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Rex Ryan makes my life miserable.


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Man, sometimes I don't even feel like getting up in the morning. That's how bad it's gotten with Rex. My football team just went 6-10. We don't want to hear how much BETTER its going to be next year, you fat moron!

Its become perfectly clear that the Rex we knew in 2009 and 2010 is the exact same Rex as we know now. A total and complete moron who knows nothing about football. Literally, nothing.

How dare he talk trash, love his wife, and back his players? This is FOOTBALL. Why can't he be like the Harbaughs? Those guys have had WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY more success with MUCH weaker front offices! And much worse QB's! WTF MAN.

I am out raged. Out raged I tell ya!

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Man, sometimes I don't even feel like getting up in the morning. That's how bad it's gotten with Rex. My football team just went 6-10. We don't want to hear how much BETTER its going to be next year, you fat moron!

Its become perfectly clear that the Rex we knew in 2009 and 2010 is the exact same Rex as we know now. A total and complete moron who knows nothing about football. Literally, nothing.

How dare he talk trash, love his wife, and back his players? This is FOOTBALL. Why can't he be like the Harbaughs? Those guys have had WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY more success with MUCH weaker front offices! And much worse QB's! WTF MAN.

I am out raged. Out raged I tell ya!

You are right. We DONT want to hear we're going to be better. We want to SEE it. Talk is cheap.

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it's a tired comedy act. The fat buffoon sounds like a terrible car salesman with all his false bluster. Just win some games.

Rex is in a tough spot here. He's a big mouthed guy. Personally I dont like it, but it is who he is. And he cant change that now the team has struggled. What he does need to do is start becoming "the man" and making tough decisions and being more involved with his players and staff. Rex could be a real good head coach in this league, but it wont happen in NY because he just doesnt seem to get it that talking tough isnt winning games or pumping up the fans.

I feel awful knowing that some day he's going to win a super bowl with another team.

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Rex has made us Hard Knocks champions and back page fodder.

This is what makes fans like the OP happy.

No, what made "the OP happy" was beating the Pats on the road in the playoffs. No other Jets HC has shown the ability to stand up to them. Find a real QB and we'll surpass them (finally).

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No, what made "the OP happy" was beating the Pats on the road in the playoffs. No other Jets HC has shown the ability to stand up to them. Find a real QB and we'll surpass them (finally).

Do you keep a picture of a divisional playoff win next to your bed.

Yeah-The Jets won a divisional playoff game, and have beaten one winning team in the 2 years since!!!!

Let's bronze a bust of the coach!

Sad thing is, after that oh so great divisional playoff win, the Jets came out FLAT when it really mattered. Of course, that is not the head coaches fault

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Sad thing is, after that oh so great divisional playoff win, the Jets came out FLAT when it really mattered. Of course, that is not the head coaches fault

Sanchez came out flat. Now the guy that drafted and extended him is gone, and we're about to get a new GM/QB combo. I'm happy.

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No sh!t. Thats why, if you actually read any threads around here, you would see Ive said press conferences are stupid and a waste of time. The only thing that matters is the end result. And so far the results havent matched the talking.

dude you do understand press conferences have to happen right? Dont watch it if you dont like it but its all we got right now.

Wait till next year then we will see how it turns out

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This again, really?

It seems to be the crux of your Rex love. A game 2 years ago, in a divisional playoff.

And this is why you want this man as coach?????

Rex admits himself that he "lost the lockerroom" last year

Rex admits that He has "failed" this year

And you think this is all gravy, because of a freaking game 2 years ago? Does Donny Osmond adorn your walls too?

And then with the audacity to say that this is only a team that is a "qb away". That is golden

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