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or did anyone else think that the "flight team" the other night was pathetic? Does anyone else think that this is just an absolute embarrassment?

I don't know if any other team has "flag girls"...they are what they are. But, if you want to compare these to the hottie cheerleaders some of these teams have, they are an absolute joke.

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I don't know if any other team has "flag girls"...they are what they are. But, if you want to compare these to the hottie cheerleaders some of these teams have, they are an absolute joke.

is there a sig of the week here? if so give to nightstalker. & ask her if she can carry a flag

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I never thought we needed cheerleader types to get the crowd going. Maybe in second rate cities like Tampa Bay, Boston and Philly, they need it, but not here.

That being said, it is a hell of a lot better than the 4 dudes they had for a couple of years. Although some of these ladies are down right hideous.

Maybe Joe Baby can get some of his "girls" to take over...just a thought.

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or did anyone else think that the "flight team" the other night was pathetic? Does anyone else think that this is just an absolute embarrassment?

They mostly look like the weekday lunchtime shift from the 'Bing. They also look kinda lost without a pole to swing from.

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I never thought we needed cheerleader types to get the crowd going. Maybe in second rate cities like Tampa Bay, Boston and Philly, they need it, but not here.

That being said, it is a hell of a lot better than the 4 dudes they had for a couple of years. Although some of these ladies are down right hideous.

Maybe Joe Baby can get some of his "girls" to take over...just a thought.

Joebaby I think you have an opening here to call the Jets front office.

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I never thought we needed cheerleader types to get the crowd going. Maybe in second rate cities like Tampa Bay, Boston and Philly, they need it, but not here.

That being said, it is a hell of a lot better than the 4 dudes they had for a couple of years. Although some of these ladies are down right hideous.

Maybe Joe Baby can get some of his "girls" to take over...just a thought.

No we dont need cheerleaders to get the crowd going... they are invisible on the sidelines there is way too much going on to pay attention to what the flight crew is doing. I'm 36 rows from the field and it doesnt matter what skimpy outfits they wear, I cant tell anyway unless I look at the TV. I'm just surprised they dont have a sponsor for this flight crew... Delta doesnt want to fork over more cash I guess...

The dudes were better because 1 or 2 were fat and it was great watching them run diagonally across the field from one endzone to the other... the flags were much bigger and heavier than what the "flight crew" is using and it was fun on windy days.

Plus, with a name like flight crew, I expect some peanuts and a bottled water after we take off.

My biggest problem with them is they didnt know what the FU&K they were doing after we scored a TD.... why was the T and S at midfield without the J and the E???? Havent they been practicing?? Magini would have cut all of them for being totally unprepared for their first performance...

And where the hell did they go before halftime?????????? They werent even on the field to celebrate our TD before the half!! What an embarrasment!

Cut the flight crew... hire some fatties... and watch the fun as they run 100 yards with the flags. Or maybe just concentrate on football.

Cant wait for the next new thing... Jets mascot.... Jetsie McTakeoff

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What is everyone complaining about. Does anyone remember when they had a guy with a foam Mattell looking plane wrapped around him prancing across the field? That was pathetic and somewhat embarassing with the opposing fans laughing their asses off. These girls are major upgrade from that. One step at a time.

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