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Possible OG upgrade...


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From ESPN & Scouts INC

Mike Wahle was released by the Panthers today, more due to them having young guys on their line as opposed to him being ineffective. He could be a good reasonably priced vet to pick up to help along our line, esp if we draft a younger guard who might need time to develop. He also has experience at tackle which doesnt hurt. Here is his scouting report...(the "Nasty" part is especially good since imo we need some more attitude in our run blocking)

2007 Scouting Report - Scouts Inc.

Grade: 75 | Key

Alert: None

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This was one of the more surprising releases. As far as I know his level of play hasn't had a big drop off and he is still only 30. He can play both OG and OT, but OG is his strong suite. I actually think signing him would be a fantastic idea although I'm worried we'll hear the, well if kendal was too old why sign a 30 year old. I think signing him and drafting an OG would be a good scenario.

The only thing i could think of would be his injury last year, i'm not sure how concussion prone he is although it doesn't seem to be a problem.

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Sounds like at least bringing him in for a look see would be a good idea. Interior lineman don't age as much as other positions so 30 years old isn't really that bad. We need OL help since RT Clements is on his last legs and we all know about LG. Since Wahle can play both G and T his versetility might come in handy.

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He was great in Green Bay and played well in Carolina. I'm suprised he was released. Did he get hurt?

If he's healthy ,he would be a guy I give a good look at. He still has 4-5 years left in the tank.

the thing about the Packers O-line that always baffled me (until recently i guess), they always have studs throughout the line. Then they let someone go and replace them with another stud.

It seemed that when they released a guy there was no drop off, and the guy that was let go always underpreformed. Verba, Whale, Timmerman, a few others...my point is, you can never tell who the stud is on their line, they are generally all good. Like the Steelers with Linebackers, the Packers always seem to know when to let them go.

I say pass on Whale.

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I am surprised to see so much interest in Wahle. He's the type of 'under the radar' guy the Jets have been signing in the Mangini era that has drawn such derision on JN (and has led, in part, to our current predicament). Until one of the better Guards sign elsewhere I will continue to dream of Stacy Andrews, Rex Hadnot, Lilja, et al, manning the LG spot for the 2008 (an betyond Jets).

We may be Jet fans but we can still dream!!!

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I have not followed Carolina so it is hard to evaluate him myself. It never will hurt to bring in experienced offensive line help-

That's axiomatic. But I have to assume the Jets plan to bring in a starter; in which case, I'd prefer to have them keep and possibly develop one or two of: Bender, Montgomery (I thought he was awful, only slightly better than Clarke) or Turner.

CAR, which already has huge issues along its offensive line, did not cut Wahle without having good reason to do so. IMO.

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the thing about the Packers O-line that always baffled me (until recently i guess), they always have studs throughout the line. Then they let someone go and replace them with another stud.

It seemed that when they released a guy there was no drop off, and the guy that was let go always underpreformed. Verba, Whale, Timmerman, a few others...my point is, you can never tell who the stud is on their line, they are generally all good. Like the Steelers with Linebackers, the Packers always seem to know when to let them go.

I say pass on Whale.

There are a few good reason for that. Similar to Denver, New England and Indy they have a good system and find the players best suited to that system. Most great offensive line play comes from great coaching.

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There are a few good reason for that. Similar to Denver, New England and Indy they have a good system and find the players best suited to that system. Most great offensive line play comes from great coaching.

THat is definately true and teams with great offensive lines can generally keep consistency when there are players coming in and out every few years. I'm hoping that Callahan can have a big impact with our Oline; although i will admit that no Oline could perform well with an adrien clarke as their LG, he's not even an ok player. This is why I don't think the Oline needs two 7 million dollar a year type of players, although i will concede to signing a stacy andrews to a large contract because he can play both LG and RT, which allows us to go into the draft with flexibility.

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