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Now that Pac has labeled my vote on scummy it ruins the point of not moving the vote. I did want Verb to talk but wanted to see if anyone followed me and tried creating a train out of it after Leelou said he'd be on later.


Vote 80

Sticking by day 1 excuses and lame votes.

hmm.. if you're scum this post and quick vote switch have given me pause. well done.

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lol let this one go for today my brother in dooshdom.

no one is lynching CTM or Slats today. It's the reason I have largely ignored that Mexican, CTM. In time it will become quite apparent whether or not he's dirty. If he is, we destroy him.

He's always dirty. He's a hippie.

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lol let this one go for today my brother in dooshdom.

no one is lynching CTM or Slats today. It's the reason I have largely ignored that Mexican, CTM. In time it will become quite apparent whether or not he's dirty. If he is, we destroy him.

Just stating it for the record. I try to surface as much info as I can on D1, and stuff like that I put there for the diligent few that do re-reads. I have no desire to listen to Spats piss and moan any further today... no worries.

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I'm actually leaving my vote on Nolder because he hit a tell that I've had success with before on him. Not for 80's retarded Wednesday thing.

Wait, it's not because we have to sacrifice a virgin to Odin on Wednesdays?
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Ape played fast on D1 in the only other game I played, also portraying townie, and that seems consistent with his behavior so far in this game. I'll defer to other people on whether that's his usual M.O., but I get the sense it is.

You know, its so weird. Ape is usually really quiet, only interjecting his thoughts at appropriate times with poinient one-liners. This is not like him at all. Think we should lynch him and stuff?

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Now that Pac has labeled my vote on scummy it ruins the point of not moving the vote. I did want Verb to talk but wanted to see if anyone followed me and tried creating a train out of it after Leelou said he'd be on later.


Vote 80

Sticking by day 1 excuses and lame votes.

Good vote.

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Brodin's love is eternal. Your sacrifices will be rewarded with a heavenly swole, and that admiration of women. But do not abuse this privilage brother. To be swole of body requires one to be swole of mind as well. Look to the Apostle Rippetoe's writings on how to begin on your path of the iron.


Also, Brodin has been known to reward mice who pray to him with swoleness of mind as well as swoleness of body:


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I'm not feeling very proactive this game. Besides if I start nudging people they'll just lynch me because it's Wednesday. Nope I think I'm fine voting for you for now. Will switch to Leelou if you will though.

I've never known you to be a pussy as town before.

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I've never known you to be a pussy as town before.

It's not really that. I just feel very drained after the last game and all the emo that went down. When I have more to go on you can count on me getting on someones case but right now I just don't have anything to grill anyone about.

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KEYRAISY Hess decided to pop yesterday out of the blue claiming a variety of power roles. It's par for the course with his normal schtick but this time it felt random and contrived.

I'm kidding about him specifically being a symp but I could see him being scum. Along with:

Vic - who unvoted me and went with Verb even though he was told Verb won't be around till late

AVM - gentle nudging of my train with flimsy reasoning

Strep Throat Smash - to a lesser degree if his sickness is valid

Leelou - Lazy, easy voting and she's not so much as made an attempt at garnering any info from anyone

Yeah, are lists are similar...except...to me Smash just returned to the mean...he's usually low volume early on...probably could vote him as well...I'd also add...Crusher.

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Official Vote Count:

Ape (1): Wbat

Hess (3): CTM, JC, Pac

JF80 (2): Verb, Vic

Nolderp (7): Ape, AVM, Lils, 80, SMC, Leelou, Smash

Pac (2): Nolderp, BG

Vic (2): Dan, Slats

Leelou (1): Hess

Smash (1): Crusher

With 20 players, it takes 11 for a hanging.

Deadline - 10:00pm est - Tonight

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It's not really that. I just feel very drained after the last game and all the emo that went down. When I have more to go on you can count on me getting on someones case but right now I just don't have anything to grill anyone about.

That's ok for now I guess. There are plenty of people who are being even less useful than you are.

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Official Vote Count:

Hess (3): CTM, JC, Pac

JF80 (3): Verb, Vic, Wbay

Nolderp (7): Ape, AVM, Lils, 80, SMC, Leelou, Smash

Pac (2): Nolderp, BG

Vic (2): Dan, Slats

Leelou (1): Hess

Smash (1): Crusher

With 20 players, it takes 11 for a hanging.

Deadline - 10:00pm est - Tonight

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I'm back. Stomach flu - ****ing sucks. Got it while I was at work yesterday afternoon. Ugh.

Slightly better now.

Love this game.

It has been refreshing so far... good to be back to playing the game, and rid of the dramatic emo about who hates who.

oh. wait.

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