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Chad Will Start This Season!


Chad Will Lead the NYJ to a Superbowl this season...  

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  1. 1. Chad Will Lead the NYJ to a Superbowl this season...

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Just a question for those that think chad can still be an effective starting QB; how come all those teams that need a starting quarterback, like atlanta or minnesota or chicago havn't made a deal for him?? Maybe they have and it hasn't been good, but if these other teams are considering drafting a first round QB they will obviously need someone to play now, why havn't they made a play for him?? Atlanta was forced to resign harrington. It just seems that the only people who think chad is a starting quarterback are certain jets fans and members of the pennington family.

I would dare anyone to find an article that has a NFL scout, GM or COach say that he can be a starting quarterback in this league; they can't be the scout, GM or coach from our team either. It's also very telling when not a single fan of another team would even entertain the idea of trading a 5th rounder for him. I know none of this stuff matters, but it's just funny how only certain jets fans seem to think he's a viable starter. I would just like to find an article or anything saying how another team would like him or how he's capable of being a good starter (it must be from this year or so, not a 2002 one).

He's not on the market?

If a coach, or GM starts talking about a QB under contract to another team, and commenting on if he could start for said coach, or GM, that would be called tampering.

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He's not on the market?

If a coach, or GM starts talking about a QB under contract to another team, and commenting on if he could start for said coach, or GM, that would be called tampering.

Didn't mean that he the coach/gm had to say that penny would be starting for said team, but just in general that they think highly of him and sees he has a future in the league. Like when marinelli says he thought very highly of vilma, or when you hear 'we were talking to an anonymous team GM or source that pennington is high on their list and would be the favorite to start." I know it's called tampering, but it still happens all the time. When vilma was hurt, there were still plenty of rumors surrounding him from teams that technically couldn't talk to him yet. Pennington is "healthy" and i havn't heard even a whisper of another team wanting him.

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Chad will be the NYJ starting QB this season and will lead the NEW revamped NYJ to a superbowl this season!


DO You Agree?

Kellen can stretch the field, he's younger, he can scramble, he will soon get his accuracy correct because he wont have to scramble as much with the new o-line, the revamp running game will keep the "D" unbalanced. He's our QB. I had a crazy long response but when I click sent it didnt go through. Im so mad that I just dont want to type all that ish over again.

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Kellen can stretch the field, he's younger, he can scramble, he will soon get his accuracy correct because he wont have to scramble as much with the new o-line, the revamp running game will keep the "D" unbalanced. He's our QB. I had a crazy long response but when I click sent it didnt go through. Im so mad that I just dont want to type all that ish over again.

You don

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Right. It requires playing with legitimate NFL WR's who can catch & run.

And I did see the field get stretched vs Baltimore (260 yds on 19 completions even with BS - and his own OL -keeping him reeled in most of the game)

vs Miami (236 yds on 15 completions).

I wouldn't put him in canton for either of those two performances. I wouldn't even hand him an automatic starting job vs Suckington.

But more subtle things like individual plays themselves suggest he can stretch the field. With Cleveland covering deep you think Pennington is completing a 30+ yard pass to a "non-deep threat" in Cotchery with less than a minute to go? Yeah, right. We'd be doing the sideline screen thing for 5 yards at a time until time ran out (or until the defense jumped the route & took it back the other way).

I would consider the play Coles got injured on (re-injured on) to be stretching the field.

A 20 & 30 yd pass plays on 3rd & 12 and 3rd & 10 vs Washington. We've grown sickeningly accustomed to Chad throwing it 8 yards in that situation & the receiver coming up 1-2 yards short.

And just the thing I saw in his first start (after most of the suckiness & sissy playcalling had worn off): he was throwing fastballs. Been a while since I saw a Jets QB do that.

Now by itself they don't make him a good - or even a serviceable - QB. But to say he didn't show "great" ability to stretch the field is hardly a criticism I'd get on him much about. He was missing Coles, Cotchery, or both in just about all of his starts; the line gave those receivers little time to get open downfield anyway (not that Smith or JMac and eventually Cotchery would catch it regardless).

He's on the team & he warrants another look. But he doesn't warrant getting named the automatic starter week 1.

The First time chad pennington throws a 3rd and 10 pass for 7 yards I'm going to be forced to hurt someone. I'm going to leave my house, walk down the street and just starting punching people.

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The First time chad pennington throws a 3rd and 10 pass for 7 yards I'm going to be forced to hurt someone. I'm going to leave my house, walk down the street and just starting punching people.

I feel your pain. I have felt your pain. Pray that's all I feel of yours; this IS JetNation.

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The Jets can go one of two ways:

1. Hand the reigns to Pick Six Pennington and hope he doesn't make the many mistakes he made in 2007, therefore they are hoping for a ball control, low scoring type season. Good luck with that, especially when facing teams like New England.

2. Hand the reigns to Clemens and take some of the pressure off his shoulders by pounding Jones, Washington and Chatman and at the same time, when its 3rd and 8, they know they can actually throw the ball 10, 15 or 20 yards down the field and it not take 33 seconds to get there.

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Oh so he hates the best JETS QB ever? Chad wins baby.... #'s dont lie!

hate to differ with you, being a PENNINGTON fan since his collage day's but i think by the #'s Ken O,brian is the best JETS qb to date.

That being said i think PENNINGTON is the best jets qb since.

And given the right TOOLS he could be the best JETS qb EVER.

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At least someone agrees with me!

Seriously though guys... Chad is the QB this year... and he potentially will have a better team than 04'...

It could happen!

An Offensive Line? The first time they could potentially have dominant line in YEARS. A RUNNING GAME? Yes! Chad and the play-action game he was able to perform when they actually had a line before Bradway let it fall apart. Now they have built it over the last years and we will see Chad lighting it up like it's 2002 - except this time he'll be telling the world he's going to Disneyland after he is the MVP of the SuperBowl!

Well, I know I can get it done in Madden '09. Seriously, I'm sticking with Chad until Kelly boy shows me he's not a deer in headlights.

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Chad will be the NYJ starting QB this season and will lead the NEW revamped NYJ to a superbowl this season!


DO You Agree?

:rl: This stuff really never gets old ,It's comedy at it's finest

oh and I DON'T Agree ,Chad will help Kellen read defenses better if that's what you mean.

Is that what you mean? I hope so B/C that's where you will see Chad,On the Bench holding a Clipboard.

Kellen will get us there (Super Bowl) before Chad ever will.

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Right. It requires playing with legitimate NFL WR's who can catch & run.

And I did see the field get stretched vs Baltimore (260 yds on 19 completions even with BS - and his own OL -keeping him reeled in most of the game)

vs Miami (236 yds on 15 completions).

I wouldn't put him in canton for either of those two performances. I wouldn't even hand him an automatic starting job vs Suckington.

But more subtle things like individual plays themselves suggest he can stretch the field. With Cleveland covering deep you think Pennington is completing a 30+ yard pass to a "non-deep threat" in Cotchery with less than a minute to go? Yeah, right. We'd be doing the sideline screen thing for 5 yards at a time until time ran out (or until the defense jumped the route & took it back the other way).

I would consider the play Coles got injured on (re-injured on) to be stretching the field.

A 20 & 30 yd pass plays on 3rd & 12 and 3rd & 10 vs Washington. We've grown sickeningly accustomed to Chad throwing it 8 yards in that situation & the receiver coming up 1-2 yards short.

And just the thing I saw in his first start (after most of the suckiness & sissy playcalling had worn off): he was throwing fastballs. Been a while since I saw a Jets QB do that.

Now by itself they don't make him a good - or even a serviceable - QB. But to say he didn't show "great" ability to stretch the field is hardly a criticism I'd get on him much about. He was missing Coles, Cotchery, or both in just about all of his starts; the line gave those receivers little time to get open downfield anyway (not that Smith or JMac and eventually Cotchery would catch it regardless).

He's on the team & he warrants another look. But he doesn't warrant getting named the automatic starter week 1.

I have to say that I'm with Irish on this one. Clemens can stretch the field better than Pennington, but I have seen very little evidence that he will. You listed just about every long pass he threw. Pennington threw some long passes also, but we all know he can throw deep much. We are all hoping that was on the OC and that he'll open it up in '08, but that's just hope, not fact. I agree with your basic theory on Clemens which is to keep an open mind and he might still turn out to be very good. Sad thing is that, as you admit, he could also suck.

What worries me is all this "dominant offensive line" crap I hear. You guys do realize that we have Damien Woody penciled in at RT? He was benched as a guard by one of the worst OLines in the league and has played all of 5 games at T. We'll be better in '08, but dominant? Probably a stretch.

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Right. It requires playing with legitimate NFL WR's who can catch & run.

And I did see the field get stretched vs Baltimore (260 yds on 19 completions even with BS - and his own OL -keeping him reeled in most of the game)

vs Miami (236 yds on 15 completions).

I wouldn't put him in canton for either of those two performances. I wouldn't even hand him an automatic starting job vs Suckington.

But more subtle things like individual plays themselves suggest he can stretch the field. With Cleveland covering deep you think Pennington is completing a 30+ yard pass to a "non-deep threat" in Cotchery with less than a minute to go? Yeah, right. We'd be doing the sideline screen thing for 5 yards at a time until time ran out (or until the defense jumped the route & took it back the other way).

I would consider the play Coles got injured on (re-injured on) to be stretching the field.

A 20 & 30 yd pass plays on 3rd & 12 and 3rd & 10 vs Washington. We've grown sickeningly accustomed to Chad throwing it 8 yards in that situation & the receiver coming up 1-2 yards short.

And just the thing I saw in his first start (after most of the suckiness & sissy playcalling had worn off): he was throwing fastballs. Been a while since I saw a Jets QB do that.

Now by itself they don't make him a good - or even a serviceable - QB. But to say he didn't show "great" ability to stretch the field is hardly a criticism I'd get on him much about. He was missing Coles, Cotchery, or both in just about all of his starts; the line gave those receivers little time to get open downfield anyway (not that Smith or JMac and eventually Cotchery would catch it regardless).

He's on the team & he warrants another look. But he doesn't warrant getting named the automatic starter week 1.

Fastballs count for absolutely nothing if they're not accurate. There is no doubt the he is physically capable of throwing downfield but so is Rex Grossman, Kyle Boller and JP Losman, doesn't mean they great at stretching the field. He looked incredibly inconsistent last season, especially throwing downfield. Listing the circumstances he was in (No deep threats, bad O-line) is useless because Chad played with the same O-line and basically with the same type of WR's (Coles is not much of a downfield threat).

It depends on how you define stretching the field, if your talking about throwing into tight coverage then Clemens will probably edge Chad out due to arm strength but even then there's no guarantee that he'll have the accuracy to be consistently good at that. If stretching the field is throwing long 50 yard bombs then I'd give the edge to Chad who's proven he can do that well because it doesn't require much velocity, just distance and accuracy.

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I have to say that I'm with Irish on this one. Clemens can stretch the field better than Pennington, but I have seen very little evidence that he will. You listed just about every long pass he threw. Pennington threw some long passes also, but we all know he can throw deep much. We are all hoping that was on the OC and that he'll open it up in '08, but that's just hope, not fact. I agree with your basic theory on Clemens which is to keep an open mind and he might still turn out to be very good. Sad thing is that, as you admit, he could also suck.

What worries me is all this "dominant offensive line" crap I hear. You guys do realize that we have Damien Woody penciled in at RT? He was benched as a guard by one of the worst OLines in the league and has played all of 5 games at T. We'll be better in '08, but dominant? Probably a stretch.

If all goes well in the draft, I suspect Woody will be playing RG on opening day. The RT they draft will be starting at RT.

A lot can happen between now and September though

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If all goes well in the draft, I suspect Woody will be playing RG on opening day. The RT they draft will be starting at RT.

A lot can happen between now and September though

I agree. I don't think Woody is going to be mobile enough to handle RT or at least handle it well on a consistent basis.

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I have to say that I'm with Irish on this one. Clemens can stretch the field better than Pennington, but I have seen very little evidence that he will. You listed just about every long pass he threw. Pennington threw some long passes also, but we all know he can throw deep much. We are all hoping that was on the OC and that he'll open it up in '08, but that's just hope, not fact. I agree with your basic theory on Clemens which is to keep an open mind and he might still turn out to be very good. Sad thing is that, as you admit, he could also suck.

What worries me is all this "dominant offensive line" crap I hear. You guys do realize that we have Damien Woody penciled in at RT? He was benched as a guard by one of the worst OLines in the league and has played all of 5 games at T. We'll be better in '08, but dominant? Probably a stretch.

I didn't look up game logs for every game & I'm no apologist of his.

My point was not that he does stretch the field. But more that I disagree with saying he cannot because of what we saw in the first 7 games of his career under lousy circumstances (to be kind).

Pennington occasionally throws far, but most of them are "stretch the defense" bullsh*t passes that occur once every game or two. No defense seriously believes he's going to continue to challenge them with another deep pass any time soon after he's thrown one.

Clemens may be able to (as evidenced by some plays made that I don't see Pennington making), and he may not be able to (other than a little bit here & there).

At this point in their careers he looks no worse than Troy Aikman did.

But he also looks no better than Kyle Boller did either.

He's still a big question-mark. No one knows what he can do with better tools at his disposal. Maybe much better; maybe no better.

This is why you have competition in camp for players like this.

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