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It is cool, rainy and dreary!!! Good day to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie. However, I have noone to snuggle with til 6.:)

thank you JFBM-every time I go to the weather link it knocks everybody's computers off line-like YouTube and Limewire always does....that's the thing about those dreary Jersey days they can last for a week and no sun used to get me depressed-one thing about the sunshine state is the weather can change 3 times in one day-start out sunny,then the afternoon storms roll in and by the time I'm on my way to work at night there are all stars

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I did so much here last week that there is nothing and I mean nothing left to do here. My house is spotless and organized.:)

holy moses! i would need noah size storms to have my house spotless and organized!

if that were the case ...i would read a good book ;) or more knitting!

right now.. i am just keeping one step ahead of the health department :lol:

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This was one of the most dreary days ever!! I forced myself to go out at lunch and do some shopping. Umbrella was useless, got wet anyway but who cared. It was nice to get the hell out of the office.

I spent some of the day talking with friends, totally blowing off work and I left early. HA. Eat me job. ;)

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holy moses! i would need noah size storms to have my house spotless and organized!

if that were the case ...i would read a good book ;) or more knitting!

right now.. i am just keeping one step ahead of the health department :lol:

It was very crazy here last week! Got to every closet and draw in every room. Needless to say I tipped the garbage guys last week.

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I envy you. I Totally LOVE San Luis Obispo. Totally.

Yeah, can't complain to much about going to school here. Never gets too hot/too cold, weathers usually great, Pismo/Avila/Morro Bay beaches are only a 10 min drive away. Tons of great hiking/biking, and a bunch of great vineyards within driving distance. Only downside is theres not city-like enviroment within a 3 hour drive. Sometimes its nice to have access to a city. Plus no decent paying engineering jobs, so after I finish my senior project this summer I'm outie.

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