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The "Defense Wins Championships" Edition of Post of the Week - May 3rd, 2007


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I'm sure that everyone has come in from the roof-tops after the draft weekend in which the Jets - oh my gosh - traded up twice and gave away picks for two great players. Did the Jets address all of their needs in the draft this year - nope, not even close. But drafts are for the future, not the present anyway. This year's crop of players will more than likely go down as one of the weaker draft classes (just a hunch), so trading up to get two big time players was a pretty good idea in this legume's opinion. I trust the Jets front office and coaching staff to do the right thing - call me naive if you like - so they probably did the right thing. Did I want a stud O-Lineman - yup - maybe that kid Bender in the 6th will turn out to be that guy.

Anyhow, on to the fun and games...This week's nominees were:

Topic: Getting a New Dog

Originally Posted by Smizzy

Here he is folks...

any bullmastiff owners out there?

Originally Posted by Bob

Wore out the anus on the old one, eh?

(Editor's note: Smizzy's old dog was named Anus? What a - uhh - different name for a dog.)


Originally Posted by L.I.MikeBleedsGreen

It's already started spank fans falling off the deep end.

Take two pain pills and call Joe Torre in the Morning

(Editor's note: I trust Joe Torre and will go as far as to say #27 (not the poster, the World Series championship) will arrive in the Bronx in October.)


Originally Posted by Fo_Block

this time of the year it seems like every trade is contingent upon the nfl draft value chart. at best the chart is a loose approximation of a picks value. the draft value chart does NOT take into account the size of the contract/signing bonus a player receives.

this basically means that the chart itself does not deal with today's nfl reality. as teams move up the draft board the SB increases immensely. with the big bonus comes tremendous risk. what if jamarcus russel is akili smith? what if calvin johnson pulls a jason williams and ruins his knee forever? whatever team drafted them is stuck with a massive cap hit AND the loss of whatever "value" they ponied up to move up.

some of these teams that deperately want to move down are so worried about the perception of getting fleeced that they end up overpaying a player they didn't really want. sometimes the ability to avoid shelling out $20M+ to a completely unproven player is worth more than the "value" associated with adding picks. as jet fans we understand better than anyone - i would have gladly sent kc our 4th to unload herm yet the coach "value" chart says it's the other way around. addition by subtraction.

(Editor's note: Good points all around, FB. A 4th for Herm, in retro spect, was a heist no matter what that dag'gum chart says.)


Topic: Mirabelli: That wasnt Blood

Originally Posted by TaborJet

It really doesn't matter what is on the sock.

The sock may be in the Hall of Fame, but the rest of Schilling will never get in!

(Editor's note: Bingo! Schilling is an over-rated, over-hyped, over-the-hill loud mouth douche bag.)


Topi: 7/7/07 Live Earth Concert

Originally Posted by faba

Back on track- anyone going to these concerts or planning to?

Originally Posted by Arsis

why would I? the music is horrible.

Originally Posted by Sperm Edwards

You don't want to watch a bunch of people taking private jets to a concert preaching how each of us has to conserve energy & drive a Toyota Prius? Hater.

(Editor's note: Wait a second - stop right there. Are you saying it is wrong for these Very Special and Important People to use as much fuel in one trip as I do in six months to go to a show?)


Originally Posted by Thor99

Sooth used to want me at his board.

I miss the big galoot.


I like the spin you tried to put on it.

Only thing is:

Originally Posted by Panzer Division Marduk


Awwww...it's Thor's first post!

Originally Posted by Bill Parcells

What a sycophant he was as a n00b!

Originally Posted by Panzer Division Marduk

We made fun of it and you, HOURS AGO. Christ, you're even slower than Smizzy. How the hell did you get made a mod?

(Editor's note: He's easy to take advantage of in the mod's break area?)


Topic: Welcome to JetNation

Originally Posted by Max

To all of you who were locked out from superior Jets boards, we just want to say thanks for giving us a look. A few things you should know about us if you are new here.

1. We don't want your money. We won't charge you. Sites like this pay for themselves. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Greed is a bad thing. You shouldn't have to pay to belong to a fan site. As a matter of fact -- YOU -- the fan, is what makes these sites great.

2. We have LOTS of free content. Check our front page. Look at all the writers we have on staff. We also do online chats with beat reporters and you are free to ask questions. Your questions! We don't censor you here. Draft articles, Jets Video Blogs and much more.

3. The message board here, it is pretty good if you ask me. If you want to talk to talk football with people who know the game, this is the place for you. On those slow offseason days, stop by our Lounge to chat. Or if baseball is your thing, check this out.

4. Bren's Haus Of Jpegs. You know you want to look.

5. Free Wallpaper for your desktop.

6. Chat room for game days and lonely nights.

7. Do you like gambling but hate losting real money? VBookie is for you!

8. We have an arcade with over 100 games for you to play. Yes, they are all free.

Just wanted to mention a few of the things that we do here. More than anything we just want to have a good time and talk Jets football. JetNation.com run by fans! Real fans.

Thanks for giving us a look! Let us know if you have any questions.

(The Second Nomination: "I'll second that GREAT post Max...hey Max you forgot to mention the prestigious POTW (post of the week) done every week by the great Greenbeans and voted on,again by us the fans-sign up guys and gals-the more the merrier" - SoFlaJets)

(Editor's note: Hey Max - France is sending us a statue, where do you want to put it?)


Topic: Golf with Pennington in a foursome

Originally Posted by Fin Fan In Cali


1 Bid so far at 5000.00

Originally Posted by Arsis

E-curb couldn't help himself.

(Editor's note: That's a whole lot of rockets...)


Originally Posted by Max

7. Do you like gambling but hate losting real money? VBookie is for you!

Originally Posted by Green DNA

And best of all, we are very good spellers too!!

(Editor's note: speling iz ovr ratted an so be gramers. welcums to jetnaysion)


Originally Posted by joewilly

my bad dna. I didn't realize your wife joined jetnation. what's her username? i've a lot of questions for her

Originally Posted by Green DNA


Originally Posted by joewilly

don't even think about tryin to draw me into one dna. I ain't bitin.

2 things. you're lack of moral turpitude & fear of horses makes this impossible to believe

if it was garb instead of eve in the garden of eden, no way adam bites the apple

(Editor's note: That Garb is one sexy little vixen and would have ended up leaving Eden with the snake in a cage and a Matriarchal society. Sexy vixen...)


Topic: Funny thing happened to me this morning....

Originally Posted by Boozer76

I went to Dunkin Donuts on my way to work for coffee. I get out of my truck and walk through the door at DD's and when I step inside I notice a cold metallic feeling on the bottom of my "ehemm" berries. Couple with the cold burst of air I am immediately prompted to look down and realize that not only is my fly open, but the boys basically made their way right outside for all to see. I a panic I cover and look back up only to see a half decent looking mother with a look of astonishment. Thankfully her kids did not look over and nobody else seemed to notice. I put the boys back anf terribly red face (I contemplated running back out the door) walked in line and muttered under my breath to her that I was the most embarrased I have ever been in my life. She chuckled and told me not to worry about it, that her day just started off great. I may never go to that Dunkin Donuts again lol.

Originally Posted by Green DNA

Two questions:

1: Do you always go commando?

2: Did she ask you to tea bag her?

(Editor's note: What do commando.jpg and tea.jpg have to do with Boozer's boys?)


Originally Posted by PeterNorth09

Loudest Cheers - Brady Quinn

Loudest Boos - Brady Quinn

(Editor's note: The BEST Quinn -> Jane%20Seymour-thumb.jpg)


Originally Posted by Max

To all of you who were locked out from superior Jets boards, we just want to say thanks for giving us a look. A few things you should know about us if you are new here.

1. We don't want your money. We just want your anal virginity.

2. We have LOTS of free content. Except JoeBaby's stuff. That you have to pay for.

3. The message board here, it is pretty good if you ask me. If you like the Rocky Movies, gay jokes, and goat porn.

4. Bren's Haus Of Jpegs. You know you want to look. But don't touch. Except yourself. That's cool with us.

5. Free Wallpaper for your desktop. You'll especially like the Smizzy Gone Wild section.

6. Chat room for game days and lonely nights. Or anytime Alk wants to have cyber sex.

7. Do you like gambling but hate losing real money? VBookie is for you! And we won't break your legs when you go bust. We'll just ridicule you until you want to commit Hara-Kari.

8. We have an arcade with over 100 games for you to play. Yes, they are all free. You'll especially like our innovative games like "Who's in My Mouth" and "Just the Tip"

9. We have an awesome site moderator named Max who loves reach arounds. That will get you access to all of the not-so-free stuff

Just wanted to mention a few of the things that we do here. More than anything we just want to have a good time and talk Jets football. JetNation.com run by fans! Real fans. Fans of playing ookie cookie at halftime.

Thanks for giving us a look! Let us know if you have any questions.

Originally Posted by CrazyCarl40


(Editor's note: Well, there goes the element of surprise for Max propositioning the new posters...)


Topic: for what it's worth. a short story by joewilly

Originally Posted by joewilly

whats wrong with us today? lotsa negative vibes flowing thru the lounge.

i'm not talkin about the usual oktaren vs whoever responds type war of words. some very solid posters are a little more cutting than normal.the pats fan contingent seem to be taking the brunt of it, though not all. i'd hate to see a wedge get driven between us & them cause it would suck for the board imo.

how does alk get labeled a patsfan troll? biggest contributor in the lounge I think & is very respectful ,funny & usually good input on the football board as well.

pfsikh........ didn't this guy fight for us all in Iraq for crissake? I think he brings a lot to the table with great knowledge & insight from a patsfans point of view. the football board is better with his input

gainzo? how can you not like this guy posting here. anyone who can go toe to toe with 124 is ok in my book

garb? well I saved the best for last in this instance.do you guys actually read the stuff she posts during the football season? more often than not she brings a fresh & witty angle to most any football thread.

on any off topic stuff they're all great contributors in their own way

I'm a much better informed football fan thanks to the input of the above mentioned posters & would hate to see any of their post counts diminished because we keep labeling them as not wanted

faba's sig says it best.....................................respect

(Editor's note: Well said, joewilly - JN ambassador and overall friendly guy!)


Originally Posted by Panzer Division Marduk



(Editor's note: Hey PDM, is that a rocket in your pocket or are you just happy to see us?)


Originally Posted by johnny green balls

i love all you guys


Originally Posted by Arsis

I heard you got banned.

Originally Posted by johnny green balls

the rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated. after max designated me JN's "franchise poster" i was contemplating sitting out the season but we're still hammering out the details of a long term contract.

(yes that was a softball for someone to knock out of the park)

(Editor's note: I'd take jgb as my franchise guy over JohnnyAbe any day - he's on the field every day...)


Topic: ***Official Death of the Sun Thread***

Originally Posted by johnny green balls

i know astrophysicists predict the sun still has about 4.5 billion years of fuel left but i figured it's never too early to discuss when the sun is gonna burn out. do you think humans will still exist? will our decendants move to mars? discuss all your doomsday predictions here.

(Editor's note: "That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes,

an aeroplane - Lenny Bruce is not afraid.

Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn,

world serves its own needs, dummy serve your own needs.

Feed it off an aux speak,, grunt, no, strength,

The ladder starts to clatter with fear fight down height.

Wire in a fire, representing seven games, a government for hire and a combat site.

Left of west and coming in a hurry with the furies breathing down your neck.

Team by team reporters baffled, trumped, tethered cropped.

Look at that low playing!

Fine, then.

Uh oh, overflow, population, common food, but it'll do.

Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed dummy with the rapture and the revered and the right - right.

You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, feeling pretty psyched.

It's the end of the world as we know it.

It's the end of the world as we know it.

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.


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Topic: **** Official chad pennington wins a super bowl thread ****

Originally Posted by Arsis

I know low blow, but I needed to one up JGB and his death of the sun thread and this is the only thing I could think of with the exception of Oktaren getting some that wont happen for 65 billion years.

(Editor's note: You do realize you just destroyed a long standing "figure of speech", right? The standard was "a million years" and now we have to contemplate 65 million years? Great, thanks a bunch...)



Originally Posted by ShadowJet35

I know it's a little early, but why the hell not..

Here's a thread for all discussion and reaction to any pick made in the aforementioned NFL Draft...

Originally Posted by TaborJet

Maybe I should start an Official Gameday Thread for the upcoming Pats game on 9/9/07.

(Topic started: 04-25-2007, 01:05 PM Draft Day: 04-28-2007)

(Editor's note: Hey, Tabor - I'd like to start an *** OFFICIAL MAX IS RUNNING 10 MILES THREAD *** - is that cool?)


Originally Posted by Max

I am told that the Jets are in talks to......VIP's CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

(Editor's note: Is Cannizarro writing for hahahaha.com now, too? Pass the syrup...)


Originally Posted by Arsis

I'm surprised that herm managed to remember to breath for 53 straight years.

Originally Posted by Lil Bit Special

That is involuntary... kinda like calling run, run, pass, punt

(Editor's note: Now remember, any series that ends with a kick is a good one - now go sweep the corners...)


Topic: I'm in today's Journal News *JETS*

Originally Posted by KRhodes25


check it out, i was pretty happy how it came out let me know.

BTW I'm on the Left in the picture and thats my bro on the right.

Originally Posted by will

nice. have fun at the draft. bring the karma.

Originally Posted by Jetfan13

and put your hat on straight, you are representing all of us

(Editor's note: While I do not personally get the sideways hat deal, I support anyone who wants to look stupid doing so fully.)


Topic: Sooth

Originally Posted by Max

I usually avoid these threads. But I have to comment. Sooth is right. I am wrong. My bad. {bumps chest twice to show the Universal Sammy Sosa sign of support}.

Not sure how I can make this right. But I will. Soothie is my boy. I have angered him with my ball busting. That was never my intention.

I will fix this. Going to record a video apology and post it after the draft.

Originally Posted by Green DNA

Do us a favor and keep your pants on

(Editor's note: You are such a tease, DNA....)


Originally Posted by Max

My Uncle Tito had this rule. It was a good one. It went something like this, never mess with a man who doesn't sleep. People who don't sleep have TOO much time on their hands.

Anyway speaking of too much time, I was just browsing ebay and found this really interesting auction. Check it out --


(Editor's note: http://jetnation.com/graphics/downloads/images/soothnation-800.jpg)


Originally Posted by Arsis


Originally Posted by Sperm Edwards


(Editor's note: Good lord take it to a room and bump uglies in private.)


Topic: Today is the day to shoplifr at ecurb's rocket shop in CT

Originally Posted by Bill Parcells

The man is a posting terror right now with his nose firmly in the monitor of his shops PC watching draft results of his beloved Jets..please help yourself to anything you want this weekend.

(Editor's note: So Bill, how was the shopping in Ct. this weekend anyway?)


Originally Posted by jetsrule128

brady quinn girlfriend needs a nose job

anyone know her name?

Originally Posted by Max

Yes, the former Mrs. Quinn.

Originally Posted by Bugg

That girl is sitting there, watching her future alimony decrease with each pick. Tough day.

(Editor's note: Loosing 1/2 of 32 million dollars is almost as ugly as the former Mrs. Quinn.)


Originally Posted by Iceman88

The commisioner just let him move to a private room so the cameras couldn't catch him pouting.

Originally Posted by jetsrule128


Originally Posted by ecurb2369


I heard he isnt even going to get drafted now and will be on season 42 of big brother...

(Editor's note: Any POTW NOM's with big brother mentions are disqualified from this point forward - I am ending the madness.)


Topic: Jets just proved they are a joke as an NFL franchise today

Originally Posted by angry jets fan

Jets just proved they are a joke as an NFL franchise today.!

Should have picked Brady Quinn at #14. Yeah trade up for a CB ... when DBs were dropping.

Par for the course for our front office ... no stadium, no guts to take a franchise QB.

The front office decided they will go with Chadwick (all pro? only if it is for the special olympics) ... and Kelly Clemens for the future ... Huge mistake in my opinion. Let's see if we improve over last year? No excuses! Picked up a Running Back and didn't lose anybody of interest.!

Originally Posted by Bill Parcells

Shut up!

All you do is whine and cry over everything

Originally Posted by joewilly

I here ya bill, he should change his username to...... wait, nevermind

(Editor's note: Name names, joewilly - name names!!!)


Runner-up of the Week Sponsored by PatsFanTX

Originally Posted by Panzer Division Marduk


(Editor's note: Only Panzer can win awards without a word and only TX would sponsor an award blaming Max.)


Originally Posted by Sir Speez

uhmmmmm pardon my ignorance but...what does pwnz mean?

Originally Posted by AVM

that the user is younger than 12

(Editor's note: 3y3 4m t3h 1337 h4x0|2 #1!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!one!!!!! - damn script kiddies...)


Topic: Congrats Jetnation on breaking 500,000 posts!

Originally Posted by Bill Parcells

Congrats to all the upper level management here at JN!

Originally Posted by Max

Smizzy --

He thanked upper management. Not middle. Let Faba handle that next time. You do report to him -- hahaha!

(Editor's note: Ouch! that's gotta hurt...)


Originally Posted by TheSage

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder is an old but often true saying. The beast was a beauty to Beauty.

Originally Posted by Arsis

I guess that explains Brady Quinn's Girlfriend. She was definitely more beast than beauty

(Editor's note: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I was not holding.)


Topic: Ted Ginn, Jr.

Originally Posted by TaborJet


(Editor's note: TedGinnJrIsTheFuture?)


Originally Posted by AVM

I would NEVER wish injury upon any player, despite how much i dislike him, so please dont read that this way, as i dont wish injury upon him...but....

I think it would be unbelievably ironic if now Brady went down, when he gets all the talent in the world to support him. Its the kind of thing that always seems to happen, like the Rams after they lost to the Pats and tried to revamp things, or the Eagles after they got rid of their "locker room cancer" and replaced him with Stallworth. Now, granted, no team has ever stacked itself like the Patriots, but "karma" or whatever you want to call it always seems to strike teams that do this kind of thing. Add into that the fact that i cant remember the last time the "best team on paper" pre-season won the superbowl, and its WAYYY too early to write in the season.

One more thing i should add in...the Jets as a whole seemed to thrive being the underdogs last year, and now they are by FAR the underdogs again. They will have no pressure on them again, despite upsetting the Pats once last year, and no one would be shocked if they got blown out in each game next year. Im looking forward to the season, knowing that ANYTHING can happen.

Originally Posted by Max

Good Post. Especially the underdog part! Very true.

And Brady doesn't go down. This is why his nursery is about to be so full.

(Editor's note: Max forgot to qualify this - with "on women"...)


Topic: Sabres @Rangers Game 3

Originally Posted by Bugg

Spare us all the crap how great your team is. You have some serious help this past two weeks.This game is an embarrassment.

Originally Posted by SweetLee83

Awww booohooo.

Need a tissue big guy?

Originally Posted by Bugg

Not as bad as the Sabres need the refs.

(Editor's note: Give the Sabres a break - they all have to live in Buffalo afterall...)


Originally Posted by 124


Why? Because the said thing is, Chad Pennington would still be the starting Quarterback because Clemens isn't ready yet obviously and Losman, just no.

I suggest heavy drinking at the home opener this season. And when I say heavy drinking I mean start Friday night and do not stop until 1pm Sunday.

Originally Posted by BwanaZulia



(Editor's note: What's that black thing? You used to do what with it? Play music? How did it fit in your iPod?)


Topic: ShadowJet35 is TEX!!!!!!

Originally Posted by TaborJet


I hate to piss in your Cheerios, but ShadowJet isn't Tx.

Originally Posted by SoFlaJets

yea but he's doing a pretty good impersonation

Originally Posted by Panzer Division Marduk

Or it's more sinister than that...


(Editor's note: That's freakin' classic...add it to the class of 2007 thread!)


Originally Posted by johnny green balls

i know astrophysicists predict the sun still has about 4.5 billion years of fuel left but i figured it's never too early to discuss when the sun is gonna burn out. do you think humans will still exist? will our decendants move to mars? discuss all your doomsday predictions here.

Originally Posted by Panzer Division Marduk

Will Max have run his 10k by then?

(Editor's note: Yes - Nostrildomis (younger brother to Nostradamus) says this is actually what will cause the end of the world - "And then the big one runs, and all the planets collide. The sun sparks red when the Maxman strides"...)


Originally Posted by johnny green balls

i know astrophysicists predict the sun still has about 4.5 billion years of fuel left but i figured it's never too early to discuss when the sun is gonna burn out. do you think humans will still exist? will our decendants move to mars? discuss all your doomsday predictions here.

Originally Posted by SouthernJet

Wont happen until I tick, tick, tick the Sun.

(Editor's note: Tick season is once again here - be sure to use your bug spray. :))


Originally Posted by Arsis

Post more, everyone is welcome here!

Originally Posted by Gen X Jet

Thanks- I'll try. Unfortunately, I'm an overworked lawyer.

Originally Posted by Arsis

Do you make 70k and year and have a hot girlfriend?

(Editor's note: Add a "1" in front of that "70" and you'll be closer to the hot girlfriend.)


Originally Posted by Bugg

In a rational world, they'd look back on the decision to keep Torre as a major mistake and fire the tea-drinking narcoleptic. Problem is, that would put the onus back on Cashman for how poorly this team is constructed.

Minkiwiecz is an automatic out. You cannot have zero production from a corner IF and succeed. When Nieves is in the lineup, it's practically like a bad NL team.

Nieves is not a MLB player.

Phelps, who could fill either role productively as a 1B or a backup C, is for reasons known only to Joe Torre, not appreciated.Miggy Cairo, a nice guy but a worthless player, is.

Bobby Abreu has his cash and doesn't give a squat.

Torre falls in and out of love with relievers. Currenly Scott Proctor is on the PaulQuantrill/Tanyon Strutze career-ending arm surgery "Joe Torre loves me!' arc, while Kyle Farnsworh and Brian Bruney are on the outs. Luis Vizcaino sucks. No matter-using as fragile an arm as Pettitte in relief is insane. Torre wasn't going to use Mo more than an inning-until he did. So apparently he values the legs of Jason Giambi(walks in the 4th inning grounds for JG to peer into the dugout to expect the hook) are more valuable than Mo's arm. Above all, Torre is obsessed with gibving his relievers roles rather than let starters work late in games. Guy caught Bob Gibosn for years, who expected to go 9 every time, and apparenly learned NOTHING from it.

I think this is very different from any other year, and you can tell by the scary shaky way that Torre has managed. I'd like to see the ship righted, and it will get better as the rotation gets healthy and if Hughes makes a run. Those are both conditional things, not givens. I thought when the Marlins busted up Burnett/Dempster/Beckett, the Yanks should have ben more inclined to get a young arm. Because a rotation of older guys like Mussina and Pettitte is not going to help but miss a bunch of starts. And getting Clemens for 5 or 6 innings doesn't really amke that any better.

Above all, you cannot keep harkening back to 2000 or 98 or 99 or 96. That is really stupidity.And Torre, in job preservation mode, is only too happy to do so. The "True Yankee" horsesheet has to stop. Without the "Untrue Yankee", A-rod, thsi team is playing .300 ball.

There is going to come a year when the music stops. And may be it's this year.

(Editor's note: Good post, but I disagree that this is the year it all ends. #27 will come to the Bronx this season.)


Topic: Can we put this offseason in perspective, folks?

Originally Posted by Jetsfan80

After the draft was over tonight, ESPN kept the team-by-team picks tracker up and running during Sportscenter. I wanted to watch and see who they were saying our "key loss" of the offseason was, as they did for each team. The "key loss" for the Jets they chose was PATRICK RAMSEY. That's right. Patrick f'n Ramsey, a perennial backup QB.

I may not be a genius, but when a backup QB is your biggest loss in an offseason, for a team that just went to the playoffs, it cannot be all that bad. The way some would interpret things based on comments on this board, one would think Jets fans expect to go 8-8 and finish behind a 13-3 Patriots team. I just simply don't believe that.

We added Thomas Jones. We added two players who, apparently, were very high on our front office's big board in Darrelle Revis and David Harris. We have more cap room than we will ever need, and have 4 months to wait for another quality player to fall into our laps, after watching teams run around like chickens with their heads cut off, throwing money at aging veteran after aging veteran as well as overhyped players in what ended up being a sellers market.

The Patriots were one of these teams, paying way too much for a guy that is 29, and isn't good enough to be GREAT at any one position, but good enough to be a "swiss army knife" of sorts and play as many as 7 in the Ravens system. Will this translate to New England? Maybe. But after seeing how much AdaliusThomas was getting offered, I feel that this front office was smart in being patient and waiting. Super Bowls are not won in free agency, folks.

And then, the Pats traded for Randy Moss. Immediately the media has taken this story by a stranglehold. The Pats are now the team to beat.

This begs the question; exactly what was the reason that the Pats got Moss so cheaply? Why would the Raiders just dump off one of the most prolific WR's of all time to a fellow AFC team (whose fans have hated them ever since they lost to NE in 2001) for such a small price? In addition, with talented rookie Jamarcus Russell coming on the scene, why on earth would they take away what would be his primary weapon?

Simple. Just like the previous 2 teams and several coaches before him, they got tired of him. People like Randy Moss don't change. He has feuded with every coach he played under. Bill Belicheck will be no different. People have made excuses for him, saying that it just takes the right personality to keep him in check. This is a myth. Moss is the common denominator in the equation. He just doesn't get it. Luckily for New England, a clause was placed in his contract, basically saying that if Randy takes a step out of line, he's a goner. Smart decision.

But Randy has 4 whole months for opportunities to take that step out of line, a long summer. Will he show up to camp? If he doesn't get into trouble off the field, if he doesn't upset the chemistry in the locker room, just how much is left in his 31-year old body? This may be low risk, high reward for NE. But if I'm not mistaken, even a restructured deal on Moss will be expensive, and there has to be a necesarry cap hit if Moss does indeed get cut, right?

So the point I'm getting to, in a round-about way, is this: Why are we panicking? Why are we assuming the worst about this upcoming season? "Tangini" has methodically done their job this offseason, quietly assembling a strong, cohesive unit without dumping all our cash on some aging stiff who doesn't deserve it.

And as we all know, this is how championships are built. Not by spending like the Yankees. Not by making a big splash in the media. You do it by putting the best 22 guys on the field that are willing to play their roles and grind it out each and every day. I think we have this, and I'm not going to mince words when I say it. This is a Super Bowl-caliber team we will be sending out this season. And when we do win that ring, even if it isn't this year, against all these goliaths around us, it will be all the more special.

(Editor's note: A very, very, very solid post JF80. Nice job.)

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Originally Posted by Arsis

Stop with all the POTW noms, I'll never win it if I have competition, I'll have 5-6 noms a week but always lose.

(Editor's note: Mark another notch on your belt this week, Arsis.)


Originally Posted by Thai Jet

Agreed. If ANYONE knows TX it's his good bud Mr. Bill Parcells. The writing style is very different than Mike (TX) uses. TX uses a lot of short 2-3 word replys do to his limited education having been raised in a shack in West Texas desert conditions. The lack of running water stunted his brain development to the point that he can not hold a job thus freeing him up for 20 hours per day as a NFL Troll. Or so the theory goes.

Originally Posted by Bill Parcells

He grew up in New England,and then moved to Texas,so it must have been the combination of bad clam chowder and the water in Tejas.

Come on Pete,you should at least know the history of your adversary/arch enemy before you make quotes like that.

(Editor's note:

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Topic: Brady pulls a Chad

Originally Posted by joewilly

with all due respect dw10, you're wife did you no favors keeping you tied up in the basement for 2 years. you've become bitter & jaded. you do realize this is a jets messageboard right? we can say pretty much what we want.

we can even say that the espn report had a typo in it & shoulda read " tom brady is restructuring his colon to make room for randy moss "

(Editor's note: Hahahahaha - a DW10 AND a Tom Brady slam in one post!)


Originally Posted by Smizzy

Ok....I'm just gonna put this out there....Thor99 had sex with both Max & Sooth....and he told me Max is the better lover but Sooth gave better oral.

Take it for what it's worth!

Originally Posted by Arsis

You set me up for the "fat chicks give good head" comment, delete this if it is going too far.

(The Nomination: "potw, sorry, i need this to be on the post of the week thread!!" - joebabyny)

(Editor's note: I do not have the power to delete, only the power to point out and mock.)


Originally Posted by Max

So they tried to sleep with Miss America and we are putting them in jail? Okay. They better start building more prisons.

(Editor's note: Can I be in the cell with Miss America's female friends??)


Topic: exhausted today

Originally Posted by johnny green balls

i got like 7 hrs of sleep, WTF? this place usually wakes me up but it's dead as **** today. wake up people! entertain me!


Originally Posted by afosomf

Must be tiring, carrying around that big fat wallet!

Originally Posted by johnny green balls

George: I need everything in there.

Jerry looking through George's wallet

Jerry: Irish money?

George: I might go there.

Jerry (reading): "Show this card at any participating Orlando-area Exxon station...to get your free 'Save the Tiger' poster."

George grabbing back his wallet.

(Editor's note: I love it!)


Topic: Goodbye

Originally Posted by Alk

I told Sooth er...Max that if he locked that thread I was leaving forever. Nice knowing you all.


Originally Posted by joewilly

i'm afraid it's true guys. rip alk

what? don't believe me? go to johndeer.com click on forums. scroll down to tractor talk.

he won't last long though. every time he goes psssst they think he's lettin the air outta someones tires

(Editor's note: "No one heard a single word she said

They should have seen it in your eyes

What was going around your head

Ooh, she's a little runaway

Daddy's girl learned fast

All those things he couldn't say

Ooh, she's a little runaway

Daddy's girl learned fast

Now she works the night away

Ooh, she's a little runaway

Daddy's girl learned fast

All those things he couldn't say

Ooh, she's a little runaway

Daddy's girl learned fast

Now she was the night away"



Topic: JOEBABY--please don't visit Iran

Originally Posted by johnny green balls


Tehran, 30 April (AKI) - The culture committee of the Iranian parliament approved on Monday a bill sentencing to death producers of 'pornography', videos and films deemed vulgar by the country's censorship. The draft law will now go to parliament where it is expected to be approved by an ample majority. Amateur porn films have a properous market in Iran and can fetch up to 30 euros each.

The market, tolerated for a long time, became a nationwide issue earlier this year after a porn film of popular television actress, Zohre Mir Ebrahimi, having sex with her partner, was released.


Originally Posted by Smizzy

On a side note....

I was just handed an envelope containing a 1 way ticket to Iran for Joebabyny....The female Pats fan who gave it to me wants to remain anonymous.

(Editor's note: joebabyny would have the time of his life (albeit, short life) in Iran with all of those repressed women...)


Topic: Hello

Originally Posted by Bill Parcells

This is the official bring back Alk campaign thread.

Alk,get your ass back here after lunch is over in pigsnuckle,Kansas.

(Editor's note: Bill, didn't you get the memo - Alk moved to East Bullballs last month...Come on back, Alk!)


Originally Posted by Jetlag

What exactly is a dildo farmer?

Originally Posted by Smizzy

Not sure...It was on TaborJet's Resume...when I contacted his former employer they told me they fired him for sitting down on the job.

(The Nomination: "let's make it easy on the legume. potw nom!" - johnny green balls)

(Editor's note: Thank you jgb. Now about that dildo farming, which crop was Tabor responsible for testing? Just curious...)


Topic: who is jetnation

Originally Posted by timbok

who is that guy with the username of jetnation..who makes news post..but never replys?

Originally Posted by joebabyny

Well, I don't know who this jet nation poster is, and who this max is either, but i do remember a poster from here back in the day and ever further back on another superior jets site named maxman. Whatever happened to that guy maxman? Some say he was always in the shadows of a slightly funnier, slightly more whitty poster tomshane, but he was still pretty funny. This current poster max is obviously a half @ssed homage to the original maxman, like a cheesy jersey shore cover band.

(The Comment: "LOL, maybe this one will have a chance, it isn't porn related." - joebabyny)

(Editor's note: Max is a legend in his own mind - Maxman was just a (flunky) legend.)


Topic: Clemens better be the real deal...

Originally Posted by serphnx

Yeah, Chad also has a better Comp% than Dan Marino, Brett Favre, Troy Aikman, Joe Montana, Steve Young,Tom Brady, John Elway; a better YPA than Favre, Aikman, Elway, Brady just a .1 yard below Marino; and I'm not about to check, but a better Winning % probably than Marino, and possibly some of these other guys. Pretty good possibility that he beats a few of them in TD/INT ratio, definitely beats Aikman and Elway at least..

I could keep going, but I think the point has been proven. The Chad haters just don't get it, obviously, Chad should be considered for the HoF. Hell, we should just retire his number and induct him already, why bother with the formality of voting? He's clearly better in the only categories that count, QB Rating, YPA, Comp%, TD/INT ratio. The fact that people still question the greatness of Chadwick Pennington is appalling. We have a HoFer here people. Stop hating Troll and Barton. I defy you to make an argument against Chad while looking at those categories highlighter by our visionary madmike1.

(Editor's note: Why don't we just let Chad play the games and see what happens, folks...)


And this week's winner:

Originally Posted by JoeWillie

First, let me apologize in advance for the length of this post, and some of this I've already said in previous posts over the past year, but I always get a kick out of when younger guys who never saw Joe Namath play try and argue that he wasn’t that good to people who saw him play.

With all due respect, NYJUNC, I appreciate many of your posts, but with regards to Namath’s greatness, you haven’t got a clue.

Being one of the older guys on this board, I had the privilege of seeing Namath play.

The guy wasn’t a great quarterback in his prime, he was a phenomenal quarterback and had he been able to remain healthy and if the Jets weren't so cheap as an organization in the early '70's, there's no telling what Namath could have accomplished from a statistical perspective. Ask Vince Lombardi, Al Davis, John Madden, or Bill Walsh, all great football minds who coached great quarterbacks themselves and all of whom were absolutely “awed” by Joe Namath, "the player", not Joe Namath, "the character"..

That said, it's amazing to me how many people on many other boards bash Namath and the fact that he is in the HOF. They always site his stats as being sub HOF. I saw one thread that even compared him to Trent Dilfer for Chrissakes!

I coach HS football and you wouldn't believe how many kids ask me if I think Namath should be in the Hall for the same reasons. I tell them that stats are overrated. I tell them it was a different game back then. And I also tell them that unless you saw Joe Namath play in his prime, you can never have an appreciation for his talent or his accomplishments on the field.

Here’s some important facts that you have to consider when you evaluate Namath as a great quarterback:

o Namath was one of the few real “Field Generals” in the history of the game. Preparing a game plan and calling plays is now a separate full-time job in the NFL (Offensive Coordinator). Back in the 60’s, those responsibilities usually sat with the head coach for most teams. They usually called the plays. In the case of the Jets, that responsibility rested with their quarterback. It was Namath who called the plays, along with the additional responsibility of executing the plays themselves. His ability to read defenses was “ahead of his time” for most quarterbacks, and in fact, over his first 9 seasons with the Jets, Namath called 80% of the offensive plays at the line of scrimmage. That was rare, even back then. It certainly doesn't happen today, as quarterbacks are told what to run, and usually have one “called” option off the called play. This allows them to focus specifically on executing the play, and not be "burdened" with having to think too much. Namath was the offensive coordinator “on the field” and excelled with this added responsibility. Even many QB’s of his time (Dawson, Staubach, Bradshaw) were not trusted with that responsibility.

o Vince Lomdardi called him the most gifted passer he ever saw and told many people within his circle that he would have loved to coach him.

o Bill Walsh called Namath the most beautiful, accurate, stylish passer with the quickest release he's ever seen.

o John Madden said that Namath was the only opposing QB he ever feared as a coach, and that when the Raiders played the Jets, the entire defensive game plan revolved around stopping Namath and Namath only. Madden also called him one of the most courageous PLAYERS he's ever seen.

o Al Davis was awed by Namath's talent. Said the "sucker plays like he's always going down hill".

o Don Shula said Namath had the quickest release of any quarterback who's ever played and also called him one of the top 3 smartest quarterbacks of all-time. Basically said it was Namath’s ability to read defenses and his quick release that was the single biggest factor in the Jets win over the Colts in SB III.

o Bear Bryant called Namath the "the greatest athlete he ever coached".

o Contemporaries like Terry Bradshaw, Jim Kelly, Vinny Testaverde, and Joe Montana all say their boyhood idol was Joe Namath.

o First of all, as many people have already stated in this thread, Namath played in a period where it was much more difficult to throw the ball. Pass defense rules for defensive backs back in the 60's and 70's were much more in favor of the defense than it is now. You could basically “mug” receivers all the way down the field as long as the ball wasn’t in the air.

o There were no rules preventing QB's from being hit, which helped contribute to some of Namath’s injury woes. He was a “marked man” in those days, while QB’s today can pretty much stand back there all day without fear of being “lit up”.

o There were no domes or turf fields in those days, so games were played under much more adverse conditions. Bear in mind that Namath played in one of the worst stadiums in the league for his entire career. Shea Stadium holds some great memories for Jet fans, but for a QB, with it's high winds, it was not a place conducive to passing the football. Giants Stadium, as bad as it is in December, is a picnic compared to what Shea was.

o There was no systematic short passing system like the West Coast offense when Namath played, so most of Namath's attempts were of the "downfield variety". In fact, Namath averaged about 14.6 yards per completion, which is one of the highest, if not the highest, in the history of the league. Check out this stat compared to other Namath contemporaries:

Namath - 14.6

Unitas - 14.2

Dawson - 13.9

Starr - 13.6

And a few other more modern guys ...

Marino - 12.3

Manning - 12.0

Montana - 11.8

I'm not a big stat guy, but I'm just using this particular statistic to help illustrate how the passing game was different back then and why that style did open up quarterbacks of that era to more interceptions than the one's that play today. In fact, if you go back and compare QB's of that era to today's QB's and look at the TD/INT ratios of both, you'll notice that the quarterbacks of the 60's and 70's threw more interceptions in general, mostly due to some of what I describe above.

o Injuries: Keep in mind that Namath played for the entire second half of his career on two of the worst legs ever and because of the Jet's cheapness in the early 70's, on some of the worst teams ever. I'm not talking bad teams, I'm talking terrible teams, whose only real offensive threat was Namath. When you found yourself down 3 touchdowns at the half, as the Jets frequently did back in those days, it's alot easier to play pass defense when the other team is forced to pass the ball on every down in order to play “catch up”, especially against a QB who can’t move.

o Lastly, keep in mind that Namath played his ENTIRE career without a great running back at his disposal. Now Matt Snell and Emerson Boozer were good players, but let's face it, you'd be hardpressed to find fans outside of NY that have even heard of these guys. They were not GREAT players, they were very good players. Roger Staubach had Tony Dorsett, Tony Hill, and Drew Pearson. Terry Bradshaw had Franco Harris, Lynn Swann, John Stallworth, Mike Webster, and a defense full of HOF’ers. Joe Montana had Roger Craig, Jerry Rice and John Taylor. Even Peyton Manning, in his most prolific seasons, had Edgerrin James along with Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne. Namath had 1 HOF receiver (Maynard) for about 6 full seasons and that's it.

To summarize, here’s the bottom line …

Like I said earlier, I think it's really difficult to appreciate what kind of player Joe Namath was and what he meant to football if you didn't live through that period and actually get to see him play.

Joe Namath was the first real "superstar" of the NFL. He was an unbelievable talent and character who changed how the QB position is played forever, changed how athletes are looked upon in society, opening doors for athletes that were previously closed, and helped shape today's NFL.

As far as Joe Namath, “the player”, goes, I’ll say this. Did he have a “great” career statistically? Absolutely not, which is why it’s tough for people like NYJUNC, who never saw him play, to find an appreciation for him in the record books. He obviously did not have the entire career, statistically, that guys like Tarkenton, Bradshaw or Staubach did. But that doesn’t mean those guys were better quarterbacks or were even better in their prime. They weren’t. They did play on better teams for a longer period of time. You can’t rely solely on numbers. Jake Plummer threw for more yards then Namath, but I don’t think anybody in their right mind would ever say he was a better quarterback than Joe Namath … certainly nobody that ever saw Joe Namath play. And ask a Giants fan in the early 70's who they'd rather have at QB, Joe Namath or Fran Tarkenton. I can tell you what many of them said back then.

The fact is that Namath’s career numbers were decimated by many factors … specifically, injuries, bad teams, and deplorable conditions.

But, in his prime, over a period of about 5 seasons, he was by all counts, without a doubt, the most prolific, exciting player in the history of the game up until that point. He was a “comet” in sports terms, a player with ability that comes along once every 20 years, who revolutionalized the quarterback position and influenced an entire generation of future players of that particular position. At his peak, he was as good as anybody who has ever played the game.

That's why he's in the Hall of Fame and that's why, to this day, the NFL still reveres him as one of the most important players in history, regardless of any statistics.

And that’s also why, if I could take one QB in their prime for one game, Namath would be right at the top of that list.

Congratulations to JoeWillie on his POTW victory. As a former history/social studies teacher, I have to tip my cap to a post that addresses the history of the greatest Jets player in such a well thought out and well written fashion. This is a great post for many reasons, but the thing that put it over the top was the "Field General" paragraph - it's the same thing you hear about Peyton Manning today and no one doubts Manning anymore. Great post, joe-joe - wear the badge with honor this week:


The Assist of the Week goes to TaborJet made me laugh a lot this week. Good stuff and thanks for the much needed laughs, T.

That's all I've got this week - well, there is one more thing, actually. We are just about ready to launch the new JetsWiki (hopefully next week - right Max?) - so stay tuned for that - it should be a great resource once people start contributing to it. There is not going to be much there to start, but if the JN community decides to get behind it, I know if will be great!

Thanks, and y'all be cool -


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Thanks Beans! That was a great post and very deserving winner.

I will get you the info you need for the wiki so you can launch that soon. Thanks!

ya good idea, since wiki pays a Google a ton of cash to come to top on searches,, JN will get lots of hits when they are looking for Jets Nation stuff,,smart move...

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That's all I've got this week - well, there is one more thing, actually. We are just about ready to launch the new JetsWiki (hopefully next week - right Max?) - so stay tuned for that - it should be a great resource once people start contributing to it. There is not going to be much there to start, but if the JN community decides to get behind it, I know if will be great!


(Editor's note: Any POTW NOM's with big brother mentions are disqualified from this point forward - I am ending the madness.)

so i guess me volunteering to write the big brother entry for JetsWiki isn't good for a cheap P OTW nom this week??

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phenomenal job gb. bro, you were hotter than the dlp projector at amedos with this installment!

(they fix that thing yet??)

and congrats joewillie-- loved it when i first read it and love it even more now. to all you lazy posters who don't ready any post over 2 lines long, print it out and take it to the can. well worth it.

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Thanks Beans! That was a great post and very deserving winner.

I will get you the info you need for the wiki so you can launch that soon. Thanks!

Sounds good!

so i guess me volunteering to write the big brother entry for JetsWiki isn't good for a cheap P OTW nom this week??

That's correct - no more big brother in POTW.

phenomenal job gb. bro, you were hotter than the dlp projector at amedos with this installment!

(they fix that thing yet??)

and congrats joewillie-- loved it when i first read it and love it even more now. to all you lazy posters who don't ready any post over 2 lines long, print it out and take it to the can. well worth it.

Thank you and yes, Amedeos the last time we were there had a new HD unit that actually worked!

wow busy week. congrats joewillie. great post. thanks again greanbeans

Don't thank me, you guys do the hard work, I just compile. ;)

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Topic: Ginn is already injured? lol

Originally Posted by jetophile

Let's put it this way. A "Slow" Ginn Fizz with a twist of Lemon. Muddle through. Hehe.


(Editor's note: That's pretty catchy, think the fish will make use it for their media guide this year?)

I reckon that's Incidental Word Play. :)

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does that include the whole "tree" of BB posts? i'm thinking kinkos here. i gotta know-- where do the kinkos jokes stand?!?!?


Kinko's jokes will stand for now, actually - good quesion. I like Kinko's - tey do nice printing...

What's the award for an assist? A reach-around?


Sure thing, just call Smizzy - he's waiting for you.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: GreenBeans is the man :cheers:

Aw, shucks Gainzo, thanks. :D

Holy **** joewilly,you ass kisser!that was one kick ass post!Good job and congrats on your victory!:cheers:

Beans,you always kick ass man,great job!

Thanks, Tuna. :)

I reckon that's Incidental Word Play. :)

Absolutely - I'm not clever enough to be that smart or smart enough to be that clever. ;)

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best part of the week here at The Nation when GB does the POTW....congrats jw...you da man

Thanks for all of your contributions, SoFla - you're a bigger part of POTW than you think. ;)

HAH, a good sport. More Word Play. :P


Congrats, JoeWillie. That was a terrific post. As one of the lucky ones who watched and was "absolutely
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Thanks for all of your contributions, SoFla - you're a bigger part of POTW than you think. ;)


Hope the month gets by quickly, JC. Hang in there.

Thanks for doing this every week and you're comments are generally funnier than the posts I get nominated for.

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Thanks for doing this every week and you're comments are generally funnier than the posts I get nominated for.

GreenBeans is the coolest s_hit around.

He gathers all of our inane posts each week, sorts them out, puts together the world famous POTW, and then deflects the praise we give him.

He's a humble bloke.

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Thanks for doing this every week and you're comments are generally funnier than the posts I get nominated for.

I've got a whole week to respond, you guys all do the funny stuff on demand.

;) You should try POTW some time - it's fun. :D

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GreenBeans is the coolest s_hit around.

He gathers all of our inane posts each week, sorts them out, puts together the world famous POTW, and then deflects the praise we give him.

He's a humble bloke.

You're too nice, G - I'm making a living on the everyone else's back. :)

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I'm sure that everyone has come in from the roof-tops after the draft weekend in which the Jets - oh my gosh - traded up twice and gave away picks for two great players. Did the Jets address all of their needs in the draft this year - nope, not even close. But drafts are for the future, not the present anyway. This year's crop of players will more than likely go down as one of the weaker draft classes (just a hunch), so trading up to get two big time players was a pretty good idea in this legume's opinion. I trust the Jets front office and coaching staff to do the right thing - call me naive if you like - so they probably did the right thing. Did I want a stud O-Lineman - yup - maybe that kid Bender in the 6th will turn out to be that guy.

Anyhow, on to the fun and games...This week's nominees were:

Topic: Getting a New Dog

Originally Posted by Smizzy

Here he is folks...

any bullmastiff owners out there?

Originally Posted by Bob

Wore out the anus on the old one, eh?

(Editor's note: Smizzy's old dog was named Anus? What a - uhh - different name for a dog.)


Originally Posted by L.I.MikeBleedsGreen

It's already started spank fans falling off the deep end.

Take two pain pills and call Joe Torre in the Morning

(Editor's note: I trust Joe Torre and will go as far as to say #27 (not the poster, the World Series championship) will arrive in the Bronx in October.)


Originally Posted by Fo_Block

this time of the year it seems like every trade is contingent upon the nfl draft value chart. at best the chart is a loose approximation of a picks value. the draft value chart does NOT take into account the size of the contract/signing bonus a player receives.

this basically means that the chart itself does not deal with today's nfl reality. as teams move up the draft board the SB increases immensely. with the big bonus comes tremendous risk. what if jamarcus russel is akili smith? what if calvin johnson pulls a jason williams and ruins his knee forever? whatever team drafted them is stuck with a massive cap hit AND the loss of whatever "value" they ponied up to move up.

some of these teams that deperately want to move down are so worried about the perception of getting fleeced that they end up overpaying a player they didn't really want. sometimes the ability to avoid shelling out $20M+ to a completely unproven player is worth more than the "value" associated with adding picks. as jet fans we understand better than anyone - i would have gladly sent kc our 4th to unload herm yet the coach "value" chart says it's the other way around. addition by subtraction.

(Editor's note: Good points all around, FB. A 4th for Herm, in retro spect, was a heist no matter what that dag'gum chart says.)


Topic: Mirabelli: That wasnt Blood

Originally Posted by TaborJet

It really doesn't matter what is on the sock.

The sock may be in the Hall of Fame, but the rest of Schilling will never get in!

(Editor's note: Bingo! Schilling is an over-rated, over-hyped, over-the-hill loud mouth douche bag.)


Topi: 7/7/07 Live Earth Concert

Originally Posted by faba

Back on track- anyone going to these concerts or planning to?

Originally Posted by Arsis

why would I? the music is horrible.

Originally Posted by Sperm Edwards

You don't want to watch a bunch of people taking private jets to a concert preaching how each of us has to conserve energy & drive a Toyota Prius? Hater.

(Editor's note: Wait a second - stop right there. Are you saying it is wrong for these Very Special and Important People to use as much fuel in one trip as I do in six months to go to a show?)


Originally Posted by Thor99

Sooth used to want me at his board.

I miss the big galoot.


I like the spin you tried to put on it.

Only thing is:

Originally Posted by Panzer Division Marduk


Awwww...it's Thor's first post!

Originally Posted by Bill Parcells

What a sycophant he was as a n00b!

Originally Posted by Panzer Division Marduk

We made fun of it and you, HOURS AGO. Christ, you're even slower than Smizzy. How the hell did you get made a mod?

(Editor's note: He's easy to take advantage of in the mod's break area?)


Topic: Welcome to JetNation

Originally Posted by Max

To all of you who were locked out from superior Jets boards, we just want to say thanks for giving us a look. A few things you should know about us if you are new here.

1. We don't want your money. We won't charge you. Sites like this pay for themselves. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Greed is a bad thing. You shouldn't have to pay to belong to a fan site. As a matter of fact -- YOU -- the fan, is what makes these sites great.

2. We have LOTS of free content. Check our front page. Look at all the writers we have on staff. We also do online chats with beat reporters and you are free to ask questions. Your questions! We don't censor you here. Draft articles, Jets Video Blogs and much more.

3. The message board here, it is pretty good if you ask me. If you want to talk to talk football with people who know the game, this is the place for you. On those slow offseason days, stop by our Lounge to chat. Or if baseball is your thing, check this out.

4. Bren's Haus Of Jpegs. You know you want to look.

5. Free Wallpaper for your desktop.

6. Chat room for game days and lonely nights.

7. Do you like gambling but hate losting real money? VBookie is for you!

8. We have an arcade with over 100 games for you to play. Yes, they are all free.

Just wanted to mention a few of the things that we do here. More than anything we just want to have a good time and talk Jets football. JetNation.com run by fans! Real fans.

Thanks for giving us a look! Let us know if you have any questions.

(The Second Nomination: "I'll second that GREAT post Max...hey Max you forgot to mention the prestigious POTW (post of the week) done every week by the great Greenbeans and voted on,again by us the fans-sign up guys and gals-the more the merrier" - SoFlaJets)

(Editor's note: Hey Max - France is sending us a statue, where do you want to put it?)


Topic: Golf with Pennington in a foursome

Originally Posted by Fin Fan In Cali


1 Bid so far at 5000.00

Originally Posted by Arsis

E-curb couldn't help himself.

(Editor's note: That's a whole lot of rockets...)


Originally Posted by Max

7. Do you like gambling but hate losting real money? VBookie is for you!

Originally Posted by Green DNA

And best of all, we are very good spellers too!!

(Editor's note: speling iz ovr ratted an so be gramers. welcums to jetnaysion)


Originally Posted by joewilly

my bad dna. I didn't realize your wife joined jetnation. what's her username? i've a lot of questions for her

Originally Posted by Green DNA


Originally Posted by joewilly

don't even think about tryin to draw me into one dna. I ain't bitin.

2 things. you're lack of moral turpitude & fear of horses makes this impossible to believe

if it was garb instead of eve in the garden of eden, no way adam bites the apple

(Editor's note: That Garb is one sexy little vixen and would have ended up leaving Eden with the snake in a cage and a Matriarchal society. Sexy vixen...)


Topic: Funny thing happened to me this morning....

Originally Posted by Boozer76

I went to Dunkin Donuts on my way to work for coffee. I get out of my truck and walk through the door at DD's and when I step inside I notice a cold metallic feeling on the bottom of my "ehemm" berries. Couple with the cold burst of air I am immediately prompted to look down and realize that not only is my fly open, but the boys basically made their way right outside for all to see. I a panic I cover and look back up only to see a half decent looking mother with a look of astonishment. Thankfully her kids did not look over and nobody else seemed to notice. I put the boys back anf terribly red face (I contemplated running back out the door) walked in line and muttered under my breath to her that I was the most embarrased I have ever been in my life. She chuckled and told me not to worry about it, that her day just started off great. I may never go to that Dunkin Donuts again lol.

Originally Posted by Green DNA

Two questions:

1: Do you always go commando?

2: Did she ask you to tea bag her?

(Editor's note: What do commando.jpg and tea.jpg have to do with Boozer's boys?)


Originally Posted by PeterNorth09

Loudest Cheers - Brady Quinn

Loudest Boos - Brady Quinn

(Editor's note: The BEST Quinn -> Jane%20Seymour-thumb.jpg)


Originally Posted by Max

To all of you who were locked out from superior Jets boards, we just want to say thanks for giving us a look. A few things you should know about us if you are new here.

1. We don't want your money. We just want your anal virginity.

2. We have LOTS of free content. Except JoeBaby's stuff. That you have to pay for.

3. The message board here, it is pretty good if you ask me. If you like the Rocky Movies, gay jokes, and goat porn.

4. Bren's Haus Of Jpegs. You know you want to look. But don't touch. Except yourself. That's cool with us.

5. Free Wallpaper for your desktop. You'll especially like the Smizzy Gone Wild section.

6. Chat room for game days and lonely nights. Or anytime Alk wants to have cyber sex.

7. Do you like gambling but hate losing real money? VBookie is for you! And we won't break your legs when you go bust. We'll just ridicule you until you want to commit Hara-Kari.

8. We have an arcade with over 100 games for you to play. Yes, they are all free. You'll especially like our innovative games like "Who's in My Mouth" and "Just the Tip"

9. We have an awesome site moderator named Max who loves reach arounds. That will get you access to all of the not-so-free stuff

Just wanted to mention a few of the things that we do here. More than anything we just want to have a good time and talk Jets football. JetNation.com run by fans! Real fans. Fans of playing ookie cookie at halftime.

Thanks for giving us a look! Let us know if you have any questions.

Originally Posted by CrazyCarl40


(Editor's note: Well, there goes the element of surprise for Max propositioning the new posters...)


Topic: for what it's worth. a short story by joewilly

Originally Posted by joewilly

whats wrong with us today? lotsa negative vibes flowing thru the lounge.

i'm not talkin about the usual oktaren vs whoever responds type war of words. some very solid posters are a little more cutting than normal.the pats fan contingent seem to be taking the brunt of it, though not all. i'd hate to see a wedge get driven between us & them cause it would suck for the board imo.

how does alk get labeled a patsfan troll? biggest contributor in the lounge I think & is very respectful ,funny & usually good input on the football board as well.

pfsikh........ didn't this guy fight for us all in Iraq for crissake? I think he brings a lot to the table with great knowledge & insight from a patsfans point of view. the football board is better with his input

gainzo? how can you not like this guy posting here. anyone who can go toe to toe with 124 is ok in my book

garb? well I saved the best for last in this instance.do you guys actually read the stuff she posts during the football season? more often than not she brings a fresh & witty angle to most any football thread.

on any off topic stuff they're all great contributors in their own way

I'm a much better informed football fan thanks to the input of the above mentioned posters & would hate to see any of their post counts diminished because we keep labeling them as not wanted

faba's sig says it best.....................................respect

(Editor's note: Well said, joewilly - JN ambassador and overall friendly guy!)


Originally Posted by Panzer Division Marduk



(Editor's note: Hey PDM, is that a rocket in your pocket or are you just happy to see us?)


Originally Posted by johnny green balls

i love all you guys


Originally Posted by Arsis

I heard you got banned.

Originally Posted by johnny green balls

the rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated. after max designated me JN's "franchise poster" i was contemplating sitting out the season but we're still hammering out the details of a long term contract.

(yes that was a softball for someone to knock out of the park)

(Editor's note: I'd take jgb as my franchise guy over JohnnyAbe any day - he's on the field every day...)


Topic: ***Official Death of the Sun Thread***

Originally Posted by johnny green balls

i know astrophysicists predict the sun still has about 4.5 billion years of fuel left but i figured it's never too early to discuss when the sun is gonna burn out. do you think humans will still exist? will our decendants move to mars? discuss all your doomsday predictions here.

(Editor's note: "That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes,

an aeroplane - Lenny Bruce is not afraid.

Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn,

world serves its own needs, dummy serve your own needs.

Feed it off an aux speak,, grunt, no, strength,

The ladder starts to clatter with fear fight down height.

Wire in a fire, representing seven games, a government for hire and a combat site.

Left of west and coming in a hurry with the furies breathing down your neck.

Team by team reporters baffled, trumped, tethered cropped.

Look at that low playing!

Fine, then.

Uh oh, overflow, population, common food, but it'll do.

Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed dummy with the rapture and the revered and the right - right.

You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, feeling pretty psyched.

It's the end of the world as we know it.

It's the end of the world as we know it.

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.



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I don't know I think if you actually used it, it's be hilarious to have one post take up the whole POTW thing to the point where your comment would have to be in the next post.

hehehe - that would drive some people nuts, I think. :D

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