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What happened at jetsinsider?


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Let's have a group hug!!!!

Does anyone else have that warm, fuzzy feeling or has menopause kicked in?

As an interested (well not that interested) observer, I feel like I am watching women bickering. Bottom line is this this: the olive branch has been extended. If it is accepted, thats fine, if not, that's fine too. Move on and don't lose any sleep over it. JetNation loses nothing by having others ignore it's existence. You don't like the board or the people that post on it don't come here, no skin off anybody's pickle. I'm sure there are a lot more serious things going on in everybody's life than feuding Jets fans. This is supposed to be light hearted fun and spirited Jets discussion/debate, nothing more.
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They don't want our name out in the open because they see the flock of Jets fans coming over here in a matter of months and they don't want to lose the people, too bad they continue to do so.

Link them, it shows class, something they don't have, so I applaud you for that Max because I sure as hell would never link them.

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They don't want our name out in the open because they see the flock of Jets fans coming over here in a matter of months and they don't want to lose the people, too bad they continue to do so.

Link them, it shows class, something they don't have, so I applaud you for that Max because I sure as hell would never link them.

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They don't want our name out in the open because they see the flock of Jets fans coming over here in a matter of months and they don't want to lose the people, too bad they continue to do so.

Link them, it shows class, something they don't have, so I applaud you for that Max because I sure as hell would never link them.

In all fairness to SOOTH whose site has had as much as 10,000,000 hits in a month I don`t think he`s that concerned with loseing a handfull of posters .He spent a long time building a solid product there and he `s earned his right to protect it , with a little luck J.N. may expierience the same success..Most folks are on both boards except for a handfull of disgruntelled folks..hopefully the softball game suggested against rival JET boards can bring a peace ...
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They don't want our name out in the open because they see the flock of Jets fans coming over here in a matter of months and they don't want to lose the people, too bad they continue to do so.

Link them, it shows class, something they don't have, so I applaud you for that Max because I sure as hell would never link them.

In all fairness to SOOTH whose site has had as much as 10,000,000 hits in a month I don`t think he`s that concerned with loseing a handfull of posters .He spent a long time building a solid product there and he `s earned his right to protect it , with a little luck J.N. may expierience the same success..Most folks are on both boards except for a handfull of disgruntelled folks..hopefully the softball game suggested against rival JET boards can bring a peace ...
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It's funny....All the little soldiers believe the same story that Papa Sooth told everybody.

Don't believe the hype.

papa sooth didnt tell me anything. what i posted was what my experience is and how i percieved it.

sooth influenced me? lol outrageous since i bow to no man and no god

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It's funny....All the little soldiers believe the same story that Papa Sooth told everybody.

Don't believe the hype.

papa sooth didnt tell me anything. what i posted was what my experience is and how i percieved it.

sooth influenced me? lol outrageous since i bow to no man and no god

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Nobodys bowing to Sooth in fact I think Iwas close to getting banned there when me & sean exchanged a few NASTY GRAMS on why he banned BRENDA ,if for no other reason ,I took a road trip to Nu AwliNs a few years back and met BRENDA, T-MAC,TYSON & SEAN along with firemen ED they all asked me had I ever heard of his site & said no ,but because of that site and sites like this one ,I`ve met probobly 1000`s of JET FANS over the last 5-6 years and made friendships that are priceless...These room enough for everyone in all the JET boards "WE ARE AFTER ALL ,ALL JET FANS AREN`T WE?"

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Nobodys bowing to Sooth in fact I think Iwas close to getting banned there when me & sean exchanged a few NASTY GRAMS on why he banned BRENDA ,if for no other reason ,I took a road trip to Nu AwliNs a few years back and met BRENDA, T-MAC,TYSON & SEAN along with firemen ED they all asked me had I ever heard of his site & said no ,but because of that site and sites like this one ,I`ve met probobly 1000`s of JET FANS over the last 5-6 years and made friendships that are priceless...These room enough for everyone in all the JET boards "WE ARE AFTER ALL ,ALL JET FANS AREN`T WE?"

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In all fairness to SOOTH whose site has had as much as 10,000,000 hits in a month I don`t think he`s that concerned with loseing a handfull of posters .He spent a long time building a solid product there and he `s earned his right to protect it , with a little luck J.N. may expierience the same success..Most folks are on both boards except for a handfull of disgruntelled folks..hopefully the softball game suggested against rival JET boards can bring a peace ...

Ten Million hits in one month? Wow. That would be impressive.

Joisey...I know you are friends with those guys. I totally respect that. We are not looking for the same level of success here. We are not looking to make money off of this.

You are right, it is certainly their right to protect it. They can block our name that is fine. I just don't want people coming here and saying this is a 2 way fight. Because it isn't.

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In all fairness to SOOTH whose site has had as much as 10,000,000 hits in a month I don`t think he`s that concerned with loseing a handfull of posters .He spent a long time building a solid product there and he `s earned his right to protect it , with a little luck J.N. may expierience the same success..Most folks are on both boards except for a handfull of disgruntelled folks..hopefully the softball game suggested against rival JET boards can bring a peace ...

Ten Million hits in one month? Wow. That would be impressive.

Joisey...I know you are friends with those guys. I totally respect that. We are not looking for the same level of success here. We are not looking to make money off of this.

You are right, it is certainly their right to protect it. They can block our name that is fine. I just don't want people coming here and saying this is a 2 way fight. Because it isn't.

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jesus h christ yeasterday it was 3 pages today its 8.

what a bunch of drama queens we have here. fellas, seriously wash out your lil vaginas and get a grip.

im tired of this "move on" and "im over it" mentality. i hope this topic pops up many more times in the future because its a good one to revisit. unlike some of you guys, im the real deal i.e. non fake=i post on this subject because it rules.

I dont like liver. if you put a plate of that crap on the table, i wont entertain it.....

If you were over it, then why open the thread and post fifty times?

SHANE: i didnt bait anyone this time. my experience was what i wrote about. im not one of you guys who chit chat on the telly see, not that theres something wrong with that see, but i guess there is more to the story but my post #1 and my clarified post #2meant the same damn thing. homo.

MAX:Good idea to link sites. you took the high road. Its also good that you allow JI>COM, the GREATEST SITE EVER. the olive branch is indeed extended, if it is reciprocated then fine. if not, who the hell cares?

SMIZZY: did sean do something to your kids? you are bitter as hell. homo

Gameface67 : i really like you better when you drank, but i still like you. stop FENCWALKING though. find a position and stick to it. thank god your not in charge of an army....

SEAN: i KNOW your reading this. I was mad before but in retrospect, I cant blame you for what you did. your site blew up big and good for you. If it is true, which i disagree, that you dont allow negative jet talk well then thats your business also. its your house. if you came to my house and farted on my leather sofa youd be out too. I reccomend that you too take the high road, link the two sites and allow jn.com to be mentioned, but its your gig

The thing about ji.com was that there was a klot of cool people, crazy talk and FAST and NUMEROUS responses. that part is dead. b4 the breakup, it kicked ass now its stale. still, sean is kicking ass eating free bagels with dewayne robertson. He may even be making money or be able to soon make money. If he wanted to get in with the jets and needed to get rid of me talking about screwing little boys with tight asses or shanes rants, so be it. Lets say the NFL actually contacted him and said they were concerned with outrageous comments that were inappropriate. so, he sees the glory at the end of the tunnel and asks people to leave or take it down a notch. hmmmm "sell out"? indeed. but, selling out is human nature. thats a fact jack.

ok homos i love you all even you limo lets keep arguing and gossiping because it rules

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jesus h christ yeasterday it was 3 pages today its 8.

what a bunch of drama queens we have here. fellas, seriously wash out your lil vaginas and get a grip.

im tired of this "move on" and "im over it" mentality. i hope this topic pops up many more times in the future because its a good one to revisit. unlike some of you guys, im the real deal i.e. non fake=i post on this subject because it rules.

I dont like liver. if you put a plate of that crap on the table, i wont entertain it.....

If you were over it, then why open the thread and post fifty times?

SHANE: i didnt bait anyone this time. my experience was what i wrote about. im not one of you guys who chit chat on the telly see, not that theres something wrong with that see, but i guess there is more to the story but my post #1 and my clarified post #2meant the same damn thing. homo.

MAX:Good idea to link sites. you took the high road. Its also good that you allow JI>COM, the GREATEST SITE EVER. the olive branch is indeed extended, if it is reciprocated then fine. if not, who the hell cares?

SMIZZY: did sean do something to your kids? you are bitter as hell. homo

Gameface67 : i really like you better when you drank, but i still like you. stop FENCWALKING though. find a position and stick to it. thank god your not in charge of an army....

SEAN: i KNOW your reading this. I was mad before but in retrospect, I cant blame you for what you did. your site blew up big and good for you. If it is true, which i disagree, that you dont allow negative jet talk well then thats your business also. its your house. if you came to my house and farted on my leather sofa youd be out too. I reccomend that you too take the high road, link the two sites and allow jn.com to be mentioned, but its your gig

The thing about ji.com was that there was a klot of cool people, crazy talk and FAST and NUMEROUS responses. that part is dead. b4 the breakup, it kicked ass now its stale. still, sean is kicking ass eating free bagels with dewayne robertson. He may even be making money or be able to soon make money. If he wanted to get in with the jets and needed to get rid of me talking about screwing little boys with tight asses or shanes rants, so be it. Lets say the NFL actually contacted him and said they were concerned with outrageous comments that were inappropriate. so, he sees the glory at the end of the tunnel and asks people to leave or take it down a notch. hmmmm "sell out"? indeed. but, selling out is human nature. thats a fact jack.

ok homos i love you all even you limo lets keep arguing and gossiping because it rules

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papa sooth didnt tell me anything. what i posted was what my experience is and how i percieved it.

sooth influenced me? lol outrageous since i bow to no man and no god

Hey Dickloaf.....I wasn't talking to you whatsoever.


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papa sooth didnt tell me anything. what i posted was what my experience is and how i percieved it.

sooth influenced me? lol outrageous since i bow to no man and no god

Hey Dickloaf.....I wasn't talking to you whatsoever.


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SMIZZY: did sean do something to your kids? you are bitter as hell. homo

Why because i refuse to let Jetman67 come over here spreading JI propaganda?

He knows about as much of the "truth" as you do.

Why bitch about the 8 page thread when it's obvious you didn't read any of it?

Nobody was talking to you but Shane...and he told you the truth ,you don't have all the facts or the info to be completely informed.

Im done here.

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SMIZZY: did sean do something to your kids? you are bitter as hell. homo

Why because i refuse to let Jetman67 come over here spreading JI propaganda?

He knows about as much of the "truth" as you do.

Why bitch about the 8 page thread when it's obvious you didn't read any of it?

Nobody was talking to you but Shane...and he told you the truth ,you don't have all the facts or the info to be completely informed.

Im done here.

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