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Exclusive Interview: Demario Davis, LB NYJ


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If you’re looking for a 2013 breakout candidate on the defensive side of the ball, look no further than the New York Jets’ Demario Davis. With the recent release of Bart Scott, things are falling into place for the Jets’ 2012 third round pick as Davis is situated to assuming the starting inside linebacker role next to David Harris in 2013.


After starting a handful of games for Scott in 2012 where he played close to every one of the team’s snaps, Davis was limited to sub-package snaps for the rest of the season. According to Davis, his rookie season wasn’t what he’d hoped for, which he attributes to learning the NFL game and getting up to speed. With a learning season behind him, Davis’ natural talent is set to take over in 2013.


That natural talent combined with a starting opportunity and increased snaps puts Davis in a position to excel. Given his explosiveness, leadership qualities and athleticism, he’s a prime candidate to be an every down linebacker for the Jets for the foreseeable future.

We recently spent some time with Demario talking about his rookie season, his natural abilities, the opportunity as a starter in 2013, as well as the role he’s expected to play replacing Bart Scott next season. You can get the full audio of our interview here.


Steve Wyremski (SW): How’s everything going? How’s the off-season treating you?

Demario Davis (DD): It’s cool, man. I’ve had the chance to go down south and visit with family and stuff. Now I’m back up in Jersey and I’ve started my individual training. It’s kind of intense, but I’m getting adjusted back to it.


SW: I want to talk a little about your rookie season. You started three games from week seven to ten and it looked like you may be assuming a starting role with Bart Scott out. During that time, you also tallied with 15 of your 27 tackles on the year. Soon after though, your snaps were cut back when Bart returned. Overall, how would you evaluate your rookie year performance?

DD: I’m a very harsh critic of myself. It definitely didn’t turn out as good as it could have, in my opinion. There were a lot of pluses and a lot of things I can build off of going into next season, [though]. I’m definitely happy about the things I learned about the game [and am] anxious to get back and utilize some of those things I learned and put those things into action. It could have gone a lot better from my point of view, [though]. I think it was a good season, but not the season I wanted it to be.


SW: So what do you think specifically? You played well against the Patriots and Dolphins and played close to every snap. However, in week ten against the Seahawks, you played fewer snaps and seemed to struggle in coverage. Is coverage the thing? Multiple things?

DD: I’m looking to improve on all areas. From a mental standpoint, just lowering the number of mental mistakes. I definitely want to increase my coverage skills, which I know I can perform a lot better. I [also] want to increase my pass rushing abilities. I know I can do those things, but I want to be able to show them on a consistent basis.


SW: Does it have anything to do with the fact that at Arkansas State you were given a lot of freedom to make plays and, obviously, in the NFL there’s a lot more focus on technique. Has that contributed here to your transition and learning curve?

DD: No, no, no. I feel like we have a lot of freedom in our defense to go out and make plays. It’s never about the system limiting you in making plays. It’s just about having a certain confidence level on the field. When you’re learning a lot, it tends to cause you to think a lot. An unconscious mind moves a lot faster than a conscious mind. You just need to be able to go out there, relax and play.


In college, I remember it being the same kind of situation. In my first year on the field, I was doing a lot of thinking. I performed [well], but it wasn’t up to the standards I knew I could perform at. You’re learning and applying those things at the same time. With comfort on the field comes relaxation and with relaxation comes your best performance. I’m just looking forward to going out there next year with total confidence when I step on the field.


SW: So do you feel like you’re at the point where you’re not going to be thinking as much after you go through the OTAs and training camp here in 2013 and you can let your natural ability take over?

DD: Yeah. Like I said, last year was a learning year. This year is going to be a playing year. You know the game, now. You know what to expect, so it’s just about stepping on the field and letting your game speak for itself.


SW: Specifically in 2013? With Bart Scott released, you’re set to assume the starting role next to David Harris at weakside ILB. Are you prepared for that?

DD: I mean, you won’t know til you get out there. In my mind, I say I’m prepared. I’m always willing to take on the bigger challenge. That’s something I look forward to going out there. There’s nothing you can say, “Oh yeah, I’m prepared. I’m going to show you.” You have to let your game speak for itself.


SW: What about your specific role? Rex mentioned you’ll be playing the ‘Will’. When I spoke to Bart previously he always talked about how he played the ‘Jack’ role. He was clearing the way for other guys to make a play. Do you have any idea what your specific role will be?

DD: We don’t know all the changes we’ll be making to the defense, but if we’re playing the same defense we were playing last year, it’s just a second inside linebacker. You have two inside linebackers, so it’s like having two ‘Mikes’.’


SW: Yeah. I just thought it was interesting because whenever Rex [Ryan] previously referred to Bart, he always referred to his role as the ‘Jack’. Bart always talked about how he was the trash man and how he was hitting the bubble (hitting the uncovered lineman) and he was taking out guys for others to make plays. It sounds like you’re saying it may be more you and David [Harris] attacking the line together as opposed to a trash man role for you.


DD: Yeah. The inside linebackers almost have mirrored jobs. From Bart’s perspective, yeah sometimes it can seem like you’re the one who’s taking on a lot of the trash. It just depends on which side the play goes. If the play goes left, then David [Harris] is taking on the trash and clearing the way for me as the backside linebacker. If the play goes the other way, I’m taking on the garbage and the trash the same way so he can make the tackle. It depends on how the play goes.


It’s no different than the role I was playing last year unless the scheme changes. With the new [defensive coordinator], I don’t know all the things we’ll be doing different. I played the ‘Will’ position last year. When I was playing against the Patriots and Seahawks as your referred to earlier, the same thing I was doing in that role will be the same thing I’m doing now. It will just be at a higher level and a different number of snaps.


SW: You played a decent amount of snaps in coverage or passing situations in your rookie year. You’re athletic and a fluid guy on the field. You have the ability to cover RBs, TEs, and even WRs. Can you be an every down linebacker in the NFL?


DD: That’s what I like to think of myself as – an every down player and not a subpackage player. It’s all about the team first, forget about yourself, but I think of myself as an every do


wn player being able to go in and stop the run and on third down being able to put pressure on the quarterback or drop back into coverage.


SW: You’re obviously a favorite of Rex Ryan. He gushed about you post-draft in 2012 comparing you to Ray Lewis. Does that put pressure on you to succeed?

DD: Oh no, man. I like Rex. He’s a great coach and we’re forming a pretty good relationship. I understand where he’s coming from when he say’s the things that he [does]. Like, he talked about my leadership potential, so he understands [that] when it’s time for me to lead, step up and into that role. It doesn’t put pressure on me because no one can put more pressure on me than myself.

Like I said, I criticize myself a lot harder than anyone else. In my mind, I’m always chasing after the greatness inside of me. It’s not any pressure that’s coming from my coach that I didn’t already have for myself.


SW: The Jets defense is going to a look a lot different in 2013 with turnover that’s occurred so far and may still be to come on the defense (release of Calvin Pace, Bart Scott out) – any one in particular that you think needs to step up at this point?

DD: Man, I’m never looking outside the box. I’m always looking inside the box to see what I can do better. For me to come in and be a consistent and dependable player, that’s what I’m trying to show this year. That they can count on me every down that they need me on the field. That’s the main thing I’m worried about. I need to step in to the linebacker [spot] and fill that void [left by the released veterans].


SW: When you look at 2013 and having a year under your belt – can 2013 be a breakout season for you?

DD: I think it can be a huge year for me. It just all depends on me and whatever the Lord has in store.

After being drafted in the 2012 draft by the Jets, many expected Davis to contest for the starting inside linebacker spot within a few years. After only a year, it’s already his time. Expect Davis to secure the starting spot and begin to play with an unconscious mindset. You can hear the entire interview with Demario here.

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Rex really needs to answer why guys like Pace, Bart Scott, and even Yeremiah Bell were getting all the snaps down the stretch instead of at least rotating with young guys. That Davis, Bush, McIntyre and Rickey Sapp are unknowns coming into this season is silly.

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Rex really needs to answer why guys like Pace, Bart Scott, and even Yeremiah Bell were getting all the snaps down the stretch instead of at least rotating with young guys. That Davis, Bush, McIntyre and Rickey Sapp are unknowns coming into this season is silly.


McIntrye got a ton of snaps at the end but that was injury related.  I gave him a pass on Bell last year because I honestly thought Bell would be back.  But they had two draft picks that they could have rotated in there.  The Davis one is outright silly though.  Why Davis wasn't getting 100% of the defensive snaps the last 4 or 5 weeks I just don't get.

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Rex really needs to answer why guys like Pace, Bart Scott, and even Yeremiah Bell were getting all the snaps down the stretch instead of at least rotating with young guys. That Davis, Bush, McIntyre and Rickey Sapp are unknowns coming into this season is silly.

Complete unknowns to you, probably missed because you were too busy fear mongering to see them playing. Davis and McIntyre were fairly common sights as the season went on while Bush/Sapp made it to the field in the second half as well.

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Complete unknowns to you, probably missed because you were too busy fear mongering to see them playing. Davis and McIntyre were fairly common sights as the season went on while Bush/Sapp made it to the field in the second half as well.

Oh? How did they play? Did you grade them out at 77? Or 78? Please share your clear and present wisdom.

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Complete unknowns to you, probably missed because you were too busy fear mongering to see them playing. Davis and McIntyre were fairly common sights as the season went on while Bush/Sapp made it to the field in the second half as well.


 "-Speaking of the Jets, I’ve been told by several sources that a number of veteran players were miffed by the fact many of the teams rookies were not seeing more playing time towards the end of the 2012 season.  One player they point to was seventh round pick Jordan White, whom they said was ready to see extensive action, especially considering the teams woes at the receiver position, yet barely saw the field." Tony Pauline news and notes from the combine


I'm pretty sure you've already seen this and just prefer trolling TOm.

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Oh? How did they play? Did you grade them out at 77? Or 78? Please share your clear and present wisdom.

McIntyre isn't a starter, Davis was a little disappointing, Bush got less playing time than Allen but has more long term potential against the pass, and Sapp I just know played but did not impact.

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Rex really needs to answer why guys like Pace, Bart Scott, and even Yeremiah Bell were getting all the snaps down the stretch instead of at least rotating with young guys. That Davis, Bush, McIntyre and Rickey Sapp are unknowns coming into this season is silly.


I have heard that you can hurt the developement of a player by playing them too early and putting them out on the field unprepared.  I hear it a lot in baseball where they have all of those minor league ranks to go through but you hear it in football every now and then as well.  I would have loved to see our safeties and Davis out there for all the snaps after we were eliminated from playoff contention but you have to think that there was a reason and not just the "Rex has no clue" reason that gets thrown around. Rex has developed many defensive players in his career, I trust him with the D.

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I'm excited about Davis.  He's one of those picks I thought very highly of and really think he can be an impact player for the Jets.  He's got speed with have seen from any of our LB'ers in a long time.  Rex system isnt easy to grasp and I'm sure there was a learning curve....but its great hearing a player say this.  It makes me you know he's holding himself accountable and not blaming the system/being a rookie.


Love this quote:



DD: No, no, no. I feel like we have a lot of freedom in our defense to go out and make plays. It’s never about the system limiting you in making plays. It’s just about having a certain confidence level on the field. When you’re learning a lot, it tends to cause you to think a lot. An unconscious mind moves a lot faster than a conscious mind. You just need to be able to go out there, relax and play.


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Jordan White didn't play almost at all, no. Davis, Sapp, McIntyre, and Bush all saw the field and two of then got multiple starts.


Stop including McIntryre who is/was a reserve, not a "rookie" who played due to injuries.  Besides the NE game, which he played well in, Davis barely saw the field. Sapp (also not a rookie) sightings were very rare and I'll be honest, I really don't remember ever seeing Bush besides, pre-season, special teams, and dime packages. 

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McIntrye got a ton of snaps at the end but that was injury related.  I gave him a pass on Bell last year because I honestly thought Bell would be back.  But they had two draft picks that they could have rotated in there.  The Davis one is outright silly though.  Why Davis wasn't getting 100% of the defensive snaps the last 4 or 5 weeks I just don't get.



In Rex's defense he was still thinking SB coming off that big win in Arizona

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Complete unknowns to you, probably missed because you were too busy fear mongering to see them playing. Davis and McIntyre were fairly common sights as the season went on while Bush/Sapp made it to the field in the second half as well.

Defensive snap counts:

Davis: 29%

McIntyre: 38%

Bush: 2%

Sapp: 4%

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Oh? How did they play? Did you grade them out at 77? Or 78? Please share your clear and present wisdom.



Nice.  The coach should play the young guys so that the fans can get a realistic evaluation.  They all played.  McIntyre played plenty.  Davis looked like he needed some seasoning and possibly weight.  Bush looked pretty lost and if they played him more he might have gone all Vance Joseph.  Allen looked like a package guy and played in packages.  Didn't notice Ricky Sapp, but I don't think he was even active much.  I don't think he's much of any option, but we'll see.

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In a WFAN interview the first player Mike DeVito named as the leader of the team last year was Demario Davis. Looking forward to a big year.


This was one of the reason we drafted him. We needed a locker room leader and if DD plays to his potential, we might have our version of Ray Lewis (minus the greatness and minus the murder). At least I hope so.

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Stop including McIntryre who is/was a reserve, not a "rookie" who played due to injuries. Besides the NE game, which he played well in, Davis barely saw the field. Sapp (also not a rookie) sightings were very rare and I'll be honest, I really don't remember ever seeing Bush besides, pre-season, special teams, and dime packages.

I don't think I was the one to first mention McIntyre. Davis was STs all season and started three games IIRC. Those are typical roles for someone like Bush, a rookie S/DB, to take on. Sapp I remember specifically watching once McIntyre got hurt. They all played its just that Rex didn't hand them a starting job because 6-10.

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I don't think I was the one to first mention McIntyre. Davis was STs all season and started three games IIRC. Those are typical roles for someone like Bush, a rookie S/DB, to take on. Sapp I remember specifically watching once McIntyre got hurt. They all played its just that Rex didn't hand them a starting job because 6-10.


Not sure where you're going with this or what you're trying to say. The problem is nobody really knows what we have here b/c Rex refused to play the young guys/rookies on the roster. Fans and Players alike seem to agree with this. Except you. or not you? I have no idea what your point is. I think you're just trolling tbh. Which is fine. 

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Complete unknowns to you, probably missed because you were too busy fear mongering to see them playing. Davis and McIntyre were fairly common sights as the season went on while Bush/Sapp made it to the field in the second half as well.



So yeah. After further review, You're just trolling. 

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Not sure where you're going with this or what you're trying to say. The problem is nobody really knows what we have here b/c Rex refused to play the young guys/rookies on the roster. Fans and Players alike seem to agree with this. Except you. or not you? I have no idea what your point is. I think you're just trolling tbh. Which is fine.

So a bunch of people completely and totally irrelevant in the player evaluation discussion (fans and other players) feel they don't know enough to evaluate the players? Why does this matter? They all saw the field, they all practiced, they all interacted with coaches and other players. I have zero reason to feel I should be privy to whatever we're supposed to be mad about here.

Even when Pauline made that comment I questioned it to Pauline and said the same things I'm saying now. White wasn't even healthy half the time, and that's the best player the players could come up with? What does that say?

I don't like this student of T0m version of Hess happening this offseason btw. An unexpected member of the Red Rag club fa sho.

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So a bunch of people completely and totally irrelevant in the player evaluation discussion (fans and other players) feel they don't know enough to evaluate the players? Why does this matter? They all saw the field, they all practiced, they all interacted with coaches and other players. I have zero reason to feel I should be privy to whatever we're supposed to be mad about here.

Even when Pauline made that comment I questioned it to Pauline and said the same things I'm saying now. White wasn't even healthy half the time, and that's the best player the players could come up with? What does that say?

I don't like this student of T0m version of Hess happening this offseason btw. An unexpected member of the Red Rag club fa sho.


Itellyawhat, I don't need a guy to play football to know if he can play football

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So a bunch of people completely and totally irrelevant in the player evaluation discussion (fans and other players) feel they don't know enough to evaluate the players? Why does this matter? They all saw the field, they all practiced, they all interacted with coaches and other players. I have zero reason to feel I should be privy to whatever we're supposed to be mad about here.

Even when Pauline made that comment I questioned it to Pauline and said the same things I'm saying now. White wasn't even healthy half the time, and that's the best player the players could come up with? What does that say?

The comment was made on behalf of all the young players, not just White. Hard to evaluate anybody when they never see the field for (mostly) washed up starters on the last year of their contracts. As much of a supporter I've been of Rex, this is a major red flag with me. This, imo, is telling you, the guy was more concerned about "career" wins and losses/stats, in an already lost season, vs. seeing what he has in terms of future development. This, imo, is showing a lack of guts and foresight, more worried about his own ass today, then what's best, long term.

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So yeah. After further review, You're just trolling.

Get off his dick. T0m doesn't speak with innocent intentions either, and frankly I don't agree with his point of view on many things Jets this offseason. There's no football reason those guys should just have been handed starting jobs.

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(12/6/12) Had an opportunity to ask Jets rookie linebacker Demario Davis somequestions about the current state of the team and his experiences during his
rookie season:

Q:  Mark Sanchez was removed from Sunday’s game againstthe Cardinals and replaced with Greg McElroy who led the team to a win. Could you give us your thoughts along with the pulse of the locker room right now given the uncertainty at quarterback?

DD:  We were just fortunate to get the win last week.  I think the locker room is unchanged, we’ve got to prepare this week like every other week.  My thought on it is the defense just has to prepare like we’ve always prepare, me being a defensive guy we go as planned nothing is changing with us.  No matter who’s the quarterback we have to go out and put on a show like we did last week.  I mean the defense played phenomenal and that’s what we’re going to try and do, keep up our play.

Whoever goes in the game at quarterback, which is the coaches decision, I know he is going to put whoever he feels is going to gives us the best chance to win in the game.  Whoever the quarterback, I think everyone has to beready to go out and perform.

Q:  With this being your rookie season can you describe the transition from your playing days at Arkansas State to the NFL level?

DD:  It’s a humongous transition, it doesn’t feel as much of a transition as it really is, but as go deeper and deeper into the season you just realize how critical every little aspect is.  Whether it is from the aspect off the field, whether it is keeping up with your body, watching film, getting things down to the details in practice, taking notes, just week-in-week-out doing the same things over and over.  You’re trying to learn as much as possible and you’re trying to build a routine at the same time, which is very tough.  So you kind of don’t know what to expect week-in and week-out you just have to try and grab and learn.

The length of the season being a rookie coming out of college playing year long, you never really get any off time cause you go right into combine training and bowl training. Then you go right into the season, so you never get a break, but that is the biggest transition for a rookie it is more than meets the eye but it is not that bad.

Q:  The Jets next face the Jacksonville Jaguars, so could you tell us how you feel the Jets defense matches up with the Jaguars offense?

DD:  I know they have great players and a great system.  What I see is they have a lot of weapons over there on the offense and a lot of good things they will try and use against you.  I feel like our defense can matchup against anybody and I trust we’ll put in the proper game plan and go out and try and perform like we did last week.


Q:  Can you give us your impressions of head coach Rex Ryan and defensive coordinator Mike Pettine?

DD:  I wouldn’t want to work with anybody else as far as it comes to defense and being around defensive minded guys, those guys are phenomenal coaches.  Rex is a players coach he is always looking out for the player’s best interest and he keeps the defense fun.  I mean him (Rex) and Mike they are always designing new blitzes and different things to put players in position to do what they do best and just to have something new and present a different look to a team each and every week based upon what they give you is great.

Understanding the philosophy of the defense whether doing just straight coverage, simulated pressure or pressures and just learning how to base on what
the team is looking for how to hit them with a lot of different stuff.  They encourage playing like Jets, being on the team you understand what that means, when we play like ourselves, when we play like Jets how good that feels and how great the outcomes are.  They are constantly challenging us, you definitely don’t want to play for nobody else when it comes to defense.



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Get off his dick. T0m doesn't speak with innocent intentions either, and frankly I don't agree with his point of view on many things Jets this offseason. There's no football reason those guys should just have been handed starting jobs.



Dude!? You honestly think my point was defending TOm. LOL, no man. You're trolling the board, not just TOm with this one. My point with TOm was, I believe your insistence in feeling you have to argue with him about everything has clouded your overall judgement.  

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Dude!? You honestly think my point was defending TOm. LOL, no man. You're trolling the board, not just TOm with this one. My point with TOm was, I believe your insistence in feeling you have to argue with him about everything has clouded your overall judgement.  


OR I think he's a master of spin weaving yet another entirely believable web for his students at JN to fall into. Watch the games and those guys saw the field. Maybe not as much as whatever arbitrary fan number they "should have" played, but certainly enough for the *team* to have game tape to look at and break down to go with whatever practice tape. 


The comment was made on behalf of all the young players, not just White. Hard to evaluate anybody when they never see the field for (mostly) washed up starters on the last year of their contracts. As much of a supporter I've been of Rex, this is a major red flag with me. This, imo, is telling you, the guy was more concerned about "career" wins and losses/stats, in an already lost season, vs. seeing what he has in terms of future development. This, imo, is showing a lack of guts and foresight, more worried about his own ass today, then what's best, long term.


1. Picking the injured 6th round WR as the example goes to show how poorly thought out the comment was. 
2. Hard for US to evaluate guys we don't notice on the field, and pretending they didn't see the field is not going to build progress. These are players they scouted extremely recently (the majority being 2012 draft guys), probably have some idea of where they want that player to be in three years going back to last year, and practice/coach/train on a daily basis. This is less of an opportunity and less valid to evaluate rookies because some fans and anonymous veterans are miffed? 
3. Yeah, what an issue the coach wants to win...Typical Jets fan hindsight based double think bullsh*t...The Jets weren't even officially out of the playoff hunt until Week 15 so "lost" hardly fits, and guys who could play and earned play (Coples, Davis, and Allen) were on the field. 
4. This IMO speaks to Ryan's desire to win football games rather than tank a season because the Jet fans are angry about the latest thing to be angry about. 
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Get off his dick. T0m doesn't speak with innocent intentions either, and frankly I don't agree with his point of view on many things Jets this offseason. There's no football reason those guys should just have been handed starting jobs.

SenorGato: "The Jets will, indeed, suck in 2013."

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Yeah, it's not like Bart Scott is bad at football or anything.


Scott lost plenty of snaps to injury, but PFF had him rated as the team's 4th best defender who played over 93 snaps. After him there was Mauga another young player who got a look this past season, though I get that there's probably a reason he doesn't count. 'Cause boylemmetellya, anything that can be said to spin 2012 into the latest and worstest will be said until they're all dead. 




SenorGato: "The Jets will, indeed, suck in 2013." 


Wow. Wow. That's a direct quote, no T0m edits? Go **** yourself, because it's not. This is the kind of ******* worthless bullsh*t....
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