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Jets Tampering? Assante...


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Hey, kids . . . interested in a little irony? How about this one: The team that sparked the Spygate hoo-ha by nailing the Patriots for doing something to the Jets that, as Jimmy Johnson tells it, plenty of teams have been doing for a long time is now apparently doing something to the Pats that virtually every team does.

Specifically, the Jets apparently are tampering with Patriots cornerback Asante Samuel. Consider this gem from Newsday:

"I just spoke with Samuel's agent who (predictably) said that interest is mutual and high from both the Jets and Samuel. How high? 'The interest level is where it needs to be for them to either a) make a run at him or B) get him.'"

But how does Samuel's agent know that the interest is mutual or high or both? The Jets aren't allowed to say or do anything that would demonstrate any interest while Samuel is still the property of the Patriots. And Samuel is still the property of the Patriots until midnight on February 29.

Yeah, we know. Everyone tampers. But doesn't breaking the rules to secure dibs on a desired player potentially create a competitive advantage, just like taping defensive coaching signals does? If tampering wasn't useful, would the Jets or any other team do it?

There's no dispute that the Patriots were stoopid and arrogant for continuing to engage in a practice that violated the rules at a time when it was clear that other teams were trying to nail them. Still, the failure of the league to do anything to address the issue of widespread tampering is creating the impression to the trained eye of a double standard.

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Hey, kids . . . interested in a little irony? How about this one: The team that sparked the Spygate hoo-ha by nailing the Patriots for doing something to the Jets that, as Jimmy Johnson tells it, plenty of teams have been doing for a long time is now apparently doing something to the Pats that virtually every team does.

Specifically, the Jets apparently are tampering with Patriots cornerback Asante Samuel. Consider this gem from Newsday:

"I just spoke with Samuel's agent who (predictably) said that interest is mutual and high from both the Jets and Samuel. How high? 'The interest level is where it needs to be for them to either a) make a run at him or B) get him.'"

But how does Samuel's agent know that the interest is mutual or high or both? The Jets aren't allowed to say or do anything that would demonstrate any interest while Samuel is still the property of the Patriots. And Samuel is still the property of the Patriots until midnight on February 29.

Yeah, we know. Everyone tampers. But doesn't breaking the rules to secure dibs on a desired player potentially create a competitive advantage, just like taping defensive coaching signals does? If tampering wasn't useful, would the Jets or any other team do it?

There's no dispute that the Patriots were stoopid and arrogant for continuing to engage in a practice that violated the rules at a time when it was clear that other teams were trying to nail them. Still, the failure of the league to do anything to address the issue of widespread tampering is creating the impression to the trained eye of a double standard.


Cause we all know that Agents always tell the truth, right?

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I friggin hate PFT. Articles everywhere are claiming that the Browns and/or the Saints have deals (with contracts) worked out for Asante's services.

But the second the Jets' are "intrested" in reuniting Mangini with his student, PFT makes a big ****ing spygate/tampering deal about it.

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Ridiculous. An agent can make these claims simply by knowing Asante and Mangini got along during Mangini's years in New York and knowing the Jets have a boat load of cash to throw around.

didn't the jets also have samuel in for a visit last year when he got the franchise tag and was allowed to negotiate with other teams? that sounds like "mutual interest" to me.

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Everybody knows that the combine is basically a meat market and it's only about 10% of what goes into the process of selecting a player; the other 90% is all from game film. Basically the combine does a couple things; doctors evaluations, personal evaluation with the teams and then talking to other agents and GMs. It is technically not allowed, but it has been going on for years. Every team does it, every team. There were reports saying that only a couple didn't until the last few years, but they said that they needed to start or else they lost out in free agency. THe only thing left is for the NFL to change the rule and allow GMs and agents talk a couple weeks prior to free agency, becuase it definately happens.

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I think one of our resident Pats Football Trolls writes for PFT.

Also, the Patriots accuse everyone of tampering with them for every single FA they don't want to pay but actually want to keep at least a little bit. They are going to file tampering against Dallas when Moss goes there too.

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"The interest is mutual and high"? How on earth did they come up with that one?

  1. Mangini coached Samuel both as DB coach and DC.
  2. The Jets showed interest when Samuel was franchised (read: not under contract) less than 1 year ago.
  3. Samuel wants to get PAIIIIIIIID.
  4. The Jets have gobs of cap room.

Jacques Clouseau could have come to this opinion/conclusion with little difficulty.

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