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Autism awareness magnets???

Jet Moses

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When did it become the new "in thing" to sport a colorful puzzle autism awareness magnet on the back of your SUV?

Everyone needs a magnet on their SUV, didn't you know? They don't run without them. On a side note, if you have some extra cash and want to give to a worthy cause, Autism research is a fine choice. It's my charity (for the meager amounts I can afford) of choice.

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When did it become the new "in thing" to sport a colorful puzzle autism awareness magnet on the back of your SUV?

Right around the time it became possible for 1 in 150 children to be Autistic. You probably see a lot more then 150 SUVs per day, henceforth the frequency of the magnets.

On a lighter note, I saw one the other day (in the shape of a ribbon) that was black and green. The cause that it was supporting? Roadhead! Not making it up.

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I HATE magnets in general. ESPECIALLY those god damn "Support our troops" magnets. Ew. A few years ago my friends knew how much I hate them and slapped like 5 of them all over my car. It was pretty funny... what I did was I took one of them, traced its outline, and covered it in green paper. Then I used some white paper cutouts and stickers to create a sick "SUPPORT OUR JETS" magnet, which I can wear proudly!!!

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Yeah, the whole magnet thing is way overdone but I don't know why you would single out autism which is a good cause. On a side note. I was at a carwash doing a bid on a door. You wouldn't believe how many of those magnets get blown off. They had a box full of them. I bet there was enough to completely cover an SUV. :lol:

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I refuse to put magnets on my SUV, except for the Jets helmet magnet on game day.

I don't find the autism ones any more annoying than any of the others. Especially those yellow ones that make some people think they're "more American" than the rest of us.

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I want to make some up in the shape if the "shocker hand," in support of, well, the shocker.

I was watching a Yankees game last year when they were in Texas, playing the Rangers. There was a guy behind home plate with a big foam shocker hand. He was there all game. I couldn't believe no one knew enough to get it out of there.

Idiot Texans probably thought it was some Longhorns thing.

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I was watching a Yankees game last year when they were in Texas, playing the Rangers. There was a guy behind home plate with a big foam shocker hand. He was there all game. I couldn't believe no one knew enough to get it out of there.

Idiot Texans probably thought it was some Longhorns thing.

I am gonna make a prediction that someone;) will be giving out the same thing at the jets home games at some point this season, lol.

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I didn't realize autism was such an epidemic. I wonder why so many kids today have that?

  • 1 in 150 births(1)
  • 1 to 1.5 million Americans(2)
  • Fastest-growing developmental disability
  • 10 - 17 % annual growth
  • Growth comparison during the 1990s(3):
    • U.S. population increase: 13%
    • Disabilities increase: 16%
    • Autism increase: 172%

Link: http://www.autism-society.org/site/PageServer?pagename=FactsStats

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I didn't realize autism was such an epidemic. I wonder why so many kids today have that?

Part of it has to do with pediatricians having more knowledge in being able to diagnose it. Another part is that there are a lot of different symptoms that fit under the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) umbrella.

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Part of it has to do with pediatricians having more knowledge in being able to diagnose it. Another part is that there are a lot of different symptoms that fit under the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) umbrella.

Hate to be a cynic, but somebody has to say it, how much of it is fraud?

You know, like the "A.D.D." thing.

Parents are having their kids diagnosed with "disorders" so they can get cut a disability check.

Don't want to think it? OK, look at all the handicapped parking spaces. Now look at the people getting in and out of vehicles parked in those spaces.

Maybe one out every twenty looks legit.

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Part of it has to do with pediatricians having more knowledge in being able to diagnose it. Another part is that there are a lot of different symptoms that fit under the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) umbrella.

Don't forget to blame it on Global Warming, the internet, violent videogames, Don Imus, hormones in milk, high fructose corn syrup, the food pyramid, competitive sports, pancakes, George Bush, gluten, cell phones, Paris Hilton, soda, jetnation.com, Chad Pennington's noodle arm, red meat... the list goes on...

I agree with you 100% Sluggo... knowledge and symptoms. Is there other factors involved? Probably, thats why we need more research. I just fear for the kids who have minor problems and are labeled "autistic".

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I fear for that too.... should have added that to my post.

I fear for everyone being labeled something... thats the worst thing we can do is label people... Pretty soon we will all have our own affliction and we can be splintered into little groups. I guess its ok to do as long as it isnt based on race or sex or other easily identifyable traits.

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I fear for that too.... should have added that to my post.

I fear for everyone being labeled something... thats the worst thing we can do is label people... Pretty soon we will all have our own affliction and we can be splintered into little groups. I guess its ok to do as long as it isnt based on race or sex or other easily identifyable traits.

i don't think the worst thing we can do is label people. the worst thing we can do is ignore medical science and stigmatize people.

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While I cannot tell you that some parents do not do the things some of you describe in this thread, I can tell you that most parents do not want to have their kid described ("labeled" or whatever) this way. It's a serious problem that many, many good people are living and dealing with each day. Are some of the "quirky" kids you knew growing up now labeled in the spectrum of Autism - yes. Are far more (and more coming each day) seriously disabled by this disorder - yes. Can anything be done to help this - that's what research is all about, folks. This is not a political issue, it's a people issue.

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Hate to be a cynic, but somebody has to say it, how much of it is fraud?

You know, like the "A.D.D." thing.

Parents are having their kids diagnosed with "disorders" so they can get cut a disability check.

Don't want to think it? OK, look at all the handicapped parking spaces. Now look at the people getting in and out of vehicles parked in those spaces.

Maybe one out every twenty looks legit.

Umm A.D.D. and Autism have really nothing in common. My cousin is autistic and you can barely have a conversation that goes longer then 6 or 7 sentences before it's lost. Although, the kid is a musical genius which hopefully will help him be able to have some sort of career, I pray. Other then that it's a horrible disability and nothing compared to kids who're hopped up on too much sugar ( A.D.D). This coming from someone whose sisters have both been diagnosed as having ADD.

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Can anything be done to help this - that's what research is all about, folks. This is not a political issue, it's a people issue.

Beans, I know that autism is legitimate, there are families adversely affected by it. I certainly wasn't trying suggest otherwise. I know also that their are genuine, sincere people who "want to help". I applaud those efforts. But here is where I'm coming from, and perhaps what I say will make more sense by using these comparisons....

I moonlighted as security one summer at the Meadowlands, I worked the handicapped parking lot a few times. I would see car after car with handicapped plates, parking and everybody getting out of the car with nothing wrong with them. Then I would witness the van with the ramp, the kid in the wheelchair - the whole nine yards- and I would think, this is why we have handicapped parking, for people like that.

I honestly don't know how those other people sleep at night, taking advantage of that persons disability, just so they can scam themselves a good parking spot. It's despicable. So here we have an example of the depths of depravity people will go to. To me, it's like a man on a sinking ship putting on a dress so he can get off first with the women and the children. I want to spit on these people.

And maybe I'm being to imaginative, but I can't help but think these are the same people who get themselves colorful little magnets to put on the back of their friggin' SUV just so they can superficially feel better about themselves whilst advertising to the rest of us how truly wonderful they are. I've seen these people in their unguarded moments. Their is nothing wonderful about them.

You mentioned "research". Again, opens up another can of worms. Why? Past precedence; they lied about AIDS, and they are lying about Global warming and Stem cell research.

Before Autism "awareness" their was AIDS "awareness". Awareness just became code for fear and propaganda. AIDS was and continues to be a disease that affects an exclusive group of people. The cottage industry of "researchers" needed to get money so they began of a campaign creating hysteria that AIDS was going to spread to heterosexuals. It was BS and they knew it, they admitted as such since then, but the rationale was the ends justified the means.

Currently it's stem cell research. Boy, I can't shake a stick in any direction these days without hitting somebody who is convinced that, if not for the diabolism of the Bush Administration, Dan Reeves would be alive and riding horses today.

Think about it. If stem cell research was on the cusp of finding treatment for paralysis, every private enterprise would be pouring billions into it. Who wouldn't want to own the rights to that technology? But nobody is putting money into it because they don't see it as a good investment.

So where do the stem cell "researchers" go for money? The public trough, of course. And here's the one little fact the stem cell hysterics who's entire source of information is a twenty second soundbyte on CNN where Ron Reagan Jr wheels Dan Reeves onto the stage- The Bush Administration has given more public money to stem cell research than any other administration in history.

But the cottage industry needs a bigger shakedown, so what they do is unleash a campaign of fear and lies, while smearing Bush- this is their thank you to him. Of course this just whips all the people who already hate him into a frenzy.

John Edwards even tried to use it to get himself elected VP.

I'm not saying this is the case with Autism research, but you can see why I can be cynical about campaigns to create "awareness" because scratch the surface, as you always find a group of people with an agenda or who stand to gain a huge financial windfall, if they can just get enough concerned, compassionate citizens to dial their congressmen for dollars. Then everybody can feel better about themselves, the researches get their riches, and thousands of kids are pumped up full of brain candy that nobody is even sure it it is helping or causing further damage.

I'm sure you know public schools get federal funding based on the percentages of "special needs" students.

Somebody has speak up for the kids who are being misdiagnosed and their parent (s) allows it because they get cut an SSI check in perpetuity.

Believe me, I have empathy for parents of children with Autism. It just seems to me that overnight it became the "hot topic" and I do feel it's necessary to call into question why.

Umm A.D.D. and Autism have really nothing in common.

Umm I know.

You have to look at the big picture to see what is going on. For example, a good place to start would be

The Diseasing of America by Stanton Peele.

It chronicles the addiction and recovery industry that does more harm than good. In fact, people who quit drugs and alcohol cold turkey statistically do better than addicts and alcoholics who have received "treatment".

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