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A theory about the Mets...


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I think it's the fact that they're just a boring team and that is why even though they're in first place and doing better than the Yankees their fans still spend more time discussing the yankees than they do the Mets. Just my 0.02 cents

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I think it's the fact that they're just a boring team and that is why even though they're in first place and doing better than the Yankees their fans still spend more time discussing the yankees than they do the Mets. Just my 0.02 cents

Sssh, Mets fans aren't used to us not having lives and not talking about our own team, it's the other way around.

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Sssh, Mets fans aren't used to us not having lives and not talking about our own team, it's the other way around.

Well there isn't much else for a guy to do at 12:11 in the am when he has to get up early the next day.

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I think it's the fact that they're just a boring team and that is why even though they're in first place and doing better than the Yankees their fans still spend more time discussing the yankees than they do the Mets. Just my 0.02 cents

How bout the theory that there are more Yank fans here. Throw in MadMike hijacking every thread to make it bout the Yankee player having a higher OPS in games he doesn't shave before hand.

Yanks get discussed more because there are more fans and because of the chest thumping during the good times followed by the history lessons during the bad.

Most Mets fans love a good Sox-Yanks race....we just don't go for the excessive HAM like chest thumping during Yankee hot streaks.

BTW boring is a poor choice of words as other than this weeks laziness it is league wide agreed that the Mets have the most exciting player in baseball in Reyes.

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I think it's the fact that they're just a boring team and that is why even though they're in first place and doing better than the Yankees their fans still spend more time discussing the yankees than they do the Mets. Just my 0.02 cents

Wow... Mets boring?? Yankees exciting?? Time to take a drug test.

Mets fans talk about the Yankees for 2 reasons:

1. Inferiority complex. Yankees have been a better team over the last decade and have a bigger history. Red Sox fans suffer from the same complex. So do Jets fans towards the Patriots.

2. Yankee fans are obnoxious jerks, like yourself. You cant see past your fanaticism for the Yankees to appreciate when another team does well. Your only response is to knock down teams who havent had a lot of success. Met fans are trying to get their piece in while the Yankees are collapsing and the Mets are doing better. Instead of accepting the fact your team sucks this year, you waste your time discussing/worrying about the Mets.

I am disgusted by my fellow Met fans who have this hatred towards the Yankees because of their success. Me personally, I dont hate the Yanks... I see 1-2 games a year at the stadium. I just hate their obnoxious, rude, and immature fans.

I dont even consider you a baseball fan. When you have to knock down another team when they are doing better than yours, you're not a fan. Just a jerk. How about trying to be a baseball fan and enjoy all of baseball??? How about accept your teams flaws. How about realizing that its time for Yankee fans to shut their mouth and take what's coming to them, just like Met fans were told to do for years.


Yankee Fans: Continue what you do. You're too stupid to change.

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Wow... Mets boring?? Yankees exciting?? Time to take a drug test.

Mets fans talk about the Yankees for 2 reasons:

1. Inferiority complex. Yankees have been a better team over the last decade and have a bigger history. Red Sox fans suffer from the same complex. So do Jets fans towards the Patriots.

2. Yankee fans are obnoxious jerks, like yourself. You cant see past your fanaticism for the Yankees to appreciate when another team does well. Your only response is to knock down teams who havent had a lot of success. Met fans are trying to get their piece in while the Yankees are collapsing and the Mets are doing better. Instead of accepting the fact your team sucks this year, you waste your time discussing/worrying about the Mets.

I am disgusted by my fellow Met fans who have this hatred towards the Yankees because of their success. Me personally, I dont hate the Yanks... I see 1-2 games a year at the stadium. I just hate their obnoxious, rude, and immature fans.

I dont even consider you a baseball fan. When you have to knock down another team when they are doing better than yours, you're not a fan. Just a jerk. How about trying to be a baseball fan and enjoy all of baseball??? How about accept your teams flaws. How about realizing that its time for Yankee fans to shut their mouth and take what's coming to them, just like Met fans were told to do for years.


Yankee Fans: Continue what you do. You're too stupid to change.

I took a drug test less than a month ago, and I passed thank you very much. I'm far from an obnoxious jerk, I'm giving the mets fans here a bit of a hard time. You have to admit that there is some sort of weird obsession with the yankees and how they are doing. Mets fans shouldn't be the sore winners that they claim yankee fans were. I'm not trying to knock down any team, the mets are doing better than the yankees this year and I'll freely admit it, it just seems that instead of basking in the glory of their success the mets fans are enjoying the yankees losing more which I personally feel is pathetic. Your second point proves it, even you are putting the yankees failures ahead of the mets success. Yankee fans only care about the yankees winning while mets fans care about the yankees losing more than the mets winning and it just baffles me.

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I took a drug test less than a month ago, and I passed thank you very much. I'm far from an obnoxious jerk, I'm giving the mets fans here a bit of a hard time. You have to admit that there is some sort of weird obsession with the yankees and how they are doing. Mets fans shouldn't be the sore winners that they claim yankee fans were. I'm not trying to knock down any team, the mets are doing better than the yankees this year and I'll freely admit it, it just seems that instead of basking in the glory of their success the mets fans are enjoying the yankees losing more which I personally feel is pathetic. Your second point proves it, even you are putting the yankees failures ahead of the mets success. Yankee fans only care about the yankees winning while mets fans care about the yankees losing more than the mets winning and it just baffles me.


Also LilBit, I have a question. Exactly how large is the stick?

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I took a drug test less than a month ago, and I passed thank you very much. I'm far from an obnoxious jerk, I'm giving the mets fans here a bit of a hard time. You have to admit that there is some sort of weird obsession with the yankees and how they are doing. Mets fans shouldn't be the sore winners that they claim yankee fans were. I'm not trying to knock down any team, the mets are doing better than the yankees this year and I'll freely admit it, it just seems that instead of basking in the glory of their success the mets fans are enjoying the yankees losing more which I personally feel is pathetic. Your second point proves it, even you are putting the yankees failures ahead of the mets success. Yankee fans only care about the yankees winning while mets fans care about the yankees losing more than the mets winning and it just baffles me.

I sure hope you'd pass the drug test... Wouldnt want my new favorite cop to already be on drugs:)

I agree with you Mets fans are acting like yankee fans have been for years. But I do not care whether or not the yankees do good or not. My 2nd point shows nothing about me having any hatred towards the Yanks. Its towards their fans, who I dislike (most anyway).

I've never rooted againt the Yanks unless they played the Mets.

I thought my post was clear enough. Worry about your team. Both met and yankee fans. We arent rivals. This petty crap between these teams is stupid. Yankee fans are sore losers and sore winners. Met fans are now sore winners who cant show any class (and sox fans...).

It is sad that many fans do care that the yanks suck. Its embarrasing. Met fans should only worry about their team.

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Also LilBit, I have a question. Exactly how large is the stick?

Owned??? How??? He agreed with my points. Met fans are pathetic with their worrying about the yankees. Yankee fans are pathetic with their bashing of a successful team.

I called out met fans. The only thing he was wrong about was me worrying about the yanks more than the mets. That is totally untrue. Look at my original post. Where do I say I care about the yanks losses more than the mets wins. I am just enjoying (privately, not posting junk here) the jerk yankee fans who have enjoyed shoving it in the mets faces for years. Now they know how it feels to suck.

Only thing I was wrong about is Arsis isnt a jerk. This thread just sucked. I think Arsis is actually ok for a yankee fan

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Wait. A thread was started by a Yanks fan about the Mets, claiming "their fans still spend more time discussing the yankees than they do the Mets."

As gg would say, "Oy!"



POTW nominee,,

I was wondering when someone would point that out

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Both teams are talented and a joy for the fans to root, root, root for the home team. Embrace this wonderful sport and put a dog on the grill and crack a cold one while rooting the home town boys on

were you a cheerleader in high school?

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Wait. A thread was started by a Yanks fan about the Mets, claiming "their fans still spend more time discussing the yankees than they do the Mets."

As gg would say, "Oy!"


Wait, one thread by a yankee discussing a trend that is happening with mets fans. If I started 15 threads about the mets you might have yourself a point. My point was not that mets shouldn't talk about the yankees or even that they shouldn't enjoy the yankees failing. It was that they should just concentrate on their winning team and let the yankees fans worry about the yankees sucking. That while they should be very happy their team is winning they seem to be more focused on what they yankees are doing.

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POTW nominee,,

I was wondering when someone would point that out

Honestly, some of the Yankee fans around here have very short memories. During spring training they were bashing the sawx and the Mets, and talking about winning the AL East. Now that they are having a sub-par season, they bash the sawx fans and Mets fans. Maybe they should be worrying about their team instead of what other people are doing. ;-)

It's not so much that I am happy the Yanks arent doing well (I'd prefer a Subway Series every year) but it is a riot watching their fans twist in the wind.

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