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Lily's Angry Melons mafia game thread


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Crusher and Hess were confirmed town via AVM, and JiF is confirmed town via me via Pac. 


4. Crusher

7. JiF

9. Leelou

10. Verb


15. Mish

16. Hess



1. Ishy, drummer, roleless town, nk n2

2. Dap, lead singer, mafia silver tongue, nk n1

3. Darthe, lead guitarist, roleless town, lynched d1

5. 80, bass guitarist, SK, lynched d3

6. JC, roadie, mafia goon, lynched d4

8. DPR, guitarist, mafia goon, nk n2

11. Pac, town wardrobe consultant, analyst, nk n3

13.Smash, roleless town, nk n1

14. AVM, town groupie/girlfriend, lynchstopper, lynched d2

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Good, about to watch the Bruins with wombat. Went to the movies earlier and saw Star Trek. It was amazing. 


Nice.  Wish I had post season anything to watch :P so I'm jealous.  Finally planning on seeing Star Trek Monday afternoon, it seems.

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worst scum team ever lol..  kill me instead of a claimed LD.. 


ftr I don't know who's who -- havent seen a dead thread.  Just wanted to point out how idiotic they are.


I almost got defensive until I realized it was you...



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This morning, you didn’t have to look for a dead body. Most
of you awoke to a scream. It sounded like a little girl, but turned out to be
from JiF. (He had been hiding out in the tour bus, keeping the doors and
windows locked up tight, but was the first to arrive for breakfast.) As you
rushed into the dining area of your suite, you find Leelou’s body tied to a
chair with guitar strings. There was also one around her neck that had cut into
her flesh. Blood was slowly dripping from where the strings cut into her body.
Obviously, she hadn’t been dead long.


Leelou, town publicist, lie detector, has been nightkilled.

It is now day 5.

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch. No deadline yet. You

haven’t been needing them. 

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As you sit around discussing who might still be a killer, a
rope floats into the air and begins to tie itself into a noose. When the noose
is finished, it floats to Verbal and ties itself around his neck. His eyes
bulge and he claws at the noose to no avail. As he slumps over in his chair,
you hear a voice. “I think I deserve it. And I know he does. On principle

You move over to Verb’s body and he sits up and tears the

rope off his neck. He speaks three words. “F*ck. You. DPR.”

That is all. 

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