. At one point during the 4th quarter from about 7 minutes to 5:30 left, almsot 15 real time minutes elapsed.

And the NFL lucked out with the Cards/Seahawks game. had the Seahawks won it, there would've been a serious meltdown.

Hire the real guys back. The make billions. Enough nonsense. If that decided a playoff berth, there would be hell to pay.

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The speed I can see as a legitimate difference but to be honest, while there were certainly some bad calls, there's nothing that I saw that was any worse than the disastrous officiating during the 2011 season. If anything, I appreciate the fact that so far, the calls seem to be pretty even amongst the teams. I'll take bad officiating evenly called between two teams than bad officiating blatantly favoring one team as the old crew is so infamous for. There's a reason why you suddenly had teams like the Packers getting more penalty calls against them than they've had in ages.

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I think its a joke the NFL isnt taking care of the refs.

I dont think they were terrible yesterday, but they are not qualified for NFL duty. With the $$$ we spend on football (look at your cable bills....) we deserve the best players and officiating.

Its time for the NFL to cut the sh*t and pay the refs and get them back to work.

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I think its a joke the NFL isnt taking care of the refs.

I dont think they were terrible yesterday, but they are not qualified for NFL duty. With the $$$ we spend on football (look at your cable bills....) we deserve the best players and officiating.

Its time for the NFL to cut the sh*t and pay the refs and get them back to work.

The old officials are? The officiating during last season's championship games was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen in pro-sports.

Frankly, last season was such an embarrassment I think the refs should be taking a pay cut if they want their jobs back.

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The old officials are? The officiating during last season's championship games was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen in pro-sports.

Frankly, last season was such an embarrassment I think the refs should be taking a pay cut if they want their jobs back.

Completely agree. And just to boot, whatever Super Bowl was the Seahawks-Steelers one...did those refs have jobs after that game? How?
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these guys are bad and even worse, they are filthy scabs. The league may have lucked out making it through most of week 1 without game-altering mistakes but they are pushing their luck.

Dude this isn't the Chicago meat packing district of 1905 anymore. Give me a break with the filthy scabs comment.
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The old officials are? The officiating during last season's championship games was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen in pro-sports.

Frankly, last season was such an embarrassment I think the refs should be taking a pay cut if they want their jobs back.

While the regular refs are far from perfect, they are the best. And they have the best system of rating them and removing those that arent the best. The replacements are ok, but they are going to **** up more than the regulars do.

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Dude this isn't the Chicago meat packing district of 1905 anymore. Give me a break with the filthy scabs comment.

to clarify my filthy scab comment was a reference to Futurama season 3 epi 6 "Bendless Love"


still think about it, these aren't Big 10 refs. These aren't FCS (youngstown state) refs. These aren't Ivy League or Historically Black College refs. These are the lowest of the low, div III types and any decent ref wouldn't take the job of another ref on strike. its bad mojo.

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While the regular refs are far from perfect, they are the best. And they have the best system of rating them and removing those that arent the best. The replacements are ok, but they are going to **** up more than the regulars do.

That's certainly possible that they make more mistakes, but I'll honestly take some more legitimate mistakes while having a bit more even calling of games than some of the blatantly biased nonsense that became such common practice with the old crews. I just don't think I can ever really forgive the old group for having such a profound impact on the team's that competed in the Super Bowl, and that's even despite the fact that it obviously had no direct impact on the Jets. For them to then turn around and complain about their pay is laughable. It would be like an employee costing their company its biggest client and then going to their boss and demanding a raise immediately afterward. The truth is, in both cases, they should count their blessings that they're still employed.

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to clarify my filthy scab comment was a reference to Futurama season 3 epi 6 "Bendless Love"

http://www.quotefull...)/Joey Mousepad

still think about it, these aren't Big 10 refs. These aren't FCS (youngstown state) refs. These aren't Ivy League or Historically Black College refs. These are the lowest of the low, div III types and any decent ref wouldn't take the job of another ref on strike. its bad mojo.

Oh my bad on the top part.

Despite what ESPN goons want to tell you this is NOT rocket science.

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That's certainly possible that they make more mistakes, but I'll honestly take some more legitimate mistakes while having a bit more even calling of games than some of the blatantly biased nonsense that became such common practice with the old crews. I just don't think I can ever really forgive the old group for having such a profound impact on the team's that competed in the Super Bowl, and that's even despite the fact that it obviously had no direct impact on the Jets. For them to then turn around and complain about their pay is laughable. It would be like an employee costing their company its biggest client and then going to their boss and demanding a raise immediately afterward. The truth is, in both cases, they should count their blessings that they're still employed.

NFL is locking them out. Refs deserve part of the big money pie. I have no problem with that.

I do wish the officiating in all sports was better, with more transparency and more public review of their work- good and bad. Refs take a lot of crap, but its a very difficult job.

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to clarify my filthy scab comment was a reference to Futurama season 3 epi 6 "Bendless Love"

http://www.quotefull...)/Joey Mousepad

still think about it, these aren't Big 10 refs. These aren't FCS (youngstown state) refs. These aren't Ivy League or Historically Black College refs. These are the lowest of the low, div III types and any decent ref wouldn't take the job of another ref on strike. its bad mojo.

for $3,000 a game? You bet your ass i would! These ****ers will never be NFL refs, so take the pay day when you can. And its a great experience for them.

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NFL is locking them out. Refs deserve part of the big money pie. I have no problem with that.

I do wish the officiating in all sports was better, with more transparency and more public review of their work- good and bad. Refs take a lot of crap, but its a very difficult job.

I know the NFL is locking them out, but it's tough to argue that the reason for that isn't the refs demand for more money. I just don't see the justification for them deserving any more when you consider officiating in the NFL has gotten progressively worse for a number of years now. If anything, I think the benefit of this whole scenario is, even if it gets all sorted out soon, the refs needed to be shown that they can't get away with doing the sh*t ass job that they've done in recent years and then think they can turn around and hold the NFL hostage to make them bend to their demands. They're the most replaceable part of this league and when you do as bad of a job as they often do, that doesn't give you a whole lot of leverage.

for $3,000 a game? You bet your ass i would! These ****ers will never be NFL refs, so take the pay day when you can. And its a great experience for them.

This we can certainly agree on.

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I know the NFL is locking them out, but it's tough to argue that the reason for that isn't the refs demand for more money. I just don't see the justification for them deserving any more when you consider officiating in the NFL has gotten progressively worse for a number of years now. If anything, I think the benefit of this whole scenario is, even if it gets all sorted out soon, the refs needed to be shown that they can't get away with doing the sh*t ass job that they've done in recent years and then think they can turn around and hold the NFL hostage to make them bend to their demands. They're the most replaceable part of this league and when you do as bad of a job as they often do, that doesn't give you a whole lot of leverage.

This we can certainly agree on.

Who sucks at their job and asks for a raise? On principal alone they can go screw.
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I could care less. The refs are all Lawyers, Dr's ,well to do business owners etc. They do this as bragging rights at Country Club. None are in need of money. This isnt some poor workers rights thing, LOL

They fly into city on Saturday night, do game and have one conference call with League on Wed. My Insurance Agent was a Ref (he owned agency, a millionaire easy)

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Might not be as apparent on TV, but in person they were woeful in moving the pace of the game-making calls, setting the ball, making decisions. And again you had a Seahawks/Cards game that might decide an NFC wildcard that allowed one team to have 4 timeouts in a close game. The NFL is merely lucky the Seahawks could not take advantage.

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Might not be as apparent on TV, but in person they were woeful in moving the pace of the game-making calls, setting the ball, making decisions. And again you had a Seahawks/Cards game that might decide an NFC wildcard that allowed one team to have 4 timeouts in a close game. The NFL is merely lucky the Seahawks could not take advantage.

No different than when the real refs let the Pats have 5 downs that one time, or did that happen twice?

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I think they have performed admirably thus far. Not nearly as egregious as everyone seems to be making it out to be.

Part of that has to do with the fact that they're being more overly-scrutinized than ever before since it's become such a hot topic amongst the sports media. I can't imagine it would go much better if this was done to the same extent against the old crew.

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to clarify my filthy scab comment was a reference to Futurama season 3 epi 6 "Bendless Love"

http://www.quotefull...)/Joey Mousepad

still think about it, these aren't Big 10 refs. These aren't FCS (youngstown state) refs. These aren't Ivy League or Historically Black College refs. These are the lowest of the low, div III types and any decent ref wouldn't take the job of another ref on strike. its bad mojo.

On a related note, there is a shortage of refs in the lingerie league now if anyone is interested

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