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50 years of futility...I'm done with the NYJ

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On 9/12/2023 at 11:53 PM, Jetsfan_always said:

Einstein said insanity is repeating the same task repeatedly and expecting different results. That is a pure description of the NYJ and its management.

Watching last night's game I even said to my wife when it started: "I hope we don't see another Testaverde situation", as we were watching that game in 1999 live and saw the team's SB hopes go down the drain with an over-the-hill QB getting injured, down for the season. Sure enough - it happened again.

The NYJ should never have been in this situation, they have wasted so many top-5 picks in the last 5-7 years on bad choices, especially at QB. That AR got injured was just a deserved kick in the face to the owner, who is a clueless tool, and the rest of his management team.

After enduring this garbage for over 50 years, from the Marino fake spike, picking O'Brien over Marino in the draft, losing to CLE in 1987 after being up 20-10 with 4 min left, Marvin Jones fiasco, Mud Bowl fiasco, and so many other really frustrating, crushing events tied to this team, I am now announcing to the World (who of course does not care, but I need to get it off my chest) that I am no longer following the team or a fan of it.

Following a pro sports team is meant to bring excitement and joy, and outside one or two years in the past 40, it has just been an unbearable ride for too many seasons. Did I mention Rich Kotite?

As one gets older, they realize that there is more road behind than ahead, and I'd rather spend my last few years on this earth rooting for a team that is not so badly run, and move on. I hope things eventually turn around for the team, I really do, and I admire those of you who have been fans as long as I have and are still willing to stick with them - I just can't. If they do someday win a title, it'll be that much sweeter for a team that has been a league doormat for a long, long time.

I am switching my allegience to a team that is consistency intelligently managed, has drafted well over the decades, and has had a ton of players I've really liked.  I guess its kind of ironic the account name I picked, since I will no longer be a fan of the team.

Which team I will be giving my support for moving forward doesn't matter from your perspective, I just have too many other frustrating things going on in my life to absorb this BS from the NYJ any longer. They are literally the WAS Generals of the NFL. Good luck to all of you.

We all suffer but keep coming back so


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Been Jets fan since Namath arrived in 1965. Prior..just old enough to follow sports..I was a Giants fan..(loved Tucker Fredrickson and YA Tittle) and remember listening to their home games on the radio in So Ct..because they weren’t televised. 

Switching allegiances as a very young fan is one thing, but I can’t imagine doing that later in life.  Don’t mean to judge, but giving up on the team(s) ‘as an adult..that I’ve fervently rooted for - for decades - is just not in my DNA.  

Not expecting a win Sunday..or a run to the Super Bowl.. but will still be sitting in front of my TV - on the edge of my couch - watching every snap.  Can’t fathom not rooting for my team anymore.  

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I must admit..in the aftermath of the Rodgers injury..for a couple of days - I questioned the worth of being so emotionally attached to the teams I root for. That’s especially true with football as your hopes for your team’s success can go ‘up in smoke’ in an instant - with a severe injury to your star QB.  It’s certainly not unprecedented..as long time Jets fans know well. 

Its Thursday now..the Cowboys game is coming up..and I’m starting to come out of the emotional funk I’ve been in..strictly related to my Jets fandom, mind you.  Hope and excitement for the season is greatly diminished, but not totally extinguished.  See you all here again..late Sunday afternoon. 👍🏼 

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4 hours ago, Vudu said:

Ban him then lol

Don't have to, he said he was leaving. We will leave a light on.

We are like the airlines. We don't want the flight delays to be part of our stats. He left voluntarily, our ban rate is the lowest in the league.  :)

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6 hours ago, Maxman said:

Don't have to, he said he was leaving. We will leave a light on.

We are like the airlines. We don't want the flight delays to be part of our stats. He left voluntarily, our ban rate is the lowest in the league.  :)

Actually if we're being honest, you'll have to reverse that call.  I did drop a flag on him before the snap.  The ban rate was too low anyway.

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We see a variation on this thread every year--if not sooner.

I understand the sentiment.  

You are a Jets fan because you love The City and it's your community.  New York is the greatest place ever,  

Since leaving NYC, I have lived in Chicago, London and Seattle.  All great.

But my heart is in NY.  So, as imperfect as the Jets are, I will be a fan til I die.

Hate the Yankees and Giants, but everyone has their faults.

Any rational person would have their doubts about Zach.  But I am 100% behind him.


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1 hour ago, addage said:

We see a variation on this thread every year--if not sooner.

I understand the sentiment.  

You are a Jets fan because you love The City and it's your community.  New York is the greatest place ever,  

Since leaving NYC, I have lived in Chicago, London and Seattle.  All great.

But my heart is in NY.  So, as imperfect as the Jets are, I will be a fan til I die.

Hate the Yankees and Giants, but everyone has their faults.

Any rational person would have their doubts about Zach.  But I am 100% behind him.


Kudos for recognizing the difference between hope and rationality. 1 JN poster down, 10,000 more to go.

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On 9/13/2023 at 12:15 AM, Jetsfan_always said:

LOL a friend from BUF mentioned that to me today and simply said: "did you lose FOUR superbowls in a row? No, then you don't know frustration"

That is true but those other teams have been much more competitive, and not lost as consistently from self-inflicted wounds. The Jets could have hired the monkey that the WSJ was using to pick stocks for years to throw a dart at a list of draftee names and gotten better results than this franchise.

LOL I would kill to be in 4 straight superbowls

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