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AIM Help


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I posted this elsewhere and thought I might have more luck hitting this on all cylinders, so here it goes. Again.

I got an AIM 'upgrade' pop-up a few hours ago. Usually I'm pretty careful, and make sure to uncheck the installation of unwanted toolbars and so on. I got distracted by my dog, wasn't paying close enough attention, and now I've got this idiot AOL toolbar AND a yahoo toolbar. I cannot get rid of either. Stuck with spyware now, which is of course what it is. :bag:

Neither is showing up in my programs in order for me to remove them. I uninstalled AIM, restarted my laptop, and it's still there. I went to AIM's website, but of course there isn't any information about it. Looked around the internet and apparently other people are complaining about the same thing - but no solutions offered. Uninstalled, reinstalled, uninstalled, reinstalled. Son of a b*tch. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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That sh!t is annoying as hell. Like BP said, use the add or remove programs feature. That is how I got rid of it on my computer.
Well, that's precisely the problem. Neither shows up in add/remove in order for me to remove it. I have regular Windows XP and I use Firefox.

Someone was kind enough to turn me onto this, so I thought I'd pass it along, too. Credit to The Green Dude. I'm going to try it in the morning when I'm half-awake as opposed to half-asleep. :)


Thanks for the input, folks.

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incompatibilities. dont even try to suck me into this one.......

LOL. You posted it, so I replied!

In all seriousness, I have had ZERO problems. For incompatability issues, it depends on what program you are using????

The programs I really only use are MS Office and the Adobe CS3 Suite.

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I don't know anything about MACs, but the truth is, I can't afford to flush money on a new laptop right now. And, the whole idea of that rankles me in theory, even though I would love to pitch it out the window of a speeding car. It would all be because some seeing eyeball in the sky decided to mess with my chit is the bottom line. Rrrrrrr! Stripping it out and reinstalling whatever whatever, I'm not the type. And, I just paid money over a corrupted hard drive. And I already said all of that. And I have to pee. But first...!

I'm getting my caffeine zap right now, but I am going to try what I posted earlier on in this thread later today. I just remembered I have a dental appt. early this afternoon and I want to get outside first. Aren't you glad I shared that scintillating info. Your lives would never...have been...the same! Ruh-roh, here comes greengal with some 'dental song'. 10, 9, 8, 7... :P

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I just remembered I have a dental appt. early this afternoon and I want to get outside first. Aren't you glad I shared that scintillating info. Your lives would never...have been...the same! Ruh-roh, here comes greengal with some 'dental song'. 10, 9, 8, 7... :P

your wish is my command..... ;) allan sherman at his finest..

Beautiful molars...

Lovely bicuspids...

I'm Dr. Prentice, the painless dentist;

By that what's meant is,

It really doesn't hurt.

This is Miss Klinger; you've met her finger.

So open wide, and Miss Klinger will squirt.

Well, well, I say there.

We've got decay there.

Can't let it stay there and cause you all that pain.

So please, Miss Klinger, remove your finger,

And won't you hand me down my Novocain.

It's far worse than I thought it was;

My charge is gonna be large.

Don't be unwilling,

It's just a filling,

I'm simply drilling to dig a little pit.

Don't fight Miss Klinger, or bite her finger

And now while I change the drill you can spit.

I hum while you're bleeding;

It takes your mind off

The things I grind off.

Your gums are receding;

You'll have to come back,

We'll build that gum back.

And now if you will open wide,

Miss Klinger's gonna put her whole darn fist inside.

That's it... now it's over.

They'll be a puffiness around your cheeks,

You'll have to eat soft food for three more weeks,

And if you'll kindly stop those ghastly shrieks,

I'm through.

Beautiful molars...

Lovely bicuspids...

By Dr. Prentice!

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. :P

one of my favorite movies!! :yahoo:

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