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CBS March Madness coverage


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They cut out of the last two minutes of the Nova game to show Miami... I wasn't happy about that, especially since they had BOTH feeds showing the same game. I mean, seriously CBS... if you're going to run two feeds, show both games.

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Patsy fan having a question about fairness??????

(just wanted to be the first one in!!!! :):):):))

Bastard ;)

Seriously it's a joke that top ranked teams get to play 30 minutes from Campus while others have a 5 hour flight.

Look at the NCAA Hockey Tourney. At least they move teams around. UNH plays in Colorado, while Michigan plays in Albany.

The Hockey tournament gives lower seeds the chance to play in their region while the hoop tourney gives the the higher seed home cooking.

It makes no sense to me.

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Bastard ;)

Seriously it's a joke that top ranked teams get to play 30 minutes from Campus while others have a 5 hour flight.

Look at the NCAA Hockey Tourney. At least they move teams around. UNH plays in Colorado, while Michigan plays in Albany.

The Hockey tournament gives lower seeds the chance to play in their region while the hoop tourney gives the the higher seed home cooking.

It makes no sense to me.

1) Nobody cares abour NCAA Hockey (srsly)

2) It rewards top seeds

3) If you have two similar seeds from the same region, they can't BOTH play in that region.

They keep teams as close to home as possible for the first weekend, no matter which region they are in. In 2006, both Villanova and UConn were 1 seeds, and both played the first weekend in Philly. However only 1 of them could be the 1 seed for the D.C. Regional games, so Villanova got the shaft and had to fly to Minneapolis. What else could they do? Have two 1-seeds in the same bracket?

They try to keep EVERYONE closer to home for bball, but it is impossible to always do so.

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How many damn commericals

i just DVR the main game i want to see,,wait 20 minutes then go back and forth to other games at my leisure..

in raleigh time warner has every game on , and every game is in HD..

has from beginning of tourney

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best basketball line was from my high school coach,,it was halftime and we were doen due to horrific shooting %..

He said 'What do I have to do make you guys put the ball in the hole? Put fur around the rim?"

Loosened us all up and we went out and shot lights out with that vision in our minds.

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That's what annoys me about the NCAA tourney. Some teams get to play games in their home state while others get shipped 2 or 3 timezones away.

How is that fair?

If you earn it during the reg season you deserve an easier path. Everyone is whining about the Heels playing in NC this year but no one complained when as a 1 seed a year ago they had a disadvantage playing in the meadowlands against a BE team. THAT was unfair, a lower seeded team should never have an advantage over a top seed.

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If you earn it during the reg season you deserve an easier path. Everyone is whining about the Heels playing in NC this year but no one complained when as a 1 seed a year ago they had a disadvantage playing in the meadowlands against a BE team. THAT was unfair, a lower seeded team should never have an advantage over a top seed.

not 4 games in a row skippy

beyond unfair

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Bigger problem-the schedule is too long. The Final Four shouldn't be competing with the 2nd week of baseball season. There's no reason to have any conference tournament not concluded by February 28th or 29th. This may be harsh, but I think a lot American sports fans are checking out of college hoops altogether because there's only so much you can watch.

Also, I heard an interview with Billy Packer extolling the wonders of Bob Huggins,a guy who hasn't had any player at Cinnicinati or WVU graduate ever. It is still technically college basketball, right? I have a client who's

daughter goes to WVU to the tune of $18,000, so please don't tell me how a college education on the arm for student-athletes is no big deal. It would be better if the NBA's developmental league functioned like minor league baseball or junior hockey and they stopped pretending these guys are actually going to class. Why should parents of actual students looking to get and education (between casual sex and cheap beer) subsidize this nonsense?

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Bigger problem-the schedule is too long. The Final Four shouldn't be competing with the 2nd week of baseball season. There's no reason to have any conference tournament not concluded by February 28th or 29th. This may be harsh, but I think a lot American sports fans are checking out of college hoops altogether because there's only so much you can watch.

Also, I heard an interview with Billy Packer extolling the wonders of Bob Huggins,a guy who hasn't had any player at Cinnicinati or WVU graduate ever. It is still technically college basketball, right? I have a client who's

daughter goes to WVU to the tune of $18,000, so please don't tell me how a college education on the arm for student-athletes is no big deal. It would be better if the NBA's developmental league functioned like minor league baseball or junior hockey and they stopped pretending these guys are actually going to class. Why should parents of actual students looking to get and education (between casual sex and cheap beer) subsidize this nonsense?

One thing you forgot to add, is these schools are making millions off this kids.

I know they get a free education, but it is far from equitable.

Heh i paying $40k for my kid, a year and it hurts real bad, but i do not begrudge an athelete, because the school owns them.

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