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A-Rod's numbers this year

Scott Dierking

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When you look at them in total now, with 3/4 of the year passed, they are not so unworldly anymore.

yes, they are excellent numbers and the Hr's and RBI are tops in MLB, but they are not now leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the pack, like they once were.

The point, is this-Is A-Rod, even with an excellent year like he is having, worth double in salary in comparison to the other best players in baseball?

The numbers are excellent, but THAT excellent?

Now, there is something else at work here, and that is the Yankees having a new home in '09 and needing a face that will represent that, and A-Rod and a chase may be worth that for the money.

But speaking statistics alone, 30 mill is hard to swallow for what you get in comparison.

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When you look at them in total now, with 3/4 of the year passed, they are not so unworldly anymore.

yes, they are excellent numbers and the Hr's and RBI are tops in MLB, but they are not now leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the pack, like they once were.

The point, is this-Is A-Rod, even with an excellent year like he is having, worth double in salary in comparison to the other best players in baseball?

The numbers are excellent, but THAT excellent?

Now, there is something else at work here, and that is the Yankees having a new home in '09 and needing a face that will represent that, and A-Rod and a chase may be worth that for the money.

But speaking statistics alone, 30 mill is hard to swallow for what you get in comparison.

Did you catch the interview Francesa had with Cashman yesterday on WFAN? Now, I don't know if it was posturing on Cashman's part, but he said if Alex opts out of his contract with the Yanks, they will not sign him. Went on to say even the Yanks have a ceiling believe it or not.

He went on to say that both the Yankees and Alex like to continue on, but they (Yankees) would not subject themselves to a bidding war.

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Did you catch the interview Francesa had with Cashman yesterday on WFAN? Now, I don't know if it was posturing on Cashman's part, but he said if Alex opts out of his contract with the Yanks, they will not sign him. Went on to say even the Yanks have a ceiling believe it or not.

He went on to say that both the Yankees and Alex like to continue on, but they (Yankees) would not subject themselves to a bidding war.

I did not catch that.

I have to believe that is posturing to some degree.

Boras is not a man that likes to have bluffs called. This really has to come down to, is A-Rod real in his stated conviction that he wants to remain a Yankee? If so, he needs to realize that a "hometeam" discount is in order. He has to realize that creating a bidding war might, just might, drive the Yankees away.

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Why don't you stop worrying about the Yanks, and post a positive spin on your team

If the Mets want to spend 30mill on Kazmir when he becomes a FA, godbless

Jone- It is a BASEBALL issue.

If you are so soft skinned and unable to listen to other fans talk baseball, go to a YANKEE forum, rather than a BASEBALL forum.

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Here is what ARod's #s project to be:

HR - 52

RBI - 153

Runs - 145

Hits - 179

2B - 35

BB - 94

K - 119

SB - 20

CS - 3

Pretty damn good, especially for a righty batter in Yankee Stadium. Is he worth much more than everyone else? No. No one player is. Should he be the highest paid player in the game. Without question in my mind.

It is an interesting decision for ARod. Boras will have him opt out. ARod has given up more here than he gets credit for. He gave up the title of "Greatest SS Of All Time" just to play here. That's a lot in itself. But if he opts out he will forever be known as greedy.

If the Yankees win the WS and he opts out it might actually be worse for him. He will be known as a hired gun who only cared about the money and not winning. Anyway you slice it and it will make for an interesting offseason.

Add in rumors of George's current condition and the answer is not clear. The Yankees with George at the helm would have paid and ARod would be here no matter the cost. Now? Who knows.

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Here is what ARod's #s project to be:

HR - 52

RBI - 153

Runs - 145

Hits - 179

2B - 35

BB - 94

K - 119

SB - 20

CS - 3

Pretty damn good, especially for a righty batter in Yankee Stadium. Is he worth much more than everyone else? No. No one player is. Should he be the highest paid player in the game. Without question in my mind.

It is an interesting decision for ARod. Boras will have him opt out. ARod has given up more here than he gets credit for. He gave up the title of "Greatest SS Of All Time" just to play here. That's a lot in itself. But if he opts out he will forever be known as greedy.

If the Yankees win the WS and he opts out it might actually be worse for him. He will be known as a hired gun who only cared about the money and not winning. Anyway you slice it and it will make for an interesting offseason.

Add in rumors of George's current condition and the answer is not clear. The Yankees with George at the helm would have paid and ARod would be here no matter the cost. Now? Who knows.

Can the case be made that he is worth double, say a Magglio Ordonez?

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Here is what ARod's #s project to be:

HR - 52

RBI - 153

Runs - 145

Hits - 179

2B - 35

BB - 94

K - 119

SB - 20

CS - 3

Pretty damn good, especially for a righty batter in Yankee Stadium. Is he worth much more than everyone else? No. No one player is. Should he be the highest paid player in the game. Without question in my mind.

It is an interesting decision for ARod. Boras will have him opt out. ARod has given up more here than he gets credit for. He gave up the title of "Greatest SS Of All Time" just to play here. That's a lot in itself. But if he opts out he will forever be known as greedy.

If the Yankees win the WS and he opts out it might actually be worse for him. He will be known as a hired gun who only cared about the money and not winning. Anyway you slice it and it will make for an interesting offseason.

Add in rumors of George's current condition and the answer is not clear. The Yankees with George at the helm would have paid and ARod would be here no matter the cost. Now? Who knows.


I still think he is a bit of a idiot and seems to lack basic understanding of some of baseball's unwritten laws, but the guy is the best position player. Bar none.

I understand your point Max, is he twice as good as Mags, no. However, Mags for all his talent is not half the draw A-Rod is. I goto a game to Bonds and A-Rod when I have no rooting interest like I have done in the past. Mags? No.

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Can the case be made that he is worth double, say a Magglio Ordonez?

I would say he is worth alot more than Magglio, but not double. Magglio to me isnt worth 1/2 of A-Rod right now. It is his best year since being injured and he has to be consistent. I know he this good in Chicago, but he has to keep it up to be even mentioned in the same sentence as A-Rod to me.

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I would say he is worth alot more than Magglio, but not double. Magglio to me isnt worth 1/2 of A-Rod right now. It is his best year since being injured and he has to be consistent. I know he this good in Chicago, but he has to keep it up to be even mentioned in the same sentence as A-Rod to me.

15 mill vs 30 mill is the question.

Not as bad when, when you coinsider the 30 mill comes from Yankee coiffers.

Yankee dollars are less hard capped than ost other teams dollars.

It is an interesting debate.

30 million for AROD probably ONLY makes sense as a Yankee. And I think he will realize that.

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i said this a few weeks back

i'm one of a-rods biggest supporters and was last year, but no one player is worth 30 million a year. thats 3 solid players worth of money this offseason. this is the ceiling for Alex and we're on the outside edge of the playoffs looking in.

for the record, this is A-rod's best offensive season in his career. but probably his peak.

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15 mill vs 30 mill is the question.

Not as bad when, when you coinsider the 30 mill comes from Yankee coiffers.

Yankee dollars are less hard capped than ost other teams dollars.

It is an interesting debate.

30 million for AROD probably ONLY makes sense as a Yankee. And I think he will realize that.

baseball has gauranteed contracts so it is not simply a comparison of yearly salaries. if you sign a player like ordonez for 15m/year for 4 years that is a $60M investment. what is his track record and what is the likelihood that he delivers for the full 4 years?

beyond that comparison, if jeter is worth $22M+ than arod is worth 40M

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30 million is gonna cheap considering the money he will be bringing in the next couple of years as he approaches Bonds' * HR record.

I still think the jury is out though. If he has another bad post season then what do you do ?

Yanks and Cubs to be would be the teams that will really push for A-Rod in the off season.

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