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What about Matt Hasselbeck at $2 or 3 MM?


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Anyone think the Jets are a tough sell because of the way Rex treated Tebow last year? Say what you will, but Tebow was a 50 megawatt superstar 365 days ago, and now we keep seeing the letters "CFL" invoked next to his name. Sanchez couldn't have been worse last season, yet Rex still protected him like a newborn fawn. What QB with options wants to sign up to be the next guy Rex delusionally buries on the pine?



As opposed to what Elway did to him?

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As opposed to what Elway did to him?


Elway brought in Peyton Manning. The Broncos also started Tebow for the majority of a season after their starting QB sucked.  

The Jets still have Sanchez.  They never even played Tebow. Hell, they started Greg McElroy over Tebow.


 Tebow is a horrible QB, but he has a charismatic personality that people follow.    The way the Jets handled the Tebow situation probably put a sour taste in every players mouth.   It's 2013. People kind of see what goes on.   They hear things.  I'm sure players hear even more things from other players.  


  Saying all that though,  Matt Moore isn't a better option than Sanchez.  The guy was the 3rd best QB on the dolphins last preseason.  And this was after going into the offseason expecting to be the starter.   He's a career backup.  Nothing more.   He probably knows this.  Take his millions and maybe play or maybe just ride the bench.   Charlie Batch has been a Steelers backup for what, 10 years now.   Sometimes you have to look at your talent, your career, and your future.   Moore probably spends another 4 years in Dolphins land, either resigns or signs some other backup QB contract elsewhere and lives a comfortable life.


  If Moore comes to the Jets and sucks or loses out to Sanchez, suddenly the guy is either cut or sticks around for another year and can't find a job anywhere.  Down in Miami, nobody cares about Matt Moore as a backup. Hell look at Jets fans who think he's a starter.  

People think too much of the guys talent.   He is what he is and thats a guy who isn't a starter in the NFL.   Good for him that he will probably make 3-4 million per year watching from the sidelines.

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  I think the other flaw is Rex's coaching style and personality.  A lot of teams, his own Ravens team,  didn't want him as head coach. He's loud. He's obnoxious. He's outside the box.   He's one sided.     But the thought was he was a players coach. Players loved him. He'd support them.  Win and all your flaws are masked.  Ask Tom Coughlin.  The guy is a hard nosed displiniary that has been hated by more players than liked.  He's been hated by more fans than liked.  Win a super bowl and suddenly nobody remembers all that.  Same for Bill Cowher.  The guy was a choker, he was Marty S for years.  Couldn't win the big games.  WIn one super bowl and he becomes a legend and all those years of missed opportunities disappear.


I don't know if it was always like this with Rex, but the Jets stink now.  Flaws get revealed.   And it doesn't seem like he's a players coach at all, more like he's attached at the hip to a few players and everybody else can go to hell.   At one point, Revis was Rex's boy.  He went to bat for the guy. Worshipped him.   Now he's not even saying a word.   I also bet Revis has a lot to do with that, but still, if the perception is your a players coach and your players essentially gave up on you two seasons in a row, that's not a good omen.   And throw out the fact everybody believes Rex is gone after this year,  who would come ?  

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Anyone think the Jets are a tough sell because of the way Rex treated Tebow last year? Say what you will, but Tebow was a 50 megawatt superstar 365 days ago, and now we keep seeing the letters "CFL" invoked next to his name. Sanchez couldn't have been worse last season, yet Rex still protected him like a newborn fawn. What QB with options wants to sign up to be the next guy Rex delusionally buries on the pine?




Come on man what starting QB in this league hasn't fantasized about being a bad ass punt protector?  Like a boss!!!

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What a flaming crock of sh*t.  You think the players are going to support a team that starts a guy for publicity?  Cromartie is dumb enough that he told he press the truth and when they asked him if Tebow should start he laughed and said the equivalent of are you kidding? He sucks. This is just more Rex hating Rex bashing.  If he started that non-throwing trash at QB you'd say nobody would want to come here because they don't play guys based on merit.

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What a flaming crock of sh*t. You think the players are going to support a team that starts a guy for publicity? Cromartie is dumb enough that he told he press the truth and when they asked him if Tebow should start he laughed and said the equivalent of are you kidding? He sucks. This is just more Rex hating Rex bashing. If he started that non-throwing trash at QB you'd say nobody would want to come here because they don't play guys based on merit.

Mark was playing because of merit?

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Or maybe they did have interest, and he found out

ha ha.  scared him into signing.  I would think this guy would be sniffing out possible starting jobs.  Backups signing before free agency.  whew.  we are better off without him.

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Paint me a picture where the Jets don't have the worst QB in the NFL this season...

Idzik goes to Fairy Land and picks up one of the magical QB beings forged by the gods. It's the only way. Russell Wilson... Matt Schaub....Joe Flacco....Colin Kaepernick....Andy Dalton....those guys are all made of something Special and Unique that can never be replicated without someone with similar magical powers.

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