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Breaking Bad Mafia - Game Over


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What's more is you previously stated you don't care to know my thoughts.  Go bark up another tree, it's clear you're not going to change your incorrect opinion on me.  I'll have yours and JiF's votes the rest of the game, and I'm fine with that.

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What's more is you previously stated you don't care to know my thoughts.  Go bark up another tree, it's clear you're not going to change your incorrect opinion on me.  I'll have yours and JiF's votes the rest of the game, and I'm fine with that.



This guy.... 


he's suspected because he seemingly defended JC (along with Pac lol), but even if we accept that it's true and he was trying to save jc, wouldn't that mean he is not a converter? Why defend jc if he's the backup converter, makes no sense


I think we should be looking for a second converter imo.. a gus type character

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Good morning all. Actually managed to finish reading before I had to leave this morning, so that's cool.


Gonna sheep Nyn here. Not liking this dude

CTM I agree that shooting Crusher in Pac's position was probably the safest move if he was unsure. But we see how that went. As far as why Leelou didn't reveal right away it's not like she knew for sure Doggin would flip survivor as he claimed. Especially with Crusher claiming right after him. Also I doubt players can be continuously be turned from one side to another, way too much swing.

@JiF - suck it up dude. This game isn't over and at least Pac/Ape are gone and can't clutter the thread with their bickering

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Lee.. can you explain to me why you didn't mention the conversion thing right away? Seems anti town to withhold, but maybe you had a reason I am not currently considering


For the simple fact that I actually didn't reveal. Doggin is the one who spat out my cop part of my role. 

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Good morning all. Actually managed to finish reading before I had to leave this morning, so that's cool.


Gonna sheep Nyn here. Not liking this dude

CTM I agree that shooting Crusher in Pac's position was probably the safest move if he was unsure. But we see how that went. As far as why Leelou didn't reveal right away it's not like she knew for sure Doggin would flip survivor as he claimed. Especially with Crusher claiming right after him. Also I doubt players can be continuously be turned from one side to another, way too much swing.

@JiF - suck it up dude. This game isn't over and at least Pac/Ape are gone and can't clutter the thread with their bickering


I rather you gave your thoughts instead of just sheeping me. Anything else you picked up on?

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he's suspected because he seemingly defended JC (along with Pac lol), but even if we accept that it's true and he was trying to save jc, wouldn't that mean he is not a converter? Why defend jc if he's the backup converter, makes no sense


I didn't KNOW he was the converter, just that I wanted to win with Walter White from the start.  Once he died it became a "whatever happens happens" situation.  At this point I just want to be on a team. 

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yes but once outed?


Still wasn't fully sure how everything worked and I wanted to test a few things first (ie. didn't want to spit out my theories re: survivors on thread if there was a scum recruiter and they didn't figure it out).

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I didn't KNOW he was the converter, just that I wanted to win with Walter White from the start.  Once he died it became a "whatever happens happens" situation.  At this point I just want to be on a team. 


Did you know JC was scum? 

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So you admittedly did not want to win with town, so why should we keep you around? 


Because if Crusher is telling the truth, Survivors can be recruited to the town.  I didn't know this was something that could happen.  If I'm recruited to the town, I wouldn't sabotage it's efforts. 


Since I haven't been recruited by either side yet, do with me whatever you will.  But I'm not on a team, that I can promise you.

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Because if Crusher is telling the truth, Survivors can be recruited to the town.  I didn't know this was something that could happen.  If I'm recruited to the town, I wouldn't sabotage it's efforts. 


Since I haven't been recruited by either side yet, do with me whatever you will.  But I'm not on a team, that I can promise you.

I refreshed and you had added in the bold. Just menioning.

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Because if Crusher is telling the truth, Survivors can be recruited to the town.  I didn't know this was something that could happen.  If I'm recruited to the town, I wouldn't sabotage it's efforts. 


Since I haven't been recruited by either side yet, do with me whatever you will.  But I'm not on a team, that I can promise you.


You either played this really smart, or you are still a survivor. I did not recruit you to town last night. 

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I cannot for the life of me ever remember Ape declaring someone town on D1.  I don't like this post at all. 


First post of 80 in the game on page 13 starts with a FoS on Ape (and a joke at Crusher that I cut out). 

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Wow.  After catching up, Pac is truly, unquestionably a complete and utter a$$hole.  Like seriously.  What non 14 year old girl acts like that?  He's seriously one of the biggest turds I've ever seen.  If that little emo bitch grew up around me, we literally would have beat the ever living snot out of his short pudgy ass every day until he learned how to be a man.  What a ******* pussy.  He's ******* terrible at this game and gets himself lynched because of it, throws a hissy fit, shoots an obvious townie and acts like he's greater than great.  Unreal.


D1 lynch until he quits this game.  That is the only solution.  He's unbearable and makes this game miserable to play. 


Literally a human piece of sh*t. 




Thought you were a little more creative than this. 

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Still wasn't fully sure how everything worked and I wanted to test a few things first (ie. didn't want to spit out my theories re: survivors on thread if there was a scum recruiter and they didn't figure it out).




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I rather you gave your thoughts instead of just sheeping me. Anything else you picked up on?

Hallia has basically gone dark.

Not really digging Smash/Lizzie gunning for Leelou. Don't like how CTM is trying hard to disprove any theory that could probably vet her either (saying Crusher probably turned back to scum??) I feel like if Leelou is lying then it'll come out before too long so I'm okay letting it ride for a bit.

I agree that 80 should go here.

Still got you as town. Alanna has risen also. Wanna get JiF back in it cause I liked his posts in the previous phases

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FYI when 80 started pushing Ape in his OP... JC only had one vote on him. Ape's vote. So... he would have us believe on page 13 of the game and when JC had no pressure on him, except Ape.... that he sorta figured that JC was scum?   lol

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